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Mobile: (+1) 5142480144/(+237) 654 54 12 80 Github:
Montreal Heart Institute Montreal QC, Canada

Research Intern September 2023 - December 2023
◦ Designed Computer Vision algorithms to predict the Ancestrality of a patient using the
◦ Used Explainable AI to interpret and understand the predictions made by the models.
◦ Assessed the influence of the Age and Sex of the patient on the models.

Kamer Engineering Solutions SARL Douala, Cameroon

Data Scientist November 2022 - April 2023
◦ Designed Machine Learning Algorithms to recognize, count and classify street lights in Cameroon.
◦ Created Dashboards using data collected from a survey through the Kobocollect platform with Power BI and

LABRED SARL Douala, Cameroon

Trainee Manager / President of LABRED CLUB September 2019 - December 2022
◦ Planning and organization of training courses in artificial intelligence, PLC programming, robotics, and
◦ Representing the company at technology fairs and conferences
◦ Assistance in the management and deployment of company IT projects.

AMMI Senegal Mbour, Senegal

Master Degree, Artificial Intelligence February 2023 - May 2024
◦ Relevant Courses: Introduction to Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning,
Speech Recognition, Social and Ethical aspects of Machine Learning, Computer Vision.

AIMS CAMEROON Limbe, Cameroon

Master Degree, Data Science, Grade: 3.54/4 September 2021 - June 2022
◦ Relevant Courses: PDEs of Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Statistics, Data Science&Network Science,
Data Analysis, Machine Learning Made Easy, Mathematical methods for Climate Science.

Polytechnique Douala - NHPSD Douala, Cameroon

Engineering Degree, Industrial Robotic, Grade: 3.3/4 October 2018 - July 2021
◦ Relevant Courses: Artificial Intelligence, Vision for Robotics, Pattern Recognition and Visual Servoing,
Decision Support Systems, Embedded Systems.

Hepatitis C Prediction: Optuna-Optimized Models and Streamlit Deployment July 2023

Technologies: Python, XGBoost, Optuna, Streamlit, CatBoost, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib
◦ Hepatitis C is a widespread liver disease that causes liver inflammation and gradual damage, often leading to
cirrhosis. In this project, six algorithms were considered, including CatBoost, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Random
Forest, XGBoost, LGBM, and ExtraTreeClassifier. To optimize the performance of these models, a
hyperparameter optimization technique called Optuna was utilized to find the ideal parameters for each
algorithm. The research findings revealed that the XGBoost algorithm emerged as the most effective approach,
exhibiting a remarkable accuracy of 94.31%, an F1-score of 94.23%, a precision of 94.63%, and a recall value of
94.31%. The paper will be published to the Springer series.

Breast Cancer Classification with pytorch March 2023

Technologies: Python, Numpy, Pytorch, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib
◦ In this project, we develop a neural network using Pytorch from scratch whose goal is to predict if a patient
based on several parameters has a breast cancer or not. The dataset used contains 569 observations and 32
columns. After applying data preprocessing like cleaning and standardization, we designed 4 models with
different numbers of hidden layers and neurons. The best model which gave an accuracy of 99.12% was obtained
using a deep network.
Deploy a Diabete prediction model using streamlit February 2023

Technologies: Python, Keras, Numpy, Streamlit
◦ In this project, we design a machine learning algorithm based on Gaussian Discriminant Analysis from scratch.
We use the Diabete dataset containing 8 features: Pregnancies, Glucose, BloodPressure, SkinThickness, Insulin,
BMI, DiabetesPedigreeFunction and the Age of the patient. After building our model where we got 77%
accuracy, we saved it using pickle and deployed it using Streamlit. The application can be tested here.

Dynamic path prediction in IoT systems April 2022 - May 2022

Technologies: Python, Numpy, Networkx, Pytorch, Matplotlib
◦ Given an IoT sensor network, the work was to design a reinforcement learning algortihm to minimize the energy
consumption in the network in order to extend the lifetime of equipements and also predict the path where
information will go through next time when Data will want to move from one equipment to another one. The
results obtained show that our model increases the network lifetime by a factor of 2.26 comparing to 1.58
obtained with A star and Dijkstra algorithms.

• ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level: Fundamentals of testing, Testing Throughout the Software Development
Lifecycle, Static Testing, Test Techniques, Test Management, Tool support for testing.
• Building AI Powered Chatbots Without Programming (IBM and Coursera): Using of IBM Watson Assistant,
Deploy a Chatbot in a Wordpress website to command flowers
• PowerBI Zero to Hero (Udemy): Integration, Cleaning and Visualization of Data using PowerBI Desktop
• Tools for Data Science(IBM and Coursera): Using of IBM Watson Assistant, Python and R basic concepts
• Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and
Optimization( Optimization of model using Hyperparameters
• Neural Networks and Deep Learning( Neural Networks and Deep Learning Concepts
• What is Data Science(IBM and Coursera): Data Science basic concepts
• Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep
Learning( Introduction to Tensorflow, CNN, Building a model to recognize a Cat, Using of MNIST
• Software Engineering: Python, R, • Computer Vision Models: CNN, OpenCV
PowerBI, SQL, MS Excel, C, MATLAB, • ML Models: Logistic Regression, Linear Regression,
SolidWorks, Tia Portal, LabView, LightGBM, Random Forests, DecissionTree
Arduino, Sketchup, Automgen,
• Others: Webscrapping with Selenium and BeautifulSoup, NLP
• Frameworks: Tensorflow, Scikit-learn,
Keras, Pytorch

• Recipient of the fully funded Master in Artificial Intelligence sponsored by Facebook and Google.
• Recipient in June 2022 of the AIMS ESMT Industry Immersion Program(IIP) scholarship
• Received in 2022 a Scholarship for a virtual mentorship programme from Mfano Africa-Oxford in collaboration
with the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford.
• Recipient of the fully funded Master in Data Science at African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS),
CAMEROON for the 2021-2022 Academic Session.
• English
• French
• Reviewer for the AI4Ed workshop at AAAI 2024.
• Zindi Africa Ambassador.
• Member of Amnesty International.
• Trainee Manager at LABRED CLUB.
• Member of the Christmas Event Organization Team for Orphans in LABRED CLUB.
• President of the IT CLUB at AIMS CAMEROON

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