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Q1. Choose the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

(a) Generous
(b) Innocent
(c) Wicked
(d) Cruel
Q2. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
______ the boys were afraid at heart, they decided to stay on in the jungle.
a) Although
b) Because
c) In case
d) So that
Q3. Select the most appropriate idiom to fill in the blank.
All my efforts went in vain. The project on which I was working for the last two
months has failed and we are _______.
(a) around the bend
(b) back to square one
(c) all in the seventh heaven
(d) on the fly
Q4. Spot the error in the given sentence.
Economists have declared that 2020 graduates will face the worse job
depression since the Great Depression because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
(a) Economists have declared that 2020 graduates
(b) will face the worse job depression
(c) because of the COVID-19 pandemic
(d) since the Great Depression
Q5. Choose the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
(a) Criticise
(b) Dainty
(c) Praise
(d) Relieve
Q6. He said, "Oh, how I would have loved to visit Kashmir this year."
(a) He exclaimed that he would have really loved to visit Kashmir that year.
(b) He exclaimed that how he would have loved to visit Kashmir that year.
(c) He exclaimed how I would have loved to visit Kashmir this year.
(d) He said that he will have loved to visit Kashmir this year.
Q7. Choose the most appropiate one-word for the given group of words.
To make a low continuous vibratory sound expressing contentment (of a cat).
(a) To meow
(b) To buzz
(c) To roar
(d) To purr
Q8. Choose the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
(a) Soft
(b) Friendly
(c) Cruel
(d) Lethargic
Q9. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
We ____________ the mathematical issue with zest and vigour.
a) settled
b) solved
c) remedied
d) cleared up

