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Planning Portfolio – II
City Level Planning
Bhimavaram Draft Development
Plan -2041

Submitted by:
ROLL NO: 1718/22
2 Semester – Associateship, ITPI


Planning Portfolio – II | C.2.5 Bhimavaram Master Plan - 2041

Icon of “Bhimavaram”

“Somarama Temple” of Gunupudi, Bhimavaram

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Planning Portfolio – II | C.2.5 Bhimavaram Master Plan - 2041

I certify that

a) The work contained in this report has been done by me under the guidance of my
b) The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for any degree or diploma.
c) I have conformed to the norms and guidelines given in the Ethical Code of Conduct of
the Institute.
d) Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, figures, and text) from other
sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the thesis and giving
their details in the references. Further, I have taken permission from the copyright
owners of the sources, whenever necessary.

Date: Signature of the Student

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Planning Portfolio – II | C.2.5 Bhimavaram Master Plan - 2041

I am really grateful for the opportunity and challenge that was given to
me and I am happy to report the findings of my study and design in this report of
City Level Planning ( Planning Portifolio - II ) under the guidance of Prof. ------
--------------------, School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada.

I am grateful to Mr.Bathula Malleswara Rao ( Student of M.U.R.P,

IIEST, Howrah)

The assignment could not be completed without they support and guidance. I
would like to express my gratitude to my classmates for their support and help.


--------------------, Prof. of SPA Vijayawada.

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Planning Portfolio – II | C.2.5 Bhimavaram Master Plan - 2041

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 : Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Master plan ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Need of Master plan in India ................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Benefits of Master planning .................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 2 : Town Profile .............................................................................................................. 2
2.1 General Details ...................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Historical Background........................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Administrative Boundary ...................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Redefined Municipal Boundary- GO: 17, 2020 .................................................................... 4
Chapter 3 : Town characteristics ................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Regional setting ..................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Road connectivity ........................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Rail connectivity ............................................................................................................. 7
3.1.3 Air connectivity .............................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Demographic profile ............................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Demographics in Area of Interest (Master Plan) ...................................................................... 8
3.4 Sex Ratio ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.5 Age sex Pyramid ................................................................................................................... 11
3.6 Population Projection of erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipal Area ...................................... 12
3.7 Literacy Rate ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.8 Economic Base .................................................................................................................... 13
3.8.1 Working Population of Bhimavaram ............................................................................ 13
3.9 Industries ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.10 Housing ............................................................................................................................. 16
3.10.1 Housing Scenario in Bhimavaram .............................................................................. 16
3.10.2 Number of households with condition of houses ....................................................... 17
3.10.3 Ownership Status ........................................................................................................ 18
3.10.4 Housing need .............................................................................................................. 19
3.11 Slums ................................................................................................................................. 20

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3.11.1 Slums in Bhimavaram ................................................................................................ 20

3.12 Physiography ..................................................................................................................... 21
3.13 Climate .............................................................................................................................. 21
Chapter 4 : Survey ...................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 5 : Bhimavaram old Master Plan ............................................................................... 24
5.1 Review of the Proposed land use 1987 ............................................................................... 24
5.2 Housing, Public and semi-public proposals ........................................................................ 24
5.3 Commercial proposals ........................................................................................................ 25
5.4 Transportation proposals ..................................................................................................... 25
5.5 Industrial proposals ............................................................................................................ 25
5.6 Observations from Old Master Plan .................................................................................... 25
Chapter 6 : Existing Master Plan – 2041 .................................................................................. 26
6.1 Vision .................................................................................................................................. 26
6.2 Aim / Goals ......................................................................................................................... 26
6.3 Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 27
6.4 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 27
6.5 Existing land use pattern ..................................................................................................... 27
6.6 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 7 : Appraisal of Approved Master Plan - 2041 ......................................................... 34
7.1 Deviation ............................................................................................................................. 34
7.2 Residential land use ............................................................................................................. 34
7.3 Commercial land use ........................................................................................................... 34
7.4 Transportation and Communications land use .................................................................... 34
7.5 Recreational land use .......................................................................................................... 35
7.6 Public and Semi Public land use ......................................................................................... 35
7.7 Agriculture and Aquaculture land use ................................................................................. 35
7.8 Open space .......................................................................................................................... 35
7.9 Industrial land use ............................................................................................................... 35
7.10 Change of Land Use .......................................................................................................... 37
7.10.1 Green to Residential, Vissakoderu ............................................................................. 37

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7.10.2 Green to Residential, Kovvada ................................................................................... 38

7.10.3 Light industrial to Residential .................................................................................... 39
7.10.4 Heathcare to Residential in Gunupudi ........................................................................ 40
7.10.5 Deletion of Master Plan Roads ................................................................................... 41
7.10.6 Deletion of Master Plan Roads ................................................................................... 42
7.11 Key concerns associated with changing land use.............................................................. 43
7.12 Solutions for change of land use ....................................................................................... 43
Chapter 8 : Physical Infrastructure .......................................................................................... 44
8.1 Water supply ....................................................................................................................... 44
8.1.1 Sources of Water Supply in Bhimavaram Municipality (erstwhile) ................................ 44
8.1.2 Existing water supply situation..................................................................................... 45
8.1.3 Water Treatment Plant .................................................................................................. 45
8.1.4 Services Reservoirs....................................................................................................... 46
8.1.5 Distribution network ..................................................................................................... 46
8.1.6 Service Level Benchmark of Water Supply ..................................................................... 47
8.2 Sewerage and sanitation ...................................................................................................... 48
8.2.1 Existing sewerage and sanitation system...................................................................... 48
8.2.2 Sewage Treatment Plant ............................................................................................... 49
8.2.3 Solid waste management ................................................................................................. 49
8.2.4 Key issues and concerns ................................................................................................... 52
8.3 Electricity ............................................................................................................................ 53
Chapter 9 : Social Infrastructure .............................................................................................. 54
9.1 Educational facilities ........................................................................................................... 54
9.2 Health facilities ................................................................................................................... 55
9.3 Community facilities ........................................................................................................... 56
9.4 Open and Green spaces ....................................................................................................... 57
9.5 Police station and Fire station ............................................................................................. 58
Chapter 10 : Spatial growth of the city ..................................................................................... 59
10.1 Spatial growth direction .................................................................................................... 59
Chapter 11 : Evaluation of Land Uses ...................................................................................... 61

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11.1 Agriculture ........................................................................................................................ 61

11.1.1 Cropping Pattern ......................................................................................................... 61
11.1.2 Paddy Cultivation ....................................................................................................... 61
11.1.3 Aquaculture ................................................................................................................ 62
11.1.4 Key Concerns ............................................................................................................. 62
11.1.5 Proposals ..................................................................................................................... 63
11.2 Traffic and Transportation ................................................................................................ 64
11.2.1 Existing traffic and transportation scenario ................................................................ 64
11.2.2 Major Roads in Bhimavaram ...................................................................................... 65
11.2.3 Road Hierarchy ........................................................................................................... 65
11.2.4 Road Density .............................................................................................................. 65
11.2.5 Public Transport Profile - APSRTC Bus Services ..................................................... 66
11.2.6 Private Bus Services ................................................................................................... 66
11.2.7 Intermediate para-transits ........................................................................................... 66
11.2.8 Auto Services .............................................................................................................. 67
11.2.9 Taxi Services .............................................................................................................. 67
11.2.10 Circulation Path ........................................................................................................ 67
11.2.11 Traffic Regulatory Measures .................................................................................... 68
11.2.12 Parking Facilities ...................................................................................................... 68
11.2.13 Proposals ................................................................................................................... 68
11.2.14 Promoting NMT as Sustainable Transport Solution to Bhimavaram ....................... 69
Bus Terminal Relocation ....................................................................................................... 71

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List of Tables
Table 1: Brief details about Bhimavaram ....................................................................................... 2
Table 2 : The extent of New Bhimavaram Municipality ................................................................ 4
Table 3 : The extent of area for the Erstwhile and New Municipal Boundary ............................... 4
Table 4 : Demographic details of Region and State ....................................................................... 8
Table 5 : Population Trend in Area of Interest ............................................................................... 9
Table 6 : Population Projection of erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipal Area ................................. 12
Table 7 : Literacy Rate in Study Area .......................................................................................... 12
Table 8 : Area wise distribution of Households with Condition of House ................................... 17
Table 9 : Distribution of Households with Ownership Status in the Master Plan AOI ................ 18
Table 10 : Calculations for housing shortage- New Bhimavaram Municipal Boundary .............. 19
Table 11 : List Surveys ................................................................................................................. 22
Table 12 : Comparison of existing land use of erstwhile Bhimavaram with URDPFI guidelines 32
Table 13 : comparison of existing land use of New Bhimavaram municipality with URDPFI
guidelines ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Table 14 : Deviations in different types of land uses.................................................................... 34
Table 15 : Zone wise assessment for storage tank ........................................................................ 45
Table 16 : Various WTP Schemes ................................................................................................ 45
Table 17 : Existing Elevated Service Reservoirs in Bhimavaram Municipality (2019) ............... 46
Table 18 : Zone wise Street Length with water distribution pipeline (kms) ................................ 47
Table 19 : Service level benchmark for water supply in Bhimavaram ......................................... 47
Table 20 : Particulars of various sewage treatment processes ...................................................... 49
Table 21 : Waste Generated in each ward (Existing) ................................................................... 49
Table 22 : Service level Bench mark and Gaps ............................................................................ 51
Table 23 : Requirement of school facilities for projected population .......................................... 54
Table 24 : Requirement of Health facilities in Bhimavaram Municipality .................................. 55
Table 25 : Requirement of Community facilities in Bhimavaram Municipality .......................... 56
Table 26 : Requirement of Open and green spaces in Bhimavaram municipality........................ 57
Table 27 : Proposed open spaces in the municipality ................................................................... 57
Table 28 : Requirements of safety and security facilities ............................................................. 58
Table 29 : Aquaculture Production details.................................................................................... 62
Table 30 : Value Chain ................................................................................................................. 63
Table 31 :List of Major roads ...................................................................................................... 65
Table 32 : Traffic Regulatory Measures ....................................................................................... 68

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List of Maps
Map 1: Bhimavaram New Municipal boundary ............................................................................. 5
Map 2 : Location of villages surrounding Municipality area. ....................................................... 6
Map 3 : Area of Interest of GIS Based Master Plan of erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipality
(2019) .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Map 4 : Regional Connectivity of Bhimavaram Municipality ....................................................... 7
Map 5 : Map showing Population growth AOI in 2001-2011 ...................................................... 10
Map 6 : Distribution of Population in Bhimavaram Municipality ................................................ 10
Map 7 : Occupation Structure of new Bhimavaram municipality area ........................................ 14
Map 8 : Map Showing Area under Agriculture in Master Plan Area ........................................... 15
Map 9 : Ward wise average HH size in the Municipal area ......................................................... 16
Map 10 : Slums and its zones. ...................................................................................................... 20
Map 11 : Bhimavaram Old Master Plan ....................................................................................... 25
Map 12 : Map showing existing land use of Erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipality ..................... 30
Map 13 : Map showing existing land use in the New Bhimavaram Municipal boundary............ 31
Map 14 : Proposed Draft Land use map of Bhimavaram ............................................................. 36
Map 15 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality .................................................................... 37
Map 16 : Change of Land Use ...................................................................................................... 37
Map 17 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality .................................................................... 38
Map 18 : Change of Land Use ...................................................................................................... 38
Map 19 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality .................................................................... 39
Map 20 : Change of Land Use ...................................................................................................... 39
Map 21 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality .................................................................... 40
Map 22 : Map 20 : Change of Land Use ....................................................................................... 40
Map 23 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality .................................................................... 41
Map 24 : Change of Land Use ...................................................................................................... 41
Map 25 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality .................................................................... 42
Map 26 : Change of Land Use ...................................................................................................... 42
Map 27 : Water transmission from source to ELSR ..................................................................... 44
Map 28 : Drainage Zones in Bhimavaram Municipality .............................................................. 48
Map 29 : ward wise waste generation map of Bhimavaram ......................................................... 51
Map 30 : High tension lines/ Coverage map ................................................................................. 53
Map 31 : Urban Highways ............................................................................................................ 64
Map 32 : Circulation Map ............................................................................................................. 67
Map 33 : Conceptual diagram ....................................................................................................... 69
Map 34 : Proposed off-street parking facility ............................................................................... 70
Map 35 : Proposed new location for bus stand ............................................................................. 72

