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Joubert, an airman stationed at Offutt
Air Force Base, was arrested in
January 1984 after threatening a
preschool teacher in Bellevue.
He pleaded guilty to the abductions
and murders and was executed in the
electric chair in 1996.
Joubert then confessed to
killing the two boys and, on
January 12, was charged with
their murders. After initially
pleading not guilty, he
changed his plea to guilty.
There were several psychiatric
evaluations performed on
Joubert. One characterized
him as having obsessive-
compulsive disorder, sadistic
tendencies, and schizoid
personality disorder.
He was found to have not been psychotic at
the time of the crimes. A panel of three
judges sentenced him to death for both
counts. Joubert was also sentenced to life
imprisonment in Maine (which did not have
the death penalty) in 1990 for the murder of
Ricky Stetson after Joubert's teeth were
found to match the bite mark.[4]The Crime
Scene The hair found during this case helped
the police connect John Joubert to the two
murdered of the two boys.
Joubert used this rare kind of rope to tie
up one of his victims. Since it was so rare
it was easy to connect him to the murder
when the police found the same type of
rope in his car

Since John Joubert was lurking around the

school a witness was able to have an
accuate description of him and report it to
the police. This police report made it
possible for the police to track Joubert's
car and search his car.
After all the evidence found
was linked back to Joubert, he
was convicted of three
murders. Then in 1996 John
Joubert was sentenced to death
by electric chair.

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