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Important notes for President of India in constitution of India |

Article, Qualification, Election etc regarding the role of president in

the Constitution

So here we are providing the necessary short and important notes regarding the
role and responsibilities of the President in the Constitution of India. According
to the Part V of the Constitution which is the UNION which is under chapter I
(The Executive) and it lists out the qualification, election and impeachment of
the President of India. The President of India is the head of state of the
Republic of India. The President is the formal head of the executive, legislature
and judiciary of India and is also the commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed
Forces. Although Article 53 of the Constitution of India states that the President
can exercise his or her powers directly or by subordinate authority, with few
exceptions, all of the executive authority vested in the President are, in
practice, exercised by the Council of Ministers (CoM).

Acc to- Part-V of constitution- Chapter I-

Article 52: The President of India

There shall be a President of India.

Important notes for President of Indian constitution

Qualifications  Must be citizen of India

 Should have completed 35 years in age

 Eligible to be a member of lok sabha

 Must not hold any Government post. Exceptions:

1. President and Vice President

2. Governor of any state

3. Minister of union of state

 Indirectly elected through ‘Electoral college‘ consisting of elected

members of both the Houses of Parliament and Elected members of
legislative assemblies of the states. (no nominated member).

 Security deposit Rs 15000/-

 Supreme court inquires all disputes regarding the president’s election

 Takes Oath in presence of Chief justice of India or in his absence

senior most judge of Supreme Court.

 5 years of term

 Article 57 says that there is no upper limit on the no of times a person

Terms & can become President
 Can give resignation to Vice- president before full-term

 Present salary 1 lakh per month (including allowance & emoluments)

 Quasi- judicial procedure

 Can be impeached only on the ground of violation of constitution


 The impeachment procedure can be initiated in either house of the

 In case the office falls vacant due to death, resignation or removal,
the vice-president acts as president. If he is not available then chief
justice, if not then Senior most judge of supreme court shall act as a
President of India.

 The election is to be held within 6 months of the vacancy

Powers  Appoints PM, Ministers, Chief justice and Judges of Supreme Court
and High Courts. Chairman and members of UPSC, Comptrollerand
Auditor General, attorney General, Chief Election Commissioner and
other members of Election commission, governors, Members of
finance Commission, Ambassadors etc.

 Can summon and prorogue the sessions of the 2 houses and can
dissolve Lok Sabha

 Appoints Finance Commission [after every 5 yrs] that recommends

the distribution of taxes between Union & state Govts.

 The President of India can promulgate 3 types of emergencies:

1. National Emergency [Article 352]

2. State Emergency (President’s rule) [article 356]

3. Financial Emergency [Article 360]

 He is the Supreme commander of the Defence Forces of India.

 President appoints Chiefs of army, Navy & Air Force.

 Declares wars & concludes peace subjects to the approval of the

Important notes regarding the role of Vice President of India | Vice-

President in the Constitution of India | Important topics of Indian

So here we are providing the necessary short and important notes regarding the
role and responsibilities of the President in the Constitution of India. According
to the Part V of the Constitution which is the UNION which is under chapter I
(The Executive) and it lists out the office of the Vice President of India. The
Vice-President of India is the second highest constitutional office in the country.
He serves for a five-year term, but can continue to be in office, irrespective of
the expiry of the term, until the successor assumes office.

Acc to- Part-V of constitution- Chapter I-

Article 63: The Vice President of India

There shall be a Vice- President of India

Important notes regarding the Vice President in Constitution of India:

 Elected by both the houses (Electoral College) in accordance with the
system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote
and the vote being secret. Nominated members also participated in this
Election election.

 The Supreme Court has the final and exclusive jurisdiction for resolving
disputes and doubts relating to the election of the Vice President of India.

 Citizen of India

 More than 35 years of age

Criteria  Posses the qualification for members of rajya Sabha

 Not hold any office of profir under union, state or local authority. However
for this purpose, the President, Vice- President, Governor of a state and a
Minister of the Union or a state, are not held to be holding an office of profit.
 Holds office for 5 years and can be re-elected.

 Term can be cut short if he resigns or by a resolution of the Rajya sabha

paased by a majority of all then members of the Rajya sabha and agreed to
by the Lok sabha

 He is the ex- officio chairman of Rajya sabha. Since he is not a member of

Rajya sabha, he has no right to vote.

 Being Vice- president of India, he is not entitled for any salary, but he is
entitled to the salary and allowances payable to the chairman of the Rajya
Other sabha
 All bills, resolution, motion can be taken in Rajya sabha after his consent.

