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Question Bank EEE Mid-sem


Answers have been highlighted for the following MCQ’s using yellow colour

1. Which of the following is used to preheat the feed water by using flue gases to improve overall

a. Superheater b. Economizer

c. Air preheater d. Feed water pump

2. Superheater in steam power plant is used to

a) heat the feed water b) heat the steam

c) heat the air d) heat the flue gases

3. The energy source for a hydro power station is:

a. fossil fuels b. uranium

c. wind d. water

4. The most conventional method of generating electric power with reasonably high efficiency:

a. Thermal power b. Solar energy

c. Hydro-electric power d. Nuclear power

5. Which of the following is not a peak power plant

a. Gas power plant b. Diesel power plant

c. Thermal power plant d. Solar power plant

6. In a thermal power plant, economizer, superheaters and air preheaters are mainly used to

a. have a better dust removal in plant b. have a better ash removal in the plant

c. increase the efficiency of the plant d. none of the above

7. Steam power plant works on

a) Rankine cycle b) Joule cycle

c) Diesel cycle d) Otto cycle

8. Which is known as the heart of an atomic power plant?

a. Boiler b. Turbine

c. Reactor d. Cooling tower

9. Which of the following plant have highest life span?

a. Nuclear power plant b. Steam power plant

c. Hydro power plant d. Diesel power plant

10. Which can’t act as moderator in nuclear power plant

a. heavy water b. graphite

c. paraffin d. Friona

11. Which is the first nuclear power plant in India?

a. Tarapur b. Narora

c. Kalpakkam d. Rana Pratap Sagar

12. In nuclear fission the splitting if a heavy nucleus take place into _________ nuclei with the release of
large amount of energy

a) heavy b) lighter

c) both d) fragile

13. In nuclear reactors moderators are used to

a) control the reaction rate b) slow down fast moving neutrons

c) take heat from the reactor d) fuel the nuclear reactor

14. In gas cooled reactor of nuclear power plant, what is used as a coolant?

a) D2O b) CO2

c) H2O d) CH3

15. The power developed by a hydraulic turbine depends on the

a) amount of water b) available water head

c) density of water d) all of the above

16. Medium head hydroelectric power plants have

a) Heads between 10-30 m b) heads between 400-600m

c) heads between 30-180 m d) heads between 600-900m

17. Draft tube is usually used in which of the following power plant

a) Steam power plant b) Hydroelectric power plant

c) Nuclear power plant d) Diesel engine power plant

18. Thermoelectric generator works on the principle of

a) Seebeck effect b) Peltier effect

c) Thomson effect d) none of the above

19. The power of thermoelectric power plant depends on

a) Seebeck coefficient b) temperature difference between two junctions

c) material properties d) all of the above

20. Thermionic generators works on the principle of

a) Thermionic emission b) Thermoelectric emission

c) Thermopower emission d) Seebeck effect

21. Which of the following power plants are quiet in operation

a) Hydro power plant b) Steam power plant

c) Gas turbine power plant d) Thermionic power plant

22. Which of the following power plants are quiet in operation

a) Hydro power plant b) Steam power plant

c) Gas turbine power plant d) Thermoelectric power plant

23. Which of the following power plant is highly polluting

a) Hydro power plant b) Steam power plant

c) Gas turbine power plant d) Thermoelectric power plant

24. Which of the following power plant can be located anywhere

a) Hydro power plant b) Steam power plant

c) Gas turbine power plant d) Nuclear power plant

25. Which of the following are the site selection criteria for steam power plant

a) Availability of raw material and fuel b) Availability of water

c) Land acquisition cost d) all of the above

26. Which of the following power plant have lowest initial cost involved

a) Steam power plant b) Nuclear power plant

c) Gas turbine power plant d) Hydro power plant

27. Which is the largest hydroelectric power plant in India?

a) Indira Sagar Hydro Electric Power plant b) Koyna Hydroelectric Power plant

c) Sardar Sarovar Hydro Electric Power plant d) Nagarjunasagar Hydro Electric Power plant

28. At present which is the biggest thermal power plant in India?

a) Amravati Thermal Power plant b) Vindhyachal Thermal Power Station

c) Dadri Thermal Power plant d) Rihand Super Thermal Power plant

29. In steam power plant, cooling water circuit consists of

a) Condenser b) Cooling tower

c) Pump d) all of the above

30. Which of the following is not the part of feed water and steam flow circuit of steam power plant?

a) Boiler b) Economizer

c) Chimney d) Turbine


1. Explain the following:

i. Principle of MHD Generator
iii. Fuel cell.
2. Give classification of fuel cells. Explain polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell with neat
diagram along with chemical reactions.
3. Compare VAWT and HAWT along with its advantages and disadvantages? List the major
applications of wind energy.
4. Enumerate at least five applications of solar PV cell. Discuss in detail any one of them with a
neat sketch. Write down advantages and disadvantages of solar PV cells.
5. Describe the following with a suitable sketch:
i. Flat Plate Collectors
ii. Parabolic Collectors
6. Discuss any one of the methods of ocean thermal electric power generation with a neat sketch.
Also, write down the advantages and disadvantages of the OTEC system.
7. Explain how ocean tides are generated and how the power can be tapped? Discuss the
limitations of this method.
8. Explain the anaerobic digestion of biomass. What are the main constituents of biogas? Write
down the advantages and disadvantages of the biogas power plant.


1. Define energy conservation. Explain the various measures that are taken to reduce the energy
consumption of a refrigerator.
2. Explain how energy conservation can be practiced in ventilation and air conditioning.
3. Discuss the difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency with a suitable
4. What do you understand by maximum energy efficiency in context with energy conservation
principle? Discuss with a suitable example.
5. Define energy efficiency. How do you increase the energy efficiency of the compressor? Explain
the various measures.
6. Explain the term “energy efficiency” in terms of various household equipment. What are the
benefits derived from the energy-efficient devices?
7. Define energy conservation and energy efficiency. Explain the various measures that are taken to
reduce the energy consumption of boilers.
8. Explain the concept of star rating of appliances in connection with energy conservation.
9. Explain the measures to be taken to conserve the energy in fans. List any four measures.
10. Discuss the principles of energy conservation with suitable examples.

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