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Technical Information TI 039-200

EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers





EXACT tuning provides an innovative means of controlling a process more efficiently than conven-
tional methods of control. It also provides a means of managing processes that are otherwise difficult
to control.

EXACT (EXpert Adaptive Controller Tuning) tuning with its pretune and selftune algo-
♦ Allows faster process startup.
♦ Optimizes controller tuning in the presence of noise, variable dynamics, process
nonlinearities, deadtime, setpoint changes, and load variations.
♦ Maintains tuning to current operating conditions.
♦ Gives skilled personnel the freedom to do other tasks.
♦ Reduces loop operating expenses through more efficient control.
TI 039-200 – August 1995 EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers

Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence

For years, automatic controllers have been manually tuned using pattern recognition. With
this approach, the closed loop is upset, and the resulting pattern of the response is observed.
This actual pattern is then compared with the desired pattern. Through experience and
knowledge of the process, the control engineer is able to adjust the values of Proportional
Band, Integral, and Derivative actions to get an approximation of the desired response
pattern. The EXACT tuning procedures closely follow the thinking process of an expert con-
trol engineer, and do it better, faster, and more often.

E1 E1

Load Change
Set Point Change

Period (T)
E3 E3
+ +
Time - Time
E2 E2

Overshoot = – E2/E1

Damping = (E3-E2)/(E1-E2)

Figure 1. Pattern Recognition Characteristics

The development of EXACT tuning is a distillation of the many knowledge-based rules based
on the observations of tuning experts. The fundamental rules were selected and tested to
assure general applicability. Each step in the process was broken down into its basic compo-
nents, and the whole was reassembled and programmed into the memory of the controller.
The results are EXACT tuning, which permits the controller to use current process data to
continually calculate and implement optimum tuning parameters. With EXACT tuning, the
process is checked five times a second for the need to either institute or change the corrective
action. Thus, the process is always controlled for maximum efficiency.

EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers TI 039-200 – August 1995

Pattern Recognition
The pattern to be recognized is error versus time. The distinctive features are the presence or
absence of peaks, the time between peaks, and the steady-state error. The information is rep-
resented using the terms “overshoot,” “damping,” and “period” (see Figure 1).
The EXACT pattern recognition approach is unique. It uses direct-performance feedback (by
monitoring the process variable) to determine the action required. Also, its algorithm does
not need a mathematical model of the process.1, 2, 3
The selftune PID algorithm monitors the closed-loop recovery following a disturbance to set
point or load. It automatically calculates P, I, and D to minimize process recovery time, sub-
ject to user-specified damping and overshoot constraints.
For most processes, damping and overshoot are not independent. The period of the loop
must be included to define the shape. The period is nondimensionalized by using the con-
troller I and D to produce ratios similar to those proposed by Ziegler-Nichols 4 and
Shinskey 5. The ratios “I/period” and “D/period” define the lag and lead angles of the con-
troller. The result is that P, I, and D values are obtained based upon the period of oscillation,
and constrained by the allowed damping and overshoot parameters (see Figure 5).

Initiation and Operation

Figure 2 represents a state diagram of the EXACT selftune algorithm. The current status of
the control process can be read on the two-line display on the face of the controller. If correc-
tive action is being undertaken, the display can either list why a specific corrective step is
being implemented, or which specific corrective step was just completed.
Typically, the set point and measurement are close to each other and the algorithm is in the
QUIET state (where the difference between set point and measurement is too small to acti-
vate the selftune algorithm). However, when a disturbance appears in the process that causes
the value of the error to exceed twice the noise band, the algorithm “wakes up” and begins to
“watch” the error in anticipation of a peak height. While it is waiting for the first peak, the
state is LOCATE 1. Once a peak occurs, the algorithm stores the magnitude and starts a
timer to record the period.

1. Rohrs, C. E., Valavani, L., Athans, M., and Stein, G., “Robustness of Adaptive Control Algorithms
in the Presence of Unmodeled Dynamics,” MIT Industrial Liaison Program, Publication No. 01-016,
2. Fjeld, M. and Wilhelm, R. G., Jr., “Self-Tuning Regulators - The Software Way,” Control Engi-
neering, October 1981, P. 99.
3. Clarke, D. W., “The Application of Self-Tuning Control,” Trans Inst MC Vol. 5. No. 2, April-June
1983, P. 59.
4. Ziegler, J. G. and Nichols, N. B., “Optimum Settings for Automatic Controllers,” Trans ASME,
November 1942.
5. Shinskey, F. G., Process Control Systems, McGraw-Hill, NY, NY, 2nd Edition, 1979, pp. 96-99.

