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The relationship between selected physiological

variables of rowers and rowing performance as
determined by a 2000 m ergometer test
M.J. Cosgrove , J. Wilson , D. Watt & S.F. Grant
Published online: 09 Dec 2010.

To cite this article: M.J. Cosgrove , J. Wilson , D. Watt & S.F. Grant (1999) The relationship between selected
physiological variables of rowers and rowing performance as determined by a 2000 m ergometer test, Journal of
Sports Sciences, 17:11, 845-852, DOI: 10.1080/026404199365407

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Jour nal of Sports Sciences, 1999 , 17, 845± 852

The relationship between selected physiological

variables of rowers and rowing performance as
determined by a 2000 m ergometer test
1 1 2 1
1 2
Institute of B iom edical and L ife Sciences and Departm ent of Statistics, U niversity of G lasgow, G lasgow, U K

Accepted 21 M arch 1999

Downloaded by [University Of Maryland] at 03:28 15 October 2014

The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between selected physiological variables of rowers and
rowing performance as determ ined by a 2000 m tim e-trial on a Concept II M odel B rowing ergometer. The
participants were 13 m ale club standard oarsmen. Their m ean (± s) age, body mass and height were 19.9 ± 0.6
years, 73.1 ± 6.6 kg and 180.5 ± 4.6 cm respectively. The participants were tested on the rowing ergom eter to
determine their maxim al oxygen uptake (VÇ O 2m ax ), rowing economy, predicted velocity at VÇ O 2max , velocity and
- 1
VÇ O 2 at the lactate threshold, and their velocity and VÇ O 2 at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mm ol ´ l . Percen t
body fat was estimated using the skinfold method. The velocity for the 2000 m perform ance test and the
predicted velocities at the lactate threshold, at a blood lactate concentration of 4 m mol ´ l- 1 and at VÇ O 2 ma x were
4.7 ± 0.2, 3.9 ± 0.2, 4.2 ± 0.2 and 4.6 ± 0.2 m ´ s - 1 respectively. A repeated-measures analysis of variance showed
that the three predicted velocities were all signi® cantly diþ erent from each other (P < 0.05). The VÇ O 2ma x and
lean body m ass showed the highest correlation with the velocity for the 2000 m tim e-trial (r = 0.85). A stepwise
m ultiple regression showed that VÇ O 2 max was the best single predictor of the velocity for the 2000 m tim e-trial;
a model incorporating VÇ O 2m ax explained 72% of the variability in 2000 m rowing performance. Our results
suggest that rowers should devote time to the improvem ent of VÇ O 2 max and lean body m ass.

K eyw ords : lactate threshold, m aximal oxygen uptake, rowing, rowing economy, velocity at VÇ O 2m ax .

Introduction D uring a 2000 m race, rowers are m ainly dependent

on aerobic m etabolism , as the duration of the race is 6± 7
Researchers have exam ined such physiological factors m in, depending on the type of boat and the standard of
as the im portance of lactate exchange and rem oval the rowers. The relative contribution to the total energy
(M essonnier et al., 1997), the eþ ects of training on dem and of a 2000 m race is about 70% aerobic and 30%
rowing ergom eter perform ance (Wom ack et al., 1996), anaerobic (M ickelson and H agerm an, 1982; Roth et al.,
the eþ ectiveness of altitude training on sea-level rowing 1983).
perform ance (Jensen et al., 1993) and the determ ination T he perform ance of a crew can be m easured by their
of the anaerobic threshold using a non-invasive m ethod 2000 m race tim e. However, it is very diY cult to assess
(Drogh etti, 1986). Although these studies have contri- physiological param eters during `on-water’ row ing. The
buted to the scienti® c understanding of row ing, lim ited im practicality of m easuring physiological perform ance
inform ation is available on the relationship between during row ing has led to the use of rowing ergom eters
physiological variables of rowers and rowing perfor- for the assessm ent of row ing perform ance. T he m ost
m ance. Relating physiological variables to perform ance w idely used ergom eter for training purposes is the
could be valuable for designing training program m es C oncept II wind resistance braked rowing ergom eter
and for team selection. (C oncept II, N ottingham , U K). Craven et al. (1993)
analysed the rowing stroke on a C oncept II rowing
* Address all correspondence to Stan G rant, Institute of Biom edical
ergom eter and concluded that it `provides a close
and Life Sciences, U niversity of G lasgow, 64 O ak® eld Avenue, approxim ation to the m ovem ents of the rowing stroke,
G lasgow G 12 8LT, U K. and allows accurate m easurem ents of the physiological