Q10. Select the most appropriate synonym of the word ‘disclosed’ in the given
sentence and choose the correct option.
The linguist’s analysis of the language revealed patterns and structures that
were previously unknown.
(a) Linguist
(b) Revealed
(c) Patterns
(d) Unknown
Q11. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the
given sentence.
Any sort of unfair conduct is not tolerated in international sports tournaments
as it can completely ruin an athlete's career.
(a) hand in the mud
(b) straw in the eye
(c) red handed
(d) foul play
Q12. Spot the error in the given sentence.
I have made it a point to call my teachers on September 5 as a token of
mine gratitude.
(a) on September 5 as a token
(b) of mine gratitude
(c) I have made
(d) it a point to call my teachers
Q13. Select the most appropriate idiom to fill in the blank.
Choosing not to pursue a degree in computer engineering was ________ market
for them is extremely nowadays.
(a) airy fairy
(b) a blessing in disguise
(c) an elevator pitch
(d) a cut above
Q14. Choose the most appropiate one-word for the given group of words.
Minimum meeting
(a) Forum
(b) Quorum
(c) Addendum
(d) Decorum
Q15. Choose the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
(a) Sincerity
(b) Interruption
(c) Interest
(d) Ignorance
Q16. Select the correct idiom to replace the underlined segment in the given
We should ask Emily to join our team. She is as keen as butter.
(a) as keen as a bee
(b) as keen as salt
(c) as keen as mustard
(d) as keen as sugar
Q17. I told you that I had bought a new book for you the day before.
(a) I told to you, "I have bought a new book for you yesterday."
(b) I said to you, "I have bought a new book for you the day before."
(c) I said to you, "I bought a new book for you yesterday."
(d) I said to you, "You have bought a new book for me the day before."
Q18. Choose the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
(a) Loyal
(b) Sad
(c) Keen
(d) Pleased
Q19. Choose the most appropiate one-word for the given group of words.
A place where coins are made
(a) Mint
(b) Post Office
(c) Grove
(d) Trough
Q20. Choose the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
(a) Unambiguous
(b) Doubted
(c) Complete
(d) Articulate
Q21. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank and complete the
Always be in ______ with your near and dear ones as life is uncertain and
a) communication
b) relation
c) connection
d) touch
Q22. Select the most appropiate meaning of the given idiom.
What a small world!
(a) What a coincidence!
(b) What a beautiful place!
(c) The world is a village.
(d) The world is great.
Q23. Spot the error in the given sentence.
Please give me / a kilo of potatoes, / two kilos of tomatoes and / a bunch
coriander leaves.
(a) a bunch coriander leaves
(b) a kilo of potatoes
(c) Please give me
(d) two kilos of tomatoes and
Q24. Choose the most appropiate one-word for the given group of words.
Something of monstrous size or power
(a) Heavyweight
(b) Bulk
(c) Amazon
(d) Behemoth
Q25. Choose the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
(a) Topple
(b) Lawful
(c) Stroll
(d) Random
Q26. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined segment
in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
It was an horrible day at the office for Roy, but he didn’t allow it to spoil his
evening plans.
a) were a horrible day at office
b) No substitution
c) horrible day at the office
d) was a horrible day at the office
Q27. Select the most appropriate synonym of the bracketed words to fill in the blank.
The lights ________ (lighting up) the artwork on the walls of the museum were
looking beautiful.
a) enlightening
b) mesmerising
c) trafficking
d) illuminating
Q28. Select the most appropriate idiom to fill in the blank.
I think we should _________ before buying this car.
(a) eat like a horse
(b) get off our high horse
(c) hold our horses
(d) stop to change horses
Q29. Spot the error in the given sentence.
Keep looking, and / you are sure to find the meaning / of the word on that
(a) of the word on that page
(b) you are sure to find the meaning
(c) No error
(d) Keep looking and
Q30. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined segment
in the given sentence.
O’ Henry’s short stories are real all over the word till now because they are
(a) exaggerated yet short
(b) fascinating and lengthy
(c) concise and expressive
(d) elusive and unreal
Q31. Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.
A stranger buys flowers for the dead man’s grave.
a) Flowers have been bought by a stranger for the dead man’s grave.
b) Flowers are bought by a stranger for the dead man’s grave.
c) Flowers were bought by a stranger for the dead man’s grave.
d) Flowers is bought by a stranger for the dead man’s grave.
Q32. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the
given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No substitution’.
No sooner did this idea enter his head, than it carried conviction with it.
a) No substitution
b) No sooner has his idea enter
c) No sooner do his idea enter
d) No sooner does this idea enter
Q33. Choose the most appropiate meaning of the given idiom.
Left out in the cold
(a) To leave in hurry
(b) To bear extreme weather condition
(c) To serve stale and cold food
(d) To be ignored
Q34. Select the option that rectifies the spelling of the underlined word in the
given sentence.
The tour company has included all the activities that you have requested in
your itenarary.
(a) itinerary
(b) itenerarey
(c) itinerary
(d) itinereary
Q35. Choose the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
(a) Susceptible
(b) Amiable
(c) Guarded
(d) Delectable
Q36. Spot the error in the given sentence.
The government has announced a gradual reboot of air travel who was
halted two months ago due to lockdown.
(a) reboot of air travel
(b) due to lockdown
(c) The government has announced
(d) who was halted
Q37. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined
segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No
The rate of interest for the loan went out all our calculations.
a) under all our calculations
b) No substitution
c) besides all our calculations
d) beyond all our calculations
Q38. Select the most appropiate meaning of the given idiom.
Crack someone up
(a) To criticise someone
(b) To make someone angry
(c) To make someone laugh
(d) To force someone to commit a mistake
Q39. Choose the correctly spelt word.
(a) arbitetrator
(b) arbitor
(c) arbitraitor
(d) arbitrator

Q40. Choose the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

(a) Acquisitive
(b) Attractive
(c) Instinctive
(d) Exhaustive
Cloze Test
Human life is (1) _______ a unique blessing, which in turn depends on the (2) _______
of the Self. He who is not aware of the Self can neither have peace nor can he
foster peaceful co-existence. We have to link our soul with God and body with the
physical world for substance. (3) _______ the formless God is invisible to the naked
eye, our mind often wanders wherever it goes. (4) _______ , we are unable to develop
any love for the Divine. And religion like the white light of heavens (5) _______
multi-coloured fragmentations by the prisms of men and loses its gravity. Instead
of uniting, it becomes a major dividing force. French philosopher Tail hard de
Chardin, thinking deeply on meaning of our existence and relationship with the
Divine, expounds, “we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are
spiritual beings having a human experience”.
Q41. a) Consider b) to consider c) considered d) considering
Q42. a) aware b) witness c) known d) awareness
Q43. a) From b) Since c) As per d) For
Q44. a) As a reaction b) Causing c) As a reason d) As a result
Q45. a) break from b) breaks to c) breaks into d) break into

