31-8-2020 Up Revenue

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ThTf-tksz11-134 <1itN-1.

6K-TfokTfoltro icrFo
Znc) /79.01:N-91/ 2014-16
c.11 -<1-1

?TWO' WIriff 17M.411

3911 041171 tit:Mt WM IMIIM

L114 tiMite
(\i-th ii1SR)

1111111,4, 31 111-0, 2020

211q 9, 1942 VW wig

%raw •q11114


elyS-1th, 31 311nii, 2020

qiNcr I5Tarm- W arg- aq• 200 3TEft9 1•041.11ef sra-vr i"itc er.
(affim) ffia-trw,.; 2020 j-fit Thritcf 31197T-1 111Itlich T AM a 28.
r17 ft-
&TIFF, 2020 WI 81111ft IRM Si . liaYf 31frizfrf 1911
Wg ‘Icct1 C 28 T11 2020 5 -FR 11.
Sareir met Tyffrat r 3TRRFffr gir Wt-rita. 14)if 1/1 4 1cli #1

\Rd.< •Wata •dvitcr Tatffi (#`4*-19) 3T1Rzfr1, 2020

(..3c-cw 1.1a *isi 28 R:19., 2020)

[ \3c-c-rr rktrr le4sTr9 IriRcr pin .

‘iccif i1 TiltdT, 2006 "ThT 317W tOtiff ct):01.

4R-ff *(1)6a1t4 qtt 4 Pi-iffZsicr r t:-

dr (Tirthtiff) 31M4451, 2020. Ttrezr 91iT

i-zrg 3Tiff47ITI \ick-VC liaYr .1\31t4 Tift-

187 APB 2020 (Revenue Code) (Adhiniyam) 4e

2 \Jai ay amitraur 31 WWI, 2020

‘3411 14 2-‘3cth 'tit-dT 2006, M 3TP1 tef aTfiTThlN ch6f 117T t,

31tre449 titcqr 8 Thei 1-TRT 4 4 9ERTT7T (i0) W1-9. ER -1 ,--11-W&F 3EIE1TRT t WcEt,
2012 Met
(ro) 31/2-qr-4; 4 'ErItqi . wr c1ic14 ra
tqLi pta ziT t>11 3P7 WiTif 14174 TIT 13 ti44)1 EA TIT 2-1-g *- ‘R. tic-41 zif
EA (-2411dco t),r 31/2 iflw 14711 Tif 1414 ZIT qi 4037 zrr Irc-11 31/2
f4m), faq0cr fi4iait3 13-43 34-d-r91/2 31/2 fic9 Siciitt
warr 3i1tc5afiTlItti
tLiticrroir-Qrt i51 MN4 arr4u 31/2 t ar2rw
fjij 31/2 Th71- wrti
EiRT 59 Th-T 3- TIF ST Met 617T 59 if 3EFETWT (4) 4-
it'AP-17 (w) 3$4-r4 tr3 Thei ,cg 7ur qr wrtir,
(w) (cw). wrEir3r (i) W arts uri41 fW41Tfl53ft titcdtaritzr
4 trIt4- 44 3Twei t 3t#trff w3. Trwt t trfted-ff w3 Trwt t zIT
u31/2 -1)433u w3 Trwt t
(t). tirWRI TIT wrtzr # 4141 Trl zrr
§4 .9981) Trt zrr af-d-fta- ElPT-77 -Eittr3-r
(i) W artff 3TPATAff 9t t, 4 WFIT-77 St 37.171 (i) 31T1F
arrearrita- lif4 4 I4Rq11.ci ZJR 31/2mit t
(2) .11)N5 (10 7P-Tiff tR Pi-ifRoci .?34 1:1
471T 71ifiTT,

