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11.Explain the effects of Non-Cooperation Movement on the economic front.

Ans. The effects of Non-Cooperation on the economic front were more dramatic:
Foreign goods were boycotted ,Liquor shops were picketed ,Foreign clothes were burnt in huge
bonfires. As a result
(1) As a result The import of foreign goods and cloth was reduced to 50% between 1921-22.
(2) The value of foreign goods import reduced from 102 core to Z 57 core.
(3) Merchants and traders refused to trade in foreign goods or finance foreign trades.
(4) Production of Indian textile mills and handloom and Khaki went up.
12.When and where was Khilafat Committee formed ? What was its objective?
Ans. (1) It was formed in March, 1919 in Bombay.
(2) Objective of Khilafat Committee :
(i) To defend the temporal powers of the Khalifa, the spiritual head of Islamic world.
(ii) To avert a harsh peace treaty (as was approached) which was to be imposed on the Ottoman
13.Explain the ideas of Gandhi as he expressed in the famous book ‘Hind Sawaraj’ regarding
Ans. In his book “Hind Sara”, Gandhi gave reasons for the success of the British rule in India and
how the Non-Cooperation Movement could make it to collapse.
(1) In his views, the British rule was established in India with the co-operation of Indians and had
survived only because of this co-operation.
(2) If Indians refused to cooperate, the British rule would collapse within a year.
(3) The success of Non-Cooperation Movement would bring Sara for the Indian people.
Very Short Answers:-
1.Which movement of Andhra Pradesh joined Mahatma Gandhi’s Non-Cooperation
Ans. The peasant movement of Andhra Pradesh joined Mahatma Gandhi’s Non-Cooperation
2.State one demand of peasants in Awadhi.
Ans. (1) Reduction of revenue and
(2) Abolition of begat. (any one)
3.How had plantation workers of Assam reacted to Non-Cooperation Movement call?
Ans. When they heard of the Non-Cooperation Movement, thousands of workers defied the
authorities, left the plantations and headed towards their home.
4.State one impact of reduction of imports during Non-Cooperation Movement.

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