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Investigation of the RUFRIS Method with GNSS and

Total Station for Leveling

M. Amin Alizadeh-Khameneh M. Amin Alizadeh-Khameneh
Anna B. O. Jensen Johan Vium Andersson
Milan Horemuž Department of Geographic Information and Asset
Division of Geodesy and Satellite Positioning Management
KTH Royal Institute of Technology WSP Civils
Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden

Abstract—The establishment of leveling benchmarks for and 2 centimeters in height [1]. However, the performance of
performing geodetic measurements, for instance in construction RTK is limited to a few kilometers distance to nearest
works, is usually costly and laborious due to a mass of field works reference station due to some restrictions in signal
in transferring the height from nearby known benchmarks. In transmission, and dependency of the ambiguity resolution on
this study, a real-time updated free station (RUFRIS) method is distance-based errors [2]. The required base for the RTK
investigated to be used as an alternative approach for the measurements can be a temporary or permanent reference
traditional leveling. The coordinates of a RUFRIS station are station. A network RTK can be built up in an area by
determined by establishing a total station on the point, and establishing several permanent reference stations and
performing a free-station by observing some points with both
interconnecting them. Thus, a user needs only GNSS receivers
Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) GNSS and total station distance and
direction observations. The study is conducted based on data
as the rovers. For instance in Sweden, the RTK GNSS can be
from the East Link project in Sweden, where a 150 km long high- performed based on the Swedish national network of
speed railway is to be constructed. The results show a standard permanent reference stations (SWEPOS), see for instance [3]
deviation of 7 mm between the RUFRIS and leveling heights in or the SWEPOS website1.
this project and imply the feasibility of replacing the traditional Following up the GNSS/TS combination intention, a
leveling methods with RUFRIS in projects with low accessibility recently developed method uses the RTK GNSS in a free
to benchmarks. station method to determine the coordinates of the TS. The
Keywords— GNSS; real-time kinematic; free station; leveling
concept is similar to the traditional resection approach, where a
TS is set over an unknown point, and the coordinates of that
point are computed by measuring a minimum two known
I. INTRODUCTION points [4, p. 252]. The method of real-time updated free station
Since a few decades ago, the Global Navigation Satellite (abbreviated as RUFRIS according to the corresponding
Systems (GNSS) have become a powerful tool for surveyors Swedish term: RealtidsUppdaterad FRI Station) uses the RTK
beneficial for navigation and positioning purposes. The GNSS coordinates of several common points to estimate the
measurements can be used in construction projects to coordinates and orientation of the TS. Therefore, an
determine the position of unknown points. Among many outstanding advantage of this combined method is its
advantages of this technique, there are a few drawbacks that independence from physically marked control points for
restrict its usage. For instance, the GNSS measurements cannot establishing a TS.
be carried out in the areas with low satellite coverage, and in The optimum number of common points to be measured
case of using static GNSS observations; the time which should for acquiring reasonable establishment precision and reliability
be spent is not economically acceptable in some projects. is 10 to 30 points [5], albeit measuring more common points
Terrestrial measurements by total stations (TS) have yields higher precision. Further, the optimal common point
traditionally been an alternative for GNSS surveying. distances from the TS and the optimal radial distribution of
However, this measuring tool has some major restrictions as these points around the TS were also investigated in [5]. In
well, e.g. the necessity of having direct view (line of sight) another study, the optimal horizontal placement of the TS in
between a measuring instrument and objects. Therefore, some performing free station establishment was investigated by [6].
innovative companies have recently introduced integrated They concluded that the optimum location of the TS, for
solutions, where it is possible to benefit from joint observations obtaining the lowest uncertainties in the position and
with the total station and RTK GNSS, to overcome the orientation of it, is in the center of gravity of all control points.
addressed limits. Moreover, the temporal correlation in free station
RTK is a differential positioning technology that uses establishment with RUFRIS was studied in [7]. They analyzed
GNSS phase and code corrections from one or more reference the temporal correlation by semi-variogram and cross-
stations. The achievable positioning accuracy with using the correlation in two different experiments, which were performed
RTK method can be around one centimeter in horizontal plane

