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TEST I-IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following statements.*Ang rule sa LOVE ay parehas sa rule when
taking the exam …NO CHEATING
________________________1. Developed a way to explore the feelings and thoughts of the audience, character
and author
________________________2.It the unconscious part of the psyche that serve as storehouse of our desires,
wishes and fears.
________________________3.It is our conscience which operates like the internal censor moral judgments in
light of social pressures.
________________________4.It refers to the individual (the reader).It’s emphasis is placed on the attitudes,
moods, and opinions of the reader.
________________________5.A theory analyzes the transaction between the text and the reader.
________________________6.It experience a personal relationship, emotional subtleties of its language to the text
and encourages us to make judgments.
________________________7.It examines a test in a slow motion format, in which each line is studied in order to
determine how stylistics affects the reader in the process of reading.
________________________8.It believes that the reader response are the text and that all meaning of a text lies
in the reader’s interpretation.
________________________9.It analyzes the reader’s interpretation and response reveal about the reader and not
the text.
*Hawak mo ‘ko , pero sa iba ka nakatingin ..Ballpen mo na nagseselos sa test paper ng katabi na tinititigan mo.
_______________________10.She developed an intense interest in each readers unique response to text.
________________________11.It focus just on the information contained in the text.
________________________12.It is when a person gives group more priority over their individual self.
________________________13.It believes that the reader approach with interpretative strategies are the products
of the interpretative communities in they belong.
________________________14.Ituses details about the author’s personal life to analyze the authors work.
________________________15.It focuses on the roles of ethnicity, gender, and culture in the formation of
________________________16.It is the irrational part of the psyche unavailable to a person’s consciousness
except through disassociated acts or dreams.
*Sa EXAM , act like a PROTON .Stay POSITIVE.
________________________17.It is a social theory that favors freedom for one’s self over collective control.
________________________18.He noted that our self-concepts tend to reflect how we believe other people see us.
He proposed the person-centered theory of psychology.
________________________19.It pertains to the object (the text) which separates from the reader. It is influenced
by emotions or personal prejudices.
________________________20.It refers to the reader’s interaction with the text gives the text its meaning. The
text cannot exist without the reader.
________________________21.It is the process of adapting to a new different culture.
________________________22. It is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those
affecting behavior in a given context.
________________________23. It is the analysis of an author’s unintended message.
________________________24.It is mostly to partially conscious part of the psyche that processes experiences
and operates as a referee or mediator between the id an the superego
________________________25.He is the founder of the hierarchy of needs.
*Relax kalang .EXAM lang to .Mas malaki ang chance na pumasa kesa pumasa sa puso ng crush mo.
TEST II- Describe Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development




Test III: Analyze the literary text below


On a faraway vast land, there’s a mystical forest outside the Kingdom of Albanya. Florante, son of
Duke Briseo and Princess Floresca, was knotted tightly on a giant old tree in the middle of the dark forest.
Sadness and emptiness crept around the helpless Prince. The scary woods and uncanny sounds of wild
animals and creatures just didn’t help. Just before two huge lions were about to ravish the poor Prince, a
kindhearted Persian Morong, Aladin, helped Florante. Aladin was on exile from his own kingdom because of
his father’s cruelty. His father, Ali-Adab, took his lovely fiancé away from him. On his way to the woods, he
heard Florante’s scream trying to seek help from the lions nearly killing him. The two became good friends
and they started to talk about their past and what brought them there in the woods. Florante told Aladin his
true identity – a prince of Albanya. He also told his new friend about his another near-death experience
involving a giant crow which was killed by his cousin, Menalipo, his school days at Atenas where he met
Adolfo whom from the beginning was his rival. Adolfo tried to kill Florante during their school play, the latter
was rescued by Menandro, nephew of their kind professor – Antenor. Because of that terrible incident, Adolfo
decided to go back home in Albanya.

After that triumph, another army headed by Miramolin tried to invade the Kingdom of Albanya.
Fortunately, Florante has succeeded victory again. In the midst of battle, Florante received a letter while he’s
in Etolya. He had to go back to Albanya not knowing it was just a wicked scheme to kill him. Adolfo made it
all to kill the young Prince. Adolfo has killed Florante’s father and took the crown and his kingdom. Florante
has been captive for thirteen days. After that, the Count of Albanya has condemned him to be thrown away in
the wild forest to feed the wild beasts and lions. Learning about his dark fate, it was Aladin’s turn to tell
Florante about his life. Aladin left his father’s kingdom after his father king took his fiancé, Flerida. He left
everything behind and went to Persia. When Florante has succeeded in claiming back Albanya against
Aladin’s troops, the king realized her son surrendered and for him it was a big shame. Because of that, he
executed an order to catch Aladin and cut his head. But Aladin was thrown away from Persia and couldn’t
come back again ever.

One day in Atenas, a sad news came to Florante about the death of his mother. After two months, the
Prince went back home in Albanya.

