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Open access Original research

Quality and safety issue: language

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 on 22 December 2023. Downloaded from on May 4, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
barriers in healthcare, a qualitative
study of non-­Arab healthcare
practitioners caring for Arabic patients
in the UAE
Nabeel Al-­Yateem ‍ ‍,1 Heba Hijazi,1,2 Ahmad Rajeh Saifan,3 Alaa Ahmad,4,5
Rami Masa'Deh,3 Intima Alrimawi,6 Syed Azizur Rahman,1
Muhammad Arsyad Subu,1 Fatma Refaat Ahmed ‍ ‍1,7

To cite: Al-­Yateem N, Hijazi H, ABSTRACT

Saifan AR, et al. Quality and Objectives To identify language-­related communication STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY’
safety issue: language barriers barriers that expatriate (non-­Arabic) healthcare ⇒ The study employed a qualitative phenomenological
in healthcare, a qualitative design and purposive sampling, effectively captur-
practitioners in the UAE encounter in their daily practice.
study of non-­Arab healthcare ing diverse healthcare practitioners' experiences
Design Qualitative study utilising semi-­structured in-­
practitioners caring for Arabic
depth interviews. The interviews were conducted in with language barriers.
patients in the UAE. BMJ Open
English language. ⇒ Comprehensive data was collected via in-­ depth
2023;13:e076326. doi:10.1136/
bmjopen-2023-076326 Setting Different healthcare facilities across the UAE. interviews, with Van Manen’s method ensuring de-
These facilities were accessed for data collection over a tailed and structured analysis.
► Prepublication history and ⇒ The research team’s mixed academic and clinical
period of 3 months from January 2023 to March 2023.
additional supplemental material background further enriched study interpretations.
Participants 14 purposively selected healthcare
for this paper are available
practitioners. ⇒ Participants might have under-­reported challenges
online. To view these files,
please visit the journal online Intervention No specific intervention was implemented; due to career implications and potential restraint
(​ this study primarily aimed at gaining insights through from recording during interviews.
bmjopen-2023-076326). interviews.
Primary and secondary outcomes To understand the
Received 04 June 2023 implications of language barriers on service quality, patient
Accepted 23 November 2023 safety, and healthcare providers’ well-­being. investigated communication failures in
Results Three main themes emerged from our analysis healthcare and noted that in the USA, patient
of participants’ narratives: Feeling left alone, Trying to harm was directly connected to communica-
come closer to their patients and Feeling guilty, scared and tion in 7149 cases.1 In addition, the report
dissatisfied. found that 44% of these communication fail-
Conclusions Based on the perspectives and experiences ures caused severe harm (including death),
of participating healthcare professionals, language 44% caused moderate severity harm and 12%
barriers have notably influenced the delivery of healthcare caused low severity harm; these cases resulted
services, patient safety and the well-­being of both patients financial losses for the healthcare system of
and practitioners in the UAE. There is a pressing need,
about US$1.7 billion.
as highlighted by these professionals, for the inclusion of
professional interpreters and the provision of training to
The UAE, a Middle Eastern nation
healthcare providers to enhance effective collaboration comprising seven emirates and home to
with these interpreters. around 10 million people, is thriving both
economically and politically. It stands out
© Author(s) (or their as one of the wealthiest, most peaceful and
employer(s)) 2023. Re-­use
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND stable countries in the region. Its remarkable
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No
commercial re-­use. See rights Communication is a vital component of economic success and rapid development
and permissions. Published by human interaction and daily life activities. in various sectors have made it a magnet for
BMJ. Clear communication is also critical for expatriates seeking employment and settle-
For numbered affiliations see healthcare systems because the delivery of ment opportunities. The healthcare system
end of article. effective, high-­
quality and safe healthcare of the UAE is particularly advanced, drawing
Correspondence to services depends on accurate communica- healthcare professionals from across the
Professor Nabeel Al-­Yateem; tion. A 2015 report from the Harvard Medical globe. Remarkably, expatriates constitute
​nalyateem@​sharjah.a​ c.​ae Institution Risk Management Foundation about 97% of the healthcare workforce,

Al-­Yateem N, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e076326. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 1

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 on 22 December 2023. Downloaded from on May 4, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
underscoring the linguistic and cultural diversity within may not be appropriate in these contexts, especially between
this sector. men and women. These limitations in the use of non-­verbal
The UAE and many surrounding Arabic countries have communication techniques may pose further challenges for
healthcare systems in which the majority of staff are over- some healthcare practitioners, such as nurses, whose roles
seas practitioners; therefore, language barriers can pose include frequent patient encounters.7 10 11
major challenges. For example, the medical and nursing Delivering high-­ quality healthcare services in a diverse
workforce in the UAE is diverse and practitioners have context requires multi-­ faceted cooperation. Research
differing cultural, linguistic, religious, socioeconomic, suggests that poor patient outcomes and compliance
clinical and educational