Duties of A Police

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The Critical Analysis on How the Prosecutorial Power of the Police Enhances Efficiency

and Streamlines the Justice Process

The prosecutorial power of police in Nigeria has undergone significant transformations
throughout its history, with the Police Act 2020 marking a crucial milestone in this evolution.
This essay critically examines the history of police prosecutorial power in Nigeria, with a focus
on the innovations introduced by the Police Act 2020 and the challenges that remain.

One of the notable innovations of the Police Act 2020 is the enhanced efficiency and
streamlining of the justice process. The Act has empowered police prosecutors to handle cases
more effectively, leading to faster resolution and reduced backlog. This has improved the overall
efficiency of the justice system, enabling quicker dispensation of justice.

Another significant innovation is improved community engagement and trust. The Act has
enabled police prosecutors to engage more effectively with communities, fostering greater trust
and cooperation. This has led to increased reporting of crimes and improved collaboration
between law enforcement and the public.

Capacity building and training for police prosecutors have also been enhanced under the Act.
Police prosecutors now receive specialized training, enabling them to handle complex cases
more effectively. This has improved the quality of prosecution and reduced the risk of
miscarriages of justice.

Furthermore, digitalization has increased accessibility and streamlined processes. The Act has
introduced digital platforms for filing and managing cases, making it easier for citizens to access
justice. This has reduced the burden on physical court infrastructure and improved the overall
efficiency of the justice system.

Despite these innovations, challenges persist. Limited resources, including inadequate funding
and infrastructure, hinder the effective exercise of prosecutorial power. Corruption also remains a
significant issue, undermining trust and effectiveness. Moreover, overreliance on police
prosecutors can lead to miscarriages of justice and perpetuate inequalities.
In conclusion, the Police Act 2020 has introduced significant innovations in the prosecutorial
power of police in Nigeria, enhancing efficiency, community engagement, and capacity building.
However, challenges such as limited resources, corruption, and overreliance on police
prosecutors must be addressed to ensure effective and just prosecution in Nigeria.
“Appraisal Of The Novel Innovations Of The Nigeria Police Force…” by Godfree Matthew

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