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Course- Managerial Communication

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i Report on: Create a benefit statement

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iiiiii Name-Rishabh, Woxsen ID- 11195 i i i

Persuading the Board of Directors to Implement Remote Work

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Dear iBoard iof iDirectors,

I iam iwriting ito iyou itoday ito irequest ithat iyou iimplement iremote iwork ipolicies ifor iour
icompany. iThe irecent iglobal icircumstances ihave ihighlighted ithe ineed ifor imore iflexible

iwork iarrangements, iand iI ibelieve ithat iremote iwork ican ioffer ia inumber iof iadvantages

ifor iboth iour icompany iand iour iemployees.

i Facts:

1. Global iCircumstances: iThe iCOVID-19 ipandemic ihas idemonstrated ithe

ifeasibility iand ieffectiveness iof iremote iwork, iproving ithat ibusiness ioperations

ican icontinue iwithout ia iphysical ioffice ipresence.

2. Employee iDemand: iEmployees iare iincreasingly iseeking iflexible iwork

iarrangements ito iimprove iwork-life ibalance iand ireduce icommuting istress.

3. Talent iRetention iand iRecruitment: iOffering iremote iwork ioptions ican iattract
ia iwider ipool iof italent, ias iit iaccommodates icandidates ifrom idiverse ilocations.
4. Productivity iand iEfficiency: iMany istudies ihave ishown ithat iremote iwork ican
iincrease iproductivity idue ito ireduced ioffice idistractions iand ithe iability ito iwork

iduring ipreferred ihours.

5. Cost iSavings: iRemote iwork ican isignificantly ireduce ioverhead icosts irelated ito
ioffice ispace, iutilities, iand imaintenance.

Analyze iFacts ifrom ithe iBoard's iPoint iof iView:

1. Financial iImpact: iThe iBoard iis iconcerned iabout ithe icompany's ifinancial
ihealth. iRemote iwork ican ilead ito isubstantial icost isavings, iincluding ireduced

ioffice ispace iexpenses iand ioperational icosts.

2. Competitiveness: iThe iBoard iwants ithe icompany ito iremain icompetitive.

iImplementing iremote iwork ipolicies ican iattract itop italent iand ikeep iup iwith

iindustry itrends.

3. Employee iSatisfaction: iBoard imembers iunderstand ithat iemployee

isatisfaction iis icrucial ifor iretention iand iproductivity. iRemote iwork ipromotes

iwork-life ibalance, iresulting iin ihappier iand imore iengaged iemployees


From ithe iboard's ipoint iof iview, iremote iwork ican ioffer ia inumber iof iadvantages,

 Increased iproductivity: iRemote iworkers iare imore iproductive ithan iin-office

iworkers, iaccording ito ia irecent istudy iby iStanford iUniversity. iThis iis ilikely idue ito

ithe ifact ithat iremote iworkers iare iable ito iwork iin ia idistraction-free ienvironment

iand ito iset itheir iown ihours.

 Reduced icosts: iRemote iwork ican ihelp icompanies ito isave imoney ion ioffice
ispace, iutilities, iand iother ioverhead icosts. iThis iis ibecause icompanies ido inot i
need ito iprovide ioffice ispace ifor iremote iworkers, iand ithey ican isave ion iutilities iand
iother icosts iassociated iwith irunning ian ioffice.

 Improved iemployee imorale: iRemote iworkers iare imore ilikely ito ibe iengaged iin
itheir iwork iand ito ireport ifeeling ia isense iof ibelonging ito itheir icompany. iThis iis

ilikely idue ito ithe ifact ithat iremote iworkers ihave imore iflexibility iand icontrol iover

itheir iwork-life ibalance.

 Increased iability ito iattract iand iretain itop italent: iRemote iwork ican ihelp
icompanies ito iattract iand iretain itop italent, ias iit iallows iemployees ito ilive iand

iwork iwhere ithey iwant. iThis iis iespecially iimportant iin itoday's icompetitive ijob


Benefit Statement

In iconclusion, iI ibelieve ithat iremote iwork ican ioffer ia inumber iof iadvantages ifor iboth iour
icompany iand iour iemployees. iI iurge iyou ito iconsider iimplementing iremote iwork

ipolicies ifor iour icompany.

Thank iyou ifor iyour itime iand iconsideration.

Sincerely, i

Rishabh iThakur

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