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Brook City - Helper

1. Cops: 3. Case: pg.13. Players collectively

Each Cop fully completes the Cop phase before the next Cop a. Activation: Activate each card in the Case play area
- Cops take turn in any order they wish - Resolve the Activate effect of each card (left to right)
a. Dispatch: pg.9 b. Draw: Draw and resolve 1 card from the Case deck
1. Ready exhausted cards in Cop Play area (not Cop Crime area) If Clue Card: place in the case play area (unless specified)
2. Draw and resolve 1 Criminal card - Place matching clue token (active side up) on card
Crime card: - place Card in Your Cop Crime area (right) - if that token is already in play and inactive, flipped it to active
- Place a crew figure in space listed on the crime card: note: a Clue card cannot be discarded (unless specified)
If occupied, displace occupying figure (adjacent)
Asset card: - place Card in criminal play area:
c. End: All Cops flip their turn card Face up
- Start a new round: 1.Cops
- unless otherwise specified (will say on card)
- If card has listed coordinates, place an asset token on
board in the space listed on the crime card Encountering a Card: pg.12
Cops can only Encounter cards with Resistances:
Event card: - resolve the card's effect - Must be Near Target (mini/token) - unless specified by card
- discarded after effect is resolved (unless otherwise specified) - Any applicable progress is placed on targets card (after dice roll)
note: resolve each effect on cards (if able) from top to bottom
1. Choose Target: Chooses a Nearby target (mini/token)
b. Act: pg.10 In any order, may perform each of these Steps: - Card/effects may allow to encounter targets not near Cop/Ally
- Must fully complete a step before performing the next step 2. Gather Dice: # of dice indicated by the encounter
- May only perform each step Once each turn (unless game effect) - If an effect would add/subtract dice from encounter: resolve now
- Optional, don’t have to do all or any if you wish
3. Roll Dice: Roll all the gathered cop dice
*Move: Up to 3 - any combination of Foot and/or Vehicle
Foot: Spaces (white edged) - orthogonally & diagonally (no water) 4. Resolve Criticals: It explodes - roll an additional die
Vehicle: Streets (black outlined) - orthogonally only (no water) If you roll another Critical:
Vehicle: Water (blue outlined) - orthogonally only (water only) - roll an additional die until no more critical results are rolled
Cop May enter or exit a vehicle anytime during movement All critical results are treated as successes
- may continue moving using any remaining movement
5. Convert Hunches: For each hunch result:
- Must Control that vehicle and be Adjacent to it
- May discard 1 hunch token to convert 1 hunch roll
- If on foot into a street may commandeer a new vehicle
result to a success roll for this encounter
Locations can be moved through freely (think action movies)
- Foot: Spaces - orthogonally & diagonally 6. Apply Successes: Add all successes (+ criticals)
- Vehicle: Only some can, will say on vehicle card if able too/how - Minus target's resistance matching approach
Result = # of progress placed on target
Don’t Move at all: May remove 1 Stress instead - If # of progress on target is =/> Threshold: Busted
*Card: Play 1 Card 7. Resolve Bust Effect: If Busted target has a Bust effect:
Encounter / Ability Cards: - resolve the Bust effect now (if it was Busted in step 6)
- Played and resolved
8. Gain Hunch Tokens: After all progress has been placed:
Tactic cards: Only one copy of each Tactic card may be in play - Gain 1 hunch token for each hunch roll result that was not
- Played into the cop play area, remain in play converted to a success in step 5
- If card already in cop area, may resolve Prepared effect
Success and Hunch roll result:
note: Some game effects allow Cops to play additional cards
You get both results shown (as if 2 dice)
Don’t Play a Card: May draw 1 card instead
Note: After the encounter procedure, resolve any after an
*Action: may perform 1 of the following Actions: encounter effects that may apply
Hunch: gain 1 hunch token
Successful Encounter: Is an encounter in which a cop's
Card Action: perform Action effect on 1 card in cop play area successes Equal or Exceed the target's Resistance # (0+)
- Each Action on cards can only once per turn, even if game - Progress doesn't need to be placed to consider that
effects allow the cop to perform additional actions encounter successful, as long as resistance is met
Move: Use Action Step to perform the Move step again
Interact: may resolve Interact effect of a card corresponding to an Spaces Notes
Near game component An empty Space contains no Figure/vehicle
- Other tokens/game elements don’t Fill the Space
note:Once during each Act step, the cop may enter or exit a - A Figure/Small Vehicle take up 1 Space
vehicle that they are adjacent to and that they control (free) - A Regular Vehicle takes up 2 Spaces
c. Crime: activate each card in Cop Crime area (left to right) - Can not move into a Full Space
- Resolve Cards Activate effect - A figure Moves 1 Space at a time (orthogonally & diagonally)
If a card to be be activated is exhausted: - If Space is full and a figure it to be placed (by card/effect),
- Ready that card instead of activating it (does not activate) displace the occupying figure to an adjacent space
A Street has 4 Spaces (black line)
d. Draw: Draw 1 card from cop deck
- If all 4 Spaces are Full, that Street section is Blocked
