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Kid’s Box Level 2

4 At home
1 Look and complete the words. There is one Mark ...... /5

1 c l oc k 2 o e

3 o a 4 i o

5 a 6 a

2 Look and circle. There is one example. Mark ...... /5

1 Where is the robot? on the sofa / mat

2 Where is the clock? next to the mirror / table
3 Where is the phone? on the mat / bed
4 Where is the fish? in the cupboard / bath
5 Where is the cat? under the lamp / clock
6 Where is the boy? in bed / on the sofa

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Kid’s Box Level 2

3 Look. Write this, these, that, those. There is one Mark ...... /5
A that 1 A 2


A 3

Grammar and functions

4 Look and circle. There is one example. Mark ...... /5

Is that phone yours? Yes, it is.

1 ✗ No, it isn’t.

Is that camera yours? Yes, it is.

2 ✓ No, it isn’t.

Are those socks yours? Yes, they are.

3 ✓ No, they aren’t.

Are those books yours? Yes, they are.

4 ✗ No, they aren’t.

Is that dog yours? Yes, it is.

5 ✗ No, it isn’t.

Is that kite yours? Yes, it is.

6 ✓ No, it isn’t.

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Kid’s Box Level 2

5 Look and write. There is one example. Mark ...... /5

1 Which bag is yours?

orange The one The orange one .
2 Which socks are Jane’s?
ones red The .
3 Is this phone yours?
it’s mine Yes , .
4 Are those shoes yours, Fred?
aren’t No mine they , .
5 Is this watch Grandpa’s?
Grandma’s it’s No, , .
6 Whose trousers are these?
his They’re .

6 7
Listen and write the letter. There is one Mark ...... /5
Paul F Daisy Jim

Julia Charlie Mary

A bath B sofa C mat

D lamp E bed F cupboard

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Kid’s Box Level 2

7 8
Listen, draw lines and colour. There is one Mark ...... /5



purple red

Reading and writing

8 Look and read. Write the words. There is one Mark ...... /5
bed cupboard lamp mat mirror watch

1 This helps you see at night. lamp

2 You sleep in this.
3 You stand on this. It’s on the floor.
4 You look at your face in this.
5 This tells you the time.
6 You can put your toys in this.
Total unit mark ...... /40

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Kid’s Box Level 2

4 U n it tests a n sw er key
Unit 4 - At home

1 Look and complete the words. (5 marks)

2 phone, 3 sofa, 4 mirror, 5 mat, 6 lamp
2 Look and circle. (5 marks)
2 next to the mirror, 3 on the mat, 4 in the bath, 5 under the lamp, 6 in bed
3 Look. Write this, these, that, those. (5 marks)
1 B this (sofa), 2 A that (clock), B these (watches) 3 A those (kites), B this (ball) /
these (racket and ball)
4 Look and circle. (5 marks)
2 Yes, it is, 3 Yes, they are, 4 No, they aren’t, 5 No, it isn’t, 6 Yes, it is
5 Look and write. (5 marks)
2 The red ones, 3 Yes, it’s mine, 4 No, they aren’t mine,
5 No, it’s Grandma’s, 6 They’re his.
6 7 Listen and write the letter. (5 marks)
Daisy – D, Jim – B, Julia – A, Charlie – E, Mary – C

Audio script
Woman: Let’s play Hide and Seek. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Ready? Coming! Hm.
Where are the boys and girls? Aha! Those are Paul’s brown shoes!
I can see you Paul. You’re in the cupboard!
Paul: Yes! I am!
Woman: Who’s the behind the lamp! I can see you, Daisy. The lamp is very
Daisy: Yes, it is!
Woman: Whose are those orange socks? Ahh …They’re Jim’s! I can see you,
Jim. You’re behind the sofa!
Jim: Yes, it’s me!

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Kid’s Box Level 2

Woman: Whose is that long, brown hair? Is it Julia’s?

Julia: Yes, it’s mine! I’m in the bath.
Woman: I can see your green trousers, Charlie! You’re under the bed!
Charlie: Yes, you’re right!
Woman: Mary, I can see you under the mat!
Mary: Yes, the mat is very small!
7 8 Listen and draw lines. Then colour. (5 marks)
John – green watch, purple kite
Sue – red camera, yellow trousers, red socks

Audio script
Woman: Which shoes are John’s?
Man: The white ones are his.
Woman: Which camera is Sue’s?
Man: The red one is hers.
Woman: Which watch is John’s?
Man: The green one is his.
Woman: Which trousers are Sue’s?
Man: The yellow ones are hers.
Woman: Which kite is John’s?
Man: The purple one is his.
Woman: Which socks are Sue’s?
Man: The red ones are hers.
8 Look and read. Write. (5 marks)
2 bed, 3 mat, 4 mirror, 5 watch, 6 cupboard

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