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List of Figures
Figure 1: Eastern Chalukyan Dynasty ............................................................................................ 3
Figure 2 :Comparison of Sex Ratio in Bhimavaram with District and State ................................ 11
Figure 3 : Age Pyramid Source: Census 2011 .............................................................................. 11
Figure 4 : Comparison of WFPR of AOI with District and State ................................................. 13
Figure 5 : Decadal Variation of WFPR of Bhimavaram ............................................................... 14
Figure 6 : Workers Classification ................................................................................................. 14
Figure 7 : Corp pattern new Bhimavaram municipality area ........................................................ 16
Figure 8 : Annual Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature ............................................ 21
Figure 9 : Proposed land use ......................................................................................................... 36
Figure 10 : Spatial growth ( Built up – 2010) ............................................................................... 59
Figure 11 : Spatial growth ( Built up – 2015) ............................................................................... 60
Figure 12 : Spatial growth ( Built up – 2020) ............................................................................... 60
Figure 13 : Crop pattern ................................................................................................................ 61
Figure 14 : Functional Hierarchy .................................................................................................. 65
Figure 15 : Road Length Distribution ........................................................................................... 66
Figure 16 : Off street parking area ................................................................................................ 70
Figure 17 : New Bus terminal facilities ........................................................................................ 71

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Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Master plan
The Master Plan is a land use and infrastructure plan that sets forth local goals, objectives and
policies for community growth and/or redevelopment over the next 20- 30 years. It has
sometimes been referred to as a comprehensive plan, future land use plan, basic plan, general
plan or other term. The Master Plan serves as the basis for the local zoning ordinance,
subdivision regulations, other local land use regulations, and for ensuring that capital
improvements are consistent with the community goals and policies expressed in the master plan.

The Master Plan is a guide for land use for the future. The Master Plan contains a future land use
plan and map; this is often mistaken for zoning. A future land use map is a planning tool used to
determine what development should occur and where over the next 20 years. The zoning map
shows where the current restrictions are. A future land use map does not mean a property is re-
zoned or will be re-zoned. It is a planning tool only.

1.2 Need of Master plan in India

In developing countries like India, the development projects could be planned in a much more
integrated and efficient manner responding to project specific challenges. This should help in
eliminating the poorly planned projects resulting in decreased quality of built and natural
environment. Many clients often tend to merge the process of master planning with building
design due to their lack of understanding or due to the perception that building design takes care
of master planning and separately hiring a master planner is a luxury and not a necessity.

While it is important to make sure the project meets its maximum commercial potential to start
with, it is equally important to look at long-term sustainability of the project by focusing on a
good quality master plan backed by robust urban design, sustainability and place making
principles. This will increase the quality of environment as well as it will attract further
investments increasing the real estate value of the project as well as its surrounding assets in
multiple folds.

1.3 Benefits of Master planning

Master plan has innumerable benefits to both the investors and the users. It provides a road map
for all future development decisions on a project. The success rate of master planned projects is
much higher than unplanned ones. In the long run, a good master plan helps in cutting down
project cost by effective planning of utilities, street network, materials and climate responsive
design. It develops taking inputs from the involved stakeholders and investors, thus avoiding
conflict of interests in future.

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Chapter 2 : Town Profile

2.1 General Details
Bhimavaram is Selection Grade Municipality in West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh with
population of 1.4 lakhs as per census 2011 and an administrative capital of Bhimavaram Mandal.
Eluru Municipal Corporation is the District headquarters located at a distance of 60 km and 145
km from the State Capital Amravati. It is located at 16.50N 80.640E latitude and longitude and
has an average elevation of 7 m above the Mean Sea Level.

Table 1: Brief details about Bhimavaram

Brief details about Bhimavaram

Municipality Selection Grade Municipality
Population Erstwhile Bhimavaram - 1, 42,184 (as per Census 2011);
Growth Rate(2001-11)-3.48%
New Bhimavaram Municipality -1,65,446 (as per Census 2011);
Growth Rate (2001-11)-3.19%
Area Bhimavaram Town (Erstwhile area)- 25.64 sq. km;
Density (2011) - 55 pph
Bhimavaram Municipality (New Municipal Boundary area)- 48.95
Sq. Km;
Density (2011) - 34 pph
Working Population WPR 36.04 % (2011)
District West Godavari
District Head Eluru (Located at 60 km from Bhimavaram Municipality)
Connectivity Road Network
NH-165 Pamarru - Narasapuram Road (NH-214) SH-63 Gudivada -
Mudinepalle - Bhimavaram
Rail Network - Gudiwada Junction to Nidadavole Junction
Airport - Rajahmundry Airport (RJA) at 90 Km by road Vijayawada
International Airport (VGA) at 100 km by road
Population Share Holds 17.5 % of district urban population, 2nd most populous
municipality in the district (Eluru Municipal Corporation)
Importance One of the major agriculture processing zones of AP. Principal Trade
center in the District. Aquaculture, Food Processing and Rice mills
are the major economic agents, which recorded highest GVA in the
State. Bhimavaram Mandal occupies the 1st Position with a GVA of
Rs. 1293 Crores in Agriculture
& Allied Sector in the State.
Source : BDP - 2041

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2.2 Historical Background

Bhimavaram means "the gift of Bhima". Bhimavaram was named after Chalukya Bhima of
Vengi, who constructed the temple of Lord Beemeswara in the town. Two important temples are
situated in Bhimavaram, one is Someswara Swamy temple and another one is Sri Mavullamma
Temple. Someswara Swamy temple is one of the Pancharamakshetra. The temples draw pilgrims
from various places all over the country predominantly from State of Andhra Pradesh and
Karnataka. On an average the city receives floating population of about 50,000. Bhimavaram
Municipality is divided into 39 wards with an average population of 3600 in each ward.

Figure 1: Eastern Chalukyan Dynasty

2.3 Administrative Boundary

A total of nine urban local bodies are situated in West Godavari District where Bhimavaram is
the second most populous municipality after Eluru Municipal Corporation. Within the radius of
35 km from the urban agglomeration of Bhimavaram 5 out of 8 urban local bodies are situated
and well connected by state roads.

Based Master Plan for Bhimavaram Municipality (2041) confines to the total extent of 65.09 sq
km, which include Bhimavaram Municipality (erstwhile) and 8 villages (i.e., 6 village in
Bhimavaram Mandal and 2 villages in Palacoderu Mandal).

Based on census 2011, the total population of master plan area is 1.81 lakh of which 80% lives in
erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipality. The remaining 8 villages, which are the fringe areas of
municipality characterized by higher population growth and rapid spatial expansions have 20%
population spread over 60% of the total area.

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2.4 Redefined Municipal Boundary- GO: 17, 2020

Recently, the municipal boundary of Bhimavaram is redefined based on the GO No. 17 of 2020
dt. 31-12-2020. Accordingly, the new Bhimavaram municipal boundary includes the Taderu,
Rayalam, Chinnamiram, Kovvada, Annavaram villages and Bhimavaram town. The extent of the
new Bhimavaram municipal

Table 2 : The extent of New Bhimavaram Municipality

S.N Name of the Village Mandals Extent of Extent of Village (in
o Village(in acres) Sq. Km)
1 Taderu 2219.61 8.98
2 Rayalam 1014.85 4.11
3 Chinamiram Bhimavaram 1189.78 4.81
Kovvada 551.16 2.23
Annavaram 785.50 3.18
5 Bhimavaram Town 6335.78 25.64
Total Extent 12096.68 48.95
Source : BDP - 2041

Table 3 : The extent of area for the Erstwhile and New Municipal Boundary
Erstwhile Extent of New Municipal Extent of Extent of
Municipal the Area Boundary the Area Area of Interest the Area
Boundary in in in
Bhimavaram 25.64 Bhimavaram Town 25.96
Taderu 8.98 Taderu 9.03
Rayalam 4.11 Rayalam 4.18
Chinamiram 4.81 Chinamiram 4.77
Bhimavaram 25.64 Kovvada 2.23 Kovvada 2.2
Town Annavaram 3.18 Annavaram 3.19
Kumudavalli 4.66
Vissakoderu 9.26
Narashimapura m 1.84
Total Extent 25.64 48.95 (1 Municipality + 65.09
3 Villages)
Source : BDP - 2041

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Map 1: Bhimavaram New Municipal boundary

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Map 2 : Location of villages surrounding Municipality area.

Map 3 : Area of Interest of GIS Based Master Plan of erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipality (2019)

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Chapter 3 : Town characteristics

3.1 Regional setting
3.1.1 Road connectivity
Bhimavaram Municipality is well connected through NH 214 (Bhimavaram to Gudiwada), NH
165 (Pamarru to Palakollu), SH-42 (Bhimavaram to Tadepalligudem) and other SH and MDRs to
major cities, industrial nodes, and other parts of the State. The NH 16, part of Golden
Quadrilateral project connecting all the major important nodes and cities in India is connected
through State major roads at a distance of 40 km.

3.1.2 Rail connectivity

Bhimavaram is located on the Nidadavole-Narsapur broad-guage line of the South Central
Railway and has two stations, Bhimavaram town station and Bhimavaram Junction railway

3.1.3 Air connectivity

The nearest Airport (Rajahmundry- RJA) is located at a distance of 90 Km and Vijayawada
International Airport (VGA) at a distance of 100 km by road.

Map 4 : Regional Connectivity of Bhimavaram Municipality

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3.2 Demographic profile

Urbanization has been regarded as one of the important pillars to sustain the projected economic
growth trends of our country. The estimates of the existing research studies on urbanization
indicate that by 2031, 40 percent of the total India's population will live in urban areas and India
continues to rank as the second most populous country in the world after China. Therefore, even
though India's level of urbanization continues to be low and its urban population growth rate is
not among the fastest in the world, it is important to study the phenomenon of urbanization in
India as its magnitude is so large in absolute numbers.

