SWP041 Threatening Situations

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Safe Work Practice 041

Threatening Situations
Mandatory |All Team Members
SWP 041 M



Team members are required to interact with • The safety of you, other team members, customers and other
customers, members of the public, visitors and members of the public takes priority over all other considerations
contractors in their course of their work, • If working alone or in isolation, ensure others know where you are
including serving customers in store, making and when you are due back
deliveries and being in public areas while • Where possible, always leave or enter stores in groups (two or more)
carrying out tasks. outside of store trading hours and park vehicles close to the team
member entrance or alternatively the designated Shopping Centre
WHAT COULD GO WRONG? staff car park
Team members attempting to stop theft or • Follow Total Loss procedures for minimising cash/cigarette levels that
carrying out their duties may be subjected to are available
frustration, anger, aggression or physical or • Report inadequate lighting within the car park to your line manager
verbal abuse which may cause physical or • Be aware of CCTV coverage throughout your store in case footage is
psychological injury. requested
• Assess situations as they arise and ensure that the most appropriate
In the occurrence of a threatening situation, it is
course of action is taken, relevant to the circumstances.
extremely important team members know how
• Where allocated for your use, use a Duress device on every shift
to manage the situation to minimise risk of harm
• ALWAYS be aware of your own behaviour and how it can increase or
to yourself, team members, customers or other
decrease the risk of an incident escalating
members of the public.
Keeping Your Environment Safe – Rules of Engagement

• ALWAYS treat team members, contractors, visitors and customers in a

respectful manner e.g. be calm, polite and listen, do not raise your
voice, swear or become aggressive
• Step back from a potential situation and assess potential danger to
you or others
• Defuse situations through empathy, being calm and focusing on a
safe resolution
• Cooperate, obey instructions and let offenders leave unhindered,
avoid being between an offender and their exit path
• Avoid putting yourself in a situation where you could be physically
• ALWAYS keep a safe distance from any aggressor (at least arm’s
length away) and stay calm
• Avoid triggers that may escalate a situation i.e. standing too close,
retaliating, blocking in or being rude or dismissive
• ACO registers are filled with coins in the morning before trade. (Cash
Stores Only). In the event an ACO register needs to be filled during
trade the ACO area is closed during this process.
• In the event cash need to be transferred from the register to the safe
this must be completed when the store is closed
• ALWAYS transport cigarettes in unmarked box from BOH to Cigarette
Kiosk. After filling the cigarette draw, return any residual stock to BOH
immediately. Stock is not to be left within the cigarette kiosk area
outside of the cigarette shelving
• Cigarette draw to be locked when cigarette kiosk is unattended

NEVER raise your voice, swear or use threatening body language,

when dealing with others
NEVER count cash at the register when performing a clearance
NEVER carry multiple boxes of cigarettes to the cigarette kiosk

Previous Version: March 2022

1 Current Version: #11 February 2023 Mandatory
of 4 Ref: SWPs 2023 All MUST complete
Threatening Situations SWP 041

In the event of a Threatening Situation or Potentially Threatening Situation

• Notify a manager if you notice people acting suspiciously, potential threats, if you
feel threatened or see someone in danger
• Follow the Rules of Engagement, as per SWP 041 Threatening Situations Online
Module Training; prioritising the safety of you, our team and our customers
• If possible, remove yourself and others from the immediate area
• Stay as calm as possible
• If off site (i.e. Online delivery) secure yourself in a safe area if possible, e.g. in your
• Call “Mr Steed” over the PA system or headset for urgent assistance if someone is
in danger
• Continue to try to defuse the situation and be willing to step back/step away if
• ALWAYS cooperate, obey instructions and let an offender leave unhindered

NEVER chase, touch, or handle any person or follow them beyond the front of
the store
NEVER escalate situations or ask to check bags

Following a Threatening Situation

• Notify a manager as soon as it is safe to do so

• Document details and any distinguishing features as soon as possible eg build, clothing, hair colour
• Call the Police if a threat or crime has/may be committed, if a breach of peace may occur or assistance is needed to
protect team members or customers
• ALWAYS call the police for incidents resulting in harm to people or property.
• Report all aggressive, violent or threatening incidents to the Critical Incident Desk (1800 507 877) and your Regional
Manager and record in Auror where appropriate
• Ensure team members impacted by a threatening situation are supported and offered Employee Assistance Program
(EAP – 1300 687 327)