TI 039-200 – August 1995 EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers

Third peak found

Verify 3 Third peak not found

Locate 3 Third peak not found

Verify 2 Second peak not found


Second peak not found

Locate 2

Verify 1 First peak not found

Locate 1

Quiet Settle

Figure 2. Self-Tuning Algorithm State Diagram

Up to this point, the controller is operating as a fixed parameter PID controller, but it has
observed the loop response to a disturbance. The algorithm uses the response information to
calculate new values of P, I, and D (during ADAPT). The first step in calculating new P, I, and
D values is to use the period information to directly set I and D. The interaction between P,
I, and D forces this algorithm to be slightly more sophisticated: P must be adjusted to com-
pensate for the I and D changes.
Ziegler-Nichols developed a tuning procedure that involved adjusting I and D until I/period
equals 0.5 and D/period equals 0.12. It has been found that much better tuning and quicker
convergence result when the desired ratios of I/period and D/period are changed by the
algorithm. A dominant deadtime process needs smaller ratio values, and a dominant lag pro-
cess uses larger ratio values. If the response is overdamped and distinct peaks are not found,
I and D are adjusted using the damping and overshoot parameters.
Before searching for the Peak 2, the algorithm verifies that the first is a true peak (during
VERIFY 1). If a new extreme value occurs during this verification, it then becomes the first
peak and the timer is reinitialized.
Once Peak 1 occurs and is verified, the algorithm uses the same method to locate and verify
Peaks 2 and 3. The peak information is then expressed in the previously defined terms of
“overshoot,” “damping,” “I/period,” and “D/period.” Validity is determined for this informa-
tion based upon both the peak heights relative to the nominal noise band, and the peak times
as compared with the times of a nominal damped sinusoid.

EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers TI 039-200 – August 1995

The final step in computing P, I, and D compares the observed damping and overshoot to the
maximum allowed values set by the user. If distinct peaks have occurred and both damping
and overshoot are less than the maximum allowed values, P is decreased. The amount of
decrease depends upon the difference between the maximum allowed and actual value of
either the damping or the overshoot parameter. Since damping and overshoot are not inde-
pendent, the algorithm uses the difference that has the smallest value. If distinct peaks are not
detected, P, I, and D are all decreased by an amount that depends upon the maximum allowed
damping or overshoot.
Since it is very common to find the control loop response overdamped without three peaks,
the algorithm must also deal with this situation. Overdamping is handled by first recognizing
the response as overdamped, then aborting the search for Peak 2 or 3 and assigning “pseudo”
peak values instead. The pseudo peaks allow new tuning parameters to be calculated using
the same procedure as would be used if three peaks were located.
When the loop is properly tuned, the values of P, I, and D are essentially unchanged from dis-
turbance to disturbance. However, if the disturbance changes shape or the process changes,
EXACT will determine new values.
The self-tuning cycle is complete when the newly calculated P, I, and D values are imple-
mented into the controller. The algorithm then goes through a “settling” state that allows a
smooth transition into locating a new first peak, if necessary. The SETTLE state is only used
to assure that the next peak found is a true peak. However, switching the controller from
MANUAL to AUTO or initially activating the self-tuning feature forces the algorithm into
the SETTLE state.

Ease In Using EXACT Tuning

In addition to having a broad-based applications capability, the success of a self-tuning con-
troller also depends on how easy it is to configure into the controller.
The EXACT algorithm has 18 numerical parameters, of which eight are user-adjustable. The
values of the remaining ten are determined by the process itself, and are continually updated.
The controller is shipped with factory-set (standard) values for the adjustable parameters, and
the user is free to change them. The standard values represent safe, general-purpose values.
If any of the user-adjustable parameters is obviously wrong for the process, it should be
changed. However, EXACT tuning can be implemented without changing any of the factory-
set parameter values. The selftune algorithm will determine, implement, and constantly
refine the P, I, and D values. And even if the control characteristics of the process are not
known, the optimum values of six key parameters can be calculated by the pretune algorithm.

TI 039-200 – August 1995 EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers

User-Adjustable Parameters
Any, or all, of the user-adjustable parameters can remain at the factory-set values, can be
changed to new values by the user, or (in the case of the six key parameters) can have their val-
ues optimized by the pretune function.

Initial Values of P, I, and D (PF, IF, and DF)

Values of PF, IF, and DF are the PID values that the controller uses if EXACT tuning is either
not configured or not implemented. They also are the starting values for P, I, and D, which
are then constantly updated by the selftune algorithm.
If the user has no (or very little) knowledge of the PID values for his process, he can start with
the factory-set values. The controller quickly modifies unreasonable initial values.

Noise Band (NB)

Virtually every process measurement has the potential of being “noisy” because of the intrinsic
nature of measurement technology (headmeter in a flow loop, etc.) or measurement location
(next to a positive displacement pump, etc.). It is called noise because it contains no informa-
tion useful for loop tuning. The selftune algorithm must know the magnitude of this noise
(percent peak-to-peak) to prevent an attempt to extract tuning information when none is
present. Self-tuning begins whenever the error exceeds twice the noise band. The noise band is
also used by the selftune algorithm to decide if an observed peak may be noise.

