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Topic 1: Many people say that teaching art and music at school
is a waste of time. To what extent do you agree?

Agree Disagree

Topic 2: We can enhance school discipline by separating naughty

students. Agree? some other methods?

For Against
- -

Other methods

Topic 3: We should group students into different classes based on their

ability. Agree?

For Against
- -

Topic 4: Exams is the best means of assessment. Agree or disagree?

For Against
- -
Topic 5: Wearing uniforms at school.
For Against
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Topic 6: Obligatory extra-curricular activities. Agree or disagree?

For Against
- -

Topic 7: For or against Home-schooling

For Against
- -

Topic 8: Advantages and disadvantages of Studying abroad

Topic 9: Advantages and disadvantages of Single-sex schools

For Against
- -

Topic 10: More males than females study science. Reasons? Solutions?

Topic 11: Face-to-face classroom vs. Online learning.

Topic 12: Education should be free for everyone. Agree or not?

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