(Tr) (w). fdn.11 vrxr ttwzrff zrr 3P-Trtzr iRitui n;r#3

*Eft Trt TIT 4141 01 ti9s11 Tr ZIT 3ia # 14,41 lifrr Tri arr
vr telt itetrff [r-4 Ye, ultir faltu 1.4>ir q-rzr,
Trwer t
(t) ta.4 (qw) W 3Tdrff f+- 1 ies-t 14-4-di arta
-r 3,rwt t 3:f#Er4 3:rwt t trit44ff 3Twer t zrr
at 3:rwt t
UM 60 WE 4-90 arferxr %TNT 60 UERTRT (2) 14, va NO 7P-Tiff
alW.Tff u4 333r itzrr wrOrr, 3r8417:-
(u) ii4 ift 3rt7 ti•miur, aryarcrr ath itwrTr
Ttr/lItTff uq1-r3r 334 t wrzttr, ar8Tfq:-
(2) #1taT t 31w4 374-#11 4 3T-111Z .41-ff li co,
6 lit Eir3r # ucrerryr 0) 4 qPf4td arqw
4 -r W ffiy wzr, srfs4ff, zrr 7-4trd 14)4 Trir
.3ticbt 4,14 qTr4, erlo 1,1q11/1
11—Ou.1 Tif 11,—Utre t arevor zrr Trur t 31.2741
1k9T4 t 74 ei) ct) 3rr-4-sziw I q61 ivQT WOK 'eft
cilco ‘itreilfor W1/2 4114 Thar *ft # tf 1f ç zjr rtt, arly zrft
c. ct) .34uIfltht # if *ft lAar t 71-4fr (114)
k-19 r St ijftr W (NIGH zrr wiT31/2 artrwcM 31WI ¶Jk \IA). TRIff
ffiy zwrftqt arewr fst Plcpccicil vri1/2 tjt4çf areT-4-r 342Tr4tzi
cer9vr, 4 ar314a. sv t wrtft TIT '<MT \11'< 417k rfi 31tor St qr3r
ioi W 3rtr4, mit 11444 tt 31W, faff 4ifa 31/2 31/2#11/2 :

187 RPH 2020 (Revenue Code) (Adhiniyam) 4e

‘3cc-N. Tra-c4T 31-R9TURTri fluid, 31 31TRE, 2020 3

rfT ft f5eftc-1t iy41Rcii mar 9 met *ft arrum-rfkR ;wan-

erfl f44E9 7-4 ziol trz LiRcifJcr. met 3U Trm'ert, ,Ittr ft 1a-17 met
u1141 dlco .34q11101 S 9 S 311:1niPcicfi fThzt chkul Tht
Ntru b-cr aff4ff-d-trff f -zrr -rzl-Trr
6—VI 3n Met tIRT 80 S 311t1171 (1) # -14--11-WZNcr tITIT EINT 80 Th-T
ici Rir 7r4Tir,
Tig 1* e4R 1.11tNir crN4 Sarrk--4 $ ¶M ftegff
ticv-r t uPa-r tgwr ,3110 04 $ I1i4e1 4 Trt ETR-1-1 mar
ailim Trt tr-4 mat fted- ticilrf tl 31'17
‘19fclact)141 gki zfeTT toThu tifireff f4-4 4'ru kuir 9-tr mar
t Wt iun S Tit w4-4I atI7 08 d ck.
d-rft-m-rer $ 3ff-a-vr 3Turt-44- fet4.11 Tritff myNcr arf4--
s 'ucft- a-dr
31fkratiff cOdir
zrft wrrfta trum-H kictrf If ir $ wzr-4.1. 4 cpli
crNir t411, ffi 18Tri ^/4Iiic14 affurf - vftrF
ticpcir t
,7—("cr) 117 3afTh-tfl1 Tht ETTRT 89 .14 3TIVRT (2) $ 1-1Y-c8cf MT 89 IT
Th+-11- 1Z5c1 ti-ftactr<uk Rir w44-r, aran-q:—
.44 aroir—t-fr urrizzr zrq fm-t- arf4fr $r ciicti4 Iiictzfq) zrr
fet$ t
. NI) u4sTrzr (3) -4, 4?-
1--R $ zein zrz 4-1 1$ Tqf ftzrf
LN-ki -at It .10 9, it7ft Tut m--444t, 141 -N54
11484 eii4N1c11 tri-NP1,4tii4. -e/N-r, 3TP-T8T f+-Rff ap/11f$ zrr
7r-fur u-rvr Tfr ucrtuvr zrr $ 10 wr ar4erff \3c-cp(
‘4414A- 149-F4T tM 9W4P2IT 3TtfiAzFr, 1950 S WM 154 S 3cfETRT (3)
$ aTElt4 31-71--4-4 vrTr Re" 31Tht 31.2.17f Wit S qtt ThrLf
tr<47V 3T21-41 arritfrf $ aTift4 T 1,44,,Nr tg crarm7 <1.)1 Sift
*1'n thErTa, 71 arra-47 ctrth $
arg-frw arprfirrff 3TI1IRT (2) $ aSr itta- 44-ir 3Tffi$
zrwR:r -sredvm jjdft, I5TTram .4),(4 tivq-rg ti43Fih amar m-zr mar
qi;gf4cr crN4 $ f am-4r 399t4-ff Th7 iwer/tioar *1
tw lor
-1-44-41WZgcr TR-- %NT 101 TT
8-117 3Titik87 S EIRT 101 4 .siu4 (u)
Ru q-rzI4T, apt:—
zru RP4io 3r-g-r 9--cm mai 7f TrR-d1 t, tr
umfad .R.11 9 m-r teqicri-r tit41/4TPcp tetr Tff ezia. 3110.$
(TO .4 f*11- 1Z.5c-r tr-ct--$ I Rui wzlzrr, 31"21*:—
Iwki zr* fe44rzr mat argyr ;441-1 mar we'r t, tf
IN.c11141 f471 9 Th-f E. tliciuAct) 9 5z47 tr-*fr wed-vr-d-
EIT7T 108 TT
9 (1) 17 3Tf1f1ZN Sz•TRT 108 k 31:RTRT (1) 14 . TR "fiWer $
9rz7r-d, vrR -Rd *ff-tz wor ft un . 11