Jour nal of Sports Sciences ISSN 0264-041 4 print/ISSN 1466-447 X online Ó Taylor & Francis Ltd
846 Cosgrove et al.

changes produced by the work’ . The Concept II allows ism for this fatigue is a decrease in intracellular pH
standardization of testing, which is not possible during resulting from glycolysis and H + accum ulation, which
`on-water’ row ing. has been shown to interfere w ith the m yosin and actin
Several studies have com pared the physiological interaction and to result in a decrease in force pro-
characteristics of elite rowers to less skilled rowers, duction (Jones and Round, 1990).
suggesting that elite rowers have a higher m axim al T he aim of this study was to exam ine the relationship
oxygen uptake (VÇ O 2max ; Secher et al., 1982), a larger between selected physiological variables of m ale rowers
percentage of slow -twitch m uscle ® bres (Roth et al., and rowing perform ance as determ ined by a 2000 m
1983), a greater body m ass (Secher, 1983) and a higher tim e-trial.
VÇ O 2m ax at a blood lactate concentration of 4 m m ol ´ l-

than less skilled rowers (Roth et al., 1983; M arx, 1988).

Kram er et al. (1994) studied various descriptive, ® eld M ethods
and laboratory variables of 20 C anadian intercollegiate
oarswom en and exam ined the relationship of these Participants
variables to perform ance. O f the variables tested, only Thirteen m ale rowers from G lasgow U niversity Boat
abso lute VÇ O 2max had a correlation coeY cient greater
Downloaded by [University Of Maryland] at 03:28 15 October 2014

Club volunteered to participate. T hey all had experi-

than 0.71 with perform ance. ence of com petitive rowing over 2000 m , ranging from 1
Economy is de® ned as the volum e of oxygen con- to 9 years, and were club standard oarsm en of var ying
sum ed by the working m usculature at a given steady- ability. All participants trained regularly on a Concept II
state workload. This has received little attention in row ing ergom eter. Inform ed consent was obtained from
row ing research. O nly one study (M acLennan et al., all participants and ethical approval was received from
1994) has investigated the economy of rowing; un- the U niversity of G lasgow E thical Com m ittee. T he
fortunately, the participants in the study had no row- characteristics of the participants are given in Table 1.
ing experience and were taught how to use a row ing
ergom eter. In contrast to research on row ing, several
studies have exam ined running economy. H owever, Protoco l
the evidence is con¯ icting as to w hether running The participants perform ed three tests on separate
economy is a good predictor of perform ance. T he m ore days with at least 2 days between tests; however, each
heterogeneous the group, the better the prediction of individual com pleted all three tests within 14 days. O n
endurance perform ance is likely to be (W ilcox and day 1, height, body m ass, percent body fat (Durnin
Bulbulian, 1983). and Wom ersley, 1974) and VÇ O 2max were m easured. O n
T he velocity at VÇ O 2m ax has been de® ned in a variety day 2, a lactate pro® le and rowing economy test were
of ways and several protocols have been used to deter- perform ed; on day 3, a perform ance test was com pleted.
m ine it (Hill and Rowell, 1996). D aniels (1985) used
the linear extrapolation of the subm axim al steady-state
oxygen uptake± velocity relationship to estim ate the Equipm ent
velocity at VÇ O 2 max in runners. D aniels (1985) and H ill A Concept II M odel B rowing ergom eter (C oncept II,
and Rowell (1996) both reported that the velocity at N ottingham , U K) was used for all tests. D uring testing,
VÇ O 2m ax is a good predictor of endurance running per- the larger of the two drive cogs was used and the vanes
form ance; no study has exam ined this velocity in rowers. were kept fully closed.
In endurance running and cycling events, blood H eart rate was m onitored using a Sport Tester

