1 Hard To Imagine

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afer Riza excution—the old meaning had vanished. Hence the fand ‘mena difiuty ofthe present transition shat in flying soe lays pperit he aclvonnte form of iio’ Filip for example allo seo ext repuesentad por esas peninslrsyfiipoas" Ce fare being septs by pine an role Spaieh wore) ered absurd "the aise eng representa by Spanish eins adi| sand Filipinas” The other poten a tengo the poll andinguitic ompleiy ofthe orignal, no dou beste Mx Lacon-Lacn was Born jst to to have had an ete Spunshera schooling When Rizal hd the rac Franciscan iar Padre Damaso sy contempt, “mie Bt deb ‘sila fo se” he mocking) inserted the Tagalog bat a place ofthe Spanish mucaco to show bow years nthe colony id unconsiousy ere lized the ria’ nsuae. This fl! dsppcrs when Mrs Lacson-Losin ‘rane the words a5 “any shookilé knows that.” Riel quotes tre lines of the mach owed ninteeth-etury Tagalog poet Franco Balt inthe original, witout transating it into Spanish 10 crete the nosey inereuhurl jig. but quting the oom i the same new a he et surrounding items the et The ial chapter beading "Taso loo & #1 soto” sraks to “Taso” aod one woud ot spec hit the chapter beading “A Good Day is Feo bythe Morning” wa org a, ‘he translator abo has ius with Raa frequent sardonic we arate Latin, Thera ae popes who are honoured inthe ova country, and ose Rizal samong the, Bat the contin of his honor ba decades ben his unualbity fs.Lacon-Lacin as changed this by giving the great man ack his sid and seditious lager And iti uly ceded one thinks ol those "sch praise pens or des which Goin His nite goodness reed and at carom breeds Mani i——$— Hard to Imagine 4 te iti e904 he dame ome of te Pipe ste temperate oreo cna craton of te ith of Dr Jou Rone, HE ot opts Rl he pe atc tary bose yh alpine i eee Tis tethers aoa ed pc, ii, fs pola ese, cdg en wal ape ate na Na Me Rng sli Bein {ita Eitri pe nO tet hee rte i 2 (GRRE Vite “sc” td comps te rvtin Ssh hte me sod gg hatin ofthe Spun pnd are tara he Aneta loa tein 9) 16h by toa wig ota hyena Geel ue of Suh eet nf ch mei an clea, inning its lice American Thanks tothe spread of public edactin ae cheers arr ra; ‘ad been compose, sone ve y foreigners i ecole e slat Pg coupe gn spre Tg 8 pee Spt ise rami Pe Ee eon 2 tn an to ei f Cas, ets erst den he pct of Cpr Ntant Sen athe er, non ey to Mans ety re 32 26 ‘seer oF couranisons seme ny anoint ried sna cia of he cea ssratines sprit comptton forte st cw itn 1th competion is howe atm bo fr maton ee ‘rae nema mot cpstin te ad come thet of terol coer neil nt hy md bitline thesia rams en ms tet of he recone Cat toy» up of om and coon sponsored bil king the igo Rls tw novel tered ral de feta ist pa SE th sonia largest sng hte sean of ance evry Chic ings utr pate Whe ar esate apy commemorate Ri toma rained tt he ha ‘ted af Masonic an est wn ev tine Stag oped partake sents eng wha te et Ian had ren ars pols comes ete oom of ch ‘er tl toy ad atte at the Chae, Se ee ot ‘re rel eo reer oh eer) hb Suttle Bry mp seas neu he aang atin of aperingocnshe Ft nn 23°" among the sim yh compton dean ena son as Len Ms. Garo (9158) ott tine the Flic Ambusador othe Cou of Sans wl ne mor ou Gere ae Iie oot rth st sans nee ‘eyes ducked eld vena pace oa pee yt essay tata al aay Downe ané mileage! Fos who ave actualy ead he nw Ameren in th n Gr ro "Wnt al he ntons rp ty or ag, Tn Sans nd nether 0 eyed smo ie aed 2 Acorn hc ir asc, Gure dese on a ha in wt a ‘etnias sept Hes na cage a on ey Te sory) ons wl tn ar