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MCA (SEM-3) A nor Test1 - 2022

CBCSS558: Big Dzii /naiytics with Hadoop
Time: 1 Hour
Max Marks: 20
Attempt any two Ai! questions carry equal marks
ila) What is Hadoop? Explain various
L(t) characteristics of Big data?
What is Hadoop ecosyster1? Let's assume that, you have
iHadoop. The configuration of each available DataNode is 100TB of data to store and process with
as follows: 8GB RAM, 20TB HDDD and
200MB/s read-write speed. You have a had0op Cluster with replication
size=128MB. What is tie number of DataNoces required to store? Factor=3 and block
v 2(a} Differentiate between RDBMS and
Hadoop. Let's assume you need to
Mapreduce, for reading 100TB data speed 10MB/s using oniy 1 nodeprocess ti:is 100TB of dara using
would take
Differentiate between Traditiozi Ánalytics and MapReduced Analytics.
How does HDFS Federation help HDFS scale
the help of suitable diagram. horizcntally? Discuss Hadoop 2... hign!y avi'aoi.iy vit!
(b) What are varicus Hadoop Clustering Mode? Discuss Hadoop 2.x
configuration iile.
Code: CSCC44
Roll No..2MCAOSO..
CBCSS558: Big Data Analytics with iladoop
Time: 60 Minutes Max Marks: 20
Attempt any two questions.

1. (a What is Cloud Computing? Di_cuss various service model of Cloud.

Discuss Cloud Neployment

- 2.Aa) what is community cloud? Differentiate between Private and Public Cloud.
Discus Various essential characteristics of cloud computing.

3. (a) What is virtualization? Are Cloud Computing and Virtualization Same ?

(b) Discusvirtuai platform evolution
Code: CBCSS39.1
Data Analytics with HADOOP
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 60
Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of the question
Attempt all questions by selecting any two pails. All questions carry equal
1. What is Cloud Computing? Discuss various services model of
The scenario given below:
0.26 Rs/CPU-hour: One load balancer
0.50 Rs/CPU-hour:4 application Servers
0.91 Rs/CPU - hour:4 database servers
Find the cost of cloud use for two days fcr the above scenario.

(c) (i) Whct is the availability of cloud services, if capacity period is 9760 and
server failure and it takes 30 hours to íix it? you have 40% chance of
(ii) What is availability of cloud services, if you have 30% chance of your
20 hours to fix it and the capacity period is 9790? llustrate other server failing and it tekes
with four cable outage in three hours. points of failure in the syste1

2. (a) What is Audit Standard? Explain Disaster Recovery in

What is Security Policy? Discuss Tools tc Secure Data and Monitor
Secure Data.
What is virtualization and virtual machine? Are Cloud Computingand
Senvice Levels for Cloud Applications and Xen Virtualization Virtualization Same? Explain
Ailseire',ri " 2 i U..7iSS LUiion Big Data Cusuner Scenario
(b) Let's assU.e that, you have 200TB of ca'ato slore and
Gach availabie DalaNode is as íollows: 3CBPAM, 30TB process with Hadoop. The configuration of
HDDD and 200MBIs read-write speed. You
have a hacioop Clusier with replication Iator=3 and block size=128MB. WVhat is
the number of
DataNcdes required to store?
s)Nhai is Pig Data? Let's assume you neec to process 50TB of data using Map-reduce. Hownuch
iüme required for reading 50TBdata withi0MB/s speed using only 1
4. a VWnat is Hadoop? Diífferentiaie between :BMS and Hadoop
based on parameters.
(b) What is ile iblock? Explain DFS Architecte. Afile of
has 40OMB is being copied to HDFS. The system
finished copy1ng of 250 MB. What hapven if a client tries to access that file?
(c) How does HDFS Federation help HDFS scule horizontally? Explain
Discuss Hadoop 2.x configuration file. Facebook Hadoop Cluster.
5 , (a)Where fMpReduce is used? Discuss varin s data loadinç and analysis
(b) How is problem solving with MapReduce? Ixplain Hadoop 2.x
MapReduce Components.
(c) Explain MapReduce Job Submission Flow. the document
given below: contains the following statements as
"Departnent of Computer Science is very good department. Computer
Science department in Jamia Milla Islamia. "
Find the overall word count using MapRedune Techniques.
Jamia Mie islaa
{Odd Seme:ter, 2022-23)

Course: MCA (Sem-!) Tile: CSE35.15 (Pregramming in Java)

Duration: 1hour Max. Maaks: 20

Atternpt any FOUR of the follovings questicns.