lactate variables have been shown to be the best pre- PE3000 heart rate m onitor (Polar Electro, K empele,
dictors of perform ance over a wide range of distances Finland). As a precautionary m easure during the
(Weltm an, 1995). Wolf and Roth (1987) found that m axim al test, a H ewlett Packard 43200A ECG m onitor
the power which elicits a blood lactate concentration was used.
of 4 m m ol ´ l- 1 is the best predictor of com petition
perform ance in trained rowers, especially those w ho
com pete in sm all boats. O thers have demonstrated that Table 1 C haracteristics of the participants (mean ± s)
rowers w ith high absolute VÇ O 2 at a blood lactate con-
Age (years) 19.9 ± 0.6
centration of 4 m m ol ´ l - 1 perform better in 6 or 7 m in
Height (cm) 181 ±5
m axim al tests than rowers with low VÇ O 2 at the sam e Body mass (kg) 73.1 ± 6.6
blood lactate concentration (Roth, 1979; M arx, 1988). Body fat (%) 16.1 ± 3.3
The higher VÇ O 2 of less skilled rowers at a blood lactate Lean body mass (kg) 60.9 ± 5.2
concentration of 4 m m ol ´ l- 1 suggests that they are likely - 1
VÇ O 2 max (l ´ m in ) 4.5 ± 0.4
to fatigue earlier than elite rowers. A possible m echan-
Rowing performance and physiological variables of rowers 847

For gas analysis, expired air was collected in D ouglas Blood sam ples were taken from the tip of the thum b
bags. T he sam ples were passed through a dr ying tube for lactate analysis at 1, 3 and 5 m in after the VÇ O 2max
and then analysed using a PK M organ 801D (M organ, test. Two analyses were perform ed on each sam ple and
Rainham , U K) and Ser vom ex 570A (Ser vom ex, the m ean of the two was taken as the blood lactate
C row borough, U K) system to determ ine carbon concentration.
dioxide and oxygen content respectively. Volum e was
calculated using a Parkinson Cowan volum e m eter D eterm ination of the velocity at VÇ O 2max. T he velocity at
(C ranlea, Birm ingham , U K) calibrated against a Tissot VÇ O 2max was calculated following the m ethod recom -
spirom eter (Collins, M assachusetts, U SA). F rom these m ended by Hill and Rowell (1996) to be the m ost
data, VÇ O 2 and respiratory values were calculated. accurate and appropriate for evaluating perform ance;
W hole blood was analysed for blood lactate using an that is, the linear extrapolation of the subm axim al
Analox G M 7 (Analox Instrum ents, London, U K). velocity± VÇ O 2 relationship.

Procedures B lood lactate pro® le and rowing economy test. Blood

lactate concentration and rowing economy were
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T he tim e to com plete 500 m at the current intensity and m easured using a discontinuous increm ental sub-
stroke rate (500 m split tim e) was calculated and dis- m axim al test. T he test involves a target of ® ve stages of
played on the ergom eter. T he stroke rate was lim ited to 5 m in exercise each. The 500 m split tim e for the ® rst
24± 28 strokes ´ m in - 1 at 500 m split tim es of 2 m in or stage was determ ined for each individual from the
m ore. At 500 m split tim es less than 2 m in, the stroke results of his VÇ O 2max test. The starting split tim es ranged
rate was increased to 28± 32 strokes ´ m in - 1 . T his allowed from 2 m in 30 s for the rowers w ith the lowest VÇ O 2max
the intensity to be increased so that the 500 m split tim e to 2 m in 15 s for those with the highest VÇ O 2 max . Each
could be reduced to the desired value. subsequent stage was 5 s faster than the previous one.
T he restriction on stroke rate resulted in the exercise A 30 s rest was allowed between each stage, during
intensity being kept constant for each stage and for w hich a blood sam ple was taken from the tip of the
all participants (M ickelson and H agerm an, 1982). thum b for lactate analysis. T he test continued until
T here were slight deviations in intensity, owing to a the average blood lactate for a given stage reached
com bination of individual variation in stroke rate and 4 m m ol ´ l- or m ore.