eye He a ‘Sn hus Hele 2 bra a Titra st sy of te Pc as ne Eh ih pe 7 ano 10 scone a sor to anyone I Kew—tha here wat anything eco oat them. But ve et hing opted to do research on Philp atonlsn, eovgnzed tat I node een to tend Spanish, an decided 10 Teach ‘ae by adn he No and he Fin the original wih Guete’ rans- laos a ea ln reading icky oust ase Reins was 2 ma of sopticaton aod excelent ‘eduction, ahd was ao completely vent in Spanish, i seemed highly ‘ily thteuch sensi dimortos could be stirbted eter to ast ot ‘incompetence What he! The sogeston iho mae in the pages that foo tat thy werecased mainly by fundamenttchanze i satonal- ‘sveonsciouses betwen te 1895 andthe 190s, and alo by the ating rise in Mana. afer independence of ficial ationals."™ 5, Ineving understand Gore No tenet to beara nde ‘win strange features of hi Intodvction® He began by deserbing his translation aa attempt to make the nove “paltableto neWseeraton| of Englshspesking Filia, and ge it beyond the wider audience ‘song othe Engh pething peoples] on thecentenary of Ral bith = Previous waeshtions, he couiued, eral unsasicor. ‘wn rp by ho whe aie ngage Eg ey ket nda fe iin i Whe med y Fins these om, ‘Thm tome eager ere the pale bic make fort ‘trea comtacone Hot Kinds sve nly encumbered wih fers ‘Suntory fn wish ar ing and suranga 0 doubt ‘Sy oe pl to frageer tcl en for may conto Fans wb 90 long heey sf hess felts In his own nw vesion, he tere gia Somponion Notas Rial might hine writen it he had be ‘wing in Engle forthe present generation of Filipinos.” Filly, be obsered that, Rint ayn va a pea he msec: Spaith more isa Tague at can fre mre rid nd sett th es El ‘Ferment em opm ity Ha aon yd com fn o e o pen ef eno ee on a, Indias eH Ags tc ig pgp ean sidan pe i Soeur gs es sr ney Bs {THe SETHE oF couranisons "ue terse lloned ys he forte oer fn cea pass ‘har mig terse ae ro phi ia pty he ee scene on Mars Chi’ tleony wich bs bce ie delight of pemrtons Fino simenalate Thee is something psf about these introdectory comments The ‘ational er noel 10 Be mide “paltabl”to a yous generation of Filipinos (high-school and colle students), who no long: havea de of th cistoms of thei forater”~seeny years ack. I wll be dered vif Rial wer writing in the 1950s for Goeresconeaprai I wil be paraphrased o prevent sophisticated sige exe ths means dsppoin ing generation of Fipno satiate Sei ial that Guerrero ‘hovght high-school stadeots much gv to sop sigzerng, one might surmise thatthe sieges be had iad were forces epi “American and Engh reader. Bondleriation and modernization about hich Guero is quite task ae ooe i tll, the nsesry nations sens for kespiag Rial lve for Flin outh, ad pressing is pine sory from Anglo Son ih, So fis et Yet what Guster stay i wih he Hol eemsat st sght—to Rave most no conneton with these stated purposes "One could snmariz the key ements of Gere’ tanto sey — whic is quit consistent employed ovr te hundreds of pages comprising ‘he Noi?—under the allowing (amewba ebirary ied sees ub. DEMODERNIZATION tis characteristic of Rizal's brava sy tht ahough the ory ofthe Nol is sei he een) pas, and ths the dominant ese the past thee Feegoen glisindo modulations into the presea.Ye every uch presen was systray tamed by Gere ito the pat For esmpl onthe Won as ures xls ‘ny bcal Spaniards and Spaniards from the Pesinsua” (9) Fer hss ‘hone place were the transato does ia dese lpr One can, onthle a ehtracteritc mindset at wk. In Rial sentence filjpnas pyar san adjective galing espa, so tht “Fina Spaniards Would be a stole vn