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 To reaffirm faith in
o Fundamental human rights
o Equal rights of men and women of large or small nations
 To promote social progress and better standards of life

Article 1

 Purpose of United Nations

o To Maintain international peace and security
 For that take effective measures
o To Develop friendly relations among nations
o To Based on principle of equal rights
o To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems
 Of economic
 Social
 Cultural

Article 2

 Organizations and its members

o Membership is Based on principle of sovereign equality of all
o Member will Settle international disputes by peaceful means
o Member will Refrain from use of threat or force against each other
o Member will Give assistance to UN and refrain to give assistance against UN taking
preventive action
o Organization ensures that who is not member state also act accordance with
principle for maintain international peace and security
o UN will not intervene in matters of domestic jurisdiction

Article 3

 Original members of UN shall be states

Article 4

 Membership is open to all peace loving states

Article 6

 Member whom persistently violates principles may expelled by G.A on recommendation of


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