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Read the passage. Then answer the questions below (1-2).

Humans can neither change the sun's radiation nor the earth's orbit around the sun. But they can
control the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases and its effect on the atmosphere. Only during
the last hundred years the carbon dioxide concentration has been raised alarmingly in the atmosphere
and we humans can be held responsible for this. The main cause of the increase in carbon dioxide level
in the atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuels. Since the end of the 19th century, industrial activities
increased rapidly giving rise to many factories. These factories required energy, which was produced
through the combustion of coal. Besides coal, other sources of energy such as mineral oil and natural
gas were also burned to heat our houses, run cars and airplanes or to produce electricity. Nowadays,
about 85 million barrels of crude oil are burned daily. Every time a fossil raw material is burned, it
releases carbon dioxide into the air. Therefore, it is clear that more and more greenhouse gases like
carbon dioxide are being generated worldwide by humans. Moreover, we are also strengthening the
greenhouse effect by deforestation, which means cutting down trees. Every year enormous areas of
forests are destroyed by people to obtain wood and to clear regions for mining and to create pasture.
This loss of the forest causes dual problems. Trees that are burned up release large volumes of carbon
dioxide gas into the air. On the other hand, as forests absorb a lot of carbon dioxide from the air and
deliver oxygen instead, we also destroy an important storehouse of carbon dioxide when we clear
Word Meaning Synonyms
Orbit (n.) কক্ষপথ course, path, rotation.
Radiation (n.) বিকিরণ emission, discharge, eject, leak, emanation.
Concentration (n.) জমানো, ঘনীভবন congregation,
assemblage, cluster, gathering, condensation
Combustion (n.) দহন burning, kindling, ignition.
Crude (adj.) অপরিশোধিত raw, coarse, unrefined, unpolished.
Fossil (n.) জীবাশ্ম remnant, relic, petrified, remains.
Pasture (n.) চারণভূ মি grassland, hey, field.
Enormous (adj.) প্রচু র, বিপুল immense, gigantic, vast, huge.
Generate (v.) উৎপন্ন করা trigger, promote, rise to.
Alarmingly (adv.) বিপজ্জনকভাবে apprehensively, fearfully.

1. Choose the correct answer from the following alternatives.

(a) "This loss of the forest causes dual problems". The dual problems are -
(i) absorption of carbon dioxide is less and more carbon dioxide is emitted by burning trees
(ii) the release of oxygen and the absorption of carbon dioxide
(iii) emission of carbon dioxide and destruction of trees
(iv) trees are the storehouse of carbon dioxide and they absorb oxygen
(b) In this passage, we see trees help us in –
(i) one way. (ii) two ways (iii) three ways ens (iv) no way
(c) --- is thought to be responsible for increasing huge amount of fossil fuels.
(i) Rapid urbanization (ii) Overgrowth of population
(iii) Rapid industrialization (iv) Rapid electrification
(d) The main theme of the passage is to
(i) show how humans are responsible for greenhouse effect (ii) show the importance of tree plantation
(iii) show the result of deforestation (iv) show how fossil fuels are being used
(e)The main cause of the increase in carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere is –
(i) deforestation (ii) the burning of fossil fuels (iii) destruction of forests. (iv) desertification
(f) The things which are impossible for man are –
(i) to change the sun's radiation (ii) to change the earth's orbit
(iii) to change the rays of the sun (iv) all stated above
(g) The word 'radiation' means
(i) ray (ii) dissemination (iii) emission (iv) redemption
(h) Man can decrease –
(i) the amount of greenhouse gases (ii) the heat of the sun
(iii) the cold of winter (iv) the happenings of natural calamities
(i) What does the expression "We humans can be held responsible for this" in line 4 mean?
(i) We have the responsibility to protect the atmosphere.
(ii) As the best creation, human beings are bound to save the earth.
(iii) We are exhaling carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
(iv) We are increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through our unwise and destructive
activities. (j)Where has the carbon dioxide raised alarmingly?
(i) in the sun (ii) in the atmosphere (iii) in the earth (iv) in the star
(k) How many barrels of crude oil are burned daily?