Previous Version: March 2022 Mandatory

Current Version: #11 February 2023
of 4 All MUST complete
Ref: SWPs 2023
Threatening Situations SWP 041

Duress Device – Wearing, Cleaning and Charging

• All Team Members who will be using the Duress device must understand how to
wear, activate, clean, and charge the device correctly.
• Where allocated for your use, ALWAYS wear a Duress device on every shift.
• To wear (body lanyard or wristwatch), pick up the Duress device and place it on
your body/wrist. To fasten, simply slide the silicon band into the opening and
secure by pressing the stud into the hole which best secures the Duress device on
your wrist. Ensure device is on by holding down the rectangle button.
Duress Charging Dock • BEFORE and AFTER your shift, it is important that you clean the device with the
Holds 8 Falcons
approved cleaning chemicals located next to your charging station:
1. Wipe all surfaces of the device with a clean cloth dampened with CO
2. Wipe device with a new clean cloth dampened with C2 sanitizer
• ALWAYS ensure Duress device is fully charged before using.
• To charge, connect the device to its USB or dock charging station, ensuring that
the device is properly connected with the charging symbol displayed on the
device screen.
• ALWAYS ensure the Duress device is placed back on charge at the end of the shift
Before and After shift, clean or at any time when not in use.
device with cleaning chemicals
• ALWAYS ensure devices are stored in a secure location e.g. Manager Office,
Online or Services Room.

Duress Device – Obtaining Emergency Assistance

• The Duress device enables our Team Members to request assistance in the
event of a medical emergency or threatening situation.
• The device connects Team Members to a 24/7 control centre who then
monitors, assesses, and escalates the incident to emergency services where
necessary. The control centre has priority access to emergency services,
ensuring any response is fast and effective.

Scenarios Where the Duress Device Should Be Used:

• Accident where you or someone else is injured and requiring ambulance
• A physical or verbally threatening situation where you are concerned for your
own or someone else’s safety.
• ALWAYS ensure threatening situations procedures are followed and DO NOT
put yourself or any other person at risk of harm e.g., don’t engage, back
away, protect yourself and others first.

Triple Tap Alert (side button triple press or 5 sec hold down can also activate an Alert)
• Tap the sleep button on the right side of the device to wake the device
• Triple tap the device and show message displayed “Police requested”.
• If you accidentally triple tap, you can press “cancel” on the device screen to
cancel request for emergency assistance.
• If you accidentally triple tap or activate emergency assistance, the operations
centre will call the device to confirm you are safe.
• Triple tap will immediately alert the control centre, communicate the device
location, and commence a live stream of audio and video.
• Based on assessment of the situation, the control centre operator can do the
• Contact the police with priority access.
• Call the watch directly to confirm the situation.
• Send a text message, or call nominated Coles contacts for the store as per the
Duress Escalation process e.g. Store Manager, Coles Services Area Manager,
which includes the live stream audio and video.

Previous Version: March 2022 Mandatory

Current Version: #11 February 2023
of 4 All MUST complete
Ref: SWPs 2023
Threatening Situations SWP 041

Double Tap Alert (for device use in store)

• Tap the sleep button on the right side of the device to wake the device.
• Double tap the watch face. The device will vibrate to confirm assistance has
been requested.
• Other device wearers will then be notified that the team member requires
• To cancel a Team Alert, quickly tap the undo option, this will notify users that
assistance is no longer needed.
• It’s important to note that the double tap alert will only stay within your store
and will not alert police or the Duress Operations Centre.
• Double Tap Alert function is not activated on devices allocated to Coles
Online CSAs and Coles Services Trolley Collection Vehicle Operators, who
work outdoors without a team.

Previous Version: March 2022 Mandatory

Current Version: #11 February 2023
of 4 All MUST complete
Ref: SWPs 2023

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