978-1-5386-2217-9/17/$31.00 © 2017 European Union

in an open land with clear sky visibility, and another in an area xcp  xts
with obstructed visibility (buildings and trees around). It was HDi  vHD  arctan  i (2)
concluded that the observations in the open land are slightly ycp  yts
more correlated than in the other experiment due to an almost
fixed configuration of satellites and multipath changes in a  Vertical angle (VA):
short period of time. It was also shown that the spread of
measurements for the total station setup has not significant zcp  zts
effect on the temporal correlation. VAi  vVA  arctan (3)
x  xts    ycp  yts 
2 2
It should be noted that a number of performed cp
investigations on various aspects of the RUFRIS method makes
it distinct from the ordinary GNSS/TS measurements. For where xcp , ycp and zcp are the coordinates of the common
instance, to establish a point by RUFRIS there are some
points, and the coordinates of the total station are denoted by
prerequisites of the minimum number and configuration of the
common points, while the point can be established by xts , yts and zts . In (1) to (3), v is the residual of the
measuring two common points by using ordinary GNSS/TS observation equations, and i  1, 2, , n .
In order to use the least squares method for a network
Here, in this paper, we aim to investigate the RUFRIS adjustment, it is required to linearize these observation
method for its effectiveness in providing reasonable height equations, and use an iterative solution. Equations (1) to (3)
precision. Although the RTK GNSS measurements provide an can be expanded and linearized by a Taylor series as:
acceptable level of uncertainties for horizontal coordinates, its
accuracy in determining the vertical component is not as good  Slope distance:
as the horizontal. Therefore, the RUFRIS method can be
applied to improve the uncertainty of height estimation by xi0 y 0 z 0
combining the RTK GNSS and total station measurements. SDi  vSD  SDi0  0
 xts  i0  yts  i0  zts
A number of RUFRIS stations have already been (4)
xi0 y 0 z 0
established in the East Link project in Sweden, where a high-  0
 xcp  i0  ycp  i0  zcp
speed railway is to be constructed by The Swedish Transport SDi SDi SDi
Administration. The purpose is to use those RUFRIS stations to
control the details of the construction work. This paper  Horizontal direction:
describes the study which is conducted to investigate the
applicability of the RUFRIS method in replacement of the
traditional leveling approaches for the East Link project. yi0 xi0
HDi  vHD  HDi0   xts   yts
D  D 
0 2 0 2
i i
yi0 xi0
  xcp   ycp  i
A. RUFRIS D  i
0 2
D  i
0 2

When using this method in determining the coordinate of

an unknown station, we need to observe the distances and  Vertical angle:
directions from the station to a number of common points.
Additionally, the coordinates of the common points should be
xi0 zi0 yi0 zi0 Di0
achieved by the RTK GNSS measurements. The required VAi  vVA  VAi0   xts   yts   zts
Di0  SDi0  Di0  SDi0   SD 
2 2 0 2
observation equations can be written as [8, pp. 85-92]: i
 Slope distance (SD) between the total station (ts) and n xi0 zi0 yi0 zi0 Di0
common points (cp):   xcp   ycp   zcp
Di0  SDi0  Di0  SDi0   SD 
2 2 0 2

x  xts    ycp  yts    zcp  zts 

2 2 2
SDi  vSD  cp (1) where the superscript 0 represents the approximate value of the
variable, and Di0 is the approximate horizontal distance. xi0 ,
 Horizontal direction (HD) of the common points that yi0 and zi0 are the differences between the approximate
are measured relative to the zero direction of the total coordinate of the total station and the ith common point. The
station. The orientation angle (  ) between the zero differential changes in the initially given coordinates of the
direction and the North axis must be computed in order total station (ts) and the common points (cp) are denoted by  x
to establish the orientation of TS with respect to the ,  y and  z with corresponding subscripts.
coordinate system.
A set of observation equations can be written for the GNSS
observations (rtk) of the common points. In fact, the common
points are subject to two sets of observations, i.e. total station
and RTK GNSS measurements. For each common point (cp) III. NUMERICAL STUDIES
we can write:
A. Study Area
xrtk  vx  xcp To investigate the possibility of replacing the traditional
yrtk  v y  ycp (7) leveling methods by RUFRIS, it was required to perform a
number of experiments. In this study, we used the total station
zrtk  vz  zcp and leveling data from the East Link project in Sweden. This
project is the first step toward a first generation of high-speed
with the assumption of having transformed GNSS coordinates railways in Sweden. The construction of this railway, for about
into a coordinate system in the cartographic plane combined 150 km, provides a fast and sustainable transportation between
with a height system. the cities of Järna and Linköping. The precision of the RUFRIS
method in determining the height of points is evaluated in this
The least squares solution for the system of linear equations paper based on data obtained from the East Link project.
in (4) to (6) can be written for n common points as:
B. Data Description
X   AT PA  AT PL
(8) The East Link project is located in two neighbor projection
zones in the Swedish national reference frame, i.e. SWEREF
where A is a 6n  3n  4 design matrix consisting of the 99 16 30 and SWEREF 99 18 00. The RUFRIS points in these
coefficients in (4) to (7). P is a weight matrix and can be two zones are depicted in the study area in Fig. 1. The two
defined for n uncorrelated observations as: projection zones have different central meridians with the scale
factor of 1, and are in particularly used due to the reduction of
the scale errors. The geoid model that is used in this project for
P6n6n  diag  Pi  , i  1,2, ,n (9) height determination is the national Swedish geoid model
SWEN08_RH2000. The expected uncertainty for this model is
with about 10 to 15 millimeters [10]. For more information on
Swedish reference systems, see for instance [11] and [10].