Allquestions carry equal marks. Reslrici io the relevani answers ordly.
1 What is the need of wrasper classes in Java? Explain by citing some
cOde examples where wrarper ciasses ara useful.
2. Suppose we need to cOipute th arsa of diferei two dmensiorndl
shapes such as Circle, Square, Reciangle and Tringie. Eech sl:ape
shouid have its own classes iöi inslanicr. Desn classes
inheritance hierarchy so tha: maximurn code reusabiliiy can be
artiied. Aiso write a tesier pogram ic iesi your ciasSeS.
3. What do you mearn by RaggedArray? vvrile a lava rogrant iU Eete
a Raggei Array
A. What are the classes in Java io deal with Biu 'suines? Daize a
meitod "calFact (int n}"wiich retns is factorial of 'r' as
Digintegcr object. Sho: the workirg o tu netod it tie
5.Write shortenswers cf he fallowing quaslions in 1-2 e(s}: {15-6)
a. CauwÇ overlcad çc inain(} retlod?
b. What is tie use of JAVAP tool?
c. Is maina keyword in Java?
d. Why are the methods of the Math class siatic?
e. Does Java have desiructors?
Jamia Millia Islamia
(Odd Semester, 2022-23)

Course: MCA (Sem-Il1) Tille: CSE35.15 (Programming in Java)

Duration: 1 hour Max. Marks: 20

Attempt ALL the questions.

Allquestions carry equal marks. Restrict to the relevant ar1swers caiy.
,AVhat is generic programming? Write a gereic method findHighest() which
finds the highest value ina given generic array passed to it as parameter.
For instance, if an integer array 'x|' is passed to generic method
findHighest(x), it should return the highest integer value in x. Demonstrate
the working of this generic method for any two numeric data types.
V2. What is the purpose of CLASSPATH environment variable in Java?
Explain the purpose of try, catch, thrcw and throws keywcICs with
Expiain the purpose of Sring lkc nizer ciass i 3ii ehe
Java program that defines a generic bubbleSort() method which suit:
content of generic array using bubble sort algorithm. Also demonstrats he
working of the generic bubbleSort0 method.
4. Write shortanswers of the following questions in 1-2 line(s): (1x5=5)
a Write any tworesiricts on static methods.
. What is the purpose of throws kevword.
Write down allthe signatures of StringBuffer constructors.
’dG¥n interfaces have final variables?
What is the meaning of final, if put before a class declaraion?
final class A {
1/ definition
Code: CSE35.15 Roll No.2JMAQ5Q...


Elective l: Programming with Java
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on recejpl of the question paper.
Attempt ALL questions by selecting any TWO parts. All questions carry equal marks.
Write down description with example of at leant four new features introduced in Java 10. Also write at
least twO most serious deficiencies in Java.
What is the role of rt.jar file in Java? Explain the functions of the following Java command-line tools:
javap, javadoc jar.
Ltc) What are the ciasses to handle Big Numbers in Java? Explain any one with example.

What do you mean by Autoboxing? Write down few applications of Cosmic Super class 'Obiect' with
Differentiate between an absiract class and an interfacA. What is Reflection?
Design a cless Registration in Java consisting of loginlD, password, name, address, city, mobile,
email with recessary parameterized constructors end getter methods. The policy for the passwore! is as
i) at least 8 ch.aracters in length
i) no space
ii) at least orre Upper character, and number.
implemein! e pessword vai:daticn policy vithin constructors. D::rnonstrate the workir g oi hc cizss in
the man program.
3. Gcmpare and rortraat anon; stringEu£fer, Stzinc3us ldar and sting
inia th n:es ia nrnnrar, ri,nc Iang:2^as fro: the
following sentence: "Pythoin, Ma iab, R, Java, Google GO, Visuai Basic"
What are the benefils cf gene:is programming? Aiso write down the restricttons and imiiatuons rf generic
(c) Define a genetic class to maintain a two-dimensional array of generic types. The size of the aray is
passed through constructor, which also performs necessary memory allocation. The c.:ss contains a
method genericAverage () that reiurns the average of the array. Test the working of the above class
in the main program on diíferent types of data (such as integer, floating point).
4. ta What are the advantages of Collection framework? How a Map is different from Co!lecüon interface?