the inability to keep 500 m split tim e constant. Such O ne-m inute expired gas sam ples were collected
problem s are inherent in the design of the rowing between the third and fourth and the fourth and ® fth
ergom eter and the m echanics of the row ing stroke m inutes of each stage to assess row ing econom y. The
(M ickelson and Hagerm an, 1982). m ean of these two values was recorded for each stage.
A warm -up of 6 m in at a 500 m split tim e of 2 m in H eart rate was m easured 50 s into each m inute of the test.
30 s was perform ed by all participants before all tests.
T he participants then rested for 6 m in, during w hich
D eterm ination of the physiological parameters. Velocity
tim e they perform ed stretching exercises.
and VÇ O 2 were determ ined at the lactate threshold and
at a blood lactate concentration of 4 m m ol ´ l- 1. Blood
Percent body fat. The percent body fat of each par- lactate concentrations were plotted against the 500 m
ticipant was estim ated using skinfold m easurem ents. split tim es at w hich they were produced. To achieve
Skinfolds were m easured using a H oltain caliper objectivity, a m athem atical regression analysis was used
(C rosswell, C rymych, UK ) following the m ethod of to m odel the relationship between lactate and rowing
D urnin and Wom ersley (1974). velocity (O rr et al., 1982). T he lactate threshold was
de® ned as the in¯ ection point of the lactate pro® le w hich
VÇ O 2max test. The participants perform ed a continuous indicated a sharp increase in blood lactate concentration
increm ental test to volitional exhaustion. The target (K inderm ann et al., 1979). A blood lactate concentra-
duration of the test was 8± 14 m in. The test began tion of 4 m m ol ´ l- 1 was determ ined from the velocity and
VÇ O 2 that corresponded to a blood lactate of 4 m m ol ´ l- .
w ith each participant exercising at a 500 m split tim e
of 2 m in 30 s. T hereafter, the split tim e was decreased Two horizontal lines were drawn across from the pre-
by 5 s each m inute until the participant reached determ ined lactate threshold and 4 m m ol ´ l - 1 concen-
volitional exhaustion. H eart rate was m easured after tration to intercept with the blood lactate values on the
50 s at each exercise intensity. O nce heart rate reached vertical axis. From these points, lines perpendicular to
170 beats ´ m in - 1, sam pling of expired gas began. the intercepts were drawn down to the horizontal axis to
Exp ired gas sam ples were collected for 1 m in at each obtain the velocity and VÇ O 2 for individual lactate
exercise intensity after this tim e. thresholds and 4 m m ol ´ l - 1 blood lactate concentrations.
848 Cosgrove et al.

Rowing performance. Rowing perform ance was assessed (r = 0.62). T he other two intensities com pleted by all
by a 2000 m tim e-trial on the Concept II row ing participants showed poorer correlations with tim e-trial
ergom eter. H eart rate was m easured 50 s into each velocity: r = - 0.20 at a 500 m split tim e of 2 m in 15 s and
m inute and on com pletion of the test. Thum b prick r = - 0.51 at a 500 m split tim e of 2 m in 10 s.
blood sam ples for lactate analysis were taken 1, 3 and To assess the accuracy of the m ethod used to deter-
5 m in after the 2000 m for com parison w ith values m ine row ing economy, a related t-test was perform ed on
obtained for the VÇ O 2max test. the VÇ O 2 values recorded in the fourth and ® fth m inute
of each stage for each participant to identify any sig-
ni® cant diþ erence between the two values. This would
Statistical analyses
con® rm if a steady-state oxygen consum ption had
Initially, a repeated-m easures analysis of variance been reached. The diþ erences in oxygen consum ption
with an appropriate Bonferroni m ultiple com parisons between the fourth and ® fth m inute of each stage did
follow-up was perform ed to identify any signi® cant not reach statistical signi® cance for any participant,
diþ erences at the P < 0.05 level between the velocity indicating that a steady state had been attained.
for the 2000 m tim e-trial and the predicted velocities at
the lactate threshold, at a blood lactate concentration of
Downloaded by [University Of Maryland] at 03:28 15 October 2014