Pi  diag  02  SD
 HD
 xrtk2  yrtk2  zrtk2   (10) Totally, 97 stations are established along the project
corridor by the RUFRIS method. The 3D coordinates of these
stations were computed by measuring a minimum number of
where  02 is the a priori variance factor, and  2 is the variances 15 common points and performing the free station approach.
of the observations. In this study, the weight matrix is Besides, the coordinates of the common points were obtained
numerically defined according to the technical specifications of by the RTK GNSS measurements based on the SWEPOS
the used TS instrument (  SD  1mm  1.5ppm ,  HD  VA  network. The available SWEPOS stations at the time of RTK
0.3 mgon), and the uncertainty of the RTK measurements. The GNSS measurements were relatively sparse in the area
variances of distances and RTK measurements are in meters, (approx. 35 km between reference stations). However, these
while the variances of horizontal directions and vertical angles stations have recently been densified along the East Link
are in radians. The vector L in (8) is a 6n 1 vector containing project, which is now expected for the RUFRIS measurements
the observations in (4) to (7). The units of observations in this to yield better results with the help of the current SWEPOS
vector are meters for slope distances and radians for horizontal network.
and vertical angles. And eventually, X is the vector of Moreover, a connection network of 217 points, including
unknowns consisting of 3D coordinates of n common point and 97 RUFRIS stations, was established in the area. The heights of
one total station, as well as one orientation parameter. the points were determined by precise double-run leveling
using 43 benchmarks. Therefore, the heights of the mentioned
B. Leveling 97 points were separately measured by the RUFRIS and
Leveling is performed as a precise method in surveying leveling methods for further investigations.
engineering to determine height differences between points.
The procedure is conducted by a leveling instrument, which is C. Results
typically set-up in the same sight distance from the two points To investigate the level of precision provided by the
to possibly reduce the leveling errors, e.g. collimation and RUFRIS method for the height of stations, we compared
refraction errors [9, p. 207]. The difference of the back and obtained heights from RUFRIS with the leveling data. The
foresight rod readings will be the height differences. To aforementioned RUFRIS method was implemented in Matlab
determine the height differences over longer distances, it is scripting language to be used for computing the 3D coordinates
required to set some temporary points and transfer the heights of all available data. For evaluating our results, the surveying
through them. As it is inevitable to have zero errors in the engineering software, SBG Geo [12], was used in parallel. The
measurements and to avoid accumulation of errors on one raw measurement files were input to the SBG Geo as a first
point, it is common among surveyors to distribute the errors on step to perform measurement corrections. In order to apply the
all leveled points in relation with their corresponding distances geometrical calculations on the performed distance and angle
from the instrument by applying a least squares adjustment. observations, the measurements were corrected with respect to
the cartographic plane. These corrections consisted of TABLE I. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE
correction for the earth curvature, correction for height over
local ellipsoid, correction for distance to central longitude of N (m) E (m) H (m)
the map projection and correction for atmosphere. Thereafter,
data snooping [13] was performed in Matlab to detect possible Mean Value 0.000 0.000 0.001
gross errors in the measurements. Our data snooping algorithm
was developed based on an iterative solution, where in each Deviation
0.001 0.001 0.001
iteration the biggest gross error was detected and deleted from Maximum
0.003 0.002 0.004
the adjustment procedure. Detected gross errors in any of Difference
distance, horizontal or vertical angle observations led the
corresponding common point to be excluded from the list of The heights of the benchmarks in the project area were
measurements. The coordinates of the stations were then transferred to the points of interest (RUFRIS stations) by
computed in both Matlab and SBG Geo for further evaluation. traditional leveling. The leveling was performed by using invar
A concise workflow of this step of the study is illustrated rods, thus according to specifications of the leveling
diagrammatically in Fig. 2. instrument, an accuracy of 0.3 millimeter per kilometer for the
A comparison between the Matlab and SBG Geo results leveling measurement was sought. However, standard
indicates negligible differences in the coordinate computations deviation from adjustment of the leveling was a maximum of 1
(Table I). The standard deviation of one millimeter in all three millimeter for the heights determined. The adjustment of these
coordinate components can be explained as a rounding error. data was carried out in relation to the sight distance readings in
However, the different adjustment procedures in SBG Geo and SBG Geo.
Matlab, i.e. 3D vs. 2+1D adjustment, can also be the cause of Eventually; the differences between the computed heights
the insignificant differences. by RUFRIS and leveling were determined using the SWEN08
RH2000 geoid model and depicted in Fig. 4. After statistically
analyzing the residuals obtained from 94 points, only one gross
error can be seen, which indicates around 35 millimeters
difference. The reason for this gross error is possibly due to the
wrong input of the instrument height in the field. However,
after excluding this point, the standard deviation of residuals
becomes 11 millimeters (Table II). It can easily be noticed in
Fig. 4 that the residuals follow a systematic trend from the
northern point toward the south, i.e. small positive residuals in
the north, increasing values in the middle, and finally turning to
negative values in the southern part of the area.
To improve the height system of the project area, The
National Surveying and Mapping Authority of Sweden
(Lantmäteriet) developed a new geoid model. The new model
is similar to the national Swedish geoid model,
SWEN08_RH2000, but with improvements along the East
Fig. 1. Illustration of study area and RUFRIS stations along the East Link Link project [14]. In other words, about 50-100 kilometers
high-speed rail project in Sweden. The project is located in two Swedish away from the project, the two models become identical. The
projection zones, i.e. SWEREF 99 16 30 and SWEREF 99 18 00. new geoid model is computed based on 4 and 48 hours static
GNSS observations on 16, respectively 5 stations in the project
area. The maximum and minimum reported differences
Input from Matlab:
Total Station: Coordinate
between the new and old model is +18 and -12 millimeters,
.plm file Estimation changing from the north to south (Fig. 3). In addition, the
standard deviation of the height differences from RUFRIS and
leveling is improved from 12 to 3 millimeters. However, this
improvement is only valid on the points, where the
SBG Geo:
Matlab: Coordinate measurements were performed.
Data Snooping Comparison
Correction The implementation of this new geoid model in
computation of the heights of the RUFRIS stations in our
study, significantly affected the residuals. As can be seen in
Table II, the standard deviation of residuals decreased from 11
SBG Geo: to 7 millimeters when the new geoid model is used. Inspection
of the remaining residuals reveals a random behavior. The
reason for the remaining residuals in Fig. 5 can be due to
uncertainties of the developed geoid model, the RUFRIS
Fig. 2. Workflow of the computation steps. The coordinates of the RUFRIS method, and the leveling. Assuming the uncertainties of 3
stations are computed separately by SBG Geo and Matlab. millimeters for the geoid model and maximum 1 millimeter for
the leveling, also applying the error propagation law, the TABLE II. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE
uncertainty of the RUFRIS method itself can be estimated to be
about 6 millimeters in determination of height. SWEN08 RH2000 SWEN08 OSTL