deransation. Futhersor it woul se strane to youn Figo ofthe 1960 read ery excl medig to whch lps (bt not Fpinos) were ited. Guerrero ingenious sl tia it give cores trantton Ba a the see tine to make sue tha ting ters the presence in Ria original. ipa! erating o decipher the meaning of Guerrero satya ton, tis ncesary tos something about the man himsel, He was born ia os {THE secrne oF coumnisons 1915, seen years afer the Unite States astumed sovereignty oer the Piping om Span. He dein 1982 thiyst yeas fe he aug tw the Second) Rep of the Pppines. He cae fom he age idle css mesizo, Gere family of Mana, on fhe fe genset to ‘eth eof dad y ts postion, over he geet fe Sonably dingo intelectals nd professional men” His prandather, Leon Ma, Guerrero 1 (1853-193), known a the"Faher of Philpine Botan,” wat a notable sient, editor, journal, ad putioueoneratinepoitin.Profewor of ota atte Unies of ‘Sano Tomi be became polly active ater Emi Auinalé's proc ‘tion ofthe revolutionary Repub the sim of 19% He wrt ‘Arinalde'snewepaper Le Replica lina, was a meer ofthe rele tionary eit served in Azuinalos second cabinet, at ped ead the Pippine deletion in petos negations withthe Schucmaa | Commision, When he Americar se up the st colonial esate in 9 he seri one term asa Nacomlsta Pry meer forthe second dst in Bulacn. Susy; be wen back to academe, and ws etd he et president of the Lito de Mana. One of hit sons, Cor Ma. Guero (1885-96), became prominent exsisting a Bishop of Linge (1929-37 and ar of Sn eran (948-7) reputation damages, however by his alles collaboration with tk apne ocepaton fossa 1842-45, for which he mas ater charged with teason (he cae wa venta roped inks tlobtying bythe Hirai). Tear son, Dr. Aledo Mi ‘Guerra weal and popular doctor, was out uasltrs ber ‘he collateral ranch ofthe Family was just as prominent Leon Ms ‘Guero T ele rote, Lorenzo (1835-1908), na well now prof sional art andthe teacher fhe Pippin os fous pers, an ‘Luna ad Resuresion Hidalgo. Oe of his sons, Fano Ma. Gere (1873-1929, the "Poo ofthe Revolution” sil membered fo i pt bie verses. During the revlon he served as yung stale For ‘General Aton Lun’ La Inipendoci, and ater bee the xy tr fst atonal papers 1 Rename, La Vanguard Pari, ‘La Opin. He aso served in the fst Americar leat. Another Sea, Dr Manel Severino Guereo (1877-1919). taught mee at he Uniersityof Sto Tomi woke fo La Ropes Flin and La Opin nd pulsed ively colton of hort storie under tefl uf Prose ‘ture mata Ne ay HH ens) fe 5 ee Ge i ny sy tartan Coping ee ota Te Fim pe 8 99a opal eee en tee ‘Papp sunneocn r s ano 10 acne oo Lear. Ove of Fenando’ sons, Wilt, sil abe, teams a notable pay: ‘wright, dretr and professor a the Unversity ofthe Pipes. One of| Maus dah, Evang, wa Spaishlangegy thor who won the 1938 Zobel Pie for be Kasco Epritua All the Geren do ‘st errant’ geerton ill poke Spanish t home; bat inthe spre of publi here was sharp beak beeen the fist wo generations bo ‘ese primi imSpoish, nd that of Laon Ma. and bis ond cous Wilson published aos whol in Amin ‘A young coli very mich aware of hit sade Uneags, Guero seemed destin fora bilan care He won his BA (summa cu aude) at he Kui Ateea de Man in 935, andi, Burau ae) a ‘he Universi othe Pippin 1939 In 940, at the og weve, be vs aleadytenching Law atthe Ateneo and working inthe ose ofthe Soltor-General. Among his fist casks was preparing brit for the Philippine Supreme Cour urging sejeton of the appeal of the Young Fermnd Marosapunst conviction fr murder (perhaps bese the (Chet ast Jost Lae Sa himself fought