Unseen Passage
Comprehension: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that
When I first moved to the city, I was taken aback by the pace of life. Everything
was always moving, always in a rush. Cars honked their horns, people pushed
and shoved their way through the crowds, and the noise was constant. At first,
I found it exhilarating. I felt like I was part of something bigger than myself. But
as the weeks turned into months, I began to feel overwhelmed. I noticed that I
was becoming increasingly anxious. I was having trouble sleeping, and my
thoughts were constantly racing. I knew that I needed to do something to slow
down and find some peace. That's when I discovered meditation. At first, I was
sceptical. I had always thought of meditation as something only hippies and
yogis did. But I was desperate, so I gave it a try. I found a quiet place in my
apartment, sat down cross-legged, and closed my eyes. At first, my mind was
still racing, but I focused on my breath and tried to let go of my thoughts. Slowly,
I felt my body relax, and my mind grew calmer. Over the next few weeks, I began
to notice the effects of my meditation practice. I felt less anxious and more
centred. I was able to sleep better, and I felt more focused during the day. I
started to see the world around me with new eyes. The noise and chaos of the
city no longer bothered me as much. I felt more in control of my thoughts and
emotions. As I continued to meditate, I started to make other changes in my
life. I started to eat healthier, exercise more, and spend more time outside. I
found that these small changes had a big impact on my overall sense of well-
being. I realised that the frenzied pace of city life had been taking a toll on me,
and that I needed to take better care of myself. Looking back, I can see how my
decision to start meditating had a ripple effect on my life. It was the catalyst for
a series of changes that have made me a happier and healthier person. I'm still
amazed at how something as simple as sitting down and closing my eyes for a
few minutes each day could have such a profound impact. In conclusion, the
fast-paced life of the city had a negative effect on my mental and physical health.
But by taking the time to meditate and make other positive changes, I was able
to improve my overall well-being. I encourage anyone feeling overwhelmed or
stressed to give meditation a try. You never know how it might change your life.
Q46. How does the author describe his experiences with meditation?
a) In a detached and analytical manner
b) In a personal and reflective manner
c) In a formal and technical manner
d) In a dismissive and sarcastic manner
Q47. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage?
a) The Benefits of Meditation for a Healthier Life
b) The Best Ways to Improve Your Habits
c) The Benefits of a High-Protein Diet for Muscle Building
d) A Note to My Future Self
Q48. How does the author organise the passage?
a) By describing the history of meditation
b) By listing different types of meditation
c) By providing scientific evidence for the benefits of meditation
d) By presenting personal experiences with meditation
Q49. How did the author feel after meditating for a few weeks?
a) More anxious and overwhelmed
b) Less centred and focused
c) More energised and restless
d) More relaxed and calmer
Q50. What is the subject of this passage?
a) The benefits of meditation for a healthier life.
b) The benefits of socialising for emotional well-being.
c) The benefits of eating healthy for physical health.
d) The benefits of exercise for mental health.

Answer Key
1-A 2-A 3-B 4-B 5-C 6-B 7-D 8-C 9-B 10-B
11-D 12-B 13-B 14-B 15-C 16-C 17-B 18-B 19-A 20-A
21-D 22-A 23-A 24-D 25-D 26-D 27-D 28-C 29-C 30-C
31-B 32-A 33-D 34-C 35-A 36-D 37-D 38-C 39-D 40-C
41-C 42-D 43-B 44-D 45-C 46-B 47-A 48-D 49-D 50-A
Q1. (A) Generous is correct synonym of the given word that means happy to give
more money, help, etc. than is usual or expected.

Benevolent: Kind, helpful, and generous.

Q3. (B) Back to square one is correct idiom to fill in the given group of words that
means to start over or return to the beginning after a failure or dead end.
Around and bend: To go crazy, or to act foolishly or silly.
All in the seventh heaven: To be in a state of complete happiness.
On the fly: while in motion or progress.
Q4. (B) Use ‘Worst’ in place of ‘Worse’
Q5. (C) Praise is correct antonym of the given word.
Denounce: To say publicly that something is wrong; to be very critical of a
person in public.
Dainty: Small, delicate, and lovely.
Relieve: To bring about the removal or alleviation of (pain or discomfort)
Q7. (D) To Purr is correct one-word for the given group of words.

To buzz: to make the sound that bees, etc. make when flying

To roar: to make a long, loud, deep sound, like a lion or a tiger

To meow: the characteristic crying sound of a cat.

Q8. (C) Cruel is correct antonym of the given word that means causing physical or
mental pain or suffering to somebody/something.
Beneficent: (of a person) generous or doing good.
Q10. (B) Revealed is correct synonym of the given word that means to make
something known that was secret or unknown before.