Table 4 : Demographic details of Region and State

Region/ULB Urban population Urban population growth
1991 2001 2011 1991-2001 2001-2011
Andhra Pradesh 1,78,90,652 2,08,08,940 2,82,19,075 16% 35.6%
West Godavari 7,28,226 7,50,887 8,08,777 3.1% 7.7%
Bhimavaram 1,37,409 1,42,184 - 3.5%
Bhimavaram 1,21,314 1,42,064 1,46,961 17.1% 3.5%
Source : BDP - 2041

As per 2011 Census, the level of urbanization in Andhra Pradesh was 33.49 percent with a
decadal growth rate of 35.61 percent, which is relatively higher as compared to the national
average of 31.8 percent between 2001 and 2011. The benchmark region of Bhimavaram, i.e., the
West Godavari District holds 20.5 percent of the state’s urban population as on 2011.

Bhimavaram, a selection grade municipality is the second most populous urban area in the West
Godavari District and ranks 22nd in the state with respect to population size, also shares 17.5
percent of the total urban population in West Godavari District. As compared to the national and
the state, Bhimavaram municipality (erstwhile) has the lowest urban growth rates between 2001
and 2011.

3.3 Demographics in Area of Interest (Master Plan)

According to census 2011, the total population of the Master Plan area, including the AOI is
180961 of which 91.42% lives in Bhimavaram Municipality (erstwhile). The remaining 3
villages, which are the fringe areas of municipality, characterized with relatively lower
population growth have about 8.57% population spread over 21.8% of the total area. The average
population size of these master plan villages is 5171 and Narasimhapuram is the least populated
village. These revenue villages in Master Plan area have recorded an average population growth
rate of 2.9% between 2001 and 2011. Which is higher than Bhimavaram Municipality (erstwhile)
and district urban population.

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Table 5 : Population Trend in Area of Interest

Municipality Population Growth Rate Density in PPH
Village 1991 2001 2011 1991-200 2001- 2001 2011
Bhimavaram (M) 121314 137409 142184 13.27% 3.48% 52.6 55.5
Bhimavaram - 142064 146961 - 3.45% - -
(M+OG) - A
Rayalam (R) 4969 3990 5863 -19.70% 46.94% 9.5 14
Chinnamiram 4932 4182 4699 -15.20% 12.36% 8.8 9.9
Kovvada 2108 2283 2861 8.30% 25.32% 10.4 13
Annavaram 1091 1474 1396 35.10% -5.29% 4.6 4.4
Taderu 3414 3645 3666 6.80% 0.58% 4 4.1
Bhimavaram 137828 157638 165446 5% 12.41% 31.1 32.6
Municipal Area-
Kumudavalli 3793 4123 4236 8.70% 2.74% 8.8 9.1
Vissakoderu 8162 8829 9204 8.20% 4.25% 9.5 9.9
Narsimhapuram 1674 2122 2075 26.70% -2.21% 11.5 11.3
Area of Intere 13629 15074 15515 14.53% 1.59% 10.72 11.03
Master Plan Are 172712 180961 4.77% 26 27
Source : BDP -

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Map 5 : Map showing Population growth AOI in 2001-2011

Map 6 : Distribution of Population in Bhimavaram Municipality

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3.4 Sex Ratio

The Sex Ratio in Andhra Pradesh and West Godavari is 997 and 1004 females per thousand
males as per census 2011. A significant decrease in Sex ratio is seen in Bhimavaram and the
West Godavari district during this time span.

Figure 2 :Comparison of Sex Ratio in Bhimavaram with District and State

3.5 Age sex Pyramid

According to Census 2011, Bhimavaram (erstwhile) falls under Constrictive Age-sex Pyramid.
The percentage of younger population in Bhimavaram (erstwhile) is lower. There are more
people in their 20's in both the genders and it is significantly higher than the percentage of
infants falling in the age band of 0-9 years. In Bhimavaram (erstwhile) the ratio of dependent
population is higher. Child dependency ratio comprises of 21.9 percent and aged dependency
ratio comprises of 9.6 percent.

Figure 3 : Age Pyramid Source: Census 2011

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3.6 Population Projection of erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipal Area

The master plan area is projected to accommodate 2.46 lakh population by 2041 and 82% of the
projected population will be residing in Bhimavaram Municipality (erstwhile). Based on the
table 3.12, Bhimavaram Municipality (erstwhile) is estimated to have a population of 1.6 lakh in
the base year, i.e. 2021.

Table 6 : Population Projection of erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipal Area

Year Arithmetic (AM) Geometric Incremental Average of AM_GM_IM
(GM) (IM)
2021 1,61,857 1,82,294 1,58,065 1,67,405
2026 1,71,411 2,06,411 1,67,613 1,81,905
2031 1,81,529 2,33,718 1,77,738 1,97,662
2036 1,91,113 2,64,639 1,87,316 2,14,491
2041 2,01,202 2,99,650 1,97,410 2,32,754
Source : BDP - 2041

3.7 Literacy Rate

The literacy rate of Bhimavaram Municipality (erstwhile) has increased to 76 percent in 2011
from 72 percent in 2001, which is higher than the state's average of 73 percent. Rayalam and
Chinnamiram revenue villages have relatively higher literacy levels and the rest of the villages
have 65% of literacy.

Table 7 : Literacy Rate in Study Area

Area Literacy Rate
New Bhimavaram Municipality
Bhimavaram 75.77
Rayalam 72.93
Chinnamiram 71.42
Kovvada 62.36
Annavaram 67.55
Taderu 66.91
Villages in AOI
Kumudavalli 66.53
Vissakoderu 68.69
Narsimhapuram 63.81
Source : BDP - 2041

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3.8 Economic Base

Urban areas play an important role in economic development. Understanding the economic base
of the city and its region, driving forces for economic growth and needs of the region become
important for spatial planners and city administration in order to achieve the optimum and
sustainable economic development in the master plan area.

Bhimavaram is located in the epicenter of the Godavari delta region. It is known for aquaculture
business, being the largest producer of Vannamei shrimp, which also serves as one of the
principal trade centers of paddy in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Agriculture and allied activities
(including aqua-culture) have been the primary occupation of Bhimavaram Mandal. Based on the
Handbook of Statistics, 2017 of Andhra Pradesh, the Gross Value Added (GVA) of the
agriculture and allied activities in Bhimavaram Mandal ranks first position in the district and
third position in the State during 2015-16. Due to the presence of a large network of water drains
such as Enamadurru drain, Rayalam drain and Dirsumarru drain, Bhimavaram region has
become one of the strategic locations for aquaculture activity in the district. It is one of the
biggest marketing centers for aquaculture (fish and prawn farming) in India.

Agriculture-based businesses like food processing, aqua culture, rice mills etc., are the chief
sources of the town's revenue. The town also serves as an important distribution center as well as
commercial center to its hinterland.

Traditionally this area has been one of the large producers of paddy (rice) in the State, but more
recently it has observed that farmers have higher interest towards aquaculture and conversion of
rich agricultural lands has taken place. It is assumed that the conversion of agriculture land into
aquaculture is due to the higher economic returns.

3.8.1 Working Population of Bhimavaram

As per Census 2011, Work Force Participation Rate (WFPR) is 37.3% accounting for total
working population 67,453. Significant working population comes from Bhimavaram Municipal
and outgrowths accounting for 79% of total working population in the master plan area, while
villages contribute to 21% of total workforce.

Figure 4 : Comparison of WFPR of AOI with District and State

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Figure 5 : Decadal Variation of WFPR of Bhimavaram

Figure 6 : Workers Classification

Map 7 : Occupation Structure of new Bhimavaram municipality area

Source: Census, 2011

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3.9 Industries
Industries are the contributor of economy and provider of employment of a city. Bhimavaram
has nearly 69 industries, of which basic major industries are rice mills, ice factory, prawn and
fishery industry, biscuit factory etc. In Municipal area there are rice mills, prawn and fishery
industries and biscuit industry. The AOI also has rice mills, prawn and fishery industries. The
raw materials used in rice-mills is paddy and it is obtained from agriculture fields in around the
Bhimavaram, and the raw material used in the prawn and fish industry is obtained from the
cultured prawns and fishes from aquaculture ponds in Bhimavaram region.

According to DIC report of MSME Govt. of India, Potential activities identified for industries in
Bhimavaram are as follows:

1. Aqua Culture based Industries: Ice Blocks, Prawn Processing, Fish processing units.
Fish and prawn Feed units.
2.Agricultural commodities based Industries: Rice Mills, coconut processing, Solvent oils
extraction units, Palm kernel oil, Jaggary manufacturing.
3.Fruit based industries: Mango, Guava pulp based Industries. I.e. Mango pulp, guava pulp,
mango jelly, Pickles, fruit jams etc.

Map 8 : Map Showing Area under Agriculture in Master Plan Area

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Figure 7 : Corp pattern new Bhimavaram municipality area

Source: APSAC Aquaculture Info. System, Census, 2011

3.10 Housing
3.10.1 Housing Scenario in Bhimavaram
The total number of households in the Area of Interest and Municipal Area is 48285 and 39174

Map 9 : Ward wise average HH size in the Municipal area

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3.10.2 Number of households with condition of houses

The number and share of households according to the condition of house provides with the
character of housing in the AOI also the indication of age of the house in which they are
residing. Rayalam and Bhimavaram Municipality (erstwhile) have the highest share in
households living in houses with good condition with 77.9% and 77.4% respectively. AOI has
75% of households living in houses with good condition. Annavaram, Kumudavalli,
Narsimhapuram and Taderu has households living in houses with livable condition varying from
35 to 45%. Annavaram has the highest share of households living in dilapidated conditions.

Table 8 : Area wise distribution of Households with Condition of House

No. of Households with condition of houses
Name of the House-
area holds %/No. Good Liveable Dilapidated

AOI 48285 % 75 22.3 2.7

No. 36193 10779 1313
New Bhimavaram Municipal Boundary
Bhimavaram (M 39174 % 77.4 20.1 2.5
+ OG) No. 30321 7874 979
Annavaram 404 % 51.8 39.3 8.8
No. 209 159 36
Kovvada 819 % 69.4 29.3 1.3
No. 568 240 11
Chinnamiram 1267 % 65.9 28.9 5.3
(Part) No. 835 366 67
Rayalam 1116 % 77.9 18.3 3.7
(R) (Part) No. 869 204 41
Taderu 1031 % 58.7 37 4.3
No. 605 381 44
Villages in the AOI
Narsimhapuram 589 % 60.2 36.7 3.1
No. 355 216 18
Kumudavalli 1287 % 52.4 44.2 3.4
No. 674 569 44
Vissakoderu 2598 % 67.6 29.6 2.8
No. 1756 769 73
Source: HLPCA, Primary Census Abstract, 2011

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3.10.3 Ownership Status

The number and share of households according to the ownership status provides with the
characteristic of housing in the AoI also the indication of the affordability and in-migration in the

Table 9 : Distribution of Households with Ownership Status in the Master Plan AOI
Ownership status
Name of the No. of %/No. Owned Rented Any
area Households others
AOI 48285
% 49.8 47.3 2.8
No. 24065 22848 1372
New Bhimavaram Municipal Boundary
Bhimavaram (M %
+ OG) 39174 44.5 52.9 2.6
No. 17432 20723 1019
Annavaram 404 % 87.7 10.6 1.7
No. 354 43 7
Kovvada 819 % 62.9 26.7 10.4
No. 515 219 85
Chinamiram (Part) 1267 % 75.2 23.5 1.3
No. 953 298 16
Rayalam (R) 1116 % 60.5 37.9 1.6
(Part) No. 675 423 18
Taderu 1031 % 79.4 18.4 2.2
No. 819 190 23
Villages in the AOI
Narasimhapuram 589 % 68.8 27.8 3.4
No. 405 164 20
Kumudavalli 1287 % 75.8 21.8 2.4
No. 976 281 31
Vissakoderu 2598 % 74.5 19.6 5.9
No. 1936 509 153
Source: HLPCA, Primary Census Abstract, 2011

For the AoI of master plan, about 50% of the households live in rented houses, whereas more
than 50% live in rented houses in the municipality. Relatively higher land values in the
municipal area might result to high share of households with ownership status as rented. The
villages in the AoI are having more share of households living in owned housing, which
represents considerably less value of land.