- flip turn card Face down (signifies Cop has taken a turn)
- A vehicle can not move through a Blocked Street
Once all Cops have had their turn, move onto the 2.Crims phase - A vehicle Moves 1 Street at a time (orthogonally)
- A figure may ‘count’ through a blocked street for game effects
2. Crims: pg.13. Players collectively
Activate each card in the criminal play area: A Waterway (mainboard) has 4x2 Spaces (8) (blue line)
- Resolve the Activate effect of each card (left to right) - If all 8 Spaces are Full, that Water section is Blocked
- A vehicle can not move through Blocked Waterway
Rem: Suspect and/or Setup/Operation card Activate effects - Can only be used by Aquatic Vehicles
Once cards are done Activating, move onto the 3.Case phase - Aquatic Vehicles Move 1 waterway at a time (orthogonally)
Brook City - Helper
Leads: a Cop Near a Lead Token may take Active Lead card Game End: Players Win or Lose together:
- A Cop May only have 1 Lead card in their area at a time Win: Solve the case - on Case rules card
- May take a Lead anytime during their turn for free Loose: A cop is fired (full stress) or a Card Rule states
- May take a Lead mid movement
Criminal notes:Operation, Suspect, Crime, Asset, Event
When a Lead is taken, Draw a new Lead card, face up,to be the
Operation/Suspect can never be discarded, even if busted unless
new Active Lead and move token to space indicated on card
specified by game/card effect
- When instructed to Draw a Lead card, Draw from top of deck,
- Suspect (target) busted, remove all progress from that card
don’t take the Active lead
after resolving its Bust effect (Don’t discard card)
Lead cards are also drawn for Random locations (ignore text)
- If Suspect gains influence, put that influence on the
Operation card (unless specified)
When Cops suffer stress, add 1 stress on cop's ID card - Crime/Asset (targets) usually can be busted
- Some Game/Card effects discard stress From ID then Discarded, unless specified on card/set-up says
If a Cop suffers stress equal to or greater than their stress - Event resolved then discarded (unless otherwise specified)
value, that cop is fired and all the players lose the game
Vehicle notes (not Bus- Velocity xpack)
Once during each step, in the cop’s Act phase, the cop may enter
or exit a vehicle
Action: Resolved using the card Action effect
- Must Control that vehicle and be Adjacent to it
- Cops may only resolve Action on cards they personally control
- May exit from any side of the vehicle
- Cops Resolve during their Act step
- May Encounter a Nearby Target (like on foot)
Activate: Instructs how a game element Activates:
May enter or exit a vehicle anytime during the move Step (once)
Resolve text after Activate keyword when card is Activated
- May continue moving using any remaining movement
- If Activate “area” only resolve if card is in “area”
When moving/placing Vehicle:
Ditch: When controlled by a cop, they may discard it at any point
- keep it in orthogonal spaces of the Street
during their turn to resolve its Ditch effect
- Must move out then back into same street to move to another
Note: Do not resolve Ditch effect if it is discarded from hand or any
position in that same (now new) Street space
game effect causes the card to be discarded instead
- May move back, forwards, sideways into a new Street space
Exhaust: When controlled by a cop, they may Exhaust it at any
When entering a new street space:
time during the game to resolve its Exhaust effect
- May place your Vehicle however you want, in any facing
- Can not Exhaust a card to interrupt another card effect that
- Must place orthogonally in Spaces
hasn't fully resolved (unless specified)
- Can't move into a Street that is full/Blocked (all spaces occupied)
- To Exhaust a card: tilt it horizontally sideways (tap)
- Can Not Exhaust again until it is Readied (tilt back vertically) Commandeering a new vehicle
Note: when another game effect exhausts a card do not trigger the When a Cop is on Foot moves into a street space they may
cards Exhaust effect choose to commandeer a new vehicle, Once per turn:
- Draw a card from the vehicle deck, place in Cop play area
Prepared: Is resolved when a Cop would play a Tactic card that
- Place vehicle Mini Adjacent/On Cop in Street/water
matches a Tactic card already in their Cop Play area:
- Cop may enter vehicle immediately
- only 1 copy of each Tactic card may be in play at
- Discard old Vehicle Mini/Card (if Cop had one)
- Discard 2nd same Tactic card after Prepared effect is resolved
Each cop may only ever control 1 vehicle at a time
Bust: Resolved when a card would be busted.
- If Cop gains another Vehicle, choose one to discard
- Resolved immediately when there are progress
tokens equaling or exceeding the cards threshold Allies in Vehicles: Once during their turn, a cop driving a vehicle
- Most Busted cards are Discarded (unless specified) may pick up an ally Near the vehicle
- Busted Suspect cards are Not Discarded (unless specified) - Place Ally figure on the vehicle card
May be “dropped off” at any time during a vehicle’s movement:
Near/Nearby = On or Adjacent to
- place ally’s figure in any empty space adjacent to the vehicle
Target = card with Resistances,
Delta Keys: Various card effects allow movement to Delta Keys
- may have a token or a miniature attached to it on board
- Can also move to while in Aquatic Vehicle off the rightmost water
#P = # Per-Cops in game space on main game board to “Valice” (or Valice to board)
------- ------- -------

