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(Consul ng Engineers)

Ar cle on: Mission- Clean & Green Future : Hope and Challenges Towards
Achieving Net Zero Target.

Renewable Energy, Transi on to Green Energy, Ba ery Energy Storage System (BESS),
Development Transmission Infrastructure

Wri en By:

Amarendra Bha acharya


Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)


1.0 Renewable Energy: Nature`s Energy for Cleaner and Greener future

Renewable energy is an energy from renewable resources that are naturally available like
sunlight, wind, movement of water and geothermal heat. Renewable energy is used for
electricity genera on, hea ng and cooling without any harmful emissions. Fossil fuels such as
coal, oil and gas are nonrenewable resources when burned produce energy containing
harmful greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide. Most common renewable energy
sources are wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal.
Hence, considering the effect of greenhouse gases on the environment, causing global
warming, renewable energy from Solar PV and Wind Power plants are being developed to
generate electricity. Solar PV and Wind Power plants are gaining momentum due to the
availability of sustainable technology and remarkable reduc on of cost and availability of
be er technology, higher efficiency of PV cells. Generally monocrystalline PERC with bifacial
technology and Topcon with bifacial technology are used for produc on of solar PV cells for
boos ng higher efficiency. Recently perovskite solar cells technology is being developed which
is claimed to be around 30% more efficient. Renewable energy from Solar and Wind is the
simplest technology, easy to install, not requiring huge balance of plant (BOP) when compared
with coal, oil and gas fired power genera on plants. Further, the tariff rate of electricity
generated from these renewable resources is substan ally lower as there is no fuel cost. As
solar capacity growth the technology becomes cheaper, project increases size and cost
con nue to plummet. As a recent example in a notable project like Al Dahfra, 2GW solar
project offering a groundbreaking $13per MWh and the Mohammed Al Maktoum Solar Park
in UAE, pricing its 1.8GW development at $16 er MWh. Presently for largen scale Solar PV
projects in GCC, countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, the bid prices are
well below 20 $ per MWh mainly due to high Solar irradia on. In India, the currently ac oned
Projects offering a bid price in the range of 20 to 30 $ per MWh which is much cheaper than
fossil fuel fired genera ons.
Oman has taken big ini a ve to expand towards renewable energy projects, first 50MW wind
power plant was commissioned in the year 2017 in Salalah. And First 500MW Solar Power
plant was commissioned in the year 2021. Two (2) more Solar PV projects each of 500MW
capacity are being constructed and many such wind and soar PV plants are being planned to
reduce dependency on fossil power genera on and to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions .


Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

China is the global leader in producing large amount of Solar PV cells and supplying these Solar
PV cells in many countries in Solar PV Projects. In India, many big corporate houses are
establishing mega Solar PV manufacturing plants to meet the growing demand.
It is es mated that by 2030, investment in low carbon energy solu ons such as solar and wind
are predicted to surpass those in oil and gas, making a major shi in the energy transi on.
Massive investments are being made in renewable energy worldwide. To increase electricity
produc on as well as reduc on of emissions. In Europe, Germany has invested heavily on
Solar Plants for power genera on. Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, China, India have increased
power genera on from Solar and wind during the last decade, many such big Solar PV and
wind projects are underway at various stages of planning and construc on.
India has already set its targets on tripling its renewable energy capacity to 500GW by 2030,
more than 3 mes the current capacity of about 135GW.Many Solar plants are being set us at
mega scale in India, world biggest solar power plant is situated in India having a capacity of
2.2GW. Government is working on that direc on with the par cipa on of private and public
sector Companies. Adani Group Company is se ng up the biggest green energy park in the
State of Gujrat with an installed capacity of 30GW in a 726 area.
To scale up the capacity to 500GW by 2030 would require an addi onal financing of $ 101
billion ll 2030. There is huge opportunity in India towards development and implementa on
of renewable energy projects. Many big corporate houses are inves ng in a big way towards
developing infrastructure, manufacturing of PV Cells plants, other resources to take advantage
of this business opportuni es at a very compe ve tariff rate compared to fossil fuel power
genera ons.
Main advantage of Solar Plant is less maintenance necessary except the cleaning of the PV
cells, otherwise no major maintenance is required except cleaning of the solar cells for Solar
Plant same is applicable for Wind power plant, expect annual maintenance of the Wind
Turbines as per OEM recommenda ons. The cost of O&M is low compared with fossil power
genera on, there is no fuel cost hence the tariff of renewable genera on is much lower
compared with Coal and Gas fire genera ons, it is seen tariff at present is coming almost half
of the tariff of fossil fired genera ons. Hence, Solar and Wind Power plants are gaining
momentum to create addi onal emission free power genera on.
Solar and wind projects investment are picking up at faster pace worldwide considering most
viable op on towards reducing global warming and considering very compe ve costs in
comparison to fossil fuel-based power genera on.


Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

2.0 Green Energy - Net Zero by 2050: Hope and Challenges:

Consequences of global climate change due to Global warming is well known fact. This is a
challenge for everybody. Energy transition is essential international obligations that aim to
keep global warming below 1.5 degree, and to keep our community, natural environment
safe from climate change. Efforts are being made to reduce the effect of Global warming for
a sustainable clean and greener atmosphere. All countries are looking for sustainable
solu ons to achieve this goal. Hence renewable energy and green hydrogen produc on have
been considered as a solu on to this global warming issue and emphasis have been given to
developed renewable energy and green hydrogen projects to control the harmful emissions
from fossil fuel fired power genera ons, Industries and transporta on sectors.

What is Hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the simplest, lightest and most abundant element in the universe, It is made up
of just one electron and one proton. In its normal gaseous state, hydrogen is odourless,
tasteless, colourless and non-toxic. Hydrogen burns readily with oxygen, releasing
considerable amounts of energy as heat and producing only water as exhaust.

When hydrogen burns in air, which is made up mostly of nitrogen, some oxides of nitrogen –
contributors to smog and acid rain – are formed. Hydrogen is highly flammable with a high
flammability range, burning when it makes up 4% to 74% of air by volume. It has a high energy
content by weight – nearly three mes that of gasoline, for example. By contrast, hydrogen
has a low energy density by volume at a standard temperature and atmospheric pressure.
One gramme of hydrogen gas at room temperature occupies about 11 litres of space. Storing
the gas under pressure or at temperatures below minus 253º C, at which point it turns into a
liquid, raises its volumetric density.
How Hydrogen can be produced?
Hydrogen is a carrier of energy, not a source. It does not exist in a natural state on earth and
must be manufactured using a hydrogen-rich compound as the raw material. Today, hydrogen
is produced mainly through steam reforming of natural gas, but it can be extracted from other
hydrocarbons by reforming or par al oxida on. A major shortcoming of the processing of
hydrocarbons is the resul ng emissions of carbon dioxide and airborne pollutants.
Most common technology now used is water Electrolysis. When a water molecule passes
through electrochemical process water molecules split in hydrogen and oxygen gases, this


Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

process is called water electrolysis. Electricity is used for spli ng the hydrogen and oxygen
into their gaseous phase The basis equa on of water electrolysis is H2O + Energy = H2 + ½ O2.
There are three (3) types of water Electrolysis process generally used.

 Alkaline Electrolysis

 Polymer/proton electrolyte membrane electrolysis

 Steam Electrolysis
Hydrogen produc on by alkaline water electrolysis is one of environmentally friendly, zero
emission of carbon dioxide. Alkaline electrolysis is old technology but easiest, established,
simplest and suitable method of hydrogen produc on. Alkaline electrolyser decomposes
water and produce hydrogen and Oxygen. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or Potassium hydroxide
(KOH) are normally added as electrolyte to decompose water during the electrolysis process.
This technology is commercialised and running with about 70% efficiencies. However, this
technology has certain disadvantage s like, low current density and high energy consump on.
Hydrogen produc on by polymer/ proton membrane electrolysis (PEM) is based on use of a
polymeric proton exchange membrane as the solid electrolyte. when opera ng in electrolysis,
the water decomposes at the anode into protons and molecular oxygen. Oxygen is evacuated
by the water circula on and proton migrate to the cathode under the effect of electric field
and reduced to molecular hydrogen. This technology provide high purity hydrogen gas is
highly safe, easy to handle and easy to maintain. However, there are certain disadvantages
like cost of components are high, new technology and par ally established. This method
produces no emissions but is typically more costly compared to hydrocarbon reforming or
oxida on because it requires more energy and because electricity is, in most cases, more
expensive than fossil fuels.
In steam electrolyser process water is heated up to very high temperature aro und 700
degrees cen grade and then steam is electrolysed to produce hydrogen. This technology
requires less electricity than other methos of hydrogen produc on. This technology is under
development and not yet commercialised.
Today, the commercial produc on of hydrogen worldwide amounts to about 120 million
tonnes per year, out of which around 80 million tonnes of pure hydrogen and around 40
million tonnes of mixed with other gases. Global produc on of hydrogen is expected to reach
approximately around 300 million tonnes by 2030. Hydrogen is primarily used as a chemical
feedstock in the petrochemical, food, electronics and metallurgical processing industries.
Hydrogen can provide storage op ons for intermi ent renewables-based electricity
technologies such as solar and wind. used as an input to a technology known as a fuel cell, it


Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

can be converted back to electrical energy in an efficient way in sta onary or mobile
applica ons.
Steam reforming method is generally used to produce hydrogen on an industrial scale. In this
method natural gas, LPG and naphtha are combined with steam to produce synthesis methane
gas with the aid of a heterogenous catalyst. This mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is
further heated to a very high temperature to produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Since
fossil fuel is used in this produc on method, the product is called gray hydrogen. If the CO2
contained in this gas is removed in a downstream carbon capture process, the hydrogen is
called blue hydrogen. Green hydrogen can be produced by spli ng water through electrolysis
as explained earlier. The Electricity required for this process is generated exclusively from
renewable sources.
Generally, PEM (Proton exchange membrane) electrolysis technology and Alkaline Electrolysis
technology are being used in this electrolysis process. Further, the produced hydrogen can
also be used for produc on of ammonia (NH3) or methanol (CH3OH) mixing with Nitrogen in
a synthesis process. Cryogenic plants are used to liquefy hydrogen for transport and storage,
this is done by cooling the vola le gas to minus around 253 degrees Celsius. This process
increases the density of hydrogen gas. Replacing fossil fuels with hydrogen in providing energy
services will bring major environmental benefits, on condi on that hydrogen is used in non-
pollu ng fuel cells and that the carbon dioxide and noxious gases emi ed in the hydrogen-
produc on process are reduced or eliminated.
The produc on of hydrogen can be emission-free if the energy used in the produc on process
is derived from nuclear power or renewables, or, if based on fossil fuels, if the carbon dioxide
emi ed is captured at the point of produc on and stored permanently.
Road transporta on is an important and growing source of both air pollutants and climate-
destabilising greenhouse gases. There is clear evidence of the harmful impact on human
health of exposure to pollutants emi ed by cars and trucks. As a result, local air quality has
become a major policy issue in almost all countries. Air pollu on in many major ci es and
towns in the developing world has reached unprecedented propor ons. Most rich,
industrialised countries have made substan al progress in reducing pollu on caused by cars
and trucks through improvements in fuel economy, fuel quality and the installa on of
emission-control equipment in vehicles. But rising road traffic has offset at least part of the
improvements in emissions performance.
Because of increasing pollu on from road traffic, road vehicles have been the focus of efforts
to develop fuel cells. In fuel cell technology hydrogen is burnt in presence of oxygen in a fuel
cell produces no harmful emissions, just electrical energy and water. Electricity is used to drive
the vehicle through an electric motor. Replacing internal combus on engines fuelled by

Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

gasoline or diesel with hydrogen-powered fuel cells would, in principle, eliminate pollu on
from road vehicles. Fuel cells can also be used to provide electrical-energy services in
industrial processes and buildings, replacing direct use of petroleum products, natural gas and
coal. Almost every big car manufacturer has started commercial produc on of fuel-cell cars.
Hydrogen could also contribute to reducing or elimina ng emissions of carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases. For this to happen, the process of manufacturing hydrogen would
have to be carbon-free or at least less carbon intensive than current energy systems based on
fossil fuels. This could be achieved in one of three ways: through electrolysis using electricity
derived solely from nuclear power or renewable energy sources; through steam reforming of
fossil fuels combined with new carbon capture and storage technologies; or through
thermochemical or biological techniques based on renewable biomass.
Safety is a cri cal issue. Contrary to popular opinion, hydrogen is less flammable than light oil
products, such as gasoline, and most other fossil fuels. But the need to transport and store it
under high pressure or at very low temperature brings other hazards. There is plenty of
evidence that, with proper handling and controls, hydrogen can be as safe as the fuels in use
today. Indeed, hydrogen has a long history of safe use in industry. But, for it to become widely
accepted in other applica ons, it will become increasingly important to develop and
implement interna onally agreed rules, regula ons, codes and standards covering the
construc on, maintenance and opera on of hydrogen facili es and equipment safely, along
the en re fuel-supply chain. Uniformity of safety requirements and their strict enforcement
will be essen al to establishing consumer confidence.
The transi on to a hydrogen-energy system would represent the ul mate step on the path
away from carbon-based fossil energy. The world’s energy system has been becoming
gradually less carbon intensive as it has moved from coal to oil and then natural gas. The
technology exists today to produce, store, transport and convert hydrogen to useable energy
in end-use applica ons, such as fuel cells, technologies to capture carbon dioxide and other
gases released during the process of producing hydrogen from fossil fuels and store them
have also been demonstrated. Captured CO2 can be used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) for
fed into purifica on or liquefac on plants. Major oil companies have ac ve hydrogen and
carbon capture and storage programmes.
Major technological and cost breakthroughs are needed before the hydrogen economy can
become a reality. The cost of supplying hydrogen energy using current technologies, which
have been developed over many decades, is s ll very high compared to conven onal energy
technologies. And some major technical problems need to be resolved.
The main areas in which progress is needed are fuel cells; hydrogen produc on from
renewables; distribu on and storage infrastructure that meets environmental and safety

Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

criteria; and carbon capture and storage, without which hydrogen may never become a viable
energy solu on. Achieving this will require a lot more research and development.
Further, it has been established that the effect of methane emissions from O&G Industries on
global warming is significant, especially in the short term, as methane is 30 to 80 mes more
potent than carbon dioxide. A 50% reduc on of methane emissions over the next 30 years
can translate to a 0.2-degree reduc on in global warming. This can keep even the most
ambi ous goals of the Paris agreement alive.
Further, to combat with global warming phenomenon, whole world was looking for alternate
energy sources than fossil fuel like coal and gas for a sustainable clean environment which was
degraded over the years due to huge quan ty of harmful emissions from these fossil fuels
used in power genera on, steel and other metallurgical Industries and transporta on causing
global warming.
It has been established that only Hydrogen can be an alterna ve fuel to other fossil fuels to
save the global warming and climate change phenomenon. Many pilot projects for hydrogen
genera on by water electrolysis process have been set up in many coun es successfully and
are being used for mee ng Hydrogen requirement for industries.
however, Large scale Hydrogen plant is yet to be established due to very high cost of H2
genera on. It is also seen that limited technology and design for hydrogen genera on are
available with handful players. A huge investment is necessary to generate green hydrogen,
this is a big challenge.
Many countries have taken the ini a ve to give more thrust to generate power from
renewable sources of clean power from Solar, Wind and Hydro without harmful emissions like
fossil fuel powered genera ons, O&G industries and transporta on sectors. it is es mated
that 60% of harmful emissions like CO2, CO, NOx and SOx are emi ed to atmosphere by the
coal and gas fired power genera ng Units and O&G industries. Gray hydrogen produced from
coal and gas is a major source of emissions which is contribu ng almost 60% of total
emissions, blue Hydrogen is contribu ng almost 40%. Hence unless green Hydrogen is
produced in larger scale emission level is not going to reduce over the years. Hydrogen
produced from renewable energy sources is called green hydrogen.
A model picture of green hydrogen project:


Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)


Hydrogen is called nature’s fuel. However, though water is available abundantly, it is not in
usable form. To get Hydrogen from water, electricity is used to break the chemical bond
between Hydrogen and Oxygen, this process is called Electrolysis. In this process water is
clarified in water clarifier and chemically treated before send to Electrolyser where the water
broken into Hydrogen and Oxygen, oxygen is vented, hydrogen is captured and then purified
and dried, purifier removes any trace of oxygen inside in hydrogen and in dryer removes any
moister le over in the electrolysis process. The hydrogen gas comes out at about 150psi then
compressed to 6000psi then stored inside storage tank. Hydrogen is an essen al component
on the path of net-zero emissions for cleaner and greener tomorrow. Technology is available
for the en re hydrogen value chain. However, there are numerous challenges, technical,
economic and social dimensions. One of the most significant challenges is the cost of
produc on of green hydrogen. Currently produc on of green hydrogen is more expensive
than other conven onal hydrogen produc on methods. Public percep on and regulatory
framework also play a crucial role in adop on of green hydrogen, concerns about hydrogen
safety due its flammability and its risk leaves hindrance in public acceptance. Establishing
safety standards and regulatory framework is essen al for safe produc on, handling, storage
and transporta on in use of hydrogen. The cost of green hydrogen ranges from $4.15 to $ 6
per kg, which is on the higher side. Further, almost 50 billion liters of fresh water will be
required to obtain 5 million tonnes of green hydrogen, while blue hydrogen produced from
fossil fuels but subject to carbon capture costs $1.8 to $4.7 per kg.
There are some concerns in Green Hydrogen storage and transport. Firstly, the cost of
hydrogen produc on, storage and transport remain significant obstacles. Electrolysers and
their associated facili es and plants which split water to hydrogen are s ll expensive. A huge
amount of renewable power is necessary for Electrolysis of water. Infrastructures for storage

Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

and transporta on require further development. Hydrogen storage is an issue since hydrogen
has low density per unit volume and would need huge containers to store unless pressurized.
Hydrogen of course is pressured into liquid form but is a highly energy incen ve.
Yet the issue is how best to transport hydrogen from the place of produc on to consumers
must be addressed. From the economic point of view the pipeline is the best op on.
Transpor ng hydrogen in cylinders and tankers by road, rail or ship requires addi onal energy
and costs for compression or liquefac on. Pipelines have lower opera onal and maintenance
costs than vehicles and vessels. Moreover, pipelines can transport large quan es of hydrogen
con nuously over a long distance. Many industrial countries are looking at developing and
expanding their hydrogen pipeline networks. Some are focusing towards repurposing the
exis ng natural gas network.
These high costs can make green hydrogen less compe ve compared to fossil fuel slowing
down its widespread adop on. Secondly, building the necessary infrastructure for large scale
green hydrogen produc on and distribu on demands substan al investment, pipelines,
storage facili es and refueling sta ons need to be strategically build requiring careful
planning and collabora on with exi ng energy networks.
Green hydrogen genera on projects are being developed by many countries, like UK,
Germany, Australia, China, South Korea, Denmark, France, Japan, India and GCC countries like
Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia as alterna ve energy to fossil fuel. Policies and regula ons for
hydrogen produc on has been prepared in some EU countries, Germany, France, South Korea,
Denmark, USA and UK. Many pilot projects on a smaller scale for genera ng hydrogen from
water electrolysis process are being set up within the available technology in collabora on
with reputed manufacturers of the required plants and machineries for Industrial use.
However, large-scale Hydrogen genera on produc on with renewable power sources is s ll
not gaining momentum.
India Government has a plan to develop green hydrogen Projects in the country and
established a Green Hydrogen Mission towards planning and developing Green Hydrogen
Plants in collabora on with private and public sector Companies. However, It has been
observed private sector is not fully ready to embrace both the risks and opportuni es
associated with funding energy transi on. unless derisking by mul lateral agencies or by the
Government private sector is not able to take the risk on them. However, many big corporate
houses have started developing green hydrogen projects on pilot basis with in-house
technology. L&T, Jindal Steel, Indian Oil are se ng up green hydrogen projects at their
Industries premises. Adani Green the biggest corporate house of India is in the process of
collabora ng with world`s reputed green hydrogen manufacturing Company for technology
transfer and jointly set us manufacturing plant in India.


Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

Saudi Arabia is taking a lead role in establishing $8.4billion green hydrogen project at NEOM,
the futuris c megacity. This will be one of the world`s largest green hydrogen project, when
completed the plant will produce up to 600tonnes of hydrogen per day in the form of green
ammonia by year end 2026 and it will use around 4 GW of solar and wind energy as part of
the process. NEOM will run on 100% renewable energy with no greenhouse gas emissions.
Ini a ve has been taken to establish a 20MW green hydrogen project by the end of 2024.
Oman is also taking major step to become a green hydrogen producer hub in future. Hydrogen
Oman (HYDROM) is taking lead and manage hydrogen strategy bringing Government and
industries to collaborate and cooperate for a sustainable and affordable green energy
produc on. Oman aims to produce at least one million tons of green hydrogen per year by
the year 2030. There is huge poten al in Oman for low-cost Solar and Wind renewable energy
for crea ng sustainable and affordable green hydrogen produc on. Oman`s hydrogen projects
will use electrolysers powered by low-cost renewable electricity to produce hydrogen from
desalinated sea water. Oman has high quality Solar and Wind resources as well as vast amount
of available land for large scale projects. Six agreements have been signed between Hydrom,
a subsidiary of Energy Development Oman SAOC (EDO) in 2023 with Interna onal Developers.
First project was signed between Hydrom, and consor a comprised of Copenhagen
Infrastructure Partners, blue power Partners and Al Khadra of Oman`s Bahwan Group for a
200,000 tonnes per annum of green hydrogen from 4.5GW installed renewable energy
capacity for planned steel plants located in the port of Duqm. Second project was signed with
BP Oman for the development green hydrogen for ammonia produc on and export having an
annual capacity of 150,000 tonnes per annum from 3.5GW of installed renewable capacity.
The third project was signed between Hydrom and consor um of Green Energy Oman for
development of green hydrogen and its deriva ves. Consor um includes Oman`s integrated
Energy Company OQ, Oman shell, Kuwait’s energy investor Enertech, intercon nental Energy
and Golden Wellspring wealth for trading. This project is expected to produce upto 150,000
tonnes of green hydrogen from 4GW of Installed renewable capacity.
Fourth project agreement was signed between Hydrom and a consor um of Marubeni
corpora on of Japan, OQ of Oman, Dutco of UAE and Samsung of Korea for a green ammonia
project in Salalah. Marubeni will developer of the project with OQ, Dutco and Samsung,
u lizing its experience as developer and opera on of IPP projects ins Oman. The project plan
to start construc on in 2027 comple on of survey and design and aiming to start produc on
from 2030 The produced green ammonia will be exported to global market including Korea
and Japan.
5th project agreement was signed between Hyrdrom and a consor um of POSCO of South
Korea and ENGIE of France for produc on of 200,000tonnes of green hydrogen in Duqm and
5GW of renewable energy plant.

Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

6th Project agreement was signed between Hyrdrom and a consor um of DEME of Belgium
and OQ of Oman for Hyport Duqm Project for producing approx. 330,000 tonnes green
ammonia in the first phase and more than 650,000 tonnes in second phase and a renewable
capacity of around 1.3GW in phase 1 and about 2.7GW in phase 2
Once these projects are constructed, Oman will be in forefront and ahead of other countries
and going to be hub for green hydrogen/green ammonia for export.
In many Industries and in O&G plants blue hydrogen is being produced from gray hydrogen
by steam methane reforming process, in this process CO2 and H2 are separated and stored.
This blue H2 is used for produc on of fer lizer, steel and petrochemical Industries. The
produc on cost of blue hydrogen is high at present. However, it is expected that green
hydrogen will be cheaper than blue hydrogen by 2030. Companies like BP, Shell, Chevron, Exon
mobile are also moving towards green Hydrogen produc on using renewable energy.
Target has been fixed to generate sizable amount of renewable power genera on up to the
Year 2030 As per Global Carbon Project report released during COP28 projected that CO2
emission from India will cross 3 gigaton by end of 2023 which is about 8% higher than figure
of 2022 and from China will cross 8 gigaton by end of 2023 which is about 12% higher than
figure of 2022.

However, at present the cost of green hydrogen genera on produc on is quite high with high
usage of electricity. However, it is expected to fall with the rising demand of large-scale Green
Hydrogen requirement as alternate fuel in future and ge ng ac ve support from Government
in streamlining the Laws and regula ons to provide incen ves, so that the projects are
bankable to get ac ve support from the financial ins tu ons. It is found that a 10MW
hydrogen project produce about 1050 Tons of hydrogen per year. Ul mately, money talks, if
green hydrogen projects are not viable and bankable then net zero mission will not be
successful. Though Net Zero targets are realis c, produc on of green hydrogen projects are
high capital-intensive projects, with high upfront cost is risk for the developer hence
Government support is essen al to derisk investment risk. Derisk instruments can be in many
forms, such as financial support, loan guarantee, low-cost funding, subsidies and tax benefits,
land and water availability, lower land leasing rates and long tenures, pre-approved permits
and availability of resources etc. which are going to reduce project risks and help in a rac ng
financing. Further, there are no interna onally agreed standards on quan fying and
measuring for accoun ng methodology towards hydrogen produc on for developing
interna onal trade. As reported, ISO is developing these standards, which will be beneficial
for design cer fica on that would comply with regula ons of impor ng markets. Interna onal
collabora on is necessary for the development of a global hydrogen market.

Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

Skill development towards technical exper se in electrolyser manufacturing will accelerate
capacity addi on under the green hydrogen mission, Furtherer gap in skills to be addressed
for industry growth.
The new value chains emerging from the use of hydrogen as an energy alterna ve will be
complex and require coordina on among mul ple stakeholders. By bringing together from
across the en re value chain, this alliance can facilitate Knowledge transfer and project
management, help deal with the complex problem of hydrogen produc on and use and
enhance compe veness to increase the chances of success.
It is observed that demand crea on for low emission hydrogen is lagging what is needed to
put the world on track with the Net Zero scenario. Carbon pricing can help to close the cost
gap between low emission hydrogen and its fossil-based compe tors. But it is not enough. A
wider adop on of carbon prices combined with other policy instruments can help industry
derisk investment and improve the economic feasibility of low emission hydrogen. Increasing
the produc on of renewable electricity also helps to achieve climate goals in a cost-effec ve
manner. Therefore, increasing renewable project development along with green hydrogen
genera ons will help towards saving costs and ac vely support towards net zero mission by
Major Challenges:
The problem is that wind and solar power are inherently intermi ent as wind does not blow
always and the sun does not always shine, hence opera ng a hydrogen manufacturing plant
only when there happens to be wind and solar genera on would be neither prac cal nor cost
effec ve. Further, the cost of necessary ba ery storage if added alone could be as large as the
cost of the manufacturing plants.
Hence. the cost of green hydrogen produc on is a ques on mark at present, the cost to build,
maintain, generate, transmit the electricity, compress, store and transport of hydrogen will be
very high, which will not be viable unless con nuous power from renewable sources is
available to generate green hydrogen.