(i) around 85 million (ii) 58 million (iii) 19 million (iv) thousands million
(l) By whom carbon dioxide is being generated?
(i) by animals (ii) by nature (iii) by water (iv) by humans
(m)How are we increasing greenhouse effect?
(i) through afforestation (ii) through deforestation
(iii) through hardworking (iv) through planting trees
(n) Which of the following describes deforestation best?
(i) productive (ii) creative (iii) conducive (iv) destructive
(o)Which of the following(s) is true about trees?
(i) Trees are responsible for greenhouse effect. (ii) Trees produce a lot of carbon dioxide.
(iii) Trees absorbing carbon dioxide act against greenhouse effect.
(iv) Trees take in a lot of oxygen and produce big amount of carbon dioxide.
(p) Every year enormous areas of forest are
(i) found (ii) destroyed (iii) discovered (iv) invented
(q)The loss of the forest causes dual –
(i) problems (ii) disadvantages (iii) advantages (iv) opportunity
(r)Trees that are burned up release large volumes of
(i) oxygen gas (ii) carbon dioxide gas (iii) normal gas (iv) smoke
(s)Trees absorb –
(i) oxygen (ii) methane (iii) carbon dioxide (iv) sulphur
(t)Factories produce -
(i) useful gases (ii) greenhouse gases (iii) normal gases (iv) hygienic gases
(u)Combustion' means –
(i) the process of burning (ii) the process of planting (iii) the process of using (iv) none of these
(v) Carbon dioxide concentration has been raised –
(i) significantly (ii) easily (iii) properly (iv) mainly
(w)Who are responsible for the carbon dioxide concentration?
(i) the animals (ii) the plants (iii) the scientists (iv) the human beings
(x)The word 'generate' refers to –
(i) generation (ii) general (iii) produce (iv) reduce
(y)The word 'enormous' refers to
(i) a few (ii) limited (iii) little (iv) huge
(z)The word 'pasture' stands for
(i) field for growing corn (ii) field for tending cattle (iii) field for playing games (iv) mine
(z1) The word 'alarming' refers to ---
(i) signal of danger. (ii) sign of stop (iii) sound (iv) sign
(z2) What can man change?
(i) sun's radiation (ii) earth's orbit (iii) greenhouse gases (iv) none of the above
(z3) --- is one of the greenhouse gases.
(i) Oxygen (ii) Carbon dioxide (iii) Hydrogen (iv) Oxygen and carbon dioxide
(z4)Deforestation is caused -
(i) by human being (ii) by nature (iii) automatically (iv) wild animals
(z5) Carbon dioxide is a/an-
(i) result (ii) example (iii) reason (iv) consequence
(z6) What do forest consume?
(i) carbon dioxide (ii) oxygen (iii) hydrogen (iv) none
(z7) What is the contextual meaning of the word 'release'?
(i) free (ii) give out (iii) discharge (iv) dismiss
(z8) Why is mining done?
(i) to get water (ii) to dig mineral out (iii) to cultivate (iv) to irrigate
(z9) The greenhouse effect is strengthened by
(i) tree plantation (ii) deforestation (iii) afforestation (iv) oxygen
(z10) Which statement describes the main reason behind increasing the greenhouse effect?
(i) Tree plantation can help rise of greenhouse effect.
(ii) The greenhouse effect can be reduced due to deforestation.
(iii) The greenhouse effect is enhanced owing to cutting down trees.
(iv) Natural calamities are responsible for greenhouse effect.
(z11) Which of the following best describes the similarity between burning of fossil fuels and cutting
down of trees?
(i) radiation (ii) emission of carbon dioxide gas (iii) famine (iv) loss of energy
(z12) Greenhouse gases cause -
(i) global warming (ii) deforestation (iii) health hazards (iv) fatal disease
(z13) During the last century, carbon dioxide significantly ---
(i) decreased (ii) reduced (iii) increased (iv) removed
(z14) Forests --- carbon dioxide gas.
