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Lesson 6 - The Physical Self

Activity VI

Write your thoughts about these statements:

1. In your own perspective define what is beauty

Beauty is not always about the physical appearance of someone or something. It is defined
to me as we become more honest, the feeling of comfortness with our own and not asking for
more. Appreciating ourselves with our own perception and imperfections. The feel of goodness
within us, with our own capabilities and how we socialize to other people. It’s not always the
physical appearance we find the true beauty but the character of the person is on top, a
constant refinement on becoming a better person.

2. Give at least 2 persons in your life whom you consider beautiful and explain what makes
them beautiful

My mother of course, the number 1 in my life. From the day I was born she has always
been there for me. What I admire the most about her is that she provides true love with us, a
safe haven for everyone’s emotions and does her best to keep all of us safe. I admire her
strength as a woman who sacrificed a lot the same as my father where they both supported
each other, which inspires me to become responsible in life. Another is a special someone of
mine whom I met when I was in junior highschool, she’s beautiful inside out but she doesn’t see
the same with my own perspective of her. She’s very smart and hot headed sometimes but I
never get tired admiring her because of his ability to survive challenges in her life. I eventually
became inspired by her since she strives on what she does in her academics and life. Both of
them are my life and my light.

3. Which part of your body do you consider beautiful, explain why?

I think my eyes, a lot of people say that “they’re caught in the eye”. With their own
sentiments people tell me that eyes speak a lot, it has the character of its own. It’s the first thing
people look at and I think eyes are the beautiful part of the body for the majority of people. It can
communicate without saying a word. That can tell us not only the person’s character but it
represents the well being, the condition of a person.

4. I am Beautiful or Handsome because

Not really and not technically because kind of having imperfections that are not pleasing
with other perspectives, it’s a thing that is present. And it goes by, what really people see in me
but through the years I’m getting and maybe it’s also safe to say that I’m handsome because I’m
a person, a blessing in life. I’m handsome because I’m true to myself, I’m honest about my
perspective to other people and hopefully what they say to me. It’s not always about the
physical appearance but rather the truth within us, the character which person’s respected to as
it is a two way street getting it from someone and giving it to the latter.

Assessment VI

Listen to “Mrs. Potato Head” by Melanie Marquez.

1. Explain what message she is sending in her music.

Melanie Marquez sent out the message of possible consequences of a sudden decision for
instance these kinds of plastic surgeries just to become beautiful to a lot of perspectives.
Because we are supposed to think before we decide and do something, in this case through the
media and the society where we are thought to do and think the same. At first it could become
good but as my mother told me, the beauty really fades away, it's part of our body. And this
could alter our parts especially our body, though because what society might think of us it’s
always been there “Mrs. Potato Head” is the essence of being naturally struck by the society

2. Discuss what lines that struck you the most.

The lines in the first verse struck me the most since it is the clear message given. “If you
weren't born with it, You can buy a couple ornaments, Just be sure to read the warning, kids”
these lines struck me since it gives out a message and advice to not let things mess up. We’re
not really born with the things society wants us to become, as a strong person you need to
grasp a bit and move along. We could buy the “ornaments” for example our skin routine, make
ups for girls to become pleasing in situations but the line “Just be sure to ready the warning,
kids” In my perspective, it’s not the thing alone but rather our decision to become cautious
because somethings doesn’t go back, naturally as we’re born.It’s not the society that contradicts
us but rather ourselves for our own good.

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