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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University

Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Teacher Education

Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 1452 loc. 144







Jacob M. Appel

Recruitment Interview

I’ll ask you three questions

and you can just honestly
provide accurate answers.
Number 1, If you could
choose a destination,
where would you take your
first clients?

Personally, there are a lot of beautiful

places in this world, but I would choose a
specific land of Egyptian people to signify
the uniqueness which land is endowed of
aesthetically structured statue to be amazed “GREAT SPHINX OF GIZA”
on which is The Great Sphinx of Giza or
alongside the area of the Great Pyramid.
The land is at most known for its structure,
the patterns it shows, the unique statue of a
human head with a lion body, pyramids and
the vast articulation of surfaces of minerals. Okay, next. Thank you, let’s
It can be seen in the west bank Nile River in proceed with number 2
Giza, Egypt and for an enthusiasm question. What myth are
guidance, my clients will be ecstatic as well. associated with the place?

Basically, it is theomorphic in nature and gratifies its behind story in a genre of exciting
and terrifying, at the same time. Therefore, exerting efforts will be worth it just for clients
to be invested in its spectacular view and the molded identification of Egyptian people
that brought rise to fame across Egypt, and worldwide history which is its myth. It is
accounted that the great monument was built for Pharaoh Khafre (known as Harmakhet
“Horus of the Horizon” in the New Kingdom that symbolizes royalty and sacred) that
was said to be associated with the god Horus and is interconnected to the Greek
mythology because the limestone statue originates from Greek myth pertaining to
people who develop the idea after the great Sphinx was built 2000 years ago. The full
case of imaginary implementation of behind story about the Great Sphinx was morphed
in chased of truth---entertainment and the original story behind the Giant headdress
with a body of a lion---including wings and was peculiarly embedded with riddles.
One thing about riddles is that it needs an answer for a confusing question between two
conversing people but for the case of the Great Sphinx---it adheres to devouring the
people who attempts to be on the land and unable to answer the riddles---will be dead.
Just like the story about Oedipus finding the Thebes city, as he arrived then practically
greeted by the Sphinx with a riddle that if it was answered correctly---he will be the King of
Thebes, otherwise be eaten. The riddle was about “Four feet in the morning, two in the
afternoon and three feet in the evening, what is it?” and answered by Oedipus as person
which is correct. Basically, a person starts from being a baby that crawls with his/her feet
and two hands, then in adult stage it will walk in two foot and when old, it will have a cane
which will be the third foot---and the Sphinx was dumbfounded by Oedipus then without
reason---she jumped out to the sea. The Great Sphinx is preeminent in Egyptian, Asian,
and Greek Mythology as theomorphic---various of version as well, but solely the term
Sphinx is from Greek which is why the famous myth coming from the Greek Myth.
Furthermore, Egyptian people believed that the Sphinx is their deity---a sun god.

That’s absolutely interesting, miss. Thank

you. Last question. Number 3, How is it
still relevant in modern times?

Histories in primitive era are still as important in modern times, miss.

It is a great thing for people in ancient to be still acknowledged even after
many years have passed---the same with its mythic identity by indulging as
a tourist spot or destination for people to practically enjoy. It symbolizes a
country to be known more by many people and to be molded in other
perspective and culture as well. Its significance will remain stupendous and
powerful---through people coming together, miss. The modern history and
culture abide to the enhancement of relationship within people such as
passing of articulated entertainment, rejoicing of origins, plastering of
economic ventures, feast, musical theater plays, etc. Gradual style of
human inhibitions that precedes to exhibitions signifies an art that was made
by an artist. The Great Sphinx was developed by culture of one culture that
made importance to history that gave essential meaning to the utmost
structured monument. Furthermore, modern era is a piece to form peace
molding generations-to-generations to be remarkable for a continuous time.
That would be all, miss. Thank you so much.

That’s indeed amazing, miss. Your interview is done, Thank you miss. ^^!!
congratulations. We will contact you by the time we will be
done with the results. Thank you for coming and have a great
day ahead. Again, congrats. See you!

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