sch achage of der ‘whe 2 yousg ma, Mavcos on his appa). Dug is peed Gere lecamea pret of Cao Recto, eat wy Nasri olin an Hispanophislitrateur, Ths asoiaton was to dterine mach of his ater carer Although be fought slong the Arericans in Bataan and Corrgior, be i su by Carlos Quirino to hae bvome dished by “Auris fare to protet bit eounrs. Aeordings he resumed under Sane auspices nightly rai polite cmmeatry which he ad nade popular in th American eroding the ins "Ignasi er” (com> tion of he Jet hres St Insti of Loyola and St rua Xavi) When Resto became the Foreign Minister of Jou Laurels wartime Republic in 193, the young Guerrero joined the diplomatic corp td rom 193 0 ISHS served it Secretary ofthe new Philippine nbs Toyo. Wie oh Laurel nd Recto wererther bret mprione bythe Ames for ‘arinecllaboetion ke Grea erclesiasial uncle Cesar Ma—the Youre commento dptomat wa oo smal a ih for etebuton. Aer a Shor prod ude loud, bounced taka gal cul othe Senate 1867 and li joined Recto prosperous bw fim By 194, a te age of | ‘hi-xne, he was Undersecretary of Foreign Ais unde he wily Carts Romulo. He was reat 19S sco” and thee eed resto why be ‘ould at continue ois higher Then thins beg to goa. 1 Al Doe Ferma cr hp Gao tng ne Nong Sey ar ot pats era gh Ape sn Fr Tue rn a 20 re speconr oF companisons Uncle speches hat he mide om the theme “Asaf the Ans” livistedRoruoand the Aneiun Eas and wore those wo dette inthemerainexoes of wartine ane propagund tes The to the spesches seemed alan hs vis hy with those of Senor Reto who wa her for his own esos advancing neta nm nt. ‘Ameri orig policy posto, a ie when the Senator and Preset “Massy become Biter eee. Guerrero ws then puke of oe AAmbassalr to Londo, where he sre om 1958 1962, Worse wa fo flo. In Octobe 199, ts gloat anch in Now York ich he tended as a mente ofthe Philippine deletion to the United Nations he goto a ny quel with Willer Rober, ausbe of he Amer delegation bo ha ben Foster Dlr powerful a ations ‘Astant Scetay of tt or Fat Eaters Ais Guerra one ben angered by Roberson’ soering lees to Revo an patzoizng numeration of America’ alirtic pocies towards the Philippines Roberton concuded hy saying that: are ey. you kno, sou re the fs lipo who has ever spoken tome ik this” To high Gere is ei o hae replied: “The wou that you ae at wed 0 Flips taking tack to Amerans"* Washtston then made clr woul ot else Goereroin ay cel dplraitic incons He bss Caiman ofthe Ineraational Sugat Cousci in 1960, and sank to becoming “Ambusador to Spin in 1982 Inthe meantime is patton Senator Rec, had de rhe no 1940, When the pro-American and American che Mares took poner Gurr eventual tage slons 4 the point of pb Ishin detec ofthe nario isin 1975. Entiedoignaly Toy ‘Bexar eter: i eter i reputation ahs cats ch 08 He tecame an alohois and de a sapped man in 182” The cicunstanees under Which Guereunetook bis tanltion of Rizal were thus quite important. Hs itoduction to The Last Ele Ws ated "Rist Day {December 30), 1959 bare thee months fe te Roberson bof: that othe Fil, "May ofthe Cnty of Rial Dit, 1961," few moms afer Rec’ death. I seme plausible ts, 22a evear mr fer cae y Mar op nie, ea bee yr Seater nora Cn nano ro scint a ‘ei he bite ope flan a utr oe in ih el pois be ‘watering a others inhi amy ad one before i,t tbe contain ‘fa reputation a national tele ad terse Idee, be quickly felwe up thes wanstions with a prizewinning Engisblanguae bo- raphy of Rial (complete, be claimed nt. in one month)—and a Ecleton of Spanish-language ass and specs, emtie ES el No, ‘ich