4 m m ol ´ l- and at VÇ O 2 max .
1 Predicted velocity at VÇ O 2max
Pearson correlation coeY cients were used to exam ine The predicted velocity at VÇ O 2max correlated well with
the interrelationships between variables. F rom these tim e-trial velocity (r = 0.77; Fig. 1b). In general, the
sim ple linear regressions, a subset of the initial physio- participants who achieved a high predicted velocity at
logical variables (the nine variables in Table 3 show ing VÇ O 2m ax produced faster 2000 m tim es.
a statistically signi® cant relationship with velocity in
the 2000 m tim e-trial, P < 0.05) were entered into a
forward stepwise m ultiple linear regression using a B lood lactate pro® le
variable selection procedure w ith tim e-trial velocity as The VÇ O 2 at the lactate threshold had a non-signi® cant
the response variable. This showed which of these relationship with tim e-trial velocity (r = 0.39), whereas
VÇ O 2 at a blood lactate concentration of 4 m m ol ´ l-
variables were collectively im portant in the prediction
of tim e-trial velocity. correlated well tim e-trial velocity (r = 0.68). T he parti-
cipants with low values of these two VÇ O 2 param eters
tended to attain these blood lactate concentrations at
Results slow speeds. T he predicted velocity at a blood lactate
concentration of 4 m m ol ´ l- 1 had a fairly strong relation-
VÇ O 2max test ship with tim e-trial velocity (r = 0.73).
D espite the relatively low body m asses of the partici-
pants, som e high VÇ O 2max values were recorded, the
Perfor mance test
sam ple m ean being 4.5 ± 0.4 l ´ m in - . Absolute VÇ O 2m ax

- 1 The 2000 m tim es varied widely, ranging from 6 m in 30

(l ´ m in ) correlated well w ith velocity in the 2000 m
tim e-trial (r = 0.85), the participants with higher values s to 7 m in 45 s, w ith speeds between 4.3 and 5.1 m ´ s - 1 .
generally perform ing quicker (Fig. 1a). However, the To m aintain a low 500 m split tim e, the individual m ust
relative values (m l ´ kg - ´ m in - ) did not correlate well
1 1
be able to produce a large force during the stroke. Lean
with tim e-trial velocity (r = 0.13). T he correlation body m ass was a signi® cant factor (r = 0.85; Fig. 1c),
between VÇ O 2m ax divided by lean body m ass and the as it identi® ed individuals with greater m uscle m ass.
tim e-trial velocity was r = 0.01; that between VÇ O 2m ax
expressed in m l ´ kg - ´ m in - and tim e-trial velocity was
2/3 1
Statistical analyses
r = - 0.05.
A repeated-m easures analysis of variance showed that
the velocities for the 2000 m tim e-trial, at the lactate
Rowing economy
threshold, at a blood lactate concentration of 4
As a result of the variation in starting velocity and m m ol ´ l- 1 and at VÇ O 2 max were diþ erent (P < 0.001). An
individual diþ erences in ability, only three stages at appropriate follow-up analysis showed that the velocity
the sam e velocity were com pleted by all participants. for the tim e-trial was signi® cantly diþ erent from the
Econom y values were spread over a narrow range at all velocities at the lactate threshold and at a blood lactate
three velocities (Table 2). The VÇ O 2 at a 500 m split tim e concentration of 4 m m ol ´ l- 1 , but not signi® cantly dif-
of 2 m in 5 s resulted in the m ost signi® cant negative ferent from the velocity at VÇ O 2m ax . Follow -up analysis
correlation w ith velocity in the 2000 m tim e-trial also showed that the velocities at the lactate threshold, at
Rowing performance and physiological variables of rowers 849
Downloaded by [University Of Maryland] at 03:28 15 October 2014

F igu re 1 Fitted line plots showing the relationships between

(a) VÇ O 2 max , (b) velocity at VÇ O 2ma x and (c) lean body m ass with
velocity in the 2000 m tim e-trial. Solid line = regression line;
dotted lines = 95% con® dence intervals.

