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grassroots football
Hello, welcome to my first podcast, I am Valeria Reyes, cecyt student. 15 and
today we will talk about football coaches, welcome.
Grassroots football, which is trained in the minor categories, is full of children
between the ages of 6 and 12, and because they are fundamental stages in their
lives, a more pedagogical way of teaching is needed.
The coach is the person who knows, who knows... It is true that he does not know
everything even within his area, but he must know perfectly what he wants to
transmit and teach within football. He must become the role model for his players.
To achieve your goal you must know your players, understand their ages, physical,
physiological and psychological characteristics, so that in this way the potential of
each one can be stimulated and exploited.
It is the coach's task to accept the Soccer School as a place where the children
feel good, feel satisfied and are completely comfortable. To do this, I am going to
take into account some tips.
Let the children feel:
1. feeling of being safe
2. Feelings of being welcomed
3. Feelings of being a good player
4. Feelings of belonging to the group
5. Feelings of being important
Together they ensure that the child develops his full potential within the space of
brotherhood that football must offer.
Another indispensable piece of advice is that football should always be a game for
children, show it in an educational and fun way, do not plan intense training days,
much less make them feel like losers, but rather make them enjoy the sport.
These short but knowledgeable tips should become an example of coaches who
dedicate their lives to introducing children to different sports. We must be great
motivators, great people to make these children the future athletes of Mexico.
Thank you for listening to me, and remember "youth prefers to be stimulated rather
than taught."

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