Bus: Velocity case uses the bus (case rules card)

Allies: (makes the game easier but a little more complex)
- Moves in the direction of the arrows on the miniature
- Card placed in Cop Play area, Figure starts near its Cop Figure
- Can’t normally turn or can’t normally change lanes
- Text on card shows how the ally is used
- Keep in the same lane when moving streets
- If Cop suffers Stress, may give to Ally instead (if stress listed)
If effect would allow cops to change the bus’ direction:
- If Ally is fired (full stress): remove ally from game (keep playing)
- may reposition the bus and any vehicles controlled by cops in
Allies are Not Cops don’t share the keyword Cop for rule sake its current street, following the normal placement rules.
- Allies may Encounter a Near Target (mini/token) like Cops - bus can never change its direction a full 180 degrees
- When Ally encounters, Controlling Cop may convert/gain their ------- ------- -------

hunches for that encounter Wrecks: Wreck Rules Card (increase the difficulty of the game)
- May use its cops Hunches for game effects (eg: Micky’s tapes) - Space indicators: used to place new wrecks when instructed
- Allies may pick up leads (controlling cop gains that lead) - may never be placed in non-street spaces (unless specified)
- May ‘ride along’ with cop in a vehicle - Text is resolved when cops are forced to draw wreck card/s
Each cop may have their own ally (one or more if you want) Whenever accidents occur: draw top card of wreck deck
- place 1 wreck in the indicated spaces
Rivals: (makes the game harder and a little more complex) - If space is occupied, reposition wreck to fit in street if possible
- Card placed in Cop Crime area (Rival side faceup) - if not possible, discard and redraw new wreck card
- Figure starts in the space listed on the rival's card. When cops are forced to discard a Vehicle card, including Ditch
Rivals have resistances and may be encountered by Cops/Allies - Replace the vehicle with a wreck
- If Rival is busted, remove Rival from game (keep playing)
Wrecks take up Street Spaces (like other vehicles)
Each cop may have their own Rival (one or more if you want) - If cop enters a street with 1 or more wrecks: cop suffers 1 stress

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