187 RPH 2020 (Revenue Code) (Adhiniyam) 4e

4 \int? WIT 3MTETRT 11‘4 , 31 3TW1, 2020
(2) 37Th4 (2) 7-P-1T9 tR, PiilPiRcf WTh-TRT t Wtift &TS:-
Wig-NT (1) 3crecil atzzgrff p-tT 7u-7 Vi1fZR,. aniFit Zit
1H4/1 W I1Fè4ct -104H \3cckifcri t,
(w) f4ww, art 717- 7 !Tit zrr qc41, alf44-rft-ff
Hcl I-1 3tt wrr 47-r-jt4cit %at vrrurr`W jdk
tr-cl zrg• itwr, 714wfta 2ig tiON, 3117
itr4t t-A't 4141 aftzr T-47 p
4-g a Ow, re-1111d 6 1;
filcir 717 dr ;
(Tr) .NctiRcr ;
(Er) lit at4-4-rftd- 41'87, ell 713-4R- #rt zrr 4f8-4 st/9Zr:
Tiff qcir W p 2Ig 4137 3T17 114 wr
71'44regu fl -iciirr 74 T4 7 Fr4 \itil qnr wr
(z) p mei pr attR. 7-uz7 tiove
Tqcir S't Kor ath ferdr W for;
(35) igt wr p, eTt 7-0-47 arftwro
(7) fagOn ofk
di 4-ft7
Tr1k- \AI qcir .er tr
ifgrr¶4 j1 -0-7 tidy! aN aiPiiIci 3*
(z) *at 4-t-# WE 39P-1-4 4E37 ticti-r 3M arikrro Pt, ulf
ea-r \trfl- 7 qta w't t;
99 wr 99 Q717-47 tiovr 3M3lra-4'8-d .41;
M f4ir W firm wr p, 717u7 tic1l'iaM aied-a lgt;
qC11 qdr p wr 99 2Tg 41:7
47 ticurr aM aritff
070 Hicli l hidE 451 99,7cru7 tidirr aM7frorre-d- lit
MT 109 10-1F1 3fi1ft1Ff Thal ETRT 109 # YIE4 irtf" 6i 44). 31RI1
TISTff triwa. risc "qt i faqr 7r-krrr
61171 110 MI 11 tt tIM-1l0
11-t1 31-11 TUN tr7 Thm-4M6c-r im t
tizi N-1 7r4-Tft,
110-uie H teem W wrq14 trzwff, fth711
sgrrt zrr twtwl zrce-4-F met IN it Witt vilcr zrt aS
atift-m thi<or 2cr, Elm 107 t 109 3crecti M aTartit9.,
f4c Trq \icc-kifctv argrRrqiiic1 it
eTt 4E37 344aff
\LI att 7f4w10 p p Tr39 fl 7-17-4-q tic-9-1, 3th
A-eta VI, T4 p wpr fftqw ati? T4 7 W T-4 Tiff p wet
for4T, -simr W 39717 t14-11-f 3te
tr" Zig ft Wirfff: •Rimr wr .Rtectr q,,< th artgitta 45