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3.10.4 Housing need

The Housing need is the expression related to requirement of house based on the condition of the
houses with respect to material used in construction, age of the house leading to obsolescence
factor, persons/married couples living in the house leading to congestion factor and homeless,
without consideration of the income of the households. Housing demand will depend on the
market with reference to income groups, their purchasing power, affordability, willingness to pay
and existing financial mechanism.

For calculating the Housing shortage, the approach suggested by Census of India in 2011 which
takes consideration of the Obsolescence Factor, Congestion Factor and Homelessness is adopted.
Further, based on the projections the demand is calculated for the AOI, separately for
Bhimavaram municipality (erstwhile) and the villages of AOI (erstwhile), considering data
availability in census 2011.

Table 10 : Calculations for housing shortage- New Bhimavaram Municipal Boundary

Housing Shortage
Total no. of households 39174
Total housing stock 36,503
Dilapidated stock 913
Acceptable stock 35,590
Excess of households over housing stock 3,584

Congestion factor 274.218
Stock for upgradation 7,519.62
Total housing shortage 11,377
Total population 142184
Projected population 201202
Projected housing shortage 16,099.97
Total shortage 16,100
Total Homeless 182
Rental Factor
Housing Requirement - Erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipality (A) 16,282
Housing Requirement - Villages included in the New Municipal
boundary (B) 2800
Total Requirement-- New Bhimavaram Municipal Boundary (A+B) 19082

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3.11 Slums
3.11.1 Slums in Bhimavaram
There are totally 57 slums in Bhimavaram in which 50 slums are declared as notified slums and
7 slums are non-notified slums with total slum population of 32973; in which 1157 people are
residing in non-notified slums and 31816 people are residing in notified slums. (Census, 2011) .

Indirapuram & Mentevari thota, Harijanawada are the two high dense slums in Bhimavaram with
density of about 842 persons/ha & 737/ha. Ward 7 with 7 slums is the ward with maximum
number of slums in Bhimavaram. Durgapuram is the slum with highest slum population with
population of 3537 and is located along the drain.

Map 10 : Slums and its zones.

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3.12 Physiography
Bhimavaram town is situated between the 16º32¹00 northern latitude and 81º32¹00 eastern
longitude. It has a Flat terrain and elevation is about 7 meters above the Mean Seal Level. Soils
as a component is an important which has to be examined strategically to plan for the future land
use and mitigate the negative effects.

The soil of Bhimavaram is deep black clayey soil. The soil also contains fine sand and brown
silted clay. The terrain is relatively flat with a very gradual slope of around one degree.

3.13 Climate
Bhimavaram Municipality has a tropical climate with hot summer and moderate winter. The
hottest months are between April and June with an average temperature ranging from 31°C to
37°C. More than half of the annual rain fall is brought by the south west monsoon. The South
west monsoon begins in the middle of the June. Usually the period between end of June to
October is regarded as a highest monsoon period. The average annual rainfall in the Municipality
is near about 1000 mm. The period from December to January is the coolest part of the year.

Figure 8 : Annual Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature

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Chapter 4 : Survey
List of surveys required for the preparation of Master Plan are listed in below table:

Table 11 : List Surveys

S. Methods/Strategies of the Outcome Uses
No. Name of the survey
Existing Land use Surveys
Land use Surveys Aerial Drone Survey for high Conformity
1 accuracy. and
Manual survey by collecting the Existing land Nonconformity
latest satellite image. use Land use
Socio-Economic Survey
1 Sample House- Phone based survey using GPS Socio-
hold survey location tracker economic
charectistics Helps in
of city by area understanding
wise the city well.
Traffic and Trasportation Surveys
Road Inventory Road Capacity
Survey of Vehicle mount Survey (C) which
1 Strategic Road Aerial Drone Survey for high helps in
Network accuracy. Road Network calculating
Manual survey, by marking on the and it's Level of
sheets while travelling at intervals. Charecteristics Service (V/C ;
Speed and Delay Speed of
survey on Major 1. Manual Survey, by marking on certain roads
2 arterial and sub the sheets while travelling at Bottlenecks which inturn
arterial intervals identification helps in
and issues of knowing Level
delay of Service
Traffic Volume 1.Videographic surveys at Traffic Road Volume
Count on Major particular road on the road. volume of the (V) which
3 arterial and sub 2.Manual survey, by marking on roads at helps in
arterial roads the sheets. different calculating
intervals Level of
Service (V/C ;
C= Capacity)
Origin and 1. Manual Survey, by collecting 5
4 Destination % of Total volume at that point Desire line Reqirement of
survey and particular time on the road. diagram bypass

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Public transport Manual sample survey and cross- Public Model Shift
terminal including verifying with secondary data movement and conforming
5 para transit survey collected from the transport their purpose, with National
departments frequency and Urban
timings. Transport
policy 2009
6 Good Transport Manual sample survey and cross- Freight Good vehicle
Terminal verifying with OD survey movement parking and
inter and intra movement
city. helps in
Heritage and Tourism Survey
1 Importance of
Heritage and Manual survey of different footfall and its heritage and
Tourist spots heritage and tourist spots importance tourist spots

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Chapter 5 : Bhimavaram old Master Plan

5.1 Review of the Proposed land use 1987

Map 11 : Showing the previous proposed development Plan - Bhimavaram

The proposed land use was sanctioned according to General to West planning Scheme of
Bhimavaram Municipality sanctioned vide Go.Ms.95--1, MA, Dated 27-01-1987. This Scheme
was prepared for municipal area and part of the surrounding villages, including Rayalam,
Chinnamiram, Kovvada, Annavaram, Kumudavalli, Vissakoderu.

The Bhimavaram proposed land use plan (1987) can be categorised based on the planning area as
intensively developed, moderate developed zone and sparsely developed zone with the core area
designated for high dense residential use followed by low dense residential use and the outskirts
designated for sparsely developed zone. The major transportation junctions of Bhimavaram are
abutted by high density residential land uses.

5.2 Housing, Public and semi-public proposals

The proposed land use shows dominance of agriculture land use along the periphery and other
land uses for recreational facilities, public and semi-public facilities are spread across the
intensively developed and moderately developed zones. Along the Canal which cuts across the
municipal area, the recreational land uses are planned abutting the canal followed by residential

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5.3 Commercial proposals

The commercial land uses of small parcels are spread across the major roads and huge parcels
are planned along the proposed ring road in the north.

5.4 Transportation proposals

This master plan had emphasis on the road network and proposed expansion of roads, creating
ring roads and by pass. The alignment of the proposed ring road is at the border of the city with
150 feet as the road width. The proposed bypass is of the width of 80 feet road connecting
proposed commercial and Industrial zones to ease the traffic movements.

5.5 Industrial proposals

The major industrial clusters proposed in north eastern part are surrounded by the low dense
residential land uses along the Vendra- Bhimavaram road that connects to major roads including
1 national highway and 3 state highways. This is done with the view of enabling effective
movements of goods and services. These Industrial zones are proposed in view for promoting
basic industries that are not directly associated with the city’s demand but for the regions
demand. This can potentially help in diversifying the economy.

5.6 Observations from Old Master Plan

Map 12 : Bhimavaram Old Master Plan

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Chapter 6 : Existing Master Plan – 2041

6.1 Vision
By 2041, Bhimavaram will become a vibrant & economic hub as a global investment, tourism,
heritage destination, provide improved live ability in an inclusive manner along with sustainable,
green & clean infrastructure, resilient environment, and facilitate to absorb smart infrastructure.

6.2 Aim / Goals

To promote sustainable, responsible growth and development that benefits all stakeholders
The Vision for 2041 has been structured into following goals/aims to overcome the issues
identified from existing situation analysis, people’s aspirations as well anticipated future
Goal:1 - Providing Strategic Spatial Development
Create consistent fully sustainable settlements and 8 villages within the master plan area that are
resilient to the effects of climate change and facilitate a range of choices for liveability , work
environment, and recreation.

Goal: 2 - Promoting Growth and Prosperity

 Promote economic development in general Aquaculture and temple tourism by
introduction of high value-added activities, facilitating competitive sites, incentives for
investment, and leveraging on the strengths of each area.
 Promote economic productivity of the Bhimavaram by investments in knowledge and
innovation sector.
Goal: 3 - Managing the ecology and Environment – Natural and Cultural Heritage
 Protect and enhance the natural, cultural and Aqua sensitive areas and they are well
integrated with the future development.
 Promote sustainable use of Aquaculture, agricultural, water and mineral resources to
achieve self-sufficiency.

Goal: 4 - An Efficient Transportation System

Develop integrated transportation system inter and intra systems which are viable, sustainable,
efficient and safe for passengers and freight.

Goal: 5 - An Efficient Infrastructure System

Develop efficient infrastructure system within the BMR (Bhimavaram Master Plan region) that
adapts and feasibility to operate sustainable practices, smart & alternative technologies,
renewable resources and resilient to the anticipated effects of climate change.

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6.3 Objectives
 Review of the previous/regulating Master Plan and determine the Area of Interest (AOI)
of the Master Plan
 Base Map assessment and base map preparation
 Existing Situation Assessment and Demand Assessment for the planning year
 Participatory and Consultative Approach

6.4 Scope
The scope of the draft development Plan will be carried out through following Stages

Stage-1: Existing Situation Assessment through collecting relevant data, analyzing available
base maps and existing land use.
Stage-2: Appraisal of approved Master plan - 2041
Stage-3: Formulation of Vision-2041 and Strategy
Stage-4: Evaluation of any 2 land uses

6.5 Existing land use pattern

The erstwhile municipality covers an area of 25.64, and the present Bhimavaram
municipality is spread over an area of 48.95 . It is observed that the developments are
cluttered in the core area and spread horizontally followed by spares development in all the
directions along the canals and road networks. In both the boundaries the predominant land use is
agriculture followed by residential land uses.

The land use categories for erstwhile Bhimavaram and new Bhimavaram municipality in
comparison with guidelines. In the Erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipality the predominant land
use is observed to be agriculture with 53% more than the limits mentioned in the guidelines. The
commercial and Transport & Communication land uses conforms to the norms while all the other
land uses including residential land use do not comply with guidelines and have significant

6.6 Methodology
Methodology has been devised such that the future proposed development activities and the
proposed master plan area will have only very minimal or no negative impact on the
environment of the region.

