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Chapter Overview

How much do you know about the history of your own province?

This chapter will show you how this small island became what it is today. Lesson 1
History of Catanduanes will help you understand the changes that happened in the
province.This chapter will also include historical places that has been part of the province
culture which can be seen in Lesson2. The lessons that are inside this module was designed
for you to learn more the deep history of the province.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Manifest interest in local history and show concern in promoting and preserving
the country’s historical and cultural heritage.

Lesson Outline:

1. History of Catanduanes.
 The Founding of Catanduanes
 Catanduanes Museum

2. Historical Shrine of The Holy Cross in Batalay or Batong Paloway in San Andres.

A narrative handed down from one generation to another acknowledged that the first
inhabitant of the island that settled during the early part of 13th century came from Borneo,
Malay and China that are mostly navigators and traders.

Some of them were the descendants of the 10 Bornean Datus who came to Panay
and Southern Luzon. Due to inclement weather, their boats were blown and drifted to the

They found the place with plenty of birds, wild pigs and other animals. They
discovered that the soil was fertile for crops. The rivers and seas were abundant of shrimps,
eels, crabs and fish and eventually settled permanently.

Some families from other places came eventually to settle peacefully. As the new and
old settlers exchanged stories on how they came to the island, it was learned from Borneans,
Malays and Chinese that they were “tandong” meaning they were blown by strong winds
and dashed to the shores. Settlers from Ambos Camarines and the Visayas said they were
“dagsa” meaning they were drifted ashore after losing their tract of their destination.

Settlers toyed calling the island either “Catandungan” a coined Malayan word or
“dagsaan” a Bicol and Visayan word. They finally agreed naming the island Catandungan
and later changed to Catanduanes.

The Founding of Catanduanes

Spanish Era

Juan de Salcedo

Son of Spanish grandes, Pedro de Salcedo and Teresa Legaspi . Born in Mexico in
1549. Responsible for the conquest and pacification of many regions of the country, including
Pangasinan, the Ilocos provinces and Cagayan in the north, Mindoro, Batangas, Laguna, and
Tayabas, Albay, Masbate, Sorsogon, Camarines and Catanduanes in Bicol Region.

July 1573 – Salcedo left Manila with 120 soldiers and began the pacification of warlike Bicolanos in
Albay and Camarines. From Camarines, Salcedo proceeded to the island of Catanduanes and
subdued its pirate-inhabitants.

Governor Guido de Lavezares, in his written report to King Philip II in 1574 describes the people of
Catanduanes: “The natives of the island were famous sea-pirates, who did much injury whenever
they wanted. “

16TH Century – actual Christianization of Catanduanes started. Franciscan missionaries from

the mainland Bicol arrived in Caramoran where first parish church in Catanduanes was

Second parish church was constructed in Pandan year 1650, after crossing the mountains in
Supang. Built parish church of Viga in 1681, and 1683 in Panganiban (Payo).

Spaniards in Catanduanes did not pre-occupy themselves with the disturbing events
Virac Parish Church – founded in year 1771
in the mainland. But when they received a note from Legazpi, sent by Albay authorities that
- seat ofmovement,
owing the success of the insurrection diocese in they
were advise to abandon the island.
They left the island on September 18, 1898, via MB Josefa with the soldiers of the civil guard,
the money and arms belonging to the Spanish government and proceeded to Legaspi. Before
leaving Catanduanes, Don Emilio Apeztaguia, Command of the island was transferred to
Senor Leon Reyes “capitan municipal de Virac”

American Period.

Katipuneros, not eager to relinquish their hard-earned freedom, refused to recognized

the sovereignty of the American government, and went to the mountain.

Commander Ulba – Parish Priest of Virac who met the American officers and made
allegiance to their commander.

Don Leon Reyes – “Capitan del Municipio de Virac”

- Led insurrectos who went to the mountains to come down and rallied
against Americans.

