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Infection control: prevents or stops the spread of infections

Infection control measures must be taken with any patient enters your clinic

Why infection control is very important?

For Example: A patient has jaundice, and jaundice is a symptom of hepatitis (Is
hepatitis dangerous?)
Jaundice => ‫الصفرا‬
The rate of hepatitis infection is very high and should be afraid of it more than others

Because it transmitted with smallest amount of blood that cannot be seen with naked
eye, capable of causing an infection
Especially Hepatitis B, because there is no treatment for it

The second most feared disease is AIDS

Because it can be transmitted in different ways and there is no treatment

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There is upcoming epidemic called Epidemic X
X => ‫مجهول‬

How did they know that it was an epidemic that was unknown?
Because there are many diseases estimated at hundreds and perhaps thousands, and their
infection rate is very high and fatal more than Covid-19
Then it begins to occur genetic changes to it, so instead of infecting only animals, it begins
infecting humans
It was called Epidemic X because they did not know who would get first genetic mutation

So, we must care about infection control to protect:

1-Medical staff 2-Patients 3-Community
#Dentists are most exposed group to infection

What is infection risk factors in dental office?

2-Respiratory & Oral secretion
4-highest rate of injury (because have bad accessibility and visibility in oral cavity)
Visibility => ‫الرؤية‬
Accessibility => ‫إمكانية الوصول بشكل سهل‬

#3&4 are unique to dentists

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How can microorganisms transmit to you?
1-Direct contact
(Blood & body fluids)
(Like Herpes)

2-Indirect contact (Portable)

(Object-born or Contaminated objects)
)Like Infected knife(

3-Droplets or splashes
(Like Cough or tool producing spray)

4-Airborne (Most dangerous (Why?))

(Like Covid-19 and Tuberculosis)

Because if a patient has airborne disease, if he speaks or breathe, virus comes out
and remains suspended in air for hours
If person breathes air carrying virus, there is possibility of becoming of infection

How microorganisms invade or enter your body?

1-Respiratory system
(Trough oral, nose and ear by eustachian tube)


3-Urogenital system


5-Injured skin or mucosa

(Most dangerous (Why?))
because intact skin works as a mechanical barrier, protects from infection, and
prevents water become out (preventing dehydration)

#Therefore, people injured in wars have dehydration and have a high rate of
exposure to infection due to damage that occurs to skin

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What the different between infection prevention and

infection control?
Infection prevention Infection control
I protect myself from entering I'm trying to reduce chances of
microbe to my body infection reaching me (when?)

if we not be able to protect ourselves

completely (Prevention)

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