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Stage - 1 Stage - 2

Secondary data collection for Identification of sectors for

preliminary understanding secondary and primary data

Consultation with stakeholders and

study of regional setting through Primary data Secondary
available reports collection data collection

1.Hosehold 1.Demography
Survey. and socio
2.Land use
3.Traffic and
Transportation 3.Physiograph
Survey. y.
4. Heritage 4.Transportati
and Tourism on
Survey 4.Physical
Review of relevant Acts, Policies infrastructure.
and development projects 5.Social

Identification data gap

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Stage - 3 Stage - 4

Existing situation assessment Vision - 2041

1.Demography. Projection and demand assessment

2.Economic sectors. for 2041

3.Trasportation sectors.
Formulation of Aim, Objectives,
Preparation of Strategies and
7.Heritage Proposals

Implementation Strategies and


Stage - 5

Review of implementation of
Strategies and Proposals


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Map 13 : Map showing existing land use of Erstwhile Bhimavaram Municipality

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Map 14 : Map showing existing land use in the New Bhimavaram Municipal boundary

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In the new municipal boundary (2021) which includes 5 surrounding villages, the same trend
observed. Here, even the commercial and Transport & Communication land uses are far below
when compared to the URDPFI guidelines. This signifies that the new Municipal boundary area
has larger scope for improvement w.r.t land use of all categories

When the previous proposed land use (1987) is compared with the existing land use it is
understood that the major portion of all the land uses including residential and Industrial land
uses were not realised as planned. The reason for the above mentioned condition could be lack of
investment planning or lack of financial resources. It is to be noted that the erstwhile
Bhimavaram municipality does not include aquaculture lands but the new municipal boundary
includes aquaculture land uses towards the periphery. This clearly indicates the need for aqua
zoning to avoid problems in the future.

Table 12 : Comparison of existing land use of erstwhile Bhimavaram with URDPFI guidelines
Existing land use of erstwhile Bhimavaram
Land use category % as per URDPFI Existing land use in Existing land use in %
Residential 45-50 3.83 14.94
Commercial 2-3 0.69 2.69
Industrial 8-10 0.06 0.25
Public and Semi 6-8 0.22 0.86
Recreational 12-14 0.11 0.433
Transportation & 10-12 2.79 10.87
Agriculture, Water 17-30 17.94 69.95
bodies & Special
Total 25.64 100

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Table 13 : comparison of existing land use of New Bhimavaram municipality with URDPFI guidelines
Existing land use of New Bhimavaram municipality (2021)
Land use category % as per URDPFI Existing land use in Gap in %
Residential 45-50 10.54 -34.46
Commercial 2-3 1.95 -0.05
Industrial 8-10 0.43 -7.57
Public and Semi 6-8 1.57 -4.43
Recreational 12-14 0.94 -11.06
Transportation & 10-12 6.46 -3.54
Agriculture, Water 17-30 78.11 +61.11
bodies & Special areas
Total 100

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Chapter 7 : Appraisal of Approved Master Plan - 2041

7.1 Deviation
The existing land use structure has been prepared and compared with that of proposal. The
deviations will help to understand the market forces which led to non-implementation of the
proposed Government transformation program.

Review of the regulating master plan and previous master plans of the municipality; Collation of
list of deviations (road proposals and others) of the regulating master plans, change of land use
from DTCP and an assessment of implementation of master plan proposals.

Table 14 : Deviations in different types of land uses

Deviation in Approved Master Plan of Bhimavaram
S.No Land use Deviation observed
1 Residential Land Residential land use to public spaces, commercial and
2 Commercial Land Commercial Land use to Institutional land
3 Transportation and
Roads are not developed as proposed.
Communications land
4 Recreational Land use Recreation to Residential, Public spaces
5 Public and Semi Public land The proposed public space were utilised for Agriculture
and Residential Purposes.
6 Agriculture and Aquaculture Agriculture land to aquaculture, Residential, Public use
land and Industrial Purpose.
Deviation of land use for agriculture to Institutional

7 Open space Deviation observed from open spaces to aquaculture

8 Industrial Land Industrial land to public use and residential

7.2 Residential land use

There are many instances of deviation observed where the land use allotted for residential
purposes were used for public spaces, commercial and industrial activities. Potential land for
densification in available across moderate developed zone and sparsely developed zones.

7.3 Commercial land use

Deviation for Commercial Land use to Institutional land use is observed.

7.4 Transportation and Communications land use

The proposed roads including the outer ring road from development plan is observed to be
unrealised. All the other proposed road doesn’t comply with the existing road width and in many
places road alignment changes are observed.

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7.5 Recreational land use

The proposed plan had shown emphasis in creating planned green spaces spanning across the
municipal boundary and along the canal. However, in the existing land use it is observed that
there is gross deviation from the proposed recreational use to other land uses along with
reduction in the area against the proposed

7.6 Public and Semi Public land use

The proposed public and semi-public land uses are not realised as planned. Deviation in public
and semi-public places seem to be comparatively less. But there are many potential parcels of
land available for future development of public and Semi-public places.

7.7 Agriculture and Aquaculture land use

There are land use deviations observed from agriculture to aquaculture. This is mainly due to the
rapidly growing aquaculture techniques (technological development), land suitability prawn and
fish culture within the AOI and the export nature of the business. Aquaculture involves the
breeding, rearing and harvesting of fresh water and marine species of fishes and prawns along
with allied activities like storing, freezing and processing etc.

As already mentioned, this master plan does not provide spatially planned aquaculture Zoning
resulting in deviation from the proposed land use. Apart from violation due to aquaculture there
are gross violation due to residential use, public use, Industrial and other urbanised built ups.
This is mainly due to the lower land values in the agricultural land use zones coupled with
improper monitoring of land use changes.

7.8 Open space

Deviation observed from open spaces to aquaculture use

7.9 Industrial land use

The proposed Industrial Land use is not realised completely this is because the economic base of
Bhimavaram is largely dependent on aquaculture and agriculture. The contribution of industries
to economy of the Bhimavaram is very less. Also the Industrial land use in Bhimavaram is
presently 0.43% which is too insignificant. It is also observed that Bhimavaram and AOI
completely lacks with small scale industries. Thus deviation in land use is observed from
Industrial land use to residential and other land uses. There are huge land parcels available for
industrial establishment in Bhimavaram according to the proposed master plan. As already
mentioned these land uses are planned to cater for the regions development and also for
diversifying the economy.

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Figure 9 : Proposed land use

Map 15 : Proposed Draft Land use map of Bhimavaram

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7.10 Change of Land Use

A change of land use can have significant implications for the environment, communities, and
economies in the surrounding area.

7.10.1 Green to Residential, Vissakoderu

Survey no: 391,402/3

Map 16 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality

Map 17 : Change of Land Use

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7.10.2 Green to Residential, Kovvada

Survey no: 106/2a, 106/1a,123/1

Map 18 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality

Map 19 : Change of Land Use

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7.10.3 Light industrial to Residential

Survey no: 202/3a,202/3A-1/202/2A-1B,202/3B,202/4B,202,3A-2,202/2A-1A,202/8,6,5,4,2

Map 20 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality

Map 21 : Change of Land Use

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7.10.4 Heathcare to Residential in Gunupudi

Survey no: 403/4a

Map 22 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality

Map 23 : Map 20 : Change of Land Use

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7.10.5 Deletion of Master Plan Roads

Survey no: 245/1,246/2

Map 24 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality

Since there is an 80’-0” master plan road passing near the site, they requested to remove the
roads passing though their said site.

Map 25 : Change of Land Use

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7.10.6 Deletion of Master Plan Roads

Survey no: 278

Map 26 : Master Plan of Bhimavaram Municipality

Since there is an 80’-0” master plan road passing near the site, they requested to remove the
roads passing though their said site.

Map 27 : Change of Land Use

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7.11 Key concerns associated with changing land use

 Environmental impact: Changing land use can have significant environmental impacts,
including loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, deforestation, and pollution.
 Community impact: Changing land use can also have social and economic impacts on
nearby communities. For example, it can result in loss of traditional lands and cultural
heritage, displacement of people, and changes to local economic activity.
 Infrastructure needs: Changing land use often requires new infrastructure, such as
roads, utilities, and public services. This can be costly and time-consuming to develop,
and may require significant investment.
 Legal and regulatory concerns: Changing land use often requires permits and approvals
from government agencies, and may be subject to zoning and other land-use regulations.
Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and legal consequences.
 Economic considerations: Changing land use can have significant economic benefits,
such as increased property values, job creation, and new economic opportunities.
However, it can also have economic costs, such as increased property taxes,
infrastructure costs, and environmental mitigation expenses.

7.12 Solutions for change of land use

 Comprehensive land use planning: Developing comprehensive land use plans can help
to identify areas that are best suited for different uses and ensure that development is
done in a sustainable and responsible way.
 Smart growth and infill development: Focusing development in existing urban areas,
rather than sprawling out into undeveloped areas, can help to reduce the need for
changing land use and preserve natural areas. This approach, known as smart growth,
emphasizes the development of walkable, mixed-use communities that provide a range of
services and amenities.
 Sustainable agriculture and forestry: Supporting sustainable agriculture and forestry
practices can help to maintain the productivity of the land while minimizing the negative
environmental impacts. This can include practices such as agroforestry, rotational
grazing, and sustainable timber harvesting.
 Green infrastructure: Developing green infrastructure, such as parks, green roofs, and
rain gardens, can help to mitigate the negative impacts of development on the
environment and improve the quality of life for nearby communities.

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Chapter 8 : Physical Infrastructure

8.1 Water supply
8.1.1 Sources of Water Supply in Bhimavaram Municipality (erstwhile)
The major source of raw water for Bhimavaram town is the Gostanadi Velpur (G&V) canal and
the intake unit is located at the Vissakoderu Village. As per the detailed project report on WTP,
ELRS, Transmission and distribution system (2017), Bhimavaram draws about 22.75 MLD (5
MGD) of water from the G&V Canal, which is the perennial source. Additionally, the town is
also served through 2 summer storage tanks of 361 ML (old summer storage tank) and 850 ML
(new summer storage tank) storage capacities to fulfill the water demand during the Canal
closure period.

Out of the total treated water demand of 22.75 MLD (2018 as the base year), 18 MLD reaches
the consumers after considering all the losses (5 % WTP and 15% UFW). The town is reported
to have access to sufficient water supply through the perennial G&V Canal for almost 9 months
in a year while the remaining period is served by the existing summer storage tanks. As per the
DPR, G&V canal is assumed as the principal source of raw water for Bhimavaram Municipality
and the raw water requirement for the year 2033 and 2048 is projected as 32.68 MLD and 37.75
MLD respectively.

Map 28 : Water transmission from source to ELSR

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8.1.2 Existing water supply situation

The Bhimavaram municipality (erstwhile) is dependent on both the surface water and Ground
water to satisfy the water demand. Earlier, town was only served with 395 hand bores using
ground water which was not sufficient to cover the demand of growing population. At present,
Water is provided by municipality within the Bhimavaram town (erstwhile) and by Panchayati
Raj to the respective 8 villages.

The comprehensive water supply system for the town is established through different water
schemes to fulfill the demand and to provide basic infrastructure in the town. Town is divided
into 8 hydraulic zones based on the physical barriers present in the town especially railway track,
national high way, canals, location of service reservoirs, population density etc.,

Table 15 : Zone wise assessment for storage tank

Zone wise assessment for storage tank
Zone No. Area( Population ELSR Capacity (KL)
I 1.46 16544 1200
II 3.11 3713 1800
III 8.93 17595 1300
IV 3.01 11523 1200
V 2.23 14490 1135
VI 0.49 13093 1135
VII 1.83 16247 200
VIII 4.91 21738 1200
Source - Bhimavaram Water Supply TS Report

8.1.3 Water Treatment Plant

There are about three water treatment plants (1.5 MGD+1.5 MGD+2 MGD) existing in
Bhimavaram municipality with a total installed capacity of 22.75 MLD as on 2019. However, the
old WTP with 1.5 MGD capacity constructed in 1974 is reported as obsolete and non-functional
due to which the effective operational capacity of water treatment in the city is limited to 15.91
MLD. Taking consideration of the future demand, an additional 17 MLD water treatment plant is
proposed at head water works.

