Worksheet 19 20

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Notice the difference in the style of writing of another dissertation as contributed by

Generoso (2019).

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are deemed important to the following


Persons with disabilities. This study may help boost the

morale of the persons with disabilities as results may be used as a basis
for decisions that may enhance their situations as they are guided to
become equally fruitful and productive members of society.
Learners in general. Any improvement in the inclusive
educational system as a result of this study will eventually benefit all
children with or without disabilities as they participate in the life of the
classroom with other students their age, each with their individual needs
and abilities.
Special Education Teachers. The results of this study may
help them realize the need to respond more effectively to the needs of
all learners regardless of their exceptionalities.
Curriculum Developers. This study may provide the
curriculum developers with a basis for enhancing the curriculum with
more activities that will maximize the development of the learners
particularly the children with disabilities.
The Lawmakers. The useful and relevant information acquired
from the study will encourage them to continue findings more policies
and/or legislation that are responsive to the needs of persons with
Organizations working for persons with disabilities. Similar
organizations may benefit from the study as results may be used as a
basis for evaluating the relevance of their programs and projects and
hopefully come out with programs and activities that will prove more
relevant for the welfare of persons with disabilities.
Future researchers. Researchers may find the findings useful
as a basis for replication to look deeper into the situations of all persons
with disabilities.
Here is a sample of the significance of the study from Serdeña (2022). Some parts
have been highlighted to show you what should be given emphasis is writing this part
of your proposal.

Providing answers to the above-mentioned specific questions and hypotheses

would be of great significance to the Philippine National Police Public Safety College
as this would provide them with a basis for coming out with a basis for a curriculum
review that would hopefully bring about a more relevant training for the PNP. It would
also help the PNP Training and Human Resource Department to have a basis for re-
engineering their training program that determines which area needs an
enhancement in terms of job performance. Directly to benefit from this study are the
PNP personnel themselves since the programs and activities that would come out
resulting from this study would upgrade the level of trust and confidence of the
community to which they would be rendering their services, thus boosting their
morale. Likewise, the community would benefit from the study for any enhancement in
the services as a result of higher trust of morale from the PNP would eventually lead to a
more peaceful community.

Lastly, this study would help future researchers to determine which area in the
PNP service needs to be investigated more deeply to enhance the quality of their

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