a blood lactate of 4 m m ol ´ l- 1 and at VÇ O 2m ax were all 5 m in after the perform ance test (r = 0.698, P = 0.008;
signi® cantly diþ erent from one another. r = 0.579, P = 0.038; r = 0.584, P = 0.036, respectively).
Table 3 presents correlation coeY cients and P-valu es T he three rowing economy variables all showed a
for a test of w hether the variables had a statistically negative relationship with perform ance, although only
signi® cant relationship with velocity in the 2000 m rowing economy at a 500 m split tim e of 2 m in 5 s
tim e-trials. T he m ost signi® cant relationships were displayed statistical signi® cance (r = - 0.62, P = 0.024).
between VÇ O 2max and tim e-trial perform ance (r = 0.848, A stepwise m ultiple regression was carried out w ith
P < 0.001) and between lean body m ass and tim e-trial velocity in the 2000 m tim e-trial as the response
perform ance (r = 0.848, P < 0.001). T here were also sig- variable, and the nine variables that had shown som e
ni® cant relationships between tim e-trial perform ance statistically signi® cant correlation with perform ance as
and endurance in the VÇ O 2 max test (r = 0.791, P = 0.001), the explanator y variables. T he results of this analysis are
the highest value obtained in the velocity at VÇ O 2 max test presented in Table 4. T he analysis showed that VÇ O 2max
(r = 0.773, P = 0.002), and velocity at a blood lactate was the best single predictor of tim e-trial velocity;
concentration of 4 m m ol ´ l - 1 (r = 0.734, P = 0.004). L ess a m odel incorporating VÇ O 2 max explained 72% of the
signi® cant relationships were noted between tim e-trial variance in 2000 m rowing perform ance. The inclusion
perform ance and body m ass, the lactate m axim um 5 of blood lactate concentration 5 m in after the perform -
m in after the VÇ O 2m ax test, and the lactate m axim um ance test im proved the prediction of tim e-trial velocity;
850 Cosgrove et al.

- 1
Table 2 Economy scores (l ´ min ) at the three submaxim al Table 3 Pearson correlation coe Y cients ( r ) for each variable
intensities (500 m split time) com pleted by all participants versus 2000 m tim e-trial performance P -values

VÇ O 2 at VÇ O 2 at VÇ O 2 at Variable r P
Participant 2 : 15 min : s 2 : 10 m in : s 2 : 05 m in : s
Height 0.207 0.497
A 2.60 2.65 3.22 Body mass 0.698 0.008
B 2.63 2.94 3.19 Percent body fat - 0.254 0.402
C 2.48 2.85 3.17 Lean body mass 0.848 < 0.001
D 2.68 2.94 3.19 VÇ O 2 ma x 0.848 < 0.001
E 2.75 3.10 3.29 Velocity at VÇ O 2m ax 0.773 0.002
F 2.56 2.90 3.19 Endurance tim e 0.791 0.001
G 2.80 3.06 3.45 Lactate maximum 5 m in after VÇ O 2 max
H 2.63 3.14 3.21 test 0.579 0.038
I 2.64 3.20 3.45 Rowing economy
J 2.74 3.23 3.57 VÇ O 2 max at 2 : 15 min : s - 0.200 0.513
K 2.66 2.99 3.23 VÇ O 2 max at 2 : 10 min : s - 0.514 0.072
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L 2.73 3.05 3.34 VÇ O 2 max at 2 : 05 min : s - 0.619 0.024

M 2.68 2.88 3.28 VÇ O 2 at lactate threshold 0.39 0.190
Velocity at lactate threshold 0.39 0.190
Mean ± s 2.66 ± 0.09 2.99 ± 0.16 3.29 ± 0.13 - 1
VÇ O 2 at 4 mm ol ´ l 0.68 0.011
Velocity at 4 m mol ´ l- 1 0.734 0.004
Lactate m axim um 5 m in after the
the m odel with these two predictors explained 87% of performance test 0.584 0.036
the variance in 2000 m row ing perform ance.