won the Zabel teary pie in 163. That 0 uch ofthis enerzy was devoted to iz apd tht ts acer rents were 0 sang, he dict problem tobe considered in he ial ‘ston of ta en. “Two generals of inetigation sug! hemes, be followed upat di Feet ees ut by no means nee cont with each ther, Both inte on conrasing perspec 1 think abut the pasingef pot siting The ists the nearaninesl passage fr the en which nationalism ‘spina populrinsaretoary movement ould of nd aint a "et ame which partial naar it pian instr tmstaly of neo stat I the ia decade of i short ile) -ve sears—Rial was the enralflue i he inapiiog and mobzation of @ opus Pippnenationatsn spit tw sates The autocrat cecal Colo sae ase in Mani, ad he sir bl eral epublica, ul lrel monarchs peri ste based it Madi Thi ask volved remo amie both f dewonstrstion apd construction. The colonia State and its uctionary eset alls had tobe unmasked, white 2 Philipines profoundly dats fem Mother Spin hat Be conjured Foc uth purposes in ile ways the noel at era gee Rizal tual ponered te Papin) we ele adape. Fort pei tel the imagining of “Las Fipinat™ a + tounded sociological elt acompasing dozens of vocal tp, every socal ee, caged i daly, “mtteou”inracton with one another Butta allowed thereade 9 sec in unmatched polemeal etal the conse of exploitation ruta, npr, comic, ants, tpi, gnorance, and coupon which ‘made colonia domination pose In other wordt as ideally uted for Ris rmarkabe striate sia his conten that wean cbse how ‘sent to is purposes were some ofthe ols rhetoral manetsms and ‘Svs whi Gurr presely id is esto ease The nove as eth 2 tans cada dap 2a Id Cn 5 she oe wat me tS ow on, Gry 2 An, 22 "He srecrne OF coMPaRISoNS eons et nthe ese) past, b the autor Wak eager to aes de {that God comimidaestontey to mull sponser: nd gues in Mani. Under the coloil auoricy the einary render woul! hve no shane to observe directly the secret machinations of Dominicans or soveror-gneal hu the author cold lake the sare reader #| ‘nmiey—by the hod and him isl eavesdrop on hese shady ing Everyone knethatuader he fade of stant prmncamons bd ious sermons, the ules and her ives mts, su eoncbins sre obscene; urimted ite Tagalog expressions wth thee ngrama. isl Spanish, got the Latin wrong—and led on eatly thi street sent peopl 6 that piso, enjoyed acy sei stow i ths het, ad Plot in tn: iy eas Riz pete strategy to bow alo hs th be os convincing and immediate so eats ths command: he ta, naman, Yen Pasty sll Jl, ad 0 forth Everything hes But in he independent Philipines ofthe 19805, how mut fl his vas ssally bearable? The county had hen econo physi, ad morally evastd betnen 182 and 94S as American and pase srs ought ert From 19480195 it had experienc at ra nurectionary ‘movemst since the tun ofthe cetyl eal eons wus ined By American alitary bases andthe Amercan-inpose Pry amen. But ‘sued yeild ofthe reolutonsy mein ito the 18M had ‘in enormous in wealth and power under he Amen ola sem, ‘ho had elaborated wah the Jpaneeescpation rp. and who tow inendd feat be ful masters in thi own bose For this posindependencestabishment with is carious domestic and international pestis, Riza Lolo [Grandes eal appcted as bth amigo and cong Of mized Spnish- Chinese ind decent and of om forbl civumsianosy, he was one of them. His hero and seat ete tery etemplary. He was the one Flpino afer whom sets wee sumed in Spin and Germany, nd whos writings wre ast into Hi French Indonesian, Eng, and Rastian, Hs satus doid the plazas of hundred Pippin sal tows He was the eno idepend pop ‘mystical cal among