What is a daemon thread? How can we aiter the priority of Java thread? Describe with example(s).
(c) Write a Javaprogram to creaie a thread which gererates a serial nunber starting from 1and goes up to
5,000. If an upper limit is reached, the counter is reset to one. Demonstrate the working of the thread in
the main program.
5 What are different swing components? Explain the working of Mouse Ever: with example(s).
What is a Callable Statement in JDBC? Explain the process of executing a SQL query using JDBC APIs.
(c) A librarian wanted to digitize the book stock register and willing to store information such as
AccessionNo, Title, Authors, Publishers, Price and NoOfCopies to a database. Write a
Java prOgram which accepts these information from the user, connect to the database and store it to a
database table. Assume that table scheme already exists within the database. Make necessary
assumptions about database driver.
Roll No. IMCAOSo
MCA(Ii-Sem) Second Sessional Examination, 2022
CSC34: Analysis and Design of Algorithms
Dated: Wednesday, November 16, 2022 Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM
Time: 1 hour Max. Marks: 20
(1) Write your Roll Number and Name on top of Question Paper.
(ii) Answer any TWO questicns. A!l questions carry equa! marks.
Q-1 Write steps that are used to develop adynamic programming algorithm for a given problem. Write äynamic (3-7)
programming algorithm (using 2 array of maximu1a size i.. B[0:n, ...] where ith row has i+l columns) to
compute binomial coefficient "Ck.
Q-2 Write dynamic programming aigorithm for traveling sales person problem and also compute its time (ó+4)
Q-3 Write the theorem that is used in dynamic programming algorithm for computing longest common sub- (5+5)
sequence oi two given sequences. Also compute the prefix X, for i-0, 1, 2, .., 7 of the sequence
Code: CSC34
MCA (II|-SEM) RollNo. l.MeAO5O
Analysis an: Design of Algorithms
Time: 3 Hours
Write vour Roll no. on the top immediately o receipt of the question paper. Max Marks: 60

Attempt ALL questions by selectng any Tvv parts. Alquestions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Write an algorithm decimalToBasek(M, ) (SU that r<10) that convert positive decimal integer n to base r.
In this conversion the resultant value should stored in 1D char type array as string. Also computer the
nunber of mod and division operations neede in this algorithm.
(b) VWhat is legularity condition in master s theoref i Solve the
recurrence equation T(n) = T(n/2) + n(2 - cos n)
usingmaster theorem.
(c) Let Z. a = [2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8] be a list of 8 int gers, z is the i"
random variable associated with event that z, a.iü Z are Compared. smallest integer of this list, and X, is indicator
variables X, for i=1 to 7 and j= i+1 to 8, when th given list of integerCompute the value of this indicator random
is sorted using bubble sort.
2./(aAWrite steps that are used to develop a dynamit: programming
algorithm for a given problem. Write dynamic
programmingalgorithm using single one dimens :nal array of minimum size to compute binomial coefficient "C..
(b) Write dynamic programming algorithm for the hain matrix multiplication problem and also
coiplexity. compute its time

Let a travelling sales person problem is represei ied by the diagraph K4, where V={1,2, 3, 4},
<1,4>, <2,1>, <2,3>, <2,4>, <3,1>, <3,2>, <3,4> <4,1>, <4,2>, <4,3>}, and 2, 5,,20,,1, 3,2, 1,E=(<1,2>,
2, 5, 2, 3,
2 are
weights of these edges respectively. Soive thisp Tblem using dynamic programming algóritim. S9
Let G=(\V, E) be an undirected wcighted graph, 'rere V={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, E={(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 4), (3,
5), (4. 5)} ard 1,2, 3, 3, 5, 4, 2 are weights of th saedges respectively. Compute the
using Kr iskele algorithm. minimum spanning tree by

The leiters and their frequency of a text file are J:30, A:5, M:25, K:20, N:15, D:25. Compute the
for each of these letters. llustrate the encoding and decoding of text "DAM" using Huffman's code
these codes.
(c) Solve the following 0-1 knapsack problem using refined dynamic
programming algorithms.
Pi (Rs.) 50 30 40 10
WË (kg) 6 4
W=12 kg

