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Case Study 1: Nyepi Day

Addressing the Situation: I'll start by Expressing sincere apologies to the customer for the
inconvenience caused by Nyepi Day. Acknowledge the frustration and disappointment this might
have caused them. ill provide a transparent explanation for the oversight, citing internal
miscommunication or any other relevant factors, and for the mistake refrain from making excuses,
and take full responsibility. If possible then I'll offer appropriate compensation to the customer as a
gesture of goodwill. This might be in the form of discounts on future bookings, complimentary
services or upgrades, or a partial refund, depending on the extent of the inconvenience caused. And
will provide clear and timely communication with the customer throughout the resolution process.
Keep them informed about the steps being taken to rectify the situation and address their concerns

Course of Action: As a responsible team member, I would first investigate the circumstances
surrounding the failure to inform the customer about Nyepi Day in advance. This would involve
reviewing communication channels, identifying points of failure, and understanding any systemic
issues that contributed to the oversight. After knowing what was the mistake I'll implement the
necessary changes to avoid these mistakes in the future then ill listen to the customer feedback and
address any additional concerns they may have to ensure their satisfaction.

Rectifying Oversight: Assuring the customers that steps will be taken to rectify the situation
promptly, making arrangements to fulfill the missed inclusions as per the customer's preferences and
availability. This may involve rescheduling the floating breakfast and arranging any other
honeymoon-related services that were omitted. We might have to Offer the customer a
complimentary service or upgrade to compensate for the oversight and inconvenience caused. This
might include additional amenities, special experiences, or discounts on future bookings. After
rectifying the oversight, Ill follow up to the customer to ensure their satisfaction and address any
remaining concerns they may have. Thanking them for their understanding and continued patronage,
reaffirming your commitment to providing excellent service in the future.

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