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Payment Compensation Notification.

Dear Beneficiary,
I am Mr. Mohammed,Director Finance Department, International Monetary Fund - IMF.
Also,I have been authorized to contact you.
We received a letter stating that your name is on the list of those that had been
scammed by unknown people from Africa etc, now the World Bank and IMF is assisting
to compensate you with ($1.500.000) One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars for
being scammed, so you attention is needed urgently with your delivering details so
that the Supreme Court will be able to sign your delivering proof documents


I await your reply immediately

Mr. Mohammed Mashe

Director Finance Department IMF

Dear Beneficiary,
This is to bring to your notice that you are among those that have a huge sum of
money($1.500.000) credited in their names for delivery and is currently floating in
International Banking Community.
We have been mandated to contact you following the outcomes of the annual
International Monetary Fund(IMF) and World bank (WB) summit,Where it was decided
that IMF will monitor the payment of funds currently floating in the international
financial database.As a result of this development,verification was conducted by
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in conjunction with the World Bank (WB) on
your payment case file,and it has been endorsed for payment awaiting your

In view of several efforts already made by us to contact you for the following
reasons based on the new details submitted to this office on your behalf:

(1) My office desk have received a sworn affidavit to re-route your payment by
delivering you an ATM MASTER CARD to your home/office address.

(2) It has come to our notice that you are being contacted by unauthorized
individuals with respect to your payment but unfortunately this office is not aware
of your unofficial dealings and wanted that it is at your own risk.

Now we want you to reconfirm your Private Telephone number,your e-mail

address,Office or home address so that we can crosscheck them with our file

Dr. Mohammed Mashe

Coordinator, International Debt Settlement Unit
International Monetary Fund (IMF)

This communique is from the International Monetary Fund, beneficiaries are advised
to strictly adhere to directives. Any fund beneficiary who ignores Instruction will
be doing so at his/her own risk and should not blame the International Monetary
Fund for loss of their Funds.
Dear Beneficiary,

Thank you for your email and the information you've already sent which confirms
that you're the authentic owner of the fund (US$1.500.000).

We has been mandated to contact you following the outcomes of the annual
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) summit, where it was decided
that IMF will monitor the payment of funds currently floating in the international
financial database. As a result of dis development, verification was conducted by
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in conjunction with the World Bank (WB) on
your payment case file, and it has been endorsed for payment awaiting your

In view of several efforts already made by us to contact you for the following
reasons based on the new location submitted to this office on your behalf:

(1) Please, confirm to our department if you have instructed Mr. John J. Phil to
appoint an attorney/agent on your behalf thereby asking that he receive cash call
remittance on your behalf.

(2) It has come to our notice that you are being contacted by unauthorized
Individuals with respect to your payment but unfortunately this office is not aware
of your unofficial dealings and warned that it is at your own risk.

We have decided to contact you for re-verification because we suspected that Mr.
John J. Phil is trying to divert your money through the sworn affidavit into a
different bank account. You are advised to call me or email back upon the receipt
of this mail to enable me advice you on how to go about this matter.

Dr. Mohammed Mashe

Coordinator, International Debt Settlement Unit
International Monetary Fund (IMF)

This communique is from the International Monetary Fund, beneficiaries are advised
to strictly adhere to directives. Any fund beneficiary who ignores Instruction will
be doing so at his/her own risk and should not blame the International Monetary
Fund for loss of their Funds.

Dear Beneficiary,
It is important that you provide the aforestated information to enable us process
and issue you the above mentioned Certification and submit the above information to
a courier center for immediate delivery of your ATM Visa Card, as we have already
confirmed that you are the authentic fund beneficiary.

Endeavor to get back to us to enable us commence proceedings.

Yours faithfully
Dr. Mohammed Mashe

Hello Beneficiary,
Sequel to your file report, we have been able to verify the information you
provided to us and it was confirmed that an outsider and his appointed attorney are
fraudsters trying to divert your fund, we have reported the case to the
Metropolitan Police, Interpol and the United Nations Financial Action Task Force
for necessary actions.

You can visit one of our office here in United Kingdom if you wish to personally
follow up with the case, but be rest assured that everyone involve in this fund
diversion act must be apprehended and prosecuted in line with the United Nations
Financial Crimes Act.

However, we have to make sure that your fund is released to you because we have
every information here in our office, and the available information points that you
are the authentic beneficiary of the fund, so we have to commence the fund release
documentation process in your name in other to issue you IMF Approval Certificate
for fund release purpose.

Mr. Mohammed Mashe

Dear Beneficiary,
We have been waiting to adhere from you concerning our last email to you.We wanna
know your latest development concerning the payment.
Our team are preparing for vacation,we have but limited time to get the certificate

The last amount you said is not enough to carry out this process.

I await your positive response

Mr. Mohammed Mashe

§Thanks for your email.

We keep waiting for you to submit the file we recently sent to you to fill.
Regarding the fee,I will advice you to make the payment because it's not only your
case we are attending here,we have other cases as well.
I have already helped you enough by cutting the the fee for you,I will advice you
to abide by rules and pay the required fee immediately.

Note:Delay is not necessary in this transaction because your certificate is still

in the court, not signed yet.

Your reply is needed immediately.

Mr. Mohammed Mashe

Dear Beneficiary,

It seems you're no longer interested in receiving your fund? what is keeping you
from making the required fee?
We had done all we could to help you but it seems you're not ready to help
Why did you choose to delay us? we already told you that the amount you're about to
send is very small and cannot go anyway to accomplish your task we have at hand.

We await your positive response.

Mr. Mohammed Mashe

§Your messages are well received and content well noted.

Kindly note that the amount stated is not meant as an income for our company. This
amount is meant for our legal team to get the documents Signed/Approved in the
Suppreme Court. Therefore, we can not pay for that document due to its nature, you
are suppose to prove that the funds is yours,and is not meant for
terrorism/sponsoring terrorism and not as a result of money laundering.

Secondly, complaining has nothing to do with this. All you need to do is to provide
the required amount for us to obtain the document.You'e advice to purchase an
Amazon gift card that's worth the requested amount and send to us immediately you
sees my message, so that my teams can go back to court tomorrow on your behalf and
make the required payment.

Note: Once this payment is done,your fund will be delivered within four working

Tell us how much you've raised already so that I can help you for the last time.

I'm looking forward to your response.

Mr. Mohammed Mashe

Dear Beneficiary,
Here is a copy of message we received from Federal Court on your behalf:
Dear Mr. Jorge Alberto Vera,

Having fulfilled our obligations or the rules governing the Transfer of any huge
amount of money leaving the shares of America,we hereby issue you this IMF Approval

This IMF Approval Certificate is issued to enable our bank make transfer/delivery
of you the funds of $1.500.000 belonging to the beneficiary Jorge Alberto as stated
above. This certificate is issued by the Law/International Monetary funds Unit
Monitoring Institution USA to guide and protect this fund as soon as you pay the
required court charge fee $254. This Certificate is duty free and notarized,this
stands as coverage to maintain delivery free both locally and international.

Given and granted unto the IMF Approval Certificate to the knowledge of the Federal
High Court USA,full power and authority to invest out the above funds in your
country/city duly.Here by granting the power to delivery your funds by ratifying
and confirming that the said funds is not settlement of terrorist activities.

Mr. Mohammed Mashe

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