4.a) Describe the n-queen problem and write backtracking algorithm for same.
S{b) What is m-coloring problem? Write backtracking algorithm for the same.
(c) Solve the 0-1 knapsack problem of question 3(c) by using backtracking algorithm.
5. (a) Write best first search branch and bound algorithm for 0-1
knapsack problem.
(b) Determine the number of internal and leaf nodes in the state-space tree and
compute bound values or iniei
nodes and length of tour corresponding to leaf nodes when travelling sales person problem given in quesuo
2(c) is solved by branch and bound algorithm.
c Show that clique decision problem is NP-complete. Transform the CNF Boolean
into graph. How many cligques of size three this graplh has? expressions (AVB)ADv

Sessional Test-I, Information Security. CSC33, MCA-III Sem

DATE: 11-10-2022 TIME: ¬0 Min. M.M.: 20


M. Describe the critical characteristics of information. How are they used in the study
of computer security?
2. Discuss various attack replication vectors used by the viruses and worms.
3. Discuss four common softvare-based communications attacks designd to
intercept and collect information in transit.

Sessional Test - II, Information Security- CSC33, MCA-III Sem

TIME: 60 Min. M.M.: 20

J. Brieîydesct ibe the components of an enterprise information secuity policy.
2. Briefly discuss any five protection mech.anisns in a trusted computing base.
3. What are the five elernenmts of a business impact analysis? Briely iscuss each.
Code: CSC33 Roll No..?MAOsOo..
Information Security
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Write your Roll no. on the top immediately on receipt of the question paper.
Attempt ALl questions by selecting any TWO parts. All questions cary equal marks.
1. (a) ldentify the six components of an information system. Briefly explain each in terms of information

b) llustrate the various methods asocial engineering hacker use to gain information about a user's

Yc) What are the various forces of nature? Briefly discuss each with respect to different organizations.
2. a) Write down the policies, practices, standards, guidelines and procedures for password
(b) An organization supports routine operations by executing various technologies and processes. How
and which type of security policy needs to be implemented by the organization.
(c) An organization wants to implement or improve its risk management and information security
programs. Briefly explain the steps according to the NiST framework.
3. (a) What is security architecture? Explain its key components.
( iitü a iuieciiuri imecnanisris in a trustec conmpuing base.

(c) Describe the common criteria in terms of its purpose along with supported security functional
4. (a) llustrate substitution cipher method of cryptography with a suitable example.
b A typical PKI solution protects the transmission and reception of secure
several components. Briefly discuss each.
information by integrating
(c Using the transposition technique with a symmetric key, explain how
operates. encryption and decryption
5. a) To ensure operations security, the individual in charge of
information security must keep a number
of actions in consideration. Specify these actions.
(b) Determine what the features of a good access control system with
reference to MAC.
V (c) Discuss the problems with passwords and the techniques to
alone. authenticate users than passwords
Department of Computer Science,Jamia Millia lslamia, New Delhi-110025
Code: CSC31: Data Communication and Computer Networks
Time:1 Hour Max Marks:20
Attempt all questions. Marks are indicated against each question. Your answer should be rele vant, precise and
What is CRC? Which layer does CRC work? (2]
Which layer combines bits into bytes and bytes into frames, uses MACaddressing, and provides errOr
Le3. Is it possible to use two different types of routers on the same network? If yes, then how?
- 4. Name the types and usage of frames in HDLCProtocol.

What is the difference bstween CSMA/CD and ALOHA Protocol?

6 Find the chips fora network with two stations using walsh table?
i. Difierentiate between ad-h0c and infrastructure networks?
Why W:-Fiuses Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision
CSMA/CD. Avoidance (CSMA/CA) rather than
JDepartment of Computer Science,
Jamia Millia lslamia, NewDelhi-110025
Code: CSC31 Roll No.2!.MAO5O...
Data Communication and Computer Networks
Time:1 Hour Max Marks: 20

14/rite your Roll No on the top immeiately on receipt of the question paper.
Attempt all questicns. Marks are indicated against each question. Your answer should be relevant, precise and

1 Give any two differentiating point between the Internet, Intranet, and Extranet? [2]

2. Why do we reed protocoland standard? Name different types of standards. (2]

3 Write any twoadvantages and disadvantages of star topology? (2)

4. Define fiber optic communication principle and light propagation through fiber optic cable. (3]

5. What is the difference between flow cont:oland error control? 3]

Give foure amples of protocols that wcrl at the 4pplication layer?

7. a. Whici layer is responsible for keeping tic 'ata from different applications separate en the
network? (1]
Which layer combines bits into bytes and tes into frames.