3.0 Battery Energy Storage System (BESS): Vital Role to Play in Energy Security.

Sun does not always shine, and wind does not always blow., in this natural phenomena green
energy is somewhat unreliable and not par cularly sustainable, so we need a way save to
store the energy and save it to use later, which is a simple idea but a very complicated answer,
because to do that we need ba ery and a large amount of them, then we need inverter and


Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

cooling system for make them work and keep them safe and we need so ware that link
them all together and manage the flow of energy effec vely .
Ba ery Energy Storage System (BESS) is going to be the most effec ve solu on in renewable
energy mainly in Solar and Wind power genera ons where power can be stored in BESS during
the day me and high Wind power genera ons and fed to the local grid when grid power
demand is more. This would be the most effec ve u liza on of renewable power genera on.
Currently lithium-Ion ba eries are widely used by the manufactures of ba ery cells for this
purpose. However, BESS technology is limited, and it has a high cost of produc on, due to
limita on in availability of cobalt, nickel, lithium, copper and graphite etc. which are available
in mines in Caribbean in South America, Africa, Indonesia and Australia and then send to
China, South Korea and other countries for refining. It is expected that prices will come down
within the next 3 to 4 years once more and more new ba ery technology is available. Rapid
development and research works are being conducted by Expert companies and
manufacturers in ba ery technology worldwide. However, today’s most popular technology
is lithium-Ion ba ery technology which is in use in many countries like UK, USA, Australia,
China, South Korea, Japan in transport Industry mostly for EV, grid connected ba ery storage
system, Mobile phones, commercial and residen al buildings as backup power
As an alternate to lithium-Ion ba eries, Sodium Ion based ba ery technology has been
developed and being manufactured by some manufactured in many countries like China, USA,
Japan, UK, India and France as a cheaper op on than lithium-Ion ba ery, as sodium is available
abundantly and it is cheaper that at least 25 to 30% than lithium-Ion ba ery. However, the
energy density of Sodium ion ba ery is less than lithium-Ion ba ery hence the size of Sodium
ion ba ery will be higher compared to a lithium-Ion ba ery. It was found that the energy
density of Sodium Ion ba er is around 160W per Kg whereas energy density of Lithium-Ion
ba er is around 250W per Kg. Sodium Ion ba ery has some good features like fast
charging/discharging capability, low cost, scalability, good performance, superior safety,
sustainable technology. Sodium Ion ba eries are being used in EV industries, data centers,
industrial power, telecommunica ons, UPSs. Sodium Ion ba eries are the most promising
alterna ves to lithium-Ion Ba eries for large scale energy storage systems and could become
the next genera on energy storage with features including high electromechanical
performance, low cost, and be er environmental friendliness.
However, to connect the BESS with local grid network, a regulatory framework is necessary
for voltage and frequency regula on for effec ve grid interac on and management.
In the manufacturing front, Tesla`s cu ng edge technology designed Megapack was the first
BESS for grid connec vity with compete package having key components like ba ery cells,
controller for managing charging /discharging and inverters to convert stored DC electricity

Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

into AC, cooling system integrate d so ware for BMS for effec ve control, monitor for effec ve
and fast grid connec vity and synchroniza on with grid voltage and frequency. Tesla has
supplied many such BESS in many Projects worldwide using Panasonic make lithium-Ion
ba eries in a modular design with complete control and monitoring system in USA, UK and
Australia, Hawaii island and may other countries worldwide Each Megapack is rated about 3
to 3.9MWh. Hence for a 400MWh capacity BESS, around 100 to 130 Megapack are required.
World`s first and biggest 129MWh capacity ba ery storage system was installed in Australia
in the year 2017.

4.0 Transmission & Substa on - An integral part of Renewable Energy Transi on: Challenges

Power Transmission is key to energy transition and decarbonize the world`s energy systems.
There can not be renewable energy transition without transmission.

