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- Eugenics is the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and
“planned breeding,” which gained popularity during the early 20th century. Eugenicists
worldwide believed that they could perfect human beings and eliminate so-called social
ills through genetics and heredity.
- They believed the use of methods such as involuntary sterilization, segregation and social
exclusion would rid society of individuals deemed by them to be unfit.
- The study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities
of future generations either physically or mentally
- The gene pool of Human species could somehow improved if some people with different
abilities didn’t have kids

- Involuntary sterilization
o Against
o I believe that involuntary sterilization is unethical knowing that you are being
forced to remove your capacity to reproduce

Since all are perfect since they’re all very smart, the environment might be toxic
Study shows that too much competitiveness in the world will lead to different negative effects
like parang sa sobrang competitive ng mga tao since lahat sila ay amatalino it can be toxic to the
environment which cannot ensure the greatest happiness to everyone, yes everyone is smart but
too much competitiveness is very toxic

They must argue against the greatest happiness principle that Utilitarianism Argument uses a
premise for its claim. They can either argue that:
- The practice of Eugenics will not ensure the greatest happiness
- The greatest happiness principle is wrong in the first place
Eugenics cannot ensure that we will achieve the greatest happiness since the effect of
Eugenics, such as being too intelligent, has a lot of disadvantages that can hinder achieving the
greatest happiness.
- Mental Health
o A study had found that people with higher IQ are common in having mental
health issues
- Worse social relationship
o According to a study conducted by Stockholm University found that intelligent
individuals encountered some trouble when adjusting to adulthood in terms of
social relationships.
The practice of Eugenics will not ensure the greatest happiness because even though
Eugenics will produce a better quality of people, like all of the people are intelligent and free
from illnesses which we think that it makes the majority happy of course, who wouldn't be
pleased if you're so brilliant? You don't need to exert much effort in your studies because you
can easily understand your lesson with less time. However, having too much intelligence or
being too bright also has many disadvantages that will create more problems and will not ensure
the greatest happiness of the majority. One of the disadvantages of being too intelligent is that
they are prone to experience more mental disorders. In a study conducted on Mensa members,
the researchers found that psychological conditions like anxiety and mood disorders are more
common in knowledgeable people. In fact, 26.7 percent of the sample reported that they had
been formally diagnosed with a mood disorder, while 20 percent said an anxiety disorder, which
is 2-3 times higher than the national average. Another disadvantage of being too intelligent is
they tend to have worse social relationships. According to a study conducted by Stockholm
University found that intelligent individuals encountered some trouble when adjusting to
adulthood in terms of social relationships. That's why, if everybody is intelligent, which is one of
the results or effects of Eugenics, then everyone is more prone to have mental disorders, which
will clearly not ensure that the practice of Eugenics can achieve the greatest happiness because
becoming intelligent also comes with different consequences or disadvantages that can hinder in
achieving the greatest happiness.

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