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Descriptive Writing Paragraph

Beyond the Character: Journey through Pivotal Moments

Assignment #1
Expository Writing- CS Stream- Spring 2024
Name: Muhammad Haseeb Zafar 23L-0966 Section: C



You can use multiple images too and can provide
them on the last page.

Platform Used ArtBreeder
3 Because of ease of use in generating
Reason for Using the select Platform unique and visually appealing character
4 Create a character male embodying the
essence of light, with a radiant aura. giving
Prompt Used to Design the Character a sorcery look
standing on mountain with sparkling
Inspiration for the Character


Name of the character Auric Sunspark
Character Designed for Movie
[Book, Comic, Movie, Game, Anime, Manga

3 Character Type Celestial being. As a guardian of light, Auric

[Human, Wizard, Paranormal being, Animal and
its type etc.] possesses supernatural abilities
4 Celestia Sanctum is a celestial realm bathed in
perpetual light, where the boundaries between
the mortal world and the realm of the divine blur.
Place/Realm they Live in It is a realm of ethereal beauty, filled with
[Name the place and explain it in 1-2
sentences] sparkling landscapes of golden clouds,
crystalline palaces, and radiant gardens, where
beings of light and celestial guardians live in
5 Auric Sunspark has a timeless age existing
since the dawn of illumination. He speaks the
language of light, understanding the brilliance of
Physical Qualities the celestial glow. Radiating with the brilliance of
[any defining characteristics] a thousand suns, Auric Sunspark's form glows
with a luminous aura that illuminates his
surroundings. Eyes shimmer with the purity of
6 He can harness the power of light to bring
warmth and guidance to those in need.
Weakness He is endangered when covered in Darkness.

8 Auric Sunspark is like the light itself, born from

the bright glow that lights up the sky. He travels
through different realms, bringing hope and
showing the way in dark times.
Growing up surrounded by the warmth of
sunlight, Auric learned a lot about the world filled
with light. He gets his strength from the shining
stars, each one reminding him of endless
Backstory of your Character possibilities.
[Who they are? What has made them the way A wise being named Luminar taught Auric many
that they are? Etc.] 100-150 words or more things. Luminar knows a lot about light and has
helped Auric understand the vastness of the
universe. Together, they explore the vast spaces
filled with light, forming a strong bond along the


1 Which specific moment have you The chosen moment in Auric Sunspark's
selected? journey is when he stands on the tallest
mountain in his home realm, Celestia
Sanctum. From there, he looks out at the
stars and the vastness of the universe. This
moment is important because it helps Auric
understand his place in the world and how
he can help others with his light.

2 Why have you selected this specific This moment was picked because it's a big
moment? change in Auric Sunspark's journey. He's
standing on the tallest mountain in Celestia
Sanctum, looking at the huge universe.
Here, Auric feels a strong connection to
everything around him and understands
more about why he's here to bring light and
hope to everyone. It's a time for him to think
and remember why he's doing what he's
3 Set the Scene Imagine Auric Sunspark standing on the
Location, Environment, weather conditions, location highest mountain in Celestia Sanctum, his
etc. [50-120 words] home realm. Everywhere you look, there are
shiny mountains and colorful clouds. The air
feels nice, with a soft breeze blowing and a
sweet smell in the air. It's nighttime, and the
sky is full of bright stars. Auric can feel the
energy all around him, like the universe is
singing. The weather is calm, with clear
skies and a peaceful feeling all around. It's
the perfect setting for Auric to think about
things and understand his role in the world.
4 Context & Contextualization Before this moment, Auric Sunspark had
What led to this moment? Any relevant background been on a journey of self-discovery, learning
information. [100-120 words] about his powers and purpose as a guardian
of light. He faced tough times and had to
deal with darkness that made things hard.
His mentor, Luminar, helped him understand
how important it is to give hope and light to
others, especially when things seem dark.
As Auric reached the summit of Celestia
Sanctum, he reflected on his experiences
and the lessons learned, realizing the
significance of his role in bringing light to the
cosmos and guiding others through the
5 Emotions & Thoughts In this moment, Auric Sunspark feels many
What is going on in the character’s mind? Internal different things. He's amazed by the huge
conflict and outward reaction etc. [100-120 words] universe when he looks at it. At the same
time, he has a deep sense of responsibility,
recognizing the weight of his role as a
guardian of light. Even if he's a bit worried or
unsure, Auric is sure he wants to help others
and bring light to dark places.
6 Show Actions As Auric Sunspark stands on top of Celestia
Body language, facial expressions etc. [50-100 Sanctum, he looks amazed and serious. His
words] eyes are wide open, taking in the huge
universe in front of him. Even though he
knows he has a big job, he stands up tall
and looks confident. There's a small smile
on his face, showing he's determined and
ready to help others. He nods his head
slowly, showing he understands how
important his job is and that he's brave
enough to face any challenges that come his
7 Any additional detail Auric Sunspark is depicted as a noble and
[50-100 words] compassionate guardian of light, embodying
the virtues of courage, hope, and


Title: Light's Journey

In the vastness of space, where stars shine like diamonds in the dark sky, Auric Sunspark floats
through the cosmic currents, surrounded by bright light. With every graceful move, he shines
like a beacon, bringing hope to the emptiness of space. Radiating warmth and guidance to all
who traverse the celestial pathways.
As Auric travels among the stars, his eyes sparkle like the sun, reflecting the beauty of the
universe around him. The music of the stars fills the air, creating a beautiful melody of light.
With a wave of his hand, Auric creates streams of light that dance and sparkle like ribbons in the
sky. In this special moment, he feels a deep connection to the stars, feeling their light in his
With a joyful smile, Auric embraces the brightness of the stars, his spirit flying high in the light. In
this moment, he becomes one with the universe, a protector of the light that will last forever.
At this time, Auric feels a strong bond with the light, made by the shining stars. He becomes the
light itself, protecting the universe and never fading away. With a big smile that shines like the
stars, Auric knows he's meant to be among them, fulfilling his purpose in the vast expanse of

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