It was during American military government was replaced by the civil government,
that Catanduanes was placed as a sub-province of Camarines Sur with Don Felipe Usero of
Viga as the first lieutenant governor. It was during his term that Catanduanes was later
annexed to Albay.

Japanese Period

The Japanese invaded the island in the morning of December 1941, the natives of
Catanduanes evacuated to the mountains.

In the early part of 1945, the Japanese garrison in Bato was cleared by the guerillas
which was followed by the liberation of the province.

The liberation of Catanduanes culminated on February 8, 1945. The battle started at

4:00 o’clock in the morning at Calatagan (the present site of Catanduanes State University).
The fight intensified in the evening when the guerillas surrounded and burned the
garrison, thereby killing the Japanese and some guerilla prisoners. The battle marked the
liberation of the province.

Two months after the liberation, Mayor Thomas A. Same of the Philippine Civil Affairs
Unit (PCAU) administration came to Catanduanes and designated municipal officials.

In October 24, 1946, through the passage of House Bill No. 301 approved on
September 26, 1946 as Commonwealth Act No. 687 author by Congressman Francisco A.
Perfecto, Catanduanes was separated from Albay.

Remegio Sosito, the Lieutenant Governor of Catanduanes before the war was
appointed the first provincial governor of the newly-created province.
Name: ________________________________________Date: _________________
Course/Block: _________________________________Schedule: ______________


“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without

– Marcus

Your local community (barangay, town, city, province) must have its own history that
was not recorded in any book. Now, let’s assume that you are a local historian, try to narrate
your local history.


Museum – an institution that takes care and conserves a collection of artifacts and
other objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific
importance. These artifacts or objects are made available
for public viewing through permanent or temporary

Catanduanes Museum
(Museo de Catanduanes) is the
island’s principal museum, built
up by the Provincial Tourism
Office of Catanduanes which caters the province’s historical, cultural and social legacy. It is
situated at the 2nd floor of Old Capitol Building in Barangay Sta. Elena, Virac, Catanduanes,
and was inaugurated on October 24, 2011.

Photos of vital occasions in the province, local form and dresses, religious materials,
old Catandunganon family articles, and various types of memorabilia from the province’s
bright past can be spotted here. It also served as a boulevard for locals to showcase their
abilities and craftmanship which manifest the best attractions of Catanduanes that also helps
the tourism business of the island.


Name: ________________________________________Date: _________________
Course/Block: _________________________________Schedule: ______________

1. Assuming that you work in Museo de Catanduanes, how can you promote the
museum considering this day of pandemic?



The story of the Holy Cross of Batalay goes back to the

later part of the 15th century when Fr.Diego met his violent
death in the hands of the natives of Batalay, Bato,

After being ordained as a priest, he dedicated his life

to preaching, hearing cofession and teaching in the
Augustinian Monestery of Naro and Duenas where he was
the professor of the famous historianFr. Geronimo Roman. O.S.A in 1558, Fr. Herrera
volunteered to join the mission to Mexico.
Image of Fr. Diego de Herrera

They left Mexico on November 1564 and arrived in Cebu on April 27, 1565, where the
first church in the Philippine Achipelago was founded.

On January, 157, he sailed from Acapulco with nine Augustinians. His companions as
listed by Fr. Gaspar de San Augustin in his book entitled: “Conquistas de las Islas Filipinas”,
Volume 1, page 334, were Lesmas de Santiago, Francisco De Arevalo, Francisco Martinezde
Vieda, and Juan de Espanola.

This was the last trip of Fr. Herrera. He died with his companions as the consequence
of shipwreck. The circumstances of his death were based on various testimonies:

(1) “The boat shipwreck (25-26) April in the coast of Catanduanes and all the
Augustinians perished”. Icasio Rodriguez, O.S.A Historia de la Providencia Augustinian de la
Santicimo Numbre de Jesus Filipinas, Vol.1 Manila,1963, p.143

(2) “When they were already in the sea of the Philippines, near the coast of
Catanduanes, the boat suffered shipwreck and our religious priests were able to reach the
shore, but all of them died at the hands of the natives, sometimes on April 1576”. Gregorio de
Santiago Vela, O.S.A., Ensayo de Una Bibliotica Ibero America de la Orden San Augustin,
Vol III, Madrid, 1917, pp 570-571.