Maximum Wait Time (WMAX)

The algorithm requires an estimate of the time scale of the process. This parameter represents
the maximum time that the algorithm waits for the second peak (see Figure 3). It should be
set larger than half the maximum period of oscillation T (refer to Figure 4) and smaller than
eight times the minimum period of oscillation T, T/2 <WMAX< 8T.



Figure 3. Maximum Wait Time (WMAX)

EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers TI 039-200 – August 1995

T/2 < WMAX < 8T



Figure 4. Period of Oscillation (T)

Derivative Factor (DFCT)

The derivative factor allows the derivative influence to be changed by multiplying D by this
factor. Setting this factor to 0.0 transforms the controller into a PI controller. Derivative
action is not helpful in the presence of large process dead time or high measurement noise.
Setting DFCT to 1.0 produces normal derivative action. For processes requiring a large
amount of derivative action (e.g., a double integral process), DFCT can be increased to 4.0.

Change Limit (CLM)

The user may want to limit the maximum and minimum EXACT-calculated values of P and
I. The value of this parameter is the factor that PF and IF are both multiplied and divided by
to set these limits. For example, if PF equals 100 and CLM equals 4, P calculated by EXACT
will be limited to values between 25 and 400%.

Output Cycling Limit (LIM)

EXACT monitors the controller output when it is at a higher frequency than that which the
loop can respond to. If the average peak-to-peak amplitude exceeds LIM for over three min-
utes, the controller is detuned by increasing P and reducing D. This feature is useful for pro-
cesses which have very little dead time and require a high controller gain. The value of LIM
should be reduced for this type of process.

Maximum Allowed Damping (DMP) and Overshoot

Since neither damping nor overshoot can generally be set independently, they are used as a
combination and represent the maximum allowable values (see Figure 5). The controller uses
the limit that is closest to being exceeded. Generally, the best control is obtained using the
damping limit.

TI 039-200 – August 1995 EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers

DMP = 0.6 DMP = 0.3 DMP = 0.1

0VR = 0.5 0VR = 0.5 0VR = 0.0


Figure 5. Effect of Various Combinations of Damping and Overshoot

Pretune (PTUN) Feature

If the control characteristics of the process are not known, optimum values for six key param-
eters (PF, IF, DF, NB, WMAX, and DFCT) can be calculated by the pretune algorithm.
Before implementing this feature, the controller must be in MANUAL, with the measure-
ment steady and near the set point.
The factory-set (or user-adjusted) values of these six parameters are the starting values. The
mechanism of the pretune function is to introduce a small process upset, and the resultant
process reaction curve provides the data for the algorithm to calculate optimum values of the
six parameters. The process upset is provided by a parameter called BUMP.
After the procedure is finished, these optimum values are entered into the memory of the con-
troller. In this way, the selftune algorithm starts with more correct values of P, I, and D, and
thus, the measurement is stabilized faster. (Pretune-calculated values of PF, IF, and DF are the
initial values of P, I, and D.)
A typical process reaction curve (see Figure 6) identifies the effective process dead time and
the process sensitivity. The dead time estimate is used to determine integral time (IF), deriva-
tive time (DF), and the maximum wait time (WMAX).
The proportional band (PF) is calculated from both the sensitivity of the process reaction
curve and the dead time. The nominal noise band (NB) is determined by observing the mea-
surement and estimating the peak-to-peak amplitude that is of higher frequency content than
the closed loop can remove. If the noise content is high, the derivative factor (DFCT) is
reduced since derivative is not effective in a high noise environment.

EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers TI 039-200 – August 1995

Process Sensitivity



Td = Effective Dead Time

Figure 6. Typical Response to Step Change in Output

The four main phases of pretune are shown in Figure 7. As they occur, they are identified in
the display of the controller. The process upset occurs with a step change in controller output
at point 1. The algorithm waits for steady state during 2 (the messages PTUN = SMALL 1
and PTUN = WAIT 2 will be displayed), calculates the control parameters, and returns the
controller output to its starting value at point 3 (PTUN = PID 3). If the process is an inte-
grating type or has high gain, point 3 is reached when the measurement changes by 10% of its
span or the bump size, whichever is larger. Finally, the noise band and derivative factor are cal-
culated during 4 (PTUN = NB 4). When the process is completed, the message
PTUN = FINISH will appear.

Value of Exact Tuning to User

When the operation of the controller is being supervised by EXACT tuning, the process is
continually being monitored, 24 hours a day, for any possible improvement in the control
parameters. If any change is indicated, EXACT tuning will immediately start the corrective
action and implement the required change. This will result in the more efficient production
of a better quality product.



Figure 7. Pretune States

TI 039-200 – August 1995 EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers

EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers TI 039-200 – August 1995

TI 039-200 – August 1995 EXACT Tuning with 762, 760, and 740 Series Controllers

Foxboro and EXACT are registered trademarks of The Foxboro Company.

Copyright 1985 - 1995 by The Foxboro Company

All rights reserved

MB 015 Printed in U.S.A. 0895

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