 Can discharge the position of President if the post falls vacant [for max 6

 When he discharges the function of president, the Vice- President shall not
perform the duties of Chairman of rajya sabha and shall not entitled to
receive the salary of the chairman. During this period, he is entitled for the
salary and previliges of the president of India.

 Present salary is Rs. 85000/- per month

Easy notes for Prime Minister and Chief Minister | Important notes
about Chief Minister in Constitution of India

The candidates preparing for SSC CGL, UPSC or other civil services exams need
to learn the Indian Polity section necessarily in order to score higher. In the
Indian Polity there is the huge role of the different topics which the candidates
need to learn for the competitive examinations. in this article we are providing
the essential notes for the Prime Minister and Chief Minister of India. so
here we present important facts about Prime Minister and Chief Minister as
some of the questions can be raised from this section too. so from examinations
point of view the description is as given of the topics


 Real Executive authority

 He is the ex- officio chairman of the planning commission, national

development council, national integration council and inter-state council

Powers  the President convenes and prorogues all sessions of parliament in

consultation with him

 he can recommend the dissolution of lok sabha before expiry

 he points the council of ministers

 Allocate portfolios. can ask a minister to resign and can get him dismissed
by President

 Assists the President in appointment of all high officials

 can recommend to the president to declare emergency on ground of war,

external aggression or armed rebellion

 advises President about President’s rule in the state or emergency due to

financial instability

 leader of the house


 Real executive head of the govt at the state level

 The position of chief minister at the state level is analogous to the position of
the Prime Minister at the centre

 Appointed by governor. Other ministers are appointed by the governor on the

Statu advice of Chief Minister
 if CM resigns, entire ministry resigns.

 Generally, the leader of the majority party is appointed

 A person who is not a member of state legislature can be appointed but he has
to get himself eleted within 6 months otherwise he is removed

CAG (Comptroller & Auditor General)

 Appointed by the President

 A person with long administrative experience 7 knowledge of account is

 Holds office for 6 years or till 65 years of age

 The President can remove him only on the recommendation of the 2

houses of Parliament (as in case of judge of supreme Court)

 He is the guardian of the public purse. His duties are to audit the accounts
of the union and the states and to ensure that nothing is spent out of the
consolidated Fund of India or of the states without the sanction of the
Parliament or the respective State Legislature
 He submits an audit report of the union to the President who shall lay it
before the Parliament and the audit reports of the States to the respective
Governors who shall lay it before the respective State Legislature

 In short the CAG acts as the custodian & trustee of public money

AGI (Attorney-General of India)

 Highest legal Officer of the union govt

 Appointed by the President

 The person should be qualified to be appointed a judge of the Supreme Court

 He is entitled to audience in all courts of the country & can take part in the
proceedings of the Parliament & its committees. However, he is not given right
to vote

 He is also allowed to take up private practice provided the other party is not
the State because of this he is not paid salary but a retainer to be determined
by the President

Statu  In England, the Attorney General is a member of the Cabinet, but in India he is
s not. It is a political appointment and therefore, whenever there is a change in
the party in power, the attorney General resigns from his post to enable the
new govt to appoint a nominance of his choice

 The AGI is assisted by two solicitors- General and four additional Solicitors-

 The attorney General gets a retainer equivalent to the salary of a judge of the
supreme Court

 Gives advice on all such legal matters which may be referred or assigned to
him by the President

 Appears before the Supreme Court and various high courts in cases involving
the govt of india
Important Notes of the Governor:

 Citizen of India

 Completed 35 years of age

Qualificatio  Should not be a member of either house of the Parliament or the State
n Legislature

 Must possess the qualification for membership of State legislature

 Must not hold any office of profit

 Nominal executive head in states

 Normally each State has its own Governor, but under the Seventh
amendment act, 1956, the same person can be appointed as Governor of
the Union territory

 Appointed by the President on the recommendations of Union council of


 His usual term of office is 5 yrs but he holds office during the pleasure of
President. He can be asked to continue for more time until his successor
takes the charge
 Can give his resignation or can be removed earlier by the President. The
legislature of a state or a high court has no role in the removal of a

 Salary from the consolidated fund of the state (rs 75000/- per month)
and is not subject to the vote of State legislature. When the same person
is appointed as Governor of two or more states, the emoluments and
allowances payable to him shall be allocated among the states in such
proportion as determined by the president of India

 His oath is administered by Chief justice of the concerned state high

court and in his absence, the senior-most judge of that court.

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