Table 16 : Various WTP Schemes

S.No WTP Capacity Under Schemes Type of Gravity filters Remarks
Rapid Gravity Filters Very Old and
1 1.5 (OLD) Phase -1-Stage 1B Not Working
2 1.5 (NEW) Master Plan Phase-1 Rapid Gravity Filters
3 2 MGD HUDCO loan Rapid Gravity Filters

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8.1.4 Services Reservoirs

At present, Bhimavaram municipality is divided in to 8 hydraulic zones based on the physical
barriers present in town and the details of the elevated service reservoirs in these zones are
presented below in the table 10.4. The total capacity of the 8 ELSR's in Bhimavaram
municipality is 8970 KL.

Additionally 2 no's of 1000 KL capacity of ELSR with a staging height of 17 m is planned to

meet the water demands. Water from the raw water sump at (1.5 +1.5 MGD) is pumped to old
summer storage tank (361 ml) through 650 mm dia. (Ci) pipe and drain off to low lift pumping
well during the canal closure. Similarly raw water pumped to new summer storage tank (851 ml)
through 850 mm dia. (Ci) pipe line and drain off to low lifting pumping well. Two generator
capacities 250 kva and 160 kva at head water works and one generator of 125 kva at sump are
functioning to provide power supply for uninterrupted water supply (AECOM, 2017).

Table 17 : Existing Elevated Service Reservoirs in Bhimavaram Municipality (2019)

Location of ELSR Capacity (KL) LWL (M) MWL (m)
ASR Nagar 1200 18.5 22.5
Sriram Puram 1600 20.1 24.1
Bank colony 1300 17.7 21.7
Gunupudi 1200 18.8 22.8
Wednesday Market 1135 19.6 23.6
Wednesday Market 1135 19.6 23.6
H.B.Colony 200 19.6 23.6
Chinnarangapalem 1200 18.80 22.80
Total 8970

8.1.5 Distribution network

Distribution network is mainly composed of various types of pipe material such as PVC, HDPE,
AC Pipes, RCC Pipes, PSC Main, and CI Pipes. As on 2018, only 43.6% of the households are
connected to the existing water supply distribution network as compared to the service level
benchmark of 100 %. Total road length being 189.64Km i.e. 171.64km of municipal and 18.00
KM of R&B Roads, the total length of distribution network is 116.74 km including pumping
main length of 14km. Treated water is supplied to the consumers through 8 number of ELSRs
and also supplying 2.60 lakhs liters of water (0.26 ML) through water tankers (5 Nos. x 5,000
liters x 8 Trips + 1 Nos. x 10,000 liters x 6 Trips) to unserved and in-served areas (DPR,
2017).The existing Distribution Network is 40 Years and is out lived.

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Table 18 : Zone wise Street Length with water distribution pipeline (kms)
Zone Capacity (KL) LWL (M) MWL (m)
1 43.74 30.67 13.12
2 38.58 20.58 18.00
3 39.07 21.78 17.28
4 19.55 10.76 8.79
5 15.53 8.09 7.44
6 10.59 5.74 4.85
7 17.40 9.05 8.35
8 30.00 15.15 14.85

8.1.6 Service Level Benchmark of Water Supply

The service level benchmark developed by Ministry of Urban Development, which seeks to
identify a minimum set of standard performance parameters for the water supply indicate the
gaps for each of the indicator(as presented above). It is to note that there exists only 3.19% of
metered water connections are presented in the table 10.6 given below.

Table 19 : Service level benchmark for water supply in Bhimavaram

S.N Indicator Benchm Existing Gap

o. ark
1 Coverage of water supply connection 100% 71.30% 28.70%

2 Per capita supply of water 135 99 lpcd 36 lpcd

3 Extend of non- revenue water 20% 22.00% -
4 Extent of metering of W connections 100% 3.19% 96.81%
5 Continuity of Water supplied 24hrs 2hrs 22 hrs
6 Efficiency of redressal of complaints 100% 96% 4.03%
7 Quality of water supplied 100% 97.97% 2.03%

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8.2 Sewerage and sanitation

8.2.1 Existing sewerage and sanitation system
The existing situation has been assessed based on the primary and secondary data. The main
sources of secondary data are primary census abstract, town directory and village directory for
the year 2011. Secondary data has also been obtained from the Bhimavaram municipality and the
city sanitation plan for Bhimavaram, 2015.

The data available from these sources are the percentage of houses connected to open drains,
closed drains and houses without drainage connection.

Map 29 : Drainage Zones in Bhimavaram Municipality

The open drains join the major drains passing through the town. There are three major drains
namely yenamadurru drain, gunupudi south drain and rayalam drain.

Based on drainage, the town is divided into three zones:

1. Zone I : On Western side of Yenamadurru Drain.

2. Zone II : Bounded by Yenamadurru Drain, Railway line and GNV Canal
3. Zone III : Bounded by GNV canal and Gunupudi South Drain.

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Bhimavaram municipality does not have comprehensive sewerage system to treat the sewage
generated, which the city sanitation plan also records. The households have their own septic
tanks, with the outlets connected to open drains. All the existing open drains networks at the
street level are connected to the major three drains, which traverse through the
municipality.Besides, there are some minor drains namely Miramiya Kodu Drain & Old Y Drain,
both are sub-drains of Yenamadurru Drain joins the Bay of Bengal and is the major drain for

8.2.2 Sewage Treatment Plant

A Sewerage Treatment Plant has been proposed in the City Sanitation Plan, 2015 of Bhimavaram
to ensure proper treatment of sewerage and ensure that the effluent meets the recommended
discharge standards as specified in the Environment Protection Act, 1986.

Table 20 : Particulars of various sewage treatment processes

Recycling Requiremen t Capital Cost (per O&M Cost
Technique (hectares/M MLD in INR) (Million/Year/MLD
Activated Sludge 0.15‐0.25 2-4 0.3-0.5
Process (ASP)
Anaerobic Filter
Waste Stabilisati 0.8-2.3 1.5-4.5 0.06-0.1
on Pond
Systems (WSPS)
Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2014

8.2.3 Solid waste management

Table 21 : Waste Generated in each ward (Existing)
Ward Total Waste Institutional Ward no Total Waste Institutional
no. Generated waste(kg/ca Generated( waste(kg/cap ita/
(MT/day) pita/day) MT/ day) day)
1 2.04 551.625 20 1.77 360.25
2 2.04 407.875 21 1.93 336.75
3 2.04 342.75 22 2.04 519.725
4 2.04 398 23 2.04 495.625
5 2.04 432.25 24 1.95 474.8
6 2.04 436 25 1.95 465
7 2.04 463.125 26 2.04 509.375
8 1.75 348.25 27 1.88 423.25
9 1.76 385.875 28 2.04 460.25

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10 2.07 498.5 29 2.04 566.875

11 1.88 458.125 30 1.96 542.125
12 2.14 726.625 31 2.04 491.125
13 1.73 337.875 32 2.04 491.625
14 1.91 426.25 33 2.04 513.25
15 2.03 496.125 34 2.04 511.75
16 1.72 328.125 35 2.04 550.15
17 1.85 339.875 36 2.04 530.375
18 1.97 369.125 37 2.04 428
19 2.04 512.625 38 2.04 405.125
39 2.04 554.5

the total solid waste generated in 80 tons. The percentage of domestic waste is subsequently
higher as compared to institutional or commercial waste in Bhimavaram. The waste collection
and handling mechanisms are traditional and no processing or pre-processing is undertaken for
now. The waste collected from the municipal area is subsequently dumped in the river and can
be a major generator of pollution.

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Map 30 : ward wise waste generation map of Bhimavaram

Table 22 : Service level Bench mark and Gaps

Si. No Indicator Value MoUD Bench
1 Household level coverage of SWM services 100%
2 Efficiency of collection of municipal solid waste 100%
3 Extent of segregation of municipal solid waste 100%
4 Extent of municipal solid waste recovered 80%
5 Extent of scientific disposal of municipal solid 100%
6 Efficiency in redressal of customer complaints 80%
7 Extent of cost recovery in SWM services 100%
8 Efficiency in collection of SWM related user 90%

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8.2.4 Key issues and concerns

1 Bhimavaram Municipality does not have any compost yard or scientific land
fillfacility. This is a Major Challenge.
2 Waste Segregation at the source is lacking.
3 There are no Charges or Tariffs collected for SWM services.
4 Capacity building training and Awareness is needed at institutional and
individualhousehold level.
5 Solid waste management (or the lack thereof) has a direct bearing on the
effectiveness of existing drainage systems in any town as also on the overall
sanitary conditions and the potential for providing breeding grounds for
vectors that have a bearing on human health and the environment in general.
6 The current practices of SWM are inadequate and in urgent need of holistic
andsystemic improvement.

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8.3 Electricity
No substantial information

Raw information from URDPFI - Based on the estimated requirements of power supply as per
the National Electricity Policy published in 2005, the recommended consumption is 1000 units
per Capita per year or 2.74 kWh per capita per day demand which included domestic,
commercial, industrial and other requirements.

The actual estimation of power can be made based on the industrial development (type and
extent), commercial development, domestic and other requirements. The provision of one
electric substation of 11KV for a population of 15,000 can be considered as general standard for
electricity distribution.

Map 31 : High tension lines/ Coverage map

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Chapter 9 : Social Infrastructure

Social and community infrastructure and services are provided in response to the needs of
communities. Provision of their amenities or infrastructure depends on the regional bearing, size
and hierarchy of the settlement. Major social policy concerns of the Government include the
provision of infrastructure services, fostering Government and community partnerships,
community capacity building, integrated service delivery and social justice. Provision of basic
education, health care, and other social infrastructure facilities plays a key role in ensuring
substantial progress in the quality of life in the region.

9.1 Educational facilities

Education facilities within Bhimavaram municipality are existing at all levels and are vested in
both government and private institutions. The medium of instruction followed in the schools is
both English and Telugu. The Government schools are having no dropout rates and the student
teacher ratio standard is strictly followed by the government school that is the ratio of 1:20. Also
all the schools have basic facilities of toilets and playground. The no. of private schools are of 15
primary, 5 upper primary and 6 high schools. Whereas the Municipality managed schools are 36
primary, 1 upper primary and 6 high schools in number.

Table 23 : Requirement of school facilities for projected population

Projected Population
Area per unit (in Ha)
New Bhimavaram

Population per Unit










2021 2026 2031 2036 2041

Primary to Senior Secondary Education facilities Deficit (-)/ Surplus (+)
school 51 64 4 10 3 8 5000 0.4 +41 +39 +37 +34 +32
y school* 28 37 3 3 2 4 7500 1.8 +18 +17 +15 +14 +12
School of
Challenge na na 0 0 0 3 45000 0.7 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2

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In case of higher educational institutions, the Bhimavaram Municipality has a range of higher
educational institutions which includes Technical institutions like Industrial Training Institutes
and Polytechnics, Engineering colleges, Law colleges and Degree colleges. The renowned ones
are S.R.K.R Engineering College, D.N.R Educational Institutions, K.G.R.L Group of
Educational Institutions, Sri Vishnu Educational Society, Bhimavaram Institute of Engineering
& Technology, Gandhi Varalakshmi Venkatarao Institute of Technology (GVIT), Dr.C.S.N.
degree and P.G college.