Mean Value 0.007 0.006 0.001 0.000

0.012 0.011 0.009 0.007

The precision of height determination using the RUFRIS
method is investigated and discussed in this paper. As there is
no need for known points in establishing a RUFRIS station, the
method becomes practical in projects with limited access to
known control points. In this study, we used data from the East
Link high-speed railway project in Sweden. The established
Fig. 3. Differences between SWEN08_RH2000 and SWEN08_OSTL geoid points were measured according to the RUFRIS method to
models. The differences are evident along the East Link project. estimate their coordinates. At the same time, the heights of
these points were determined with traditional leveling. Using
the Swedish national geoid model (SWEN08_RH2000) as the
basis for computations, the standard deviation of the height
differences from RUFRIS and leveling becomes around 11
millimeters. A modified geoid model for the project,
SWEN08_OSTL, was introduced in this study as well. Further
computations applying this new model yield a standard
deviation of 7 millimeters for the determined height differences
between RUFRIS and leveling. These results indicate that it is
indeed possible to use the RUFRIS method in estimating the
height component of points in projects where an uncertainty of
for instance 1 centimeter is required.
The first author thanks the WSP Group in Sweden for
financially supporting his PhD study. The Swedish Transport
Fig. 4. Comparing the obtained heights from RUFRIS and leveling for Administration (Trafikverket) is also very much acknowledged
established points along the East Link project. The RUFRIS heights were for supporting the project: “RUFRIS as an alternative method
computed based on the SWEN08_RH2000 geoid model. The upward arrows for determination of height, a verification study”.
show positive differences in subtracting leveled heights from RUFRIS
heights. Contrariewise, the downward arrows represent the negative REFERENCES
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