Table 4 Stepwise multiple regression with 2000 m

D iscussion perform ance as the response variable

The m ain ® nding of this study is that VÇ O 2max and lean Step Variable entered R
Beta weights
body m ass are the best predictors of rowing per-
form ance, indicating their im portance for success in Constant 1.96
row ing. T he strong correlation between absolute 1 VÇ O 2 ma x 0.720 0.497
VÇ O 2m ax and velocity in the 2000 m tim e-trial (r = 0.85, 2 Lactate m axim um 5 m in
P < 0.001) is in line w ith the results of Secher et al. after perform ance test 0.870 0.0499
(1982), Secher (1983) and Kram er et al. (1994).
Steinacker (1993) em phasized that a high oxidative
capacity is needed to m aintain a high speed throughout skinfold technique. C onsequently, one should have
a race. Although a high VÇ O 2m ax is a good predictor of som e reservations about the strength of the relationship
row ing perform ance, there was a poor relationship with between lean body m ass and row ing perform ance.
relative VÇ O 2 max (m l ´ kg ´ m in - 1 ). The large body m ass of There is som e error in the D urnin and Wom ersley
elite rowers results in a low relative VÇ O 2max com pared (1974) m ethod of estim ating body fat, indicating that
with elite endurance runners. A large m uscle m ass does caution should be exercised w hen the relationship
not penalize rowers, whose body weight is supported in between lean body m ass and row ing perform ance is
the boat. exam ined. T he equations of D urnin and Wom ersley
N evill et al. (1992) showed that rowing perform ance were based on a West of Scotland population. As
is related to both VÇ O 2max and body m ass and that we recruited participants from the sam e region, we
these two variables are directly related. Secher (1983) considered it appropriate to use their equations. As
reported that rowers w ith a large body m ass are at an VÇ O 2m ax and lean body m ass were highly correlated and
advantage, quoting an average value of 93 kg for inter- had the sam e correlation coeY cient w ith tim e-trial
national oarsm en. T he m ean body m ass of the present velocity, we decided to force VÇ O 2 max into the regression
rowers was m uch lower (73 kg), but did show a fairly m odel.
strong relationship w ith velocity in the 2000 m tim e-trial D uring the perform ance tests, we noted that the
(r = 0.70). The correlation between tim e-trial velocity rowers who were able to obtain lower 500 m split tim es
and lean body m ass, and between tim e-trial velocity at tended to produce faster perform ance tim es. O btaining
VÇ O 2m ax , was 0.85. H owever, som e doubt exists regard- a low 500 m split tim e involves an elem ent of dynam ic
ing the validity of calculating lean body m ass using a strength and the ability to produce a large force during
Rowing performance and physiological variables of rowers 851

