Vikash Institute of Technology: Introduction To Cloud Gaming

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Vikash Institute Of Technology


Presented By:
B.Tech 3rd year
Regd. No: 2101337012
Cloud Gaming: The
Future of Gaming

Cloud gaming is a revolutionary technology that allows gamers to stream high-

quality games directly to their devices, without the need for powerful hardware.
How Does Cloud Gaming Work?

1 Game Hosting
Games are hosted on powerful servers in the cloud.

2 Streaming
The game is streamed to the user's device in real-time.

3 Low Latency
Advanced streaming technology ensures low latency for a seamless gaming
Benefits of Cloud Gaming

Accessibility Convenience Scalability

Cloud gaming makes high-end No need for expensive hardware Cloud resources can be easily
games accessible on a wider or installations, just a stable scaled to meet the demands of
range of devices. internet connection. players.
Challenges of Cloud Gaming

1 Latency 2 Data Consumption 3 Game Library

High-speed internet is
required to minimize input Limited game selection
lag and ensure a smooth Streaming games can compared to traditional
gaming experience. consume a significant gaming platforms.
amount of data, leading to
high costs.
Popular Cloud Gaming Platforms

Google Stadia Nvidia GeForce Now

Cloud-based game streaming service with
a focus on high-quality visuals and Allows users to stream games they already
performance. own on various platforms.

Amazon Luna
Offers a subscription-based model with access to a library of games.
The Future of Cloud Gaming

Improved Connectivity
5G and fiber-optic networks will reduce latency and increase bandwidth.

Advancements in Streaming
Faster and more efficient streaming technologies will enhance the user experience.

Expanded Game Libraries

More game publishers will embrace cloud gaming, leading to a wider selection.
Hardware Requirements for Cloud Gaming

Display Connectivity Input Devices

High-resolution and low-latency Stable, high-speed internet Compatibility with game
display for optimal visual connection for smooth streaming. controllers and input devices for
experience. seamless gameplay.
Comparison to Traditional Gaming

Hardware Requirements Cloud gaming requires less powerful hardware,

while traditional gaming needs high-end PCs or

Game Library Traditional gaming offers a larger selection of

games, while cloud gaming's library is more

Portability Cloud gaming allows for gaming on a wider range

of devices, while traditional gaming is more

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