While Aladin and Florante got to know each other, they became good friends. They realized their own
fate. In the middle of their chats, they heard voices of two people in the woods. They followed it and found out
they were Laura and Flerida. Aladin then learned that Flerida escaped from the wicked hands of his father,
Sultan Ali-Adab by disguising to be a gerero who fell down until reached the woods.

In Albanya, Duke Briseo and King Linseo, father of Laura, gathered a meeting about their defense
against the troops of Persian General Osmalik. Osmalik ruined the Kingdom of Kotrona. According to the
King, he dreamt of a clever powerful Prince who looked like Florante, their only weapon to beat Osmalik.

On the other hand, Florante realized that he was Laura’s one true love although he admitted he
thought the girl cheated on him so many times. Laura never had affections to Adolfo which is why the latter
tried to enslave her ruin her but Flerida saved Laura by speared the pitiless man. Menandro came looking for
Adolfo only finding him dead.

Florante instantly fell in love with Laura seeing her beauty. In his three days stay at their palace, he
never had the chance to talk to the Princess. He only had few moments with her when he was prepared to
battle. The princess only sent her tears and hopes.

After all has settled back to normal, everything went back into place in the kingdom and everyone was
so happy. Everyone was celebrating in Albanya.

Alas, Florante defeated Osmalik. He stayed for another five months in the kingdom of Kotrona. He
went home and was amazed what greeted him…Their enemy, Morong, flag was waving high in the air. While
Florante and his troop of soldiers were on their way down the mountain, they witnessed a girl whose head
was about to be cut by Aladin’s troop. Florante and his troop rescued the girl who was Laura. Eventually,
Florante saved his kingdom including King Linseo, Duke Briseo and Adolfo.

Florante and Laura married each other and celebrated their wedding. They became the new king and
queen of Albanya while Aladin and Flerida were baptized as Christians. They returned back to Persia to start
a new happy life and became the new leaders of their kingdom.
*Ang crush parang EXAM , pag di muna kaya. TITIGAN mo na lang.
Florante at Laura is an 1838 awit written by Tagalog poet Francisco Balagtas. The story was dedicated
to his former sweetheart María Asunción Rivera, whom he nicknamed "M.A.R." and Selya in Kay Selya ("For
Celia"). The story is loosely based on Balagtas' own biography.

Francisco Balagtas was born in Panginay, Bigaa, Bulacan (now known as Balagtas, Bulacan) on April
2, 1788. He is the youngest of four siblings. His father is Juan Balagtas, who is a carpenter and her mother is
Juana de la Cruz.

He studied in the parochial of Bigaa. There, he learned about prayers and catechism. At the workshop
of his father, where customers of his father hang out, he heard many things that will shape his character.

Since childhood, he loved nature. He loved to see the sunrise and sunset, the blossoming of flowers,
and observing the bird nests. Often, he will climb up the tree to see the chicks in the nests, which dream
about flying to enjoy nature.

At the age of eleven, for his dream to attend school, he applied as a servant for the wealthy Trinidad
family in Tondo, Manila. The Trinidad family enrolled him at Colegio de San Jose where he studied
Humanities, Theology and Philosophy.

At that time, the poet Jose de la Cruz, whose penname is Huseng Sisiw, was prominent in Tondo. He
used that penname because every time someone asks his help in poetry, he only asked for a baby chick (sisiw
in Filipino) for payment instead of money. Often Francisco will ask Jose de la Cruz to help him arrange his

Their friendship didn’t last long because there was a time when Francisco Balagtas wrote a romantic
poem to send to a beautiful woman in Tondo for courtship. He asked Huseng Sisiw to arrange his poem prior
to sending it to that woman. Since he didn’t have a baby chick as a payment for Jose’s help, Jose did not
arrange his poem. Francisco Balagtas got angry, and since then, they parted ways.

That circumstance made Francisco Balagtas improve his poetry. He missed the chance to court that
woman from Tondo, so he transferred to Pandacan, Manila. There he made a living by writing songs, plays
and poems.

He fell in love with Maria Asuncion Rivera (Selya), who inspired him to write Florante and Laura
(Florante at Laura). His rival to this woman was a wealthy man. That rival sent him to jail by falsely accusing
him although it wasn’t clear what he was accused of.

Inside his jail cell, the news of Selya marrying his rival reached him. That’s when he wrote Florante at
Laura, which until now is known as one of the greatest literary pieces in Philippine history.

Francisco Balagtas died at Orion, Bataan, on February 20, 1862 at the age of 74. Before he died, he
uttered these words to his wife Juana Tiambeng: “Don’t let any of our children become a poet.” Contrary to
his wish, two of his children became a poet, they were Ceferino and Victor.

The real surname of Francisco is Balagtas. When the Spaniard general, Narciso Claveria, ordered that
all Filipinos should use a Spanish surname, Francisco Balagtas used the surname Baltazar.

Response Criticism




*Sa EXAM , tama na BINAGO mo pa. Parang sa PAG-IBIG, nandyan na pinakawalan mo pa.

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