(3) “Fr. Herrera returnvery happy to the Philippines with the mission of nine
Augustinians when near Catanduanes, the boat suffered shipwreck and all the survivors were
speared by the natives of the island”. – Elvira J.Perez, O.S.A Catalogo Bio-Bibiliografico,
Manila, 1901, page 4.

(4) “After the shiwreck, Fr. Diegode Herrera was able to reach the shore and spoke to
the natives in the Visayan Dialect but they paid no attention and killed him”. –Gaspar de San
Augustin, Conquistas,Madrid,1698, pages 33-336.

(5) “When the passengers of the galleon trade Espiritu Santo set sail on November
18,1575 from Acapulco to Manila, amidst cheers and cannon booms,little did the think that
they would never reach their destination. But in the midnight of April 24,1576, the galleon
struckthe reef of Nagngangang Buaya, Catanduanes and was shipwreck.

Among the survivors with Fr. Herrera were Lesmas de Santiago, Francisco Villa,
Francisco Martinez (natives of Visayas), Gregorio Galvez and several other members of the
crew, including some military personnel.
In Batalay, native “balangay” located in southern tip of the town Bato, Catanduanes is
the place where they have been stranded. They were given shelter and provisions by the
ruling datu.

As time goes time, while they are at the area, the friars started to preach the gospel
and introduce new methods of agriculture and better ways of living. The people in the
“balangay” are called “indios” has accepted their preachings, those things that are pleasant
for their well-being except the new religion which they considered a sudden changes of their
ancestral faith.

One rainy night, the indios swooped down to Batalay, killing the Spaniards except
Galvez who buried the dead and placed a wooden cross on the grave of Fr. Herrera.

A crystalline spring appear at the foot of the

cross which the native regarded as a miracle. Rumors
spread the water on the spring can cure all kinds of

The cross of the unknown measurement was

planted in a nearby place. The following day, it was
uprooted. Again, it was planted following the directions
towards the place where the cross was lying. It was
consistently repeated until they find the cross not to fall

In digging beneath the ground where the cross was planted, a human
skeleton was founded in a standing position, true to that words which have been handed
Batalay Shrine in Bato Catandunaes down from generation to generation that Fr. Herrera
was made to dig well after he courted the ire of the
ruling Datu, where he was covered by earth when it was deep for him to come out. There and
then, they planted the cross presently encase with hard wood now on the altar of Batalay

On the fourth centennial celebration of Fr. Diego de Herrera on April 1973, Most Rev.
Teotimo C. Pacis, C.M., Bishop of Legaspi decreed and declared the Holy Cross of Batalay
as a Diocesan Shrine of the Holy Cross, with the right to hold Liturgical Celebration on the last
Friday of April every year.

The fourth centennial has become a double celebration because of two historical
events, the erection of the Chapel of Batalay as the Diocesan Shrine of the Holy Cross and
the installation of a Historical Mark at the Batalay Chapel by the Historical Commision.


Long before the arrival of the Spaniards, this place has no name of its own.
This was simly called “ilaya” by the natives. Few people reside in this place since it was stony
and not good for farming. The place is only good for pasturing animals like carabaos. This
was also known to be a sitio of Comagaycay.

The sources shows that as early as 16 th century, it was walked along by the
Spaniards. The people kept on wondering in the place and its wilderness. They tried asking
people with the use of their language but the people didn’t respond because they cannot
understand one another. The foreigners kept asking their questions and inquiries with their
language, but they can’t get any good answer, because the natives answers them in their
native language, they were misunderstood.