8. How Data break down oneach iayer frorn op to bottom? Briefly explain vith neat diagram. 3]

S. VWrite a.yfour advantages of packet switc ing over circuit switching. [(2)
Codn: CSC31
Roll No. 2 MLAOBC).
DataCommunication and Computer Networks
Tie: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 60
irite your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of the queslionpaper.
Atteot ALL questions by selecting any TWO parts. l questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) IWht are the isSues that should be consid sre 1 in designing
different layers in the net:"ok
mc Is? Explain
b) Uocr what conditions would circuit switching be a better network
design than pecket

Dferentiate between TCP/IP and ISO/OSI reference Model. Why do we use TCP/IP model
instead of ISO/OSI reference Model?
2. (a) A bit stream 10011101 is transmitted using the
standard CRC methcd. The gcneratcr
Dolynomial is x+1. Show the actual bit string transmitled. Suppose that
ieft is inverned during transmission. Show that this error is detsctcd al the the third bit from tie
an exanple of bit errors in the bitstring tranSmiited that will not be receiver's end. Give
detected by he receiver.
(b)Define HDLC. What are the different communicaion modes in HDLC? Explain.
(c1 Give three reasons why network might use arn er:or c . c code
and retransmis sion? instcad of error de'ecion

,iaEXplain li:e similarities between CSMA/CD and CSCA protoco!. Vichc.:

pule ALOHAnetwoik transnils 200-bi: franes on a siaied channel cf 200 kops. (ha! is the
requirenent to make this frame collision-íee?
(c) PrOve that a receiving station can get the data sent by a secific sender if it
data on the channel by the sender's chip code and then divides multiplies the entire
it by the number of stations.
4. (a) What are the network support layers and the user support layers? Briefly
(b) List the order of various extension headers used in next
generation internet protocol. Briefiy
(c) Explain the strategies for transition from IPV4 to IPV6.
5. , (a Differentiate between TCP and UDP protocols.
(b) What is Domain Name System? Explain its working
.(e What is extended service set in a WLAN? Write any two
networks. features of ad-hoc and infrastructure
CSC 32: Artificial Intelligence
Time: 1Hour (10 AM to 11AM) Date: Novenber 14, 2022 Maximum Marks: 20
Attempt all questions. Use ofScientific Calculator is permitted.
1 Define Gradient descent nule. Derive a Gradient descent training rule for a
single layer unit with
output O, where 0= Wo + xW, tXWít" ......., W, t x, Wí (3)

Train aMcCulloch and Pitts model of neural network for learning P-Q logic
gate function.Ássume
random initial weights as (Wo, Wi, W:) = (1, 0, 1) where Wo is bias. Show training upto 6 steps only. (3)

Differentiate the following: (4)

-Softmax v/s Sigmoid
-Convolution v/s Pooling
Design and train a neural network (one hidden layer with one unit) to solve XOR problem. (4)
-Draw the diagram. To which units you will attach bias? Prepare training vectors.
-Which training algorithm you will use to train this network and why?
-Show just one iteration for just one training pattern 1XOR 1= 0. AsSume all random initial
weights with value 0.1and all biases with value 0.2, an learning rate n=1.

Given aKohonen self-organizing map with weig.s as ticwn in the followiug diagran.

0.3 07 06
0.6 0.9 Ú.
0.3 0.8

Use the square of Euclidean distance to find the wir. ing neuron (let say C)
for the inputvector
(0.5, 0.2).
Using a learning rate of 0.2, find the new weights of unit Cj.
If units Cnand C-: are part of radius of neighborhond-i of this
neuron C, find their nev
weights to0.

D etheorv of memory. Wlich neural ne:wor nnodei you know which is used for
oagead ieLeiling?pluin it with anexanpBe
CSC 32: Artificial Intelligence
Time: 1Hour (10AM to 11 AM) Date: October 10, 2022 Maximum Marks: 20
Attempt questions. Use of Scientific Calculaior is permitted.
Consider the unbounded version of the regular 2D grid shewn in
(0,0). and the goal state is at (x. y). Figure I below. The start state is at the origin.
ta) What is the branclhing factor bin this state space?
How manv distinct states are there at depth k (for
(c) What is the mavimum number of nodes expanded by
Is h= u -x
breadth-first search?
(d) v an admissible heuristic for a state at (u, v)? Explain.
(e) How many nodes are expanded by A* graph search
using h)
(f Does h renain adnissible if some links are
(g) Does h remain ad1missible if some linksare added
between nonadjacent siates?

