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Practice Questions

Subject – Verb Agreement

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Code: NABARD50
Subject – Verb Agreement
1. Your friend (talk-talks) too much.
2. The man with the roses (look-looks) like your brother.
3. The women in the pool (swim-swims) well.
4. Bill (drive-drives) a cab.
5. The football players (run-runs) five miles every day.
6. That red-haired lady in the fur hat (live-lives) across the street.
7. He (cook-cooks) dinner for his family.
8. The boys (walk-walks) to school every day.
9. The weather on the coast (appear-appears) to be good this weekend.
10. The center on the basketball team (bounce-bounces) the ball too high.
11. Margo and her parents (visit-visits) each other often.
12. Either the cups or the glasses (are-is) in the dishwasher.
13. Vern and Fred (need-needs) a ride to work.
14. There (is-are) a dog, a cat, and a bird in the garage.
15. Neither Matt nor his brothers (was-were) at the party. 50% OFF on NABARD courses
Code: NABARD50
Subject – Verb Agreement
16. Here into the main ring of the circus (come-comes) the trained elephants.
17. Either the workers or the boss (deliver-delivers) the merchandise.
18. The committee (work-works) hard for better schools.
19. There (is-are) many things to do before the holidays.
20. The jury (was-were) polled for their verdicts.
21. Here (is-are) the nails you need for the projects.
22. Either Joyce or Ellen (was-were) here.
23. The United States (is-are) a country of contrast.
24. A magazine and a book (was-were) lying on the floor.
25. The family (is-are) occupied with their individual problems.
26. Each of the girls (look-looks) good on skis.
27. Everybody (was-were) asked to remain quiet.
28. Neither of the men (is-are) here yet.
29. (Is-Are) each of the girls ready to leave?
30. Several of the sheep (is-are) sick.
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Code: NABARD50
Subject – Verb Agreement
31. Nobody in the class (has-have) the answer.
32 Each of the girls (observe-observes) all the regulations.
33. All of the milk (is-are) gone.
34. Most of the seats (was-were) taken.
35. Some members of the faculty (is-are) present.

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Code: NABARD50
Subject – Verb Agreement
1. The voice of the singers ________ sweet. (was, were)
2. Slow and steady _______ the race. (win, wins)
3. A white and a black cow _________ grazing in the field. (is, are)
4. Sita, like you, _______ tall for her age, (is, are)
5. The packet, with all its contents, _____ stolen. (was, were)
6. Many a brave deed ______ done. (was, were)
7. A summons ____ served on him. (was, were)
8. The first innings _____ been played. (has, have)
9. The military ______ called out. (was, were)
10. Eight furlongs ____ equal to a mile. (is, are)
11. Your car as well as mine _______ at the door. (is, are)
12. Neither of them ______ proper etiquette. (know, knows)
13. Lamb’s Tales ____ prescribed for our examination. (is, are)
14. The price of these articles ____ gone very high. (has, have)
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15. ________ mathematics a difficult subject? (is, are) Code: NABARD50
Subject – Verb Agreement
16. The host and the hostess ____ kind to me. (was, were)
17. Nothing but trees and fields ____ before our gaze. (lies, lie)
18. The Principal and Manager ____ on leave. (is, are)
19. He is one of the cleverest boys who ____ taken the test. (has, have)
20. This is the only one of his poems that _________ interesting to read. (is/are)
21. One of my friends ………………………. gone to France. (has / have)
22. Each of the boys ………………………. given a present. (was / were)
23. Neither of the contestants ………………………. able to win a decisive victory. (was / were)
24. Oil and water ………………………. not mix. (do / does)
25. He and I ………………………. at Oxford together. (was / were)
26. Slow and steady …………………….. the race. (win / wins)
27. Neither Peter nor James …………………….. any right to the property. (has / have)
28. No prize or medal ………………….. given to the boy, though he stood first in the
examination. (was / were)
29. Either Mary or Alice …………………… responsible for this. (is / are)
30. Neither the Minister nor his colleagues ………………………… 50% OFF ongiven
NABARDany explanation for
this. (have / has) Code: NABARD50
Subject – Verb Agreement
1. Sara and Desmond is organizing the food.
2. Many of my classmates along with their parents is arriving early to decorate the party room.
3. The party start at 8:00.
4. Each of us are bringing a small gift that cost less than $10 for another person.
5. Mike, like many other students, have been trying to decide on the best gift to buy.
6. Mike is never serious; he like to make people laugh.
7. Unfortunately, all the funny things is too expensive.
8. Soo Min is making a cake, and Maria are buying some special chips.
9. Calcium, which is one of the world’s most common elements, are important for growing
strong bones and teeth.
10. Every animal require calcium for its health.
11. Calcium are also used for many other purposes.
12. As far back as Ancient Egyptian times, historians tells us of the use of calcium as a
building material.
13. In nature, calcium, an important element, are always found as a compound such as
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calcium carbonate and calcium fluoride.
Code: NABARD50
14. Lack of calcium are a serious problem.
15. Calcium-deficient bones is brittle and breaks easily.
Subject – Verb Agreement
16. Older people, especially older women, frequently gets osteoporosis.
17. Osteoporosis are a condition which cause calcium deficiency in bones.
18. In Canada, one in four women over the age of fifty suffer from osteoporosis.
19. A person with osteoporosis are likely to break a bone doing simple daily activities like
walking, hugging or coughing.
20. Each osteoporosis sufferer need to eat foods high in calcium daily.
21. Milk, tofu and spinach is high in calcium.
22. Regular exercise also help prevent osteoporosis.
23. The other group that need lots of calcium are children who are growing.
24. They need calcium to help their bones and teeth grows strong.
25. Some of the patients in the country avoids the importance of calcium.

