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Sir Syed Ahmed Khan


Q. Sir Syed, your efforts bridged the gap between traditional Islamic education and
modern scientific knowledge. How did you manage to strike this balance, and what
was the reception of your ideas among the people? I am delighted to discuss my
efforts in bridging the gap between traditional Islamic education and modern scientific knowledge. My
primary goal was to lead the Muslim community towards progress and enlightenment in an ever-
evolving world. I am known as a key figure in bridging the gap between traditional Islamic education
and modern scientific knowledge. I believed that acquiring scientific knowledge, rational thinking, and a
modern outlook was essential to progress, and thus I established the Scientific Society in Ghazipur in
1864 to promote these values. Consequently, I founded Aligarh Muslim University, which served as a
hub for modern education, offering students the opportunity to explore a wide range of disciplines,
including science, arts, and literature, all while upholding their Islamic heritage. In order to strike this
delicate balance, I firmly believed in the significance of preserving our traditional knowledge while
embracing the insights of contemporary sciences. I came to realize that the conventional Islamic
education system could no longer adequately address the challenges posed by the modern era. It was
imperative to adapt and integrate modern sciences and knowledge into our educational framework.
Consequently, I founded Aligarh Muslim University, which served as a hub for modern education,
offering students the opportunity to explore a wide range of disciplines, including science, arts, and
literature, all while upholding their Islamic heritage.

Q. What was the reaction of the general public to your ideas? My

ideas were met with a mixed reception. Some individuals welcomed these reforms and saw the
potential for progress, while others resisted change, fearing it might erode our traditional values and
religious identity. Nevertheless, I remained steadfast in my belief that we could harmoniously blend
our religious convictions with the advancements of science and modernity. As time went on, and the
advantages of this approach became evident, many people began to recognize the value of combining
traditional Islamic wisdom with contemporary knowledge.

Q. You are an inspiring personality to the entire Pakistan today, and many people
look up to you as their role model. Do you have any message for them that you
would like to convey? My endeavors aimed
at nurturing a more enlightened and empowered Muslim community, capable of making meaningful
contributions to the progress of society. I am gratified to witness that my vision continues to inspire
generations and plays a pivotal role in the ongoing discourse between tradition and progress in the
Muslim world. I also hope that the youth today would continue my legacy and spread the idea of
advanced education for Muslims, so that they can spread forward in the world having good knowledge
of how the modern world around them works, while also having ample knowledge of their religion

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