Linguist: A person who knows several foreign languages well.

Q11. (D) Foul play most appropiate option to substitute the underlined segment of
the given sentence.

Q12. (B) Use ‘My’ In place pf ‘Mine’

Q13. (B) A blessing in disguise is correct idiom to be filled in the given blank that
means something that seems bad or unlucky at first, but results in
something good happening later.
Airy fairy: Impractical and foolishly idealistic.
An elevatot pitch: A short, concise statement that summarizes who you are,
what you do, and what you can offer others.
A cut above: noticeably superior to.
Q14. (B) Quorum is correct one-word for the given grouop of words.
Addendum: an attachment or exhibit added to a document after it has been
published or printed.
Decorum: Polite behaviour that is appropriate in a social situation
Forum: A place or meeting where people can exchange and discuss ideas
Q15. (C) Interest is correct antonym of the given word.
Apathy: the feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic about anything
Q16. (C) As keen as mustard is appropiate idiom to be substituted that means
extremely eager or enthusiastic.

Q18. (B) Sad is correct antonym of the given word.

Glad: To feel joy, pleasure, or delight.
Q19. (A) Mint is correct one-word for the given group of words.
Grove: A small group of trees that grow close together with little or no
Trough: a long narrow container from which farm animals eat or drink
Q20. (A) Unambiguous is correct synonym of the given word that means something
is clear and cannot be misunderstood.

Unequivocal: Clear, unambiguous, or leaving no doubt.

Articulate: Good at expressing your ideas clearly.

Q22. (A) what a small world! Means: used to express surprise at meeting an
acquaintance or discovering a personal connection in a distant place or an
unexpected context.

Q23. (A) Use ‘A bunch of coriander leaves’ in place of ‘a bunch coriander leaves’
Q24. (D) Behemoth is correct one-word for the given group of words.
Q25. (D) Random is correct antonym of the given word.
Topple: To cause something to become unsteady and fall, often over.
Stroll: A slow walk for pleasure
Q28. (C) Hold our horses is correct idiom to fill in the given blank that means to stop
and consider something carefully.
Get off our high horse: To stop acting superior.
Q29. (C) This sentence is grammatically correct.
Q30. (C) Concose and expressive is correct one.

Q33. (D) To be ignored is correct meaning of the given idiom.

Q34. (C) Itinerary is correct spelling that means a plan of a journey, including the
route and the places that you will visit.
Q35. (A) Susceptible is correct synonym of the given word that means easily
influenced, damaged or affected by somebody/something.

Vulnerable: being open to being harmed or attacked, either physically or


Amiable: Friendly, agreeable, good-natured, and likable.

Delectable: (used about food and drink) extremely good to taste, smell or look
at; giving great pleasure

Q36. (D) Use ‘Which’ in place of ‘who’ to make the sentenc grammtically correct.
Q38. (C) Crack someone up means to make someone laugh.

Q39. (D) Arbitrator is correct spelling that means a person who is chosen to settle
an argument between two people or two groups of people.

Q40. (C) Instinctive is correct synonym of the given word that means something
is based on feelings or desires that do not come from thinking or learning.
Spontaneous: Done or happening suddenly; not planned
Acquisitive: Excessively interested in acquiring money or material things.
Exhaustive: Including all possibilities or considering all elements.
Q41. (C) Considered
The given sentence is in passive voice and 'Singular Subject + is + V3' is the
correct grammatical structure for it. The subject (human life) is singular.
Hence, 'considered(V3)' is the most appropriate answer.
Q42. (D) Awareness
'Awareness' means having knowledge or consciousness of something. The
given passage states that Human life is considered a unique blessing, which
in turn depends on the awareness of the Self. Hence, 'awareness' is the most
appropriate answer.
Q43. (B) Since
'Since' is used as a conjunction to introduce a reason or cause. Similarly, in
the given sentence, it has been used to denote the reason behind our mind
wandering wherever it goes. Hence, 'since' is the most appropriate answer.
Q44. (D) As a result
The phrase 'as a result' is used to indicate the outcome of a particular action.
The given passage states as a result we are unable to develop any love for the
divine. Hence, 'as a result' is the most appropriate answer.
Q45. (C) Breaks into
The phrase 'breaks into' means divides or separates into. The given passage
states that religion like the white light of heavens separates into multi-
coloured fragmentations by the prisms of men. Hence, 'breaks into' is the
most appropriate answer.

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