k| (6)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: Rectangular-grid problem. The frontier (white rodes ) always
space(blac. nodes) from the unexplored region (gray nds) separates the explored region of the state
(a i:st the oo1 has hcen exranded
in (b), one l:af node has been expanded.
In (c), the renaining successors of the root have beeney
nded 'n ciockwisc order
2 Give output of following Prolog programs by drawing
pr.ofrecursion trees: (6
(i) f(., Y):-X<3, !,Y is 0;X<6, !,Y is (i) end ([X|Y], 2, (X| W]) :
2; Y is 4.
end(Y, 2, W).
Cneck how all of the queries will be end([), X,X).
answered by this program:
?-f (1, Y), 2 <Y.
?-f (7, Y) . - nd([l, 2, 3], W, (1,2,3, 4,5)}.
3 Sugrest the best strate gy to play the game of
Nino..tokns as'ag MiniMav strategy.
4 Consicer following facts about a murder story:
The pa'ce have isuspcuts of the murder of Mr.
ech decate that t:ey did not kill Cooper. Sith also Coopur:th, ones and Williams. Snith, Jonesa t s
state.. hat Cooper was a triend of Jones and hat \Viiians
dislidke d hto, Jo,esalso statcs that he did not know Cooper .. 1|hat he was out of town the day Cooper AaS
Willhans a'so states that he saw both Smith and Jones with ooper killd.
Jones must have killcd him. Can you determine who the mur Twasthei day of the nnurder and that either Siho
One of the 3men is uilty, the 2
innocent men ar: lie Iruth, but the statemeuts of th l s mn
may or may not be true
Innocentnen do not lie.
Use predicate logic to solve this puzzle.
Code: CSc32
M.C.A. (|-SEM) EXAMINATIONS, 2022-23
Artificial Intelligence
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 60
" Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of the question paper.
Attempt ALL questions by selecting any TWO parts. All questions carry equal
Use of Scientific calculator is permitted.
1. (a) Explain how Al is applicable for any one of the following case studies:
(i) Alcan look at food photos and guess recipes.
(iü) Lip-reading Al to aid those with hearing loss.
(b) Consider a hypothetical game tree with branching
evaluation of leaf node from left to right order is: 8, 7,2, factor 3 and depth 3. Assume the
9, 1, 6, 2, 4, 1,1,3,5, 3, 9, 2, 6, 5, 2,
1, 2, 3, 9, 7, 2, 16, 6, 4. Suppose first player is
L What is the optimal strategy using MiniMax
(i) Which all nodes will be cut off using alpha-beta cut-off
algorithm? Explain why this cut-off
process ensures non-removal of the optimal strategy altogether.
ii) What do you mean by perfect ordering of nodes below aMIN or
nodes are following perfect ordering, how many nodes will be MAX node? Assuming
cut-off algorithm? evaluated using alpha-beta
Wii all of the above answers change, in case you start
right to left order instead of left to right? Give reasons generating and evaluating nodes from
for your answer.
(c) (i) Compare Iterative deepening search and
Uniform-cost search with respect to
completeness, time and space complexity, and optimality.
(ii) Solve the variant of 8-puzzle shown below using A*
heuristic tunction. search by suggesting a suitable
Current Sate Goal State
1 2 3
5 6
4 5
4 7
2. (a) Give output of following Prolog program by drawing proof tree:
pred([J, [J)
pred( [XT], [X Result] ): - X > 10, pred (T, Result).
?-pre£( [12,3, 14,5, 8], Result).
(b) Assume the following facts: "I married a widow (let's call her W)
who has a grown-up daughter
(Call her D). My father (F), who visited us quite often, fell in love
with my step daughter and
married her. Hence my father became my son in law and my step
mother. Some months later, my wife gave birth to a son (S1), who daughter became my
of my father, as well as my uncle. The wife of my father, became the brother-in-law
that is, my step daughter, also had a
son (S2).
(i) Using predicate calculus, create aset of
expressions that represent the situation in the
above story.
(iü) Use Predicate logic to prove conclusion: "lam my
own grandfather"
(c) Explain the purpose of Prolog library Constraint Logic
domains it is available? How can it be used Programming (CLP). For which
or Sudoku efficiently for solving Al puzzles: Cryptarithmetic


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