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As we're planning to set off our backpacking journey, i was looking for place to stay, something like a

resort, but i found so much better- I found Bothies- a small , renovated stone cottages. This houses
are loccated in the Highlands. The good point in this kind of accomondation, is thats houses are
completly free, only when we decided to use wood for the fireplace, we must put the same quantity
that we use before, and leave the house clean. If we choose this, we will see the beautefull and
breathtaking nature All around us. But, i have also but news, we cant make accomondation it is
something like- you are comming, you will always find a place to Sleep, but sometime you can meet
another person and sleep with they In one house, However, you need to bring your own camping
bags beacause In this small stone house there is nothing, like furniture, no Bed, no kitchen and
there's no running water or electricity. But i thing, that wil be a nice and awsome adventure

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