the pesins This ete a geeral guarantor ote {nuh of Philippine natnalsn—ia certain ee, hen as it ais But he na also an enemign ot st besa, ule Jous of Ar or Wit Tel he was himself tonal adhe wot and wroteand wre Much of what he penned wasineitaly bythe 199% opting ot ub ‘verses for his nationalist tanltr, Rizal had denounced the ‘oppresion of women: Claro Resto bid singlehandedly prevented the Philipines fom folowing the Usted Staesin rutin emal stage air ane To mscine 1 Word War L. Rial had satin collborating mestizo hacen: Leon Ma. was President ofthe International Suar Federation, and the Filipino leiatre was dominated by colorating sugar bars Rizal meciesty Fiicled the Catholic hearty: but in the 1950s the Filipino Cardinal Rufoo Santos was very mc the spit chil ofthe reactionary Spanish eis ofthe colonia er and Leon Ma nde, Bishop Ces, cou es have ander nto the pages of the Nolo the Fl Perhaps thse consider tons enoarged the ransstor to unerake some bowdlrztog, an, by (Gas this perhaps the reason thatthe American-edecied Guereo ‘expunged Tpaog fom his tartan of the Nol?) eyed langage change. however, as the Wier pac fan pei rule that ia almost every way was ttl const with he ei that had prose. Evy twentetrcentuy Ameria vas mes, wea bighly| Indsviie, seul, republan, piste and, within deine ints, 24 Tie aig gin hn ae rapt lees ie By Bt hehe pete eh oe er ‘epee hat 99 pr eo Se so AAs Sr Hy of te Sewn Menoe hp. hd on “Pe Pap ee EEC Sh ce NY Cl ea Spas ons nh pn ln sa a he Pine Ne Arians Ponce St Marin Ms he ead Ff Sar! Oey “et of (Qs CRIP Ca gp et | ‘Solheim ne chiro cena, ‘gen lan gery pte pgw "mse ac 07 ome pe et ioc ae wee gn Sr Del ps panos NY Ca 36 TE SPECTRE oF coweanisons dosrutcaly gover Spain was sal, poor, agrarian, confession sem-monarchical, scaly cultatd nd miialy demovratc Under the America eine the once powerful Cato chush ws reduced the Pobical margn. Mtr the paseo the ayo ALich enfin 18. the Philipines passed behind the high wall of American protections producing forte fs time 3 vat neh harendad ligarchy Outng ‘pons, epeially Mindat, were incorporated into ney inert ‘pias economy. Albeit on shay rected slags bss, an eed Flipn atonal edeship wascretd A new Amrit duction system was installed which ioe ot Emer and engi, ate han ‘colons and sists” And Ameren rule coin with th vet commercial aio andi, whieh had a enormous selina ont teas urban Philippine oie Bearing he above in mind, wean peas ‘etter nderstnd why Gaerero de-Earopenized his No and why eco speak ofs0 many yous Fins who "no longer havea eo theca toms of thee forefathers." Alone with Actacon arid Chloe Champotion and the phlaopes a whole world hd vanshed—and no onl fr oun Filipinos tothe imperil metropolis residues of cas culate had largely disappear In hs pet 195te Washington and Nana were not farapan, List and most important, wa fundamental change nthe maining of ‘he Pilippnes nd of Philipinesocey tht started the (80st eh ‘its il riton only two seneratons Iter, One night formate the change simply by sping that Rizal sa pit. while Guero was atonal This very striking fo example that the bentfil poem Rial compl story befor his exceuton war added not th fellon pines and Filipinas but fis pain ard dso te oly pope maton ni ate his immediate Family, andthe de exter is wretched "nish wife Josephine. Perhaps oe shoul thesis ths orn of dtc, Rizal nd een to Ameri, Spin Hay, Franc, Germany, Brin, Begum, tnd Hong Kong bt sever to Hoos, Bio, or the Visayas He ove hs

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