While the Spaniards are on their way, they observed that what they could
see on every place, there were stones, trees and plants of the same kind. The foreigners ask
while holding the stone, what the natives called that object and the natives answered it
correctly in their local way calling it “bato” and another thing they asked for what was the
name of the common plant of the place. Natives called it “palway”. So then the foreigners
combined two words and called the place “Bata Paluay”

As time goes by, people from the town came in and out of this place. They
heard of what the foreigners name of the place, and they cannot be able to speak properly the
words “Bato Paluay” they added “ng” to Bato and called the place “Batong Paluay”

During the early part of the 19 th century, the present barrio of Batong
Paluay, Tabaguangan, Colapnit and Caitihan wasin habited by only few families who were
owners of most of the land. When the Second World War broke out, people in the town goes
in the near barrios. During the war they occupy the vacant lots of the place and settled there
as their permanent homes. As years went by, children of the nearby inhabitant got married
and also made their home in the place. Few years after the Second World War, the Municipal
Council of Calolbon approved resolution sponsored by Emiliano Surban, the councilor in –
charge of the place, making it a barrio and naming it officially Batong Paluay.

The population growth was rapid so the barrio leaders worked hard so that
a school will be opened in the barrio. This was realize in the year 1953.

The barrio of Batong Paluay is well known throughout the

town and neighboring town since 1906. The said year, the
miraculous image of our Lady of Sorrows was found. Every
Friday, from dawn to dusk, people from different walks of life
came into the barrio to pray to the image of Blessed mother of

The people of the barrio are mostly farmers. They were

industrious, peaceful, cooperative and corteous.

Image of Our Lady of Sorrows


Name: ______________________________________________ Score _______ Date:

College/Program: _______________________ Class Schedule: Time/Day:

1. (Choose among Batalay Shrine and Batong Paluay). Make atleast three (3) advertisement
that will help in promoting and preserving the Historical Places.

1. 2.


Navigators and traders from Borneo Malay and China are believed to be the first
inhabitant in the island. Some of them were the descendants of the 10 Bornean Datus
who came to Panay and Southern Luzon. Due to inclement weather, their boats were
blown and drifted to the shores. Settlers that were blown by strong winds and dashed to
the shores were called “tandong”, while “dagsa” are settlers that were drifted ashore
after losing their tract of their destination.

Through the passage of House Bill no. 301 approved on September 26,1946 as
Commonwealth Act No. 687 authored by Representative Francisco Perfecto,
Catanduanes became a separate and independent island.

Catanduanes Museum (Museo de Catanduanes) is the island’s principal museum

that caters the province’s historical, cultural and social legacy. It alsoserved as anavenue
for locals to showcase their abilities and craftmanship which manifest the best attractions
of Catanduanes that also helps the tourism business of the island.

Holy Cross of Batalay is decreed and declared as a Diocesan Shrine of the Holy
Cross, and is located in Batalay, Bato, Catanduanes, a place where Fr. Diego de Herrera
and other Spaniards face their death in the hand of the natives. In San Andres,
BatongPaloway is well known because of Our Lady of Sorrow. People from different
places came into the barrio to pray to the image of Blessed mother of Sorrow.

Oral and Local history is expectedly closest to the people’s heart and consciousness
because it reflects their own identity, experiences and aspirations. It is interpretative
recreation of the past of their locality, embracing its political, social, economic, and
cultural life. This includes the development of the institutions in the geographical unit and
the successes and failures of its people. Thus, in order to understand and, consequently,
appreciate Philippine history, one should first know the history of his own locality and its
contributions to regional development and over-all nation-building.

Solmerano ET M., Palencia M M., Galicia R DM. (2018). Readings in Philippine History
(p.300) Fastbooks Educational Supply Inc. 1239 Instruccion St., Brgy. 514, Zone 51,
Sampaloc, 1008 Manila Philippines

Vargas B. C. (1991). The History of Catanduanes (Volume I: Since the 13 th Century).

Catanduanes Ecoprogress Corporation. 140 A. Bonifacio St., Bgy. Tanong Marikina,
Metro Manila, Philippines

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