9.2 Health facilities

The health facilities in the Bhimavaram municipality has both private and government
institutions. Government hospital at the city centre is one of main health facility for the
municipality. The municipality has one each of allopathic, homeopathic and Ayurvedic hospitals.
There are also numerous private health institutions and clinics in the municipality.

Table 24 : Requirement of Health facilities in Bhimavaram Municipality

Bhimava Populatio Projected Population
ram n per 162000




Municip unit
202 202 203 203 204
1 6 1 6 1
Health Deficit (-)/ Surplus (+)
Nursing 2 45,000 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
Family 20 50,000 17 17 16 16 16
Diagnostic 6 50,000 3 3 2 2 2
Polyclinic 0 1,00,000 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
Hospital 2 1,00,000 0 0 0 0 0
(category B)
Hospital 0 1,00,000 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
(category A)
Multi- 0 1,00,000 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
General 1 1,00,000 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Source : Old Bhimavaram municipality data is considered

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As per URDPFI guidelines, and available data during 2019, 2 nursing homes, 2 polyclinics, 2
hospitals (category A), 2 multi-speciality hospitals and 1 general hospital is required till the year
2041. Many hospitals have been developed in the two town area along the main road and shall be
added in the further study along with hospitals in surrounding villages.

The above graphs represents the area requirements in hectares for each facilities under healthcare
infrastructure for the projected years. The immediate requirement for the multispecialty hospital
and Category (A) hospital is found to be higher.

9.3 Community facilities

The Bhimavaram municipality has basic socio-cultural facilities. It has 2 burial grounds for
Hindus, 3 for muslims, 3 for Christians and 4 others. The municipality has agricultural markets
yards at Kodavalli owned by the state government. There are 3 libraries, A.P.J Abdul Kalam
library at Maruthi Colony, Dhantuluri library at Sivaravu peta and another one at Gunupudi road.
There is one fire Station for the whole Bhimavaram municipality to serve the population.

Table 25 : Requirement of Community facilities in Bhimavaram Municipality

Projected Population





Bhimava Populati
ram on per
Municip unit
ality 202 202 203 203 204
1 6 1 6 1
Community Deficit (-)/ Surplus (+)
Community room 0 5000 -32 -34 -36 -38 -40
Religious facility 180 5000 148 146 144 142 140
Community hall 23 15000 12 12 11 10 10
Music and drama centre 0 100000 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
Meditation and
spiritual centre 0 100000 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
Recreational club 1 100000 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

There is a huge requirement of 40 communities’ rooms, 2 music and drama centres, 2 meditation
and spiritual centres and 1 recreational clubs in the Municipality area. Whereas the existing no.
of religious facilities and community halls would be sufficient for the projected population of
2041 in the Municipality area. Similar deficit of community facilities can be observed in Master
plan area also.

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9.4 Open and Green spaces

The Bhimavaram municipality has only three organized green spaces in three wards, covering an
area of 5.93 acres in which the most popular one is the Dr. B.V. Raju Municipal Park at
Veeramma Pond.

Table 26 : Requirement of Open and green spaces in Bhimavaram municipality

Projected Population





Bhimavar Population
am per unit
Plan 20 20 20 20 20
Area 21 26 31 36 41
Open and Green spaces Deficit (-)/ Surplus (+)
park 0 15000 -13 -14 -15 -16 -16
nitypark 1 100000 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

As per URDPFI, 16 neighborhood parks and a community park would be required to cater to the
projected population of 2, 46,000 by 2041. New proposals for the development of parks have
been sanctioned in the town.

Table 27 : Proposed open spaces in the municipality

Name of the Proposed Park Area (in sq.m)
Development of Park in Garuvupeta in Municipal Reserve Sitein 1618.74
11th ward
Near ARKR Municipal High School 4th ward 3723.102
AP Housing Board Colony 9th ward 12585.7035
BC Colony, 29th Ward 5827.464
Suryanarayanapuram, 35th ward 3925.4445
Total 27680.454

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9.5 Police station and Fire station

The Bhimavaram municipality has sufficient safety and security facilities. There is overall two
police station and one fire station that caters to the needs of the people of the municipality.

Table 28 : Requirements of safety and security facilities

Projected Population





AoI Bhimavaram Population
Master Plan Area per unit
2021 2026 2031 2036 2041
Safety and Security facilities Deficit (-)/ Surplus (+)
Police station 2 100000 0 0 0 0 0
Fire station 1 200000 0 0 0 0 0

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Chapter 10 : Spatial growth of the city

Cities will be home to 2.5 billion new residents by 2050.Today, 55% of the world’s population
lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. In recent years, a
number of countries have experimented with various strategies to correct market and governance
failures within and across industries.

One approach is to work with spatial strategies such as growth poles, growth corridors, and
special economic zones (SEZs). A spatial approach allows for better coordination and a focus on
specific investments and policy reforms that will maximize private sector investment. Spatial
tools enable bundling for cost-effective delivery of support to industries. This can involve shared
infrastructure and services geared toward specific industries, the coordination of reforms at
different levels, and readily available convening power to bring together public and private
sector actors.

10.1 Spatial growth direction

Figure 10 : Spatial growth ( Built up – 2010)

The developments are cluttered in the core area and spread horizontally followed by spares
development in all the directions along the canals and road networks.

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Figure 11 : Spatial growth ( Built up – 2015)

Figure 12 : Spatial growth ( Built up – 2020)

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Chapter 11 : Evaluation of Land Uses

In this chapter two land use have been dealt in detailed.

1 Agriculture
2 Traffic and Transportation

11.1 Agriculture
Bhimavaram has fertile land on delta region of Godavari, with favorable Agro-climatic
conditions, which have been accentuated by the human efforts making it as one of the most
agriculturally prosperous area in the district. Total area under agriculture in AOI is 2959 Ha, it
accounts for 46% of total area of AOI and 77.6% of all villages.

11.1.1 Cropping Pattern

Paddy is the major crop grown in entire West Godavari and AOI as well. Paddy takes 90- 120
days to harvest. Paddy is cultivated 2 times in year in AOI as favourable Agro climatic
conditions present in this region. Bhimavaram lies in the delta region of Godavari River
therefore has fertile land and irrigation provision is made by canals from Godavari. Out of total
land under agriculture, 81% of land is under paddy cultivation accounting for 2593 Ha, while
aquaculture is practiced on 446 Ha of Land accounting for 15% of total area under agriculture.
Other crops mainly include coconut, maize, husk accounting for 4% of total land under

Figure 13 : Crop pattern

11.1.2 Paddy Cultivation

According to Agriculture Plan for West Godavari District, Average productivity of paddy is 60.8
quintals per Ha per cycle. Minimum Selling Price (MSP) decided by Ministry of Agriculture
Govt of India for paddy is 1800 per quintal. Based upon it total revenue is estimated for paddy
from AOI of total land under agriculture.

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11.1.3 Aquaculture
Aquaculture is extensively practiced in Bhimavaram Mandal. It is the highest in West Godavari
District. Total area under aquaculture in Bhimavaram Mandal is 10905 Ha, but in AOI practice
of aquaculture is very low, as practice of aquaculture near settlements is restricted. Total area
under AOI under aquaculture is 446 Ha. Which is merely 4% of total area under aquaculture in
Bhimavaram Mandal. Area under aquaculture is regulated by Department of Fisheries, Govt of
Andhra Pradesh.

The agricultural fields are converted into aquaculture ponds from 2003-2004 and some lands are
converted into plots by the real estate. As a result of this landuse change there is a decrease in the
employment opportunities for the people depending on agriculture. The initial aqua ponds are
created with the existing water bodies, in the later stages agriculture lands are converted to
aquaculture. The conversion of agriculture land to aquaculture resulted in many environmental
issues like canal pollution, decrease in the agriculture production and also raised the problem of
employment opportunities as the employees required for aquaculture is very less compared to the
agriculture. This also gave opportunity for development of industries.

Table 29 : Aquaculture Production details

Year Fish Shrimp Area(ha)
2014 105331 29708 6044
2015 156279 44078 7449
2016 165112 46570 7930
2017 175669 49547 8420
2018 198152 57710 9236
Source: Andhra Pradesh, Department of fisheries

11.1.4 Key Concerns

 Lower WFPR is observed when compared to Benchmark region and the State (Rural).
This perhaps indicates low economic activity and fewer jobs. WFPR shows urban
character in AOI. But majority of working population in the villages of AOI are engaged
in Agriculture activities showing rural characteristics. To improve the livelihood of rural
people there is a need to augment the small scale industries in the AOI.
 Lack of Small scale and cottage industries like beekeeping (Silk production, handloom &
 Schemes supporting the primary sector like poultry, Animal husbandry, goatary
development and piggery development etc. is completely lacking. This might enable
villagers in gaining additional Income.
 Streets vending Zones in the AOI need to be regulated.

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11.1.5 Proposals
To understand the demand for aqua industries and to understand the employment capacity of
each sub sector of aquaculture value chain is used.In every primary activity there are always four
stages production, processing, distribution and end consumer. According to GO. NO.7
aquaculture farms should be at least at distance of 2.5km from nearest town or municipal
boundary. So, the production stage in the value chain cannot benefit the municipal region. The
processing, distribution and consumer stage can help in elevating the economy and increase
employment opportunity. Also the employment opportunity can be created through value
addition units, as aquaculture in Bhimavaram is export oriented.

Table 30 : Value Chain

To produce 400 kgs/day
Feed plants Labour =100, Area = 2 ha average
Turnover of feed plant = 10-15 crore average
So, 2 ha + 100 labour can generate 365 days of
PRODUCTION job to produce 120 tons.
To produce 10 tons/150 days Labour =1
Area = 1 ha (standard)
Aqua farms Capital = 2 lakhs (motor, medicine feed etc)
To produce 8 tons/90 days Labour =1
Area =1 ha (standard size of a pond) Capital 3.5
lakhs (avg)
To produce 20 ton/day Labour = 60
Shrimp peeling Area =1 ha
PROCESSING sheds So, 1 ha+60 labours can generate 1year job to
produce 7500 ton/year
Shrimp processing To produce 12000 ton/month and to store 12000
plant tons/month
Area = 2.5 ha Labour = 1000
S0, it can generate 30 days job.
Cold storages
CONSUMERS Fish markets 300 ton/year is consumed by the local Vendors
= 80. They sell 10kgs/day.

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11.2 Traffic and Transportation

11.2.1 Existing traffic and transportation scenario
Bhimavaram is connected with other places in the country and within the state, by a National
Highway (NH-165), which passes through the municipality along the East-West Axis, and
establishes connectivity with nearby villages and municipalities (Undi and Palakollu,
respectively) and various State Highways. Along the North-South axis, we have SH-254, SH-
248, SH-300 and SH-302, which connects the municipality to Pippara and Tanuku on the North
and Dongapindi and Kalipatnam on the South respectively. The SH-19 extends from the NH-165
to Gudivada and further leads to Machilipatnam seaport in the South-West, while the SH-229,
similarly branches out from the center of the municipality, establishing a connection with
Narsapuram in the South-East. NH-165, SH-229, SH-300 and SH-302, ultimately connects to the
NH-216, reinforcing the synergy between Bhimavaram, Narsapuram, Palakollu and Kalipatnam.

