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Why does the government recognize the importance of the youth in

nation building?
 The government understands that young people are crucial for the
country's progress because they represent its future leaders and
workforce. They bring fresh ideas, energy, and enthusiasm, which
are essential for driving development and innovation. By investing
in their education, health, and overall well-being, the government
ensures they have the necessary skills and opportunities to
contribute effectively to the nation's growth. Moreover, young
people often offer new perspectives and innovative solutions to
address the challenges facing the country.
2. Is it the government's prime duty to serve and protect its citizens, and
if so, what is also our responsibility as citizens towards the state?
 Yes, it is primarily the government's responsibility to serve and
protect its citizens. This entails ensuring their safety, security, and
overall welfare by providing essential services such as education,
healthcare, and infrastructure, while also upholding their rights
and freedoms. In return, citizens have a responsibility to abide by
the laws, pay taxes, and actively participate in the democratic
process. Additionally, citizens can contribute to the well-being of
the state by volunteering, engaging in community service, and
promoting social cohesion and unity within their communities.

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