(i) consume (ii) emit (iii) exhale (iv) discharge
(z15) Trees transport --- into the air.
(i) nitrogen (ii) oxygen (iii) hydrogen (iv) all
(z16) Greenhouse effect is accelerated by –
(i) increasing forest (ii) planting tree (iv) deforestation
(z17) "Forests absorb a lot of carbon dioxide from the air." Here absorb means
(i) take in (ii) take up (iii) take out (iv) take over
(z18) Greenhouse effect is caused by -
(i) indiscriminate felling down of trees (ii) planting of more trees (iii) afforestation (iv) forest
(z19) Industrial activities increased quickly since ---.
(i) the 19th century (ii) the end of the 19th century (iii) the first of the 19th century (iv) none
(z20) The word "concentration" means -
(i) centralization (ii) collection (iii) condensation (iv) consolidation
(z21) Trees are very useful to the congenial atmosphere because they
(i) absorb greenhouse gases (ii) emit carbon dioxide
(iii) absorb carbon dioxide (iv) generate carbon dioxide
(z22) The correct antonym for 'deforestation' is ---
(i) destruction of forest (ii) forest (iii) afforestation (iv) desertification
(z23) We are intensifying the greenhouse effect by ---
(i) cutting down trees (ii) releasing carbon dioxide (iii) building new factories (iv) all these (i+ii+iii)
(z24) How is electricity produced?
(i) by burning coals and petroleum (ii) by gases (iii) by water supplies (iv) by workshops
(z25) People destroy forest in order to ---
(i) produce wood (ii) make fire (iii) create pasture (iv) release carbon dioxide
(z26) Controlling of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not --- man's grip.
(i) beyond (ii) within (iii) under (iv) at
(z27) The driving force of industries is ---
(i) coal (ii) oil (iii) fossil fuel (iv) energy
(z28) The greenhouse effect is --- by deforestation.
(i) created (ii) affected (iii) accelerated (iv) reduced
(z29) Mining is necessary for
(i) energy resources (ii) digging minerals out
(iii) development of the country (iv) lifting up natural gas
(z30) What is the main cause of the increase in carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere?
(i) sun's radiation (ii) burning of fossil fuel (iii) burning of natural gas (iv) burning of wood
(z31) It is --- for humans to change the earth's orbit around the world.
(i) easy (ii) difficult (iii) possible (iv) impossible
(z32) The main purpose of the author of this passage is
(i) to show humans' dominating power over nature
(ii) to show the responsibility of human beings in strengthening greenhouse effect
(iii) to show the causes of deforestation
(iv) to show industrial development all over the world
(z33) Every time fossil raw materials are burned and it releases -
(i) water (ii) oxygen (iii) air (iv) carbon dioxide
(234) The word 'deforestation' means -
(i) planting trees (ii) cutting down trees (iii) taking care of trees (iv) afforestation
(z35) What do the factories require?
(i) water (ii) air (iii) energy (iv) sunlight
(z36) How does the energy come?
(i) through the combustion of car (ii) through the combustion of coal
(iii) through the sun's radiation (iv) through the human resources
(z37) Coal is one of the --- fuels used for energy.
(i) compacting (ii) lessening (iii) reducing (iv) generating
(z38) Forests are being cleared for --- reasons.
(i) one (ii) two (iii) three (iv) four
(z39) The area destroys for human habitation are ---
(i) little (ii) partial (iii) huge (iv) impartial
(z40) Greenhouse effect is caused by --
(i) indiscriminate falling down of trees (ii) planting of more trees
(iii) afforestation (iv) forest
(z41) --- are responsible for the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
(i) Sun's radiation (ii) Human beings (iii) Earth's orbit (iv) Global warming
(z42) The contextual meaning of the wood 'concentration' is –
(i) accumulation (ii) deliberation (iii) submission (iv) attention
(z43) Man has no — to change the sun’s radiation and the earth’s orbit around the sun.
(i) tendency (ii) power (iii) willingness (iv) control
(z44) Carbon di-oxide gas is —.