the stroke (Secher, 1983). T his could explain the high two variables (r = 0.77). N o com parison can be m ade
correlation between lean body m ass and tim e-trial w ith other groups of oarsm en, as we could ® nd no other
velocity (r = 0.85). Individuals w ith a high lean body reports of the velocity at VÇ O 2max for oarsm en in the
m ass possess a larger m uscle m ass than individuals w ith literature. It m ight have been anticipated that velocity
a low lean body m ass and, therefore, are potentially able at VÇ O 2 max would correlate well with tim e-trial perfor-
to produce a greater force during the stroke. m ance, as the velocity was close to that in the 2000 m
T he high correlation between lean body m ass and perform ance test, whereas the blood lactate variables
velocity in the 2000 m tim e-trial shows that m uscle m ass dem onstrated velocities m uch lower than that at
is an im portant variable in row ing perform ance. The VÇ O 2max . O ur results suggest that the velocity at VÇ O 2max
im plications of this are that less heavy individuals in the for rowers is worth investigating, as it correlates well
lightweight rowing category (<72.5 kg) should increase w ith perform ance.
their lean body m ass and, where appropriate, reduce T he VÇ O 2 at a blood lactate concentration of 4
their body fat to allow them to m axim ize their m uscle m m ol ´ l- 1 in the present study showed a positive rela-
m ass w hile rem aining within their weight category. As tionship with tim e-trial velocity (r = 0.68). T his is in line
no `true’ heavyweight rowers took par t in this study, the w ith the results of Wolf and Roth (1987) and Steinacker
relationship between lean body m ass and velocity in the (1993), w ho found a strong relationship between these
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2000 m tim e-trial cannot be determ ined for individuals two variables. Individuals with high VÇ O 2 scores at a
in this category. Future research needs to investigate blood lactate concentration of 4 m m ol ´ l- 1 generally
this relationship in a group of heavyweight rowers. produce faster tim es. As all of the par ticipants in the
T he VÇ O 2 at the highest subm axim al workload com - present study had sim ilar rowing economy, those w ith
pleted by all participants showed a signi® cant negative high VÇ O 2 at a blood lactate concentration of 4 m m ol ´ l - 1
relationship with tim e-trial velocity (r = - 0.62). The would have reached this concentration at a higher work-
VÇ O 2 at the next highest workload showed a negative load. As our participants are capable of row ing at higher
relationship with tim e-trial velocity that approached workloads before accum ulating blood lactate in signi-
signi® cance (r = - 0.51), but VÇ O 2 at the lowest workload ® cant quantities, it is to be exp ected that their rowing
dem onstrated a very poor negative relationship w ith perform ance w ill be better than that of individuals who
tim e-trial velocity (r = - 0.20). accum ulate blood lactate at lower workloads.
T he economy scores at the highest workload showed a Rowing economy has received scant attention in
stronger relationship to 2000 m tim e than those at the previous studies. M ore research is required to deter-
lower workloads; this m ight have been anticipated. The m ine the extent to which this variable in¯ uences
highest workload was closest to that exp erienced during perform ance. We have noted a positive relationship
a 2000 m race. Had econom y scores been obtained for between rowing economy and perform ance, w hich
the rowers at true race workloads (a 500 m split tim e becam e signi® cant at the highest workload com pleted
of approxim ately 1 m in 40 s for this group), an even by all participants. T he velocity at VÇ O 2 max of endurance
stronger relationship w ith tim e-trial perform ance m ight runners has previously been demonstrated to be a good
have been dem onstrated. T hat the rowers in this study predictor of perform ance. In the present study, vel-
had ver y sim ilar economy values suggests that this ocity at VÇ O 2max was a fairly strong predictor of 2000 m
variable m ight not be im portant for rowing. Running tim e in rowers. However, further studies are needed to
studies have shown that econom y can be a distinguish- investigate this variable further.
ing feature between athletes with sim ilar VÇ O 2m ax values. T he best predictors of row ing perform ance were
If rowers could reduce the oxygen cost of row ing at VÇ O 2max and lean body m ass, followed by endurance tim e
a given velocity, they could probably enhance their in the VÇ O 2max test, velocity in the VÇ O 2 max test and vel-
perform ance. ocity at a blood lactate concentration of 4 m m ol ´ l- 1 .
Studies using heterogeneous groups in term s of T he best single predictor of velocity in the 2000 m
running economy have found a good relationship tim e-trial was VÇ O 2max ; the m odel incorporating VÇ O 2max
between running economy and perform ance; those only explained about 72% of the variance in 2000 m
using hom ogeneous groups have not (W ilcox and rowing perform ance. T he addition of blood lac-
Bulbulian, 1983). The economy values were relatively tate concentration 5 m in after the perform ance test
hom ogeneous in the present study, and this could im proved the prediction of tim e-trial perform ance. The
explain w hy the correlation w ith 2000 m tim e-trial m odel incorporating these two predictors explained
perform ance was poor. 87% of the variability in 2000 m rowing perform ance.
Evans et al. (1995) and H ill and Rowell (1996) Rowers and coaches could use these ® ndings when
dem onstrated a positive relationship between the designing training program m es. M ore tim e should
velocity at VÇ O 2 max and perform ance in runners. We also be devoted to the im provem ent of VÇ O 2 max and lean
found a signi® cant positive relationship between these body m ass.
852 Cosgrove et al.

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