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Name: Wilmae Shaine Napuecas Score: _______

Directions. Sentences According to Structure. Identify the kind of sentence based on the
number of clauses it contains. Underline the independent clause once and the subordinate
clauses twice. You will earn two (2) points for sentence structure identification and one (1)
point for every correct underlined clause.

Simple 1. The bus slowed and pulled up to the curb in front of a T-shirt shop.
Compound 2. Other small stores lined both sides of the street for the next few blocks,
and Chris quickly scanned the names on the storefronts nearby.
Simple 3. Pat put his glasses on, too.
Compound-Complex 4. A few people strolled by them while they stood on the sidewalk
glancing around, but nobody seemed especially curious.
Complex 5. After Prince Charming put the glass slipper on her foot, Cinderella went
to the palace and lived happily ever after.
Compound 6. Hank the Cowdog chased Pete the Barn cat into Sally Mae's Iris patch,
and she was mad!
Compound-Complex 7. Mrs. Johnson writes in her journal as she listens to a U2 album, and she
prefers to do this on cloudy days.
Complex 8. When my students prepare for their quizzes and tests, I am not
surprised by their success and mastery of the concept, even though I know
they are more than capable.
Complex 9. When I fell off my bike, I went to the hospital because I broke my arm.
Compound-Complex 10. Although he organized his sources by theme, he decided to arrange
them chronologically, and he carefully followed the MEAL plan for

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