(i) toxic (ii) lucid (iii) hazy (iv) pure
(z45) At present about — barrels of crude oil are used daily.
(i) 8.5 million (ii) 850 lakh (iii) 850 million (iv) 85 lakh
(z46) Fossil fuel means —.
(i) non-renewable energy (ii) renewable energy (iii) energy transmitted from the sun (iv) oil
(z47) Coal is one of the fuels used for — energy.
(i) generating (ii) reducing (iii) compacting (iv) lessening
(z48) — is opposite to deforestation.
(i) Cutting down trees (ii) Reforestation (iii) Desertification (iv) Afforestation
(z49) Combustion means —.
(i) the process of planting (ii) the process of burning (iii) the process of using (iv) none of these
(z50) The carbon di-oxide concentration has been raised alarmingly in the atmosphere during the last
(i) Fifty years (ii) one decade (iii) ten decades (iv) eighty-five years.
(z51) The areas destroyed for human habitation are —.
(i) little (ii) huge (iii) partial (iv) impartial
(z52) What is the main cause of the increase in carbon di-oxide level in the atmosphere?
(i) Deforestation (ii) Desertification (iii) Destruction of forests (iv) The burning of fossils fuels

2. Answer the following questions,

(a) "The loss of the forests causes dual problems' - explain in two or three sentences.
(b) What is the main purpose of the author of this text?
(c) Why do we use enormous amount of fossil fuels?
(d) How can trees help us in maintaining ecological balance?
(e) How will you, prove that industrial revolution give rise to carbon dioxide?
(f) What is the main cause of increasing carbon dioxide level?
(g) What do the factories need and how is it produced?
(h) What are the sources of energy?
(i)What can humans do or cannot do about atmosphere?
(j)How are humans producing a great amount of carbon dioxide daily?
(k) How are humans strengthening the greenhouse effect?
(l)How do the factories produce energy?
(m) What is the effect of the burning of fossil fuels?
(n) How does the loss of the forest cause dual problems?
(o) How can trees help save our environment?
(p)Can man influence the climate? How?
(q)How the greenhouse effect is strengthened?
(r)Who are responsible for the increase of greenhouse gases?
(s)"Man can neither change the sun's radiation nor earth orbit around the sun" why? What they can?
(t) Why enormous areas of forests are destroyed by people every year?
(u) What is beyond man's control? And what they can?
(v) How can the industrial pollution be checked?
(w) How does industrialization cause harm to the atmosphere?
(x) What are the causes lying behind deforestation?
(y) How do the trees help in reducing carbon dioxide?
(z) What can human beings do for a congenial atmosphere?
(z1) What are the causes of increasing greenhouse gasses? Write within 2/3 lines.
(z2) What do the trees absorb and release?
(z3) How do forests help us?
(z4) How can we stop the emission of greenhouse gases?
(z5) Do you support humans are responsible for increasing carbon dioxide? Why?
(z6) What is deforestation?
(z7) What are responsible for the increase of carbon dioxide?
(z8) How is energy produced for running industries?
(z9) What is greenhouse effect?
(z10) How is deforestation responsible for greenhouse effect?
(z11) How is deforestation strengthening greenhouse effect in the present context?
(z12) "We humans can be held responsible for this." Who says this? What does s/he want to mean by
this? Explain in 2/3 sentences.
(z13) Do you support the view that human beings can protect this beautiful earth to a great extent by
their wise activities? Why/Why not? Explain in 2/3 sentences.
(z14) What do you think we should do to keep the atmosphere normal for our living?
(z15) How can the world be greener?
(z16) What should we do to control the increasing amount of greenhouse gases?
(z17) What is the effect of climate change?
(z18) How can we stop the emission of greenhouse gases?
(z19) What are greenhouse gases?
(z20) Name some greenhouse gases.
(z21) How do the factories produce energy?
(z22) What other purposes are coal and other sources of energy burned in?
(z23) What is crude oil?
(z24) How does the loss of forests cause dual problems?
(z25) Why do people cut down trees?
(z26) Why is the carbon di-oxide storehouse destroyed with the forests?

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