187 R214 2020 (Revenue Code) (Adhiniyam) 4e

\ick-k Sft WU-1M1 dlJId, 31 3171W1, 2020

ITT% feRrff: zj ifif(1)fu, Rni Tat cOifir t

\ 7rt1ft ;
(r) -4? Zif RclOcr -1/3-7 tit zur tr-A ;
(7r) faiQcr
(€r) 24t d7
.17- %kohl 30 31fteeff TA;
(z,) qcir;
(Ei) fawr Hill;
9-t d Tiff r wr t zrr 2.4 -17- 7 Irf Wgt-
C7 1-1t
Zif \'11 ftdr t, att7 qTrt 7r 2tt 7-cra tidirr
afrR. arfti-rro arrR;
(7) 3114-4-reo witff;
(T) qcracr Nit-4;
(7) isarr m-r 21-4 133-7 *I I 30 aritlritff at I
12—ter 3itiffiTili Th°t ETT7T 126. t 31-ff -1 ,--if%cr itzff MT 126
TiVnt•Tff •
trefrff, aithr—
f famr ath Rc11l cqfli4t zm 7-Rmr9 i4 fszu
13-41c 3itrffitriT Si tIFT 128 Si WcRITRT (1—) t Ta1N IT? ETT7 128 Wr •
4-1 . Wi—gRT 3TaTfq:—
ucmgr (i) ucri-,41 3P-frff Tff #rem criznT 04 *1 -4 TIT
tRtricr, -D)4 i 311-4-dff zrr <tio trcer .* 911-0 4 10 EK8T 31T8t7
d7 auk-4914)w 7r \Ion t
fkfftt Erk w4*i1t- •

aftq cmur

4 qi—tyrdzil t Tr-04ff t1i)14)cr' (wok WaTT \itI4

TNAEH c.m4 fc \sk-cu MaYf •fluitcr TrItm, 2006 7f4r4zrftra. 14)=-Ir 71-4T ti
3frd-4t-t-Tur atly tNctta. zh-7-ffr3il \3c.cp-r Qkiircii-r w41.1114 .14 Si wig -z-tra &wr
/-ft144-5a cfrok, Si strftSi 11.i4 Si AittfT tkef 61-84, c1)ch
\J441)1)11 ittf u84, Thitd. 419r aifimi fl 1. 1.*c-fkmur .srlt-zrr Tcrtz
Pb4 \114, ii—ucrzA-rr 4 crifd crifd 4 14Prit3-r ft* \IR
lireciaccrS cHAct,i,t Triw4t aitrwit tg trrq erg fd).) 1/4384 1T mik-cr
4F- Trolerff RzFrizrr71 Z5T7Friti-m f5t 7r4 S fq \ictrf flrrizrPr
cpt TfrAtN f4,4 .114 arrqww eli \3Q4cr CfIlv3r7 tptaff aitfrr4 4 Trstim
iir zwr Rf)xtra fa)gr Trar t .

cictik \3c-th th31tc1 TiftM (io-17) ftzrt, 2020 7:7QTTlitff fqi ulicli t I


187 RPH 2020 (Revenue Code) (Adhiniyam) 4e

—i 31711t/FuT 111/41d, 31 3179?1, 2020

No. 1551(2)/LXX1X-V-1-20-1(ka)-36-20
Dated Luckhow, August 31, 2020
IN pursuance of the provisions of clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution, the Governor is
pleased to order the publication of the following English translation of the Uttar Pradesh Rajaswa Samhita
(Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2020 (Uttar Pradesh Adhiniyam Sankhya 28 of 2020) as passed by the Uttar
Pradesh Legislature and assented to by the Governor on August 28, 2020. The Rajaswa Anubhag-1, is
administratively concerned with the said Adhiniyam.


(UP. Act no. 28 OF 2020)
[As passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature]

further to amend the Uttar Pradesh Revenue Code, 2006.