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Code: NABARD50
Subject – Verb Agreement
1. Sheetal as well as (a)/ some of her friends (b)/have fallen in love with a hunky fellow, who
(c)/ is the eldest son of an I.A.S. officer (d)/ No error (e).
2. Where was the earrings that (a)/ I left by the bathroom sink? Oh no!(b)/ That stupid cat
has swatted them(c)/ down the drain again! (d)/ No error (e).
3. Agnes never loses a single possession.(a)/ Everyone knows what belongs to her(b)/, for
each pen, pencil, and paperclip have a tiny flag attached (c)/with Agnes' full name on it.
(d)/ No error (e)
4. Someone—perhaps Emmanuel(a)/ or Paul—know the right(b)/ wine to serve with
(c)/earthworm lasagna. (d)/ No error (e)
5. These scissors (a)/ is so dull that I'm(b)/ not sure you could (c)/slice butter with them! (d)/
No error (e)
6. Physics have proven (a)/to be Jerry's easiest subject this semester. He(b)/ brings Carol, the
lab assistant, an oatmeal-raisin cookie, and,(c)/ as his reward, she finishes his report. (d)/
No error (e)
7. The good jewellery Dad (a)/gave Sara for graduation cost more (b)/than the cheap leather
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wallet that David (c)/got as his reward for finishing high school. (d)/ No error (e)
Code: NABARD50
8. At Wendy's, all of the dryers (a)/gobbles six quarters (b)/ before spinning (c)/wet clothes
dry. (d)/ No error (e)
Subject – Verb Agreement
9. At Wendy's, each of the industrial washing machines (a)/rock so forcefully during the spin
cycle (b)/that new patrons dash outside, (c)/convinced that an earthquake is shaking the
building. (d)/ No error (e)
10. Everyone at Wendy's, even Myra and old Mrs. Webster(a)/, wish that she could (b)/afford
her own washer and dryer (c)/at home(d)/ No error (e).
11. Every cereal bowl and casserole (a)/dish have slipped out of Sheila’s soapy (b)/hands and
shattered on the hard tile of the kitchen floor(c)/. Sheila really needs to buy a dishwasher.
(d)/ No error (e)
12. Two cups of sliced jalapeno (a)/peppers seems extreme for a single (b)/batch of burrito
filling, but that's (c)/the amount in Felipe's recipe. (d)/ No error (e)
13. Elton’s newest pair (a)/of eyeglasses have corrected his vision so well (b)/that this young
man clearly sees the lovely Miranda (c)/sneering at his nerdy appearance. (d)/ No error (e)
14. The class disagree about the solution (a)/to the stuffy condition of the room; (b)/ten
students want to open the window, but the others remember the flood of frightened
cockroaches that poured in the (c)/last time Mr. Frampton released the window from the
frame. (d)/ No error (e) 50% OFF on NABARD courses
Code: NABARD50
15. Many an actions were(a)/ taken against (b)/the corrupt politicians (c)/ by the law in 2002.
(d)/ No error.(e)
Subject – Verb Agreement
1. Our dog Babe, together with her seven puppies, have chewed all the stuffing out of the sofa
2. This weekend, a Great White shark, as well as a school of barracuda, are terrorizing the
tourists at Daytona Beach.
3. Where is the bowl of squid eyeball stew and the platter of broccoli-chocolate muffins that
Madison made for Elizabeth’s housewarming party?
4. Here are the fifty-dollar bill that I promised for pet sitting Bo-Bo, my Jack Russell terrier,
this weekend.
5. Neither of my two older brothers invests money wisely.
6. Every piece of popcorn and dropped chocolate on the theater floor has stuck in the treads
of Larry’s new running shoes.
7. All that Susan wants this semester is a wink and a smile from the cute guy who sits next to
her in algebra class.
8. All that the cute guy wants this semester is the correct answers from Susan's algebra quiz.
9. Now that the cute guy has found a way to cheat, mathematics 50% OFF on NABARD
no courses
longer cause him
problems in school. Code: NABARD50
10. Mike is one of those students who never brings a pen with him to writing class.
Subject – Verb Agreement
11. The iguana is the only one of my brother's reptiles that does not require live rodents for
12. The family have conflicting opinions about how to celebrate the holidays since they
learned that Grandpa is a space alien from a distant galaxy.
13. Seventeen dollars are all that Brenda has saved for spring break this year.
14. Two hundred buckets of sand fill the interior of Mr. Clark’s new car.
15. The flaming-orange polyester pants, together with the beehive hairdo, make Betty stand
out among the other shoppers at the mall.
16. Here is the grasshoppers that you need to give the iguana while Marvin recovers in the
17. Wrestling on the cafeteria floor are two hungry students that want the last slice of
pepperoni pizza.
18. Not only the squid soufflé but also the fried octopus make a delicious snack to eat while
you are watching 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
19. Mary Anne's compassion, as well as the Professor's intelligence and the Skipper's good
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humor, are what Jillian most enjoys about Gilligan's Island.
Code: NABARD50
20. Each of these yo-yo champions give the same advice: you have to risk whacking yourself
in the head a few times to master the really challenging tricks.
Subject – Verb Agreement
21. Every love bug smashed on his windshield, every cockroach poisoned by insecticide, and
every trapped spider starving to death in a dusty corner causes Ernie, an aspiring
Buddhist, a pang of guilt.
22. The powdery sugar on lemon doughnuts makes Rhonda happy to start a new day.
23. Every one of Jenny's six cats enjoy relaxing on top of her new car; the paw prints create an
Art Deco design in the dust that coats the hood.
24. Lincoln is one of those people who thinks eating at Tito’s Taco Palace is an authentic
multicultural experience.
25. There is many misconceptions about gorillas; the most damaging is that these primates
are ferocious, crazed killers like King Kong.

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Code: NABARD50


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