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1. What is the primary purpose of Republic Act 9163, also known as the NSTP Law?

A) To establish the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for all tertiary level students
B) To promote physical education in schools
C) To establish the Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC)
D) To require mandatory military service for all citizens

2. According to Section 4 of RA 9163, which component of the NSTP is optional and voluntary?
A) Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
B) Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC)
C) Literacy Training Service (LTS)
D)) All components are mandatory

3. What is the primary role of the youth according to Section 2 of the IRR to RA 9163?
A) To participate actively in civic affairs and promote the general welfare
B) To focus on personal development only
C) To ignore military training
D) To pursue academic excellence without social involvement

4. According to Rule III, Section 4 of the IRR to RA 9163, who is exempted from the NSTP
A) All students in baccalaureate courses
B) Students enrolled in private universities
C) The Philippine Military Academy (PMA) and similar institutions
D) Students enrolled in technical-vocational courses

5. What is the NSTP coverage requirement for incoming freshmen students starting School Year 2002-
2003, according to Rule III, Section 4 of the IRR to RA 9163?
A) Completion of all NSTP components
B) Completion of at least one NSTP component
C) Exemption from NSTP requirement
D) No NSTP coverage requirement

6. What is the NSTP component that involves military training?

A) Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
B) Literacy Training Service (LTS)
C) Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC)
D) All of the above

7. What organization are graduates of the ROTC component of NSTP belong to, as stated in Rule V,
Section 11 of the IRR to RA 9163?
A) National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)
B) Citizen Armed Force
C) Philippine Military Academy (PMA)
D) None of the above

8. What is the transitory provision for students who have completed two semesters of Expanded ROTC
(E-ROTC) under Section 13, Rule VI of the IRR to RA 9163?
A) They are exempted from NSTP requirement
B) They need to take one more semester of any NSTP component
C) They automatically graduate
D) They can choose not to participate in NSTP activities
9. According to Section 15(4) of Batas Pambansa Bilang 323, what is the duty and responsibility of
A) To focus only on academic studies
B) To participate actively in civic affairs and promote general welfare
C) To ignore social and economic issues
D) To remain indifferent to community development
10. Who issues the necessary guidelines for the establishment, organization, maintenance, and utilization
of the National Reserve Corps, as stated in Rule V, Section 11 of the IRR to RA 9163?
A) Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
B) Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
C) Department of National Defense (DND)
D) Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)

11. What does AFP stand for?

A) Armed Forces of the Philippines
B) Air Force Patrol
C) Army and Fleet Program
D) All Forces' Protocol

12. Which of the following is not a branch of the AFP?

A) Philippine Army
B) Philippine Navy
C) Philippine Coast Guard
D) Philippine Air Force

13. Who is the head of the AFP?

A) President of the Philippines
B) Secretary of National Defense
C) Chief of Staff
D) Secretary of Foreign Affairs

14. What is the primary role of the Philippine Army?

A) Maritime defense
B) Air defense
C) Land warfare
D) Cybersecurity

15. What is the main responsibility of the Philippine Navy?

A) Air defense
B) Land warfare
C) Maritime defense
D) Border security

16. What is military courtesy?

a) The act of following orders without question
b) The act of politeness, civility, and respect among military personnel
c) The act of challenging authority
d) The act of disobeying commands

17. What is the ultimate goal of military discipline?

a) To instill a sense of responsibility and teamwork
b) To promote individualism and self-interest
c) To create chaos and disorder
d) To undermine authorit

18. When should a soldier render a salute?

a) Only during formal ceremonies
b) When passing enlisted personnel
c) When passing commissioned officers or boarding a navy ship
d) Only in combat situations

19. What are the sources of military law?

a) The constitution and international treaties
b) The Articles of War, the constitution, and international law
c) The Geneva Conventions and military regulations
d) The Articles of Confederation and state laws

20. What is the purpose of a summary court-martial?

a) To address major offenses such as treason
b) To provide a faster trial option for minor offenses
c) To punish violations of international law
d) To handle cases involving high-ranking officers

21. What is an internal threat?

A) Threats from neighboring countries
B) Threats from natural disasters
C) Threats from within the country's borders
D) Threats from international organizations

22. What are the short-term goals of terrorism?

A. Promoting peace and stability
B. Enhancing economic growth
C. Reducing government credibility
D. Strengthening diplomatic relations

23. What distinguishes domestic terrorism from internal terrorism?

A. The nationality of the terrorists
B. The severity of the attacks
C. The location of the attacks
D. The affiliation with political groups

24. What is the main objective of anti-terrorism efforts?

A. To promote religious freedom
B. To enforce strict immigration policies
C. To prevent, deter, and detect terrorist acts
D. To negotiate with terrorist organization

25. How does intelligence help combat terrorism?

A. By providing financial aid to affected areas
B. By supporting extremist ideologies
C. By facilitating peace talks between conflicting parties
D. By providing information about the goals and intentions of terrorists
26. According to Article III, Section 2 of the Philippine Constitution, what is inviolable?
A) Right to privacy of communication
B) Right to freedom of speech
C) Right to security in persons, houses, papers, and effects
D) Right to form unions and associations

27. Which provision of the Bill of Rights guarantees the right to freedom of speech, expression, and
A) Section 2
B) Section 4
C) Section 6
D) Section 8

28. What does Article III, Section 9 of the Philippine Constitution state regarding private property?
A) Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.
B) Private property shall not be used for commercial purposes without compensation.
C) Private property shall not be confiscated by the government.
D) Private property can be taken by the government without compensation.

29. Under Article III, Section 15 of the Philippine Constitution, what is the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus subject to?
A) Invasion or rebellion
B) National security
C) Public safety
D) Judicial review

30. What is guaranteed under Article III, Section 1 of the Philippine Constitution?
A) Right to life, liberty, and property without due process of law
B) Right to freedom of speech
C) Right to privacy of communication
D) Right to form unions and associations

Legal Basis -10 points
AFP Organizations -5 points
Military Courtesy and discipline - 5points
Threat to National Security- 5 points
Human Rights- 5 points
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. C
19. B
20. B
21. C
22. C
23. D
24. C
25. D
26. C
27. B
28. A
29. A
30. A

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