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3rd Quarter Examination for English 9

4. What is the type of bias that happens when journalists and news producers select the
events and stories that are reported and how they are covered?.
a. Conformity Bias c.Anchoring Bias
b. Media Bias d.Halo Effect
5. What is the type of bias that an action of supporting or opposing a particular person or
thing in an unfair way because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment?
A. Media Bias c. Bias
B. Prejudice d. Conformation Bias
7. It is the tendency to change one's beliefs or behavior to fit in with others. Instead of using their
own judgment, individuals often take cues from the group they are with, belong to, or seek to belong
to about what is right or wrong.
A. Conformation Bias c. Conformity Bias
B. Media Bias d. Anchoring Bias
9. Who is the author of the play entitled “A Raisin in the Sun”?
A.Walter Wykes C. William Shakespeare
B.Lorraine Hansberry D. O. Henry
10. The moral of the story “While the Auto Waits” by O. Henry tells us that…
A. Love at first sight
B. Appearance can be deceiving
C. Believing on ones thought
D. Money can buy happiness

15. A bullying with the use of digital technologies. It also take place on social media,
messaging platforms, gaming platforms and mobile phones.
A. Libel c. Social-Networking Sites
b.Anti-Social d. Cyber-bullying
16. It is a behavior were noise, shouting, swearing and fighting intimidation of neighbours and others
through threats or actual violence.
A. Halo Effect c. Cybercrime
B. Anti-Social d. Prejudice
17 A crime that involve using computers or networks to spread malware, illegal information or
illegal images.
A. Cyberbully c. Anti-Social
B. Cybercrime d. Anti-Social Networking Sites
18. It is an unfair feeling of dislike for a a person or group because of race, sex, status, religion and
A Unfair Treatment c. Prejudice
c. Media Bias d. Social dislikeness

19. It is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems that most often relate to the belief and
worship of a controlling force, such as a personal god or another supernatural being.

a. Belief c. Religion

B. Superstition d. Culture Sensitivity

21. Which event is included in the rising action of the story?

a. Lena received the insurance money
B. The Younger’s moved out from the house
C. Conflict arose due to the characters' individual dreams
d. Walter loses the insurance money
22. The Younger’s apartment can be described as.…
a. nice but not cared for. b, shabby but cared for.
c. nice and cared for. d. shabby but not cared for.
1. What does "A Raisin in the Sun" symbolizes in the play?
a. The dreams of the family
b. The struggles of the characters
c. The conflict in the character's decisions
d. The house where the family lived
24. The person who is incharge of Clybourne Association Park who offers Younger family
money to stay in their small apartment.
A. Willy Harris c. Joseph Asagai
B. Mr. Lindner d. George Murchison

25. What is Prejudice?

A. It is a preference for against a person, idea, or thing
B. It is a judging or forming an opinion before having all of the relevant facts.
C. It involves a form of judgment or opinion that can affect one’s behavior and perception
of others
D. It is the action of supporting or opposing a particular person in an unfair way.
26. It refers to the tendency of people to rate attractive individuals more favorably for their
personality traits or characteristics as compared to those who are less attractive.
A. Appearance c. Positive Impression
B. Halo Effect d. Judgment
27. It is a type of online platforms which people use to build social networks or social
relationships with other people who share similar interests.
A. Social Networking Services c. Socialization
B. Online Community d. Social Networking Sites

31. It is an evidence that can be used in a court proceeding by a witness’ testimony.

A.Statistical Evidence c. Testimonial Evidence
B.Analogical Evidence d. Anecdotal Evidence
32. An evidence that provides a particular form of proof related to the collection of
information that is aggregated and then summarized using some mathematical
A. Analogical Evidence c. Statistical Evidence
B. Anecdotal Evidence d. Testimonial Evidence
33. A type of evidence that uses analogy to prove a point. It resists the assumption that
what is true for one must be true for another, similar condition or situation.
A. Analogical Evidence c. Statistical Evidence
B. Anecdotal Evidence d. Testimonial Evidence
34. A type of evidence that based only on personal observation, collected in a casual or non-
systematic manner.
A. Analogical Evidence c. Testimonial Evidence
B. Anecdotal Evidence d. Statistical Evidence
35. It is the author’s information that includes educational background, experience,
occupation, and position etc. that helps you to determine whether the author knows about
their subject.
A. Author’s Biography c. Publication Date
B. Credential of source d. Background checking
36. It is the concept of one topic being connected to another topic in a way that makes it useful
to consider the second topic when considering the first.
A. Relevance c. Validity
B. Relatedness d. Interconnection

37. It is the use of invalid reasoning in the construction of an argument that may appear to be well-
reasoned if unnoticed.
A. Truthfulness c. Fact
B. Fallacy d. Validity
38. This is a statement where a lot of people freely expressed their thoughts and ideas in
the said topic or argument.
A. Freedom of speech c. Debate
B. Opinion d. Testimony
39. In judging the validity of evidence, what are the things that you should need to
A. Autobiography of an author
B. Credential of source, Publication date, Check for biases and evidences
C. Life and works of an author
D. Testimonial, Statistical, Analogical and Anecdotal evidence

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