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Green Prosperity and Poverty Reduction

Robert Pollin, Jeannette Wicks-Lim & Heidi Garrett-Peltier
Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

July 2009
Low-income households in Montana could receive significant The impact would be particularly strong for workers with lower
benefits from clean-energy investment in the state. These po- levels of education. In Table 3, we categorize the jobs that
tential benefits would include a substantial expansion in job would be added by investing in clean energy according to three
opportunities, especially for people with high school degrees or categories: ‘college degree jobs,’ requiring at least a B.A. de-
less; rising wages; reduced home heating and utility costs; and gree; ‘some college jobs,’ requiring some college but not a
improved access and convenience for public transportation. All B.A.; and ‘high school or less jobs.’ This last category includes
of these benefits would be in addition to the environmental jobs that tend to offer decent opportunities for advancement
gains achieved through large-scale investments in energy effi- and higher wages over time, such as jobs in construction,
ciency and renewable energy (see Table 1). manufacturing and transportation. These jobs are in contrast
to ‘high school or less’ jobs in hotels, restaurants, and per-
These benefits will be encouraged by the clean-energy fea-
sonal service industries, where opportunities for advancement
tures of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the
are much lower.
February 2009 Obama stimulus program. They will also be
supported by the American Clean Energy and Security Act, now As Table 3 shows, this shift of $457 million from fossil fuels to
being considered in Congress. Among the features of this clean energy will produce over 2,000 new ‘high school or less’
pending bill are measures to ensure that low-income house- jobs (roughly half of all jobs generated by clean-energy invest-
holds will not be affected by possible future oil, gas, and coal ments in Montana), including almost 2,000 of those jobs that
price increases tied to the legislation. tend to offer opportunities for rising earnings over time.

Below, we look at the potential impact on Montana of an econ-

omy-wide $150 billion shift in spending from fossil fuels to TABLE 1. BENEFITS FROM A CLEAN-ENERGY INVESTMENT
clean energy. According to a recent study by PERI and the Cen- PROGRAM FOR LOW-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS
ter for American Progress, based on the state’s current popu-
lation and the size of its economy, that would bring roughly 1) New jobs • 6,303 new jobs overall
$457 million in clean-energy investments into Montana.* This created • 2,364 jobs for workers with high school
is equivalent to over one percent of all economic activity in the degrees or less
state in 2008.
2) Falling • Earnings could rise 2.5% for low-income
unemployment workers as unemployment in Montana falls
In Montana, investment in a clean-energy economy would
produces rising by over one percentage point
produce 6,303 jobs, over 2,000 for workers with high school wages
degrees or less, and cut unemployment by over one
3) Benefits of • Retrofits could reduce living costs by
percentage point. retrofitting up to 4%
EMPLOYMENT 4) Improved • Increasing public transit use could reduce
A $457 million investment in clean energy in Montana would public living costs by 1-4% for households near
transportation urban centers
create a net expansion of 6,303 jobs there, based on the state’s
• Households that forego the use of one car
labor market in 2008 (see Table 2). This would be enough to
could reduce living costs by about 10%
reduce unemployment in the state by 1.3 percentage points,
from 4.5 to 3.2 percent as of 2008. A reduction in unemploy-
ment of this amount could, in turn, lead to a rise in the average
wage for workers in the state of two and a half percent.
* Pollin, Robert, James Heintz, and Heidi Garrett-Peltier. 2009. “The Economic Bene-
fits of Investing in Clean Energy: How the economic stimulus program and new legis-
lation will boost U.S. economic growth and employment,” Washington, DC: Center for
American Progress.


Montana has a relatively old housing stock and a cold climate. TABLE 2. NET EMPLOYMENT EXPANSION THROUGH

This means significant opportunities exist for achieving energy $457 MILLION SHIFT FROM FOSSIL FUELS TO CLEAN
savings for low-income people through building retrofits.
Specifically, energy costs for the existing housing stock could
Job creation 6,303 jobs
fall enough for homeowners and renters to achieve energy
savings in the range of four percent of their overall incomes. Unemployment rate before clean- 4.5 %
energy investments
In Montana, homeowners and renters could save up to 4 Unemployment rate after clean- 3.2%
percent of their income by investing in retrofits, and 1 to 4 energy investments
percent of their living costs through increased access to source: 2004-2008 Current Population Survey; Bureau of Labor
public transportation. Statistics 2008, I M P L A N .

For the 70 percent of state residents who own their homes, TABLE 3. BREAKDOWN OF NET JOB EXPANSION BY FORMAL
retrofits (such as replacing windows or upgrading insulation) EDUCATION CREDENTIALS
could be facilitated by organizations such as banks, utilities or
non-profit community groups who could provide financing and College degree jobs 1,762
• B.A. or above (28.0% of clean-energy jobs)
management, thereby relieving individuals of the need to take
• $18.90 average wage
the initiative and bear the up-front costs of arranging retrofits
of their homes. For the 30 percent of households who rent, Some college jobs 2,178
policies will need to ensure that renters, not just landlords, • some college but not B.A. (34.5% of clean-energy jobs)
receive benefits from energy efficiency investments. Renters • $13.00 average wage
who pay utility bills directly would see their bills fall in propor- High school or less jobs 2,364
tion to the overall energy savings, sharing the benefit with their • high school degree or less (37.5% of clean-energy jobs)
landlords. Renters in subsidized housing, who typically do not • $12.00 average wage
pay for their utilities directly, should see their fixed rents re- High school or less jobs with 1,811
duced proportionally to the reduction in energy costs. decent earnings potential (28.7%of clean-energy jobs)
• $15.00 average wage
source: 2004-2008 Current Population Survey; I M P L A N .
Households in Montana could save in the range of 1 - 4 per-
cent of their incomes if they increase their use of public
The full report from which the data in this fact sheet are drawn
transportation to between 25 percent and 50 percent of their
can be found at
local travel. Households that forego the use of one car could
reduce their living costs by roughly 10 percent. Media inquiries can be addressed to:
Montana currently has limited public transportation NRDC:
availability, in part because of the state’s low population Green For All:
density. A clean-energy investment agenda would therefore More information on these organizations can be found at
be most effective if focused in the most densely populated / /
areas within Montana, where it could provide a significant
improvement in the living standard for some low-income
households. Experiences in the region with the joint federal,
state and local government Job Access and Reverse Com-
mute program may offer useful lessons on how to expand
public transportation in ways that are most beneficial to low-
income people.

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