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Complexe Scolaire Al Amine

English Test 1a – Semester 2

Common Core Classes
Class: Common Core School Year: 2023/24
Date: 20 March 2024 Time: 1 hour
Name: Class Number Mark:
_________________________ : ________ : ____

COMPREHENSION: Read the text and answer the following questions: (10 pts)

Fashion Everywhere

Fashion is all around us. It's not just about the clothes we wear but also how we show ourselves to others. From new
trends to old favorites, fashion lets us express who we are.

Clothes are a big part of fashion. Whether it's a warm sweater or a fancy dress, what we wear shows our mood and
style. Fashion isn't just about following what's popular; it's about feeling good in what we choose.

Fashion isn't only about clothes. Things like hats, scarves, and jewelry add fun to outfits. They finish off a look and can
make a simple outfit special.

Some fashion trends change a lot, but some never go out of style. Classic things like a white shirt or black dress are
always good choices. They can be dressed up or down for any time.

Fashion is influenced by where we live and what's happening around us. It changes because of different cultures,
history, and even technology.

Social media like Instagram and TikTok are big for fashion now. People show off their style and give ideas to others.
Blogs and videos also help people know what's new in fashion.

Remember, fashion is different for everyone. What's good for one person might not be for another. The important
thing is to feel good in what you wear.

Whether you like what's new or what's always good, fashion lets you show who you are. Wear what makes you happy,
and let your style shine!
Question 1: What is fashion primarily about?
a) Only following the latest trends
b) Expressing personality and creativity
c) Wearing expensive clothes
d) Following strict rules
Exercise 2: What are some accessories mentioned in the text?
a) Shoes and socks
b) Hats, scarves, and jewelry
c) Gloves and belts
d) Sunglasses and watches
Question 2: What role does social media play in shaping fashion trends?
a) It has no impact on fashion
b) It is a small factor in fashion trends
c) It plays a significant role in shaping trends
d) It only affects older fashion trends
Question 3: What are some classic fashion pieces mentioned in the text?
a) Red dress and yellow shirt
b) Black dress and white shirt
c) Blue jeans and green sweater
d) Pink scarf and purple hat
Question 4: What is the main message of the text?
a) Only follow the latest fashion trends
b) Fashion is subjective and varies for everyone
c) Fashion is all about wearing expensive clothes
d) Fashion should only be influenced by social media
Question 5: What does the word "flair" mean in the text?
a) Elegance
b) Confidence
c) Dullness
d) Comfort
Question 6: What synonym can be used for "versatile" in the text?
a) Limited
b) Flexible
c) Rigid
d) Unchangeable
Question 7: What is another word for "subjective" in the text?
a) Objective
b) Personal
c) Universal
d) Impartial
Question 8: What synonym can be used for "individuality" in the text?
a) Conformity
b) Uniqueness
c) Sameness
d) Standardization
Question 9: What does the underlined word "it" refer to in the text?
a) Fashion
b) Following trends
c) Feeling confident and comfortable
d) Choosing what to wear
Question 10: What does the underlined word "another" refer to in the text?
a) Fashion
b) Person
c) Social media
d) Clothing

LANGUAGE: (10 pts)

Exercise 1 : Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. (2 pts)

colorful - sporty - old-fashioned – comfortable – glamorous -

a) She doesn't like plain colors like brown or grey, so she always wears ______________ clothes.
b) My brother never buys trendy clothes. All his clothes are ______________.
c) Our teacher is very ______________. He always wears a tracksuit and trainers to work.
d) She looked great at the party. She was wearing a really ______________ dress.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. (2 pts)

put away - give away - throw away - wear out - pick up - take off - get into - go with - put on - pick out

a) My room was untidy, so my mother told me to ______________ my clothes.

b) I've got so many clothes that I'll have to ______________ some ______________.
c) Does this top ______________ these trousers?
d) It's really cold outside, so ______________ your hat and gloves.

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun. (2 pts)
a) The book ________ I borrowed from the library is really interesting.
b) Do you know the girl ________ won the singing competition?
c) The cake ________ my mom baked is delicious.
d) Is this the restaurant ________ you recommended?

Exercise 4 : Fill in the gaps with no, some, and any compound. (2 pts)
a) Have you got ______________ brothers or sisters?
b) There aren't ______________ cookies left in the jar.
c) Do you have ______________ idea where my keys are?
d) I need to buy ______________ vegetables for dinner tonight.

Exercise 5: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the future simple. (2 pts)
1. I _______________ (visit) my grandparents next weekend.
2. We have got the visas! We _______________ (travel) to Europe next summer.
3. The company _______________ (launch) a new product next month.
4. I am not sure! I _______________ (watch) a movie and stay home in the evening.

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