Map 32 : Urban Highways

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11.2.2 Major Roads in Bhimavaram

Within a 300 km radius of the municipality, lies key regional centers of development, Kakinada,
Vijayawada, Amaravati and Vishakhapatnam.

Table 31 :List of Major roads

S. No Road Description
1 NH 165 Pamarru to Digamarru Road
2 SH 19 Bhimavaram to Gudivada. Joins to NH 165
3 SH 229 Bhimavaram to Narasapuram. Joins to NH216
4 SH 248 Bhimavaram to Tanuku. Joins to NH 16 and SH 228

5 SH 254 Bhimavaram to Pippara. Joins to SH 24

6 SH 300 Bhimavaram to Dongapindi
7 SH 302 Bhimavaram to Kalipatnam. Joins to NH 216
8 MDR99 Kovvada Road
9 MDR194 Vendra Bhimavaram Road
10 MDR54 Gollalakoderu Nowduru Road
11 MDR98 Guttulavaripalem Mogallu Road
12 MDR 103 Chinamiram Anakoderu By-pass Road
13 MDR66 Pedmiram-Undi Road
14 MDR54 Bhimavaram Kolleru Road

11.2.3 Road Hierarchy

The total road network length within the municipality is 328.7 km. The total road network area in
the municipality is 1.3, comprising of arterial, sub arterial, collector and local roads.

Figure 14 : Functional Hierarchy

11.2.4 Road Density

The road transportation network of Bhimavaram is shown in Figure 9.5. The total length of the
road network is 1067 kms, with the largest share belonging to Major District Roads (MDR)

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followed by rural roads (RR), State Highways (SH) and the National Highway (NH). The lengths
are shown in the table 9.5. Bhimavaram has a road density of 2km per 1000 population and
12.81km per The road hierarchy of Bhimavaram falls under 3 levels- Urban Highways
(Level 1), Arterial & Sub-Arterial Roads (Level 2) and Collector Roads (Level 3).

Figure 15 : Road Length Distribution

11.2.5 Public Transport Profile - APSRTC Bus Services

The public bus services are run by the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation
(APSRTC) and are a vital part of the existing network. A total of 325 buses are owned by them,
out of which 231 are currently operating on the existing routes covering 7 mandals and carrying
an average of 35000 passengers on a daily basis. A total of 442 trips are being made on a regular
basis out of which 87 are scheduled trips and cover a distance of 34591 km. There are currently 2
bus complexes in Bhimavaram- the RTC Bus stand in Bhimavaram Town and Two Town’s old
RTC Bus Stand. A bus depot with 200 buses and garage space also lies in One Town. The
APSRTC bus services play a crucial role in Bhimavaram as they also provide employment for
around 412 people and generate on an average, earnings of between 10 to 11 lakhs on a daily
basis. The major trip generating points are Akiveedu, Brahmancheruvu, Navuduru, Undi and
Veeravasaram. Additionally, Eluru New Bus station and Akiveedu Bus stand fall under the
Bhimavaram Depot’s jurisdiction

11.2.6 Private Bus Services

There are more than 150 educational institutions in Bhimavaram, with nearly 1 lakh students.
These institutions own and run more than 425 Buses in total. Additionally, there are 80 buses
being operated under private contracts.

11.2.7 Intermediate para-transits

Intermediate public transport plays an important role in supporting the public transport system
and ensuring last mile connectivity and dispersal services in a flexible manner. In Bhimavaram,
the two main modes that are widely used include auto-rickshaws and taxis.

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11.2.8 Auto Services

Bhimavaram has around 23 auto-rickshaw stands overall, with 10 in One town and 13 in Two
town operating a total of approximately 2200 auto-rickshaws. On an average, the daily earnings
of an auto driver in Bhimavaram falls in the bracket of Rs. 500- 700, coming up to an average of
between Rs. 17,000- 18,000 on a monthly basis. Some of the regular trip attracting and
generating nodes are the Old bus stand, New bus stand, Prakasham Centre, Ambedkar Centre,
Reliance Mall and the various multiplexes, theatres and hospitals. However, the busiest routes
fall along Palakollu road and PP road (NH 165) with morning peak hours falling between
10:00AM to 2:00PM and evening peak hours being 5:00PM to 7:30PM/ 8:00PM.

11.2.9 Taxi Services

Bhimavaram city’s taxi service is dependent on 4 taxi stands, which provide fleets amounting to
up to 1500 taxis that cater to the entire city. As per the Vehicle ownership data (obtained from
RTO), the fleet includes around 348 Maxi cabs and 1122 Luxury cabs.

11.2.10 Circulation Path

In view of the heavy traffic, the traffic is regulated on one way in Bhimavaram municipality on
some stretches of the main roads such as; From town Railway Station road to Natraj theatre,
From Indian Bank road towards RTC bus stand, From Prakasham Centre towards MRO office
road, from Sunday market towards Lakshmi talkies road, from Wednesday market towards
Indian Bank via Maruthi talkies road, Andhra Bank Turning to Potti Sriramulu Statue are all
regulated to be one way traffic roads. Further, two stretches are restricted as No-entry roads
along which the freight is restricted to enter from 11.00AM to 8PM.

Map 33 : Circulation Map

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11.2.11 Traffic Regulatory Measures

Keeping in mind the heavy traffic, the traffic in the Bhimavaram Municipality is regulated on
certain one-way segments on the main roads.

Two stretches are restricted as No-entry roads along which the freight is restricted to enter. On
these No-entry stretches of roads the prohibition is from 11.00AM to 8PM.

Table 32 : Traffic Regulatory Measures

S.No. Stretches with One-way restrictions
1 From Indian Bank road towards RTC bus stand,
2 From Prakasham Centre towards MRO office road
3 From town Railway Station road to Natraj theatre
4 From Sunday market towards Lakshmi talkies road
5 From Wednesday market towards Indian Bank via Maruthi talkies road
6 One-way traffic from Andhra Bank
7 Turning to Potti Sriramulu Statue

11.2.12 Parking Facilities

On street illegal parking was observed along various roads in the municipality. Most of the
roads, facing this issue had poor LOS and abutted land with primarily commercial land-uses.
Among these, the SH-19, which recorded among one of the highest traffic volume counts in
Bhimavaram was chosen for on-street parking surveys. These surveys were conducted on 3
stretches on both sides of the road, in order to assess the parking demand for the nearby land-
Parking accumulation was recorded over 15-minute intervals for an hour via License Plate
While there are no dedicated equivalent car spaces (ECS) marked on the roads, it could be
observed that there was demand for it as the parking volume recorded ranged between 35 to 74.6
ECS during the evening peak hour.

11.2.13 Proposals
The proposal has been given with the intention of improving accessibility and easing the
congestion on the roads. A grid-iron plan is maintained in the denser urban center, facilitating
easy pedestrian movement. Walkability and green transport are encouraged through the provision
of relevant infrastructure. Above all, the proposal focuses of easing the congestion and
improving the overall level of service along frequently used high-traffic zones with public
transport options.

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Map 34 : Conceptual diagram

11.2.14 Promoting NMT as Sustainable Transport Solution to Bhimavaram

Bhimavaram has a radius of around 2kms. Majority of the city’s collector and local roads are
very narrow and are within the range of 3 to 5m as per the road inventory survey. Hence walking
and cycling are feasible modes of transport suitable for urban structures like that of Bhimavaram.
Many places within the city can be accessed by walking or cycling in a short span of time. Yet,
traffic volume count surveys conducted on the major roads of Bhimavaram show a very
negligible proportion of pedestrians and cyclists. The primary reason for the low traffic share of
NMT modes is the inadequate treatment given to them. Pedestrians and cyclists are vulnerable in
front of fast-moving traffic and moreover medium to heavy good vehicles carrying aqua products
in and out of Bhimavaram add to this sense of vulnerability. In such a situation, their safety is
highly compromised. There is inadequate NMT infrastructure in terms of continuous, barricaded
footpaths along roads and dedicated cycle tracks to safeguard cyclists especially on arterial roads
where speed of traffic is significantly high. Adding to this, cyclists and pedestrians have to face
dust and pollution from motorized vehicles.

It is a vision of this Master Plan to promote non-motorized modes of transportation like walking
and cycling in Bhimavaram as it helps to reduce congestion, traffic jams on the road and reduce
accident rates. The Master Plan envisages that the residents of Bhimavaram, for their day-to-day
travel prefer NMT modes of transportation. To achieve this vision in reality, proposed road
design and cross-sections of arterial, sub-arterial roads ensure adequate space allocation to
pedestrians and cyclists for their safe and pollution free travel.

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Roads like have dedicated elevated cycle tracks of 1.5m on either side, made continuous and
with ramps provided at turnings where motorized vehicles cross the cycle tracks, so that the
speed of motorized vehicles are further reduced. Further, elevated continuous footpaths of 2m
each, on both sides of the road, are proposed.
Off Street Parking Area:
Currently, various internal roads in the city are experiencing congestion with the primary reason
being a lack of effective carriage-way. The effective carriage-way is reduced due to
encroachments on the road, especially parking. Parking not only occupies the carriage-way but
also reduces the speed of moving traffic. This has been observed on PP Road. Hence dedicated
off-street parking is proposed in the central area of the city where the old bus stand was located.
The parking area is located in the core of the city, surrounded by commercial area. Hence,
parking facilities provided will be utilized effectively. Total area for the parking facility is 1 Ha.

Figure 16 : Off street parking area

Map 35 : Proposed off-street parking facility

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Bus Terminal Relocation

The 2 existing bus stands and APSRTC depot in Bhimavaram lie along the NH-165. Presently,
majority of the buses operate from the RTC bus stands in Two town. However, along the current
operating routes, the LOS is dismal resulting in long queues and severe delays. The adjoining
SH-19, is similarly fraught with poor service levels, further aggravated by on-street parking.
Hence the proposal focuses on improving the level of service on these routes whilst facilitating
the increase of the existing catchment area and redistributing the demand between these three
It can be observed that the majority of the bus stops fall along the NH-165 and the SH-19
enabling better accessibility within the city. There is, however, further potential to be achieved in
shifting the New Bus stand services in Two town to the NH-165 segment connecting Undi and
Akividu, thus relieving the congestion at the centre due to the bus aggregation and focusing it on
a less congested segment that is being developed. This will allow it to cater further to the trip
generating points in the Northwest, whilst the APSRTC bus depot expands its services to focus
on the Eastern catchment areas and trip generating points.
In addition to the above 2 bus complexes, the One Town bus depot, which currently has 200
buses and garage facilities can be downsized, with some of its demand distributed to the new bus
terminal as well as the APSRTC bus stand along the periphery, further relaxing the pressure on
the center. This will help ease the operations along the SH-19 and NH-165.
The new terminal can be designed so as to accommodate a maximum of 60 buses per hour and
will operate locally, hence we can go for fixed bay allocation and the provision of at-grade
multimodal parking and pick-up facilities. Bus maintenance facilities are preferred to be
provided within the facility if there are no spatial constraints. Due to the small size of the
terminal, the driver and staff amenities may be combined, while the passenger amenities may be
provided separately. The area requirements are provided below, calculated based on an average
layover time of 30 mins.

Figure 17 : New Bus terminal facilities

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Map 36 : Proposed new location for bus stand

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