IT IS HEREBY enacted in the Seventy first Year of the Republic of India as
Short title 1. This Act may be called the Uttar Pradesh Revenue Code (Amendment) Act,
Amendment of 2. In section 4 of the Uttar Pradesh Revenue Code, 2006 hereinafter referred to
Section 4 of the as the principal Act, for sub-section (10) the following sub-section shall be substituted,
U.P. Act no 8 of
2012 namely:-
(10)- family, in relation to a tenure-holder, means himself or herself and
his wife or her husband or third gender spouse, as the case may be, (other than
a judicially separated wife or husband or third gender spouse), minor sons and
minor daughters other than married daughters and third gender minor issue.
Explanation- Third Gender means such a person who is of a gender different
from the male or female gender.
Amendment of 3. In sub-section (4) of sectian 59 of the principal Act-
section 59
(1) for clause (a) the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
(a) (i) add to, amend, vary or rescind any earlier order issued under
sub-section (1);
(ii) convert any land entrusted or deemed to be entrusted or transferred to any
Gram Panchayat or local authority, which is not covered under sub-section (1) of
section 77 to a land covered under sub-section (1) of section 77.
(2). for clause (c) the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
(c) (i). resume any land or other thing so entrusted or deemed to be entrusted
or transferred to any Gram Panchayat or local authority on such terms and conditions as
(ii) add to, amend, vary or rescind any earlier order issued under clause (i);
Amendment of 4. In sub-section (2) of section 60 of the principal Act, for clause (b) the
section 60 following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
(b) the preservation, maintenance and development of forests, trees and
Amendment of 5. In section 77 of the principal Act, for sub-section (2) the following sub-
section 77 section shall be substituted namely:-
(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in other provisions of
this Code, where any land or part thereof specified in sub-section(1) of this section is,
surrounded by or, in between, or on the edges and necessary for public purpose, the plot

187 RPH 2020 (Revenue Code) (Adhiniyam) 4e

\icth T 31RTMTRul , 31 31TWT, 2020 7

or plots of land purchased, acquired or resumed for public purpose, the State
Government may change the class of such public utility land, and if class of such public
utility land is changed, any other land equivalent to or more than that of the aforesaid
public utility land, shall be reserved for the same purpose in the same or any nearby
Gram Panchayat or local authority, as the case may be or the State Government may
permit the exchange thereof under section 101 of this Code in the manner prescribed.
Provided that the class of any public utility land may be changed only in
exceptional cases on such terms and conditions, as may be prescribed. The reason for
changing the class of public utility land shall be recorded in writing.
6. In sub-section (1) of section 80 of the principal Act, the following proviso Amendment of
section 80
shall be inserted, namely:-
Provided that if the application for declaration is accompanied with the
prescribed fee and in case of joint holding, no objection of co-tenure holders is attached
in case of co-tenure holder and if the declaration is not made by the Sub-Divisional
Officer with forty-five days as aforesaid, then the declaration shall be deemed to have
been made. Tehsildar will make a record of it in the revenue records, with the comment
"subject to the order of the Sub-Divisional Officer".
If any affected party wants to file an objection in relation to the said
declaration, it may file an objection in the competent court.
Amendment of
7. In section 89 of the principal Act-
section 89
after sub-section (2) the following explanation shall be inserted, namely:-
Explanation- the expression 'person' in this sub-section means natural or legal
In sub-section (3), for the proviso the following proviso shall be
substituted, namely:-
Provided that where the land has been acquired or purchased by a registered
firm, company, partnership firm, limited liability partnership firm, trust, society or any
educational or a charitable institution, without obtaining prior approval under this sub-
section or sub-section (3) of section 154 of the Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and
Land Reforms Act, 1950 as enacted before the repeal, the State Government or an
officer authorized for this purpose under this Act, may give its approval for regularizing
such acquisition or purchase, after payment of an amount as fine, which shall be fifty
percent of the cost of the land in excess of the limit prescribed under sub-section (2)
calculated as per the, circle rate prevailing at the time of making the application.
8. In section 101 of the principal Act, in clause (b) the following proviso shall Amendment of
section 101
be inserted, namely:-
Provided that permission for exchange may be granted even if the valuation of
private land offered for exchange is more than ten percent of the value of the public
In clause (c) the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:-
Provided that permission for exchange may be granted even if the area of
private land offered for exchange is more than twenty five percent of the area of the
public land.
9.0) In section 108 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1) after the words Amendment of
section 108
"being a male" the words "Third Gender" shall be inserted.
(2) For sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:-
The following relatives of the male third gender Bhumidhar, asami or
government lessee are heirs subject to the provisions of sub section (1), namely-
(a) Widow, or third gender spouse, unmarried daughters, third gender issue and
the male lineal descendants in the male line of descent per stirpes:

187 RPH 2020 (Revenue Code) (Adhiniyam) 4e

8 ciVI3Rflt1WU1ld313PWL2O2O

Provided that widow, unmarried daughters, third gender issue and sons
howsoever low shall inherit per stripes the share which would have devalved upon the
predeceased son had he been alive.
Mother and father;
Married daughter;
Brother, unmarried sister, third gender sibling being respectively the son
and daughter, third gender issue of the same father as the deceased, and son, unmarried
daughter, third gender issue of predeceased brother, the predeceased brother, having
been the son of the same father as the deceased.
Son's daughter and third gender issue;

(0 Father's mother and father's father;

Daughter's son, third gender issue and unmarried daughter;

Married sister;
Half sister, being the daughter of the same father as the deceased;
0) Sister's son, third gender issue and unmarried daughter;
Half sister's son, third gender issue and unmarried daughter the sister
having been the daughter of the same father as the deceased;
(1) Brother's son's son, third gender issue and unmarried daughter;
Father's father's son, third gender issue and unmarried daughter;
Father's father's son's son, third gender issue and unmarried daughter;
Mother's mother's son, third gender issue and unmarried daughter.
Amendment of In section 109 of the principal Act, after the word "male", wherever
section 109 occuring, the words "third gender" shall be inserted.
Amendment of For section 110 of the principal Act, the following section shall be
section 110 substituted, namely:-
110. Where any female bhumidhar asami or a government lessee dies, after
the commencement of this code, then her interest in any holding or its part shall subject
to the provisions of section 107 to 109, devolve, in accordance with the order of
succession given below-
Son, third gender issue, unmarried daughter, soli' s son, third gender issue,
and unmarried daughter, son's son's son, third gender issue and unmarried daughter,
predeceased son's widow, and predeceased son's predeceased son's widow, in equal
shares as per stripes:
Provided firstly that the nearer shall exclude the remoter in the same branch:
Provided secondly that a widow who has remarried, shall be excluded.
Husband or married third gender spouse;
Married daughters;
Daughter's son, third gender issue and unmarried daughter;
(0 Widow mother;
Brother being the son of the same father as the deceased, third gender
sibling being the issue of the same father as the deceased and brother's son, third
gender issue and unmarried daughter as per stirpes;
Unmarried sister;
Married sister;
Sister's son, third gender issue and unmarried daughter.

157 RPH 2020 (Revenue Code) (Adhiniyam) 4e
\scci z1 aTl1t1Rt1r +RAC 31 31-113?1, 2020 9

In section 126 of the principal Act, the following proviso shall be inserted Amendment of
section 126
at the end, namely:-
Provided that preference shall be given to widow and physically disabled
For sub-section (1-A) of section 128 of the principal Act, the following sub- Amendment of
section 128
section shall be substituted, namely:-
Under the provisions of sub section (1), an application may be moved in the
case of an allotment or lease of land made before or after the commencement of this
code, within five years from the date of such allotment of lease.


The Uttar Pradesh Revenue Code, 2006 has been enacted to consolidate and amend the
law relating to land tenures and land revenue in the State of Uttar Pradesh. To ensure smooth
availability of land for purposes of industrialization and for the better implementation of
government schemes of the State, to simplify the process of exchange of land etc. for private
industries, to secure land for public utility, to clarify the process of regularization of land over the
prescribed limit, to make land use changes from agricultural use to non-agricultural land use, to
include third gender as eligible for the succession rights of land ownership and to solve various
procedural problems related to revenue matters certain amendments were required in the said
Act. In view of the above, it has been decided to amend the aforesaid Act.
The Uttar Pradesh Revenue Code (Amendment) Bill, 2020 is introduced accordingly.

By order,
J. P. SINGH-11,
Pramukh Sachiv.

itro1m0c4t0-7otr0 187 81‘41-2020—(556)-599 Vitt —(Th—lIW /to /4f78) I

1:110710Z100—R041-0 145 TR f0-1T41-2020--(557)-300 WitZTI—(cP 1-11Wt10/411FitE) I


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