Not all of us can install solar panels on roofs. Energy intensive industries as well as hospitals,
trains, commercial complexes, and essential services all requires high volumes of electricity
to continue operating. The rise of electric vehicles will see dramatic increase in energy
demand. On top of that more industries that traditionally relied on oil and gas are electrifying
so they can reduce emissions. Hence renewable energy transmission lines are needed to carry
high volume of new renewable energy generations from the areas rich in sun and wind to
where power is needed. This will support energy transition and help to meet international
obligations that aim to keep global warming below 1.5 degree, and to keep our community,
natural environment safe from climate change.

Due to rapid expansion of renewable energy projects, with a lot of energy being generated
and to be generated in future from remote areas or offshore areas, major investment is
essential to connect these new power plants with the existing grid which is possible by
installing new transmission lines and substations to interconnect. In most countries, power
grid infrastructure is inadequate for this projected growth. This rapid growth puts significant
pressure on infrastructure, which is struggling to keep up with rising demand, leading to stress
on the transmission Owners as well as on the grid. Hence all responsible authorities and
agencies like regulatory authority, Government, owner of the assets, investors / stakeholders
are required to understand the need of transmission transformation to meet the fast-growing
power generation from renewable energy. Integrating large amounts of renewables (approx.
$11 trillion by 2050), will require significant additional investment in transmission lines and

Great deal of planning and network studies are necessary to develop generation and
transmission expansion planning models to determine the optimal time, location and size of

Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

new generations and transmissions assets that are needed to guarantee reliable provision of
electricity to consumers, while ensuring that system costs are also within affordable limit.

To implement the additional transmission capacity the key focus areas will be to carry out
system studies for grid connection, Transmission and Substation design & engineering,
project and program management, capital project planning, funding and developing financial
model, construction and manage transmission.

The Electricity transmission system is the essential part of the electricity network because it
is the main channel between the generation plants and the transmission and distribution
networks. Integration of renewable energy generation like Solar and Wind power into the
electricity grid poses challenges for reliable operations. Grid events broadly caused by
transmission system faults external to or within a renewable energy plant, transmission
system faults and overvoltage during line or reactor switching pose a serious threat to grid
security as they can lead to cascading failure and loss of supply. Considering the foreseen
massive expansion of renewable energy plant, the investment involved, the short gestation
period of such projects vis-à-vi s transmission commissioning as well as the complex nature
of grid interconnection studies involved pose a big challenge to the developer and
transmission operator from long term sustainability point of view,

The transition to renewable energy requires extensive infrastructure development, including

expanding transmission networks to connect remote renewable plants to main network
centres. upgrading existing grids to accommodate bidirectional power flow and balancing
supply and demand is vital for smooth integration. Some key challenges associated with long
distance transmission of renewable energy are higher Power loss, high infrastructure costs,
potential technological limitations, and environmental impact.

Smart Grid concept is being adopted increasingly which has several features that give direct
benefit to consumers and grid operator. Following salient features and benefits are possible
in smart grid adoption along with transmission expansion due to additional capacity increase
from Solar and wind power generations.

 Real time monitoring

 Automated outage management and faster restorations
 Dynamic pricing mechanism
 Incentivise consumers to alter usage during different times of day-based tariff regime.
 Batter energy management
 In house display
 Web portals and mobile apps
 Track and manage energy usage.
 Reduction of T&D losses


Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

(Consul ng Engineers)

 Peak load management and improved grid reliability
 Reduction of power purchase cost
 Better asset management
 Renewable integration and accessibility of electricity
 Increased options such as time of use tariff and net metering

Concept of Smart Grid

Smart grid is not only two-way power flow of electricity, but it is two-way communication of
data and information between producers and consumers on real time basis. Due to adop on
of roof top Solar PV power genera on, the consumers are now ac ng as consumers and as power
producers, hence two-way communica ons are necessary by introducing net metering system in the
distribu on network. Thera are issues related to two ways power flow through the exis ng
transformers which are normally not designed to cater for two-way power flow, resul ng harmonics
genera on in the system. Hence it is essen al to introduce smart transformers with sensors in the
network and smart meters in the homes, residen al complexes or industrial consumers premises
which will provide the real me data through Home Area Network (HAN) or Wide Area network (WAN)
which are widely used for an effec ve real me data communica on and exchange of informa on
though internet from remote area to the consumers as well as the distribu on operator. These smart
meters also provide real me tariff rates as per me of the day (TOD) tariff so that consumers can
switch on and switch off their loads as per the tariff rates. This real me data and informa on will be
available on consumers smart phones or laptops. However, to implement smart grid system, huge
investment is necessary to replace obsolete equipment and adop on of new and latest digital
technology-based equipment and communica on backbone.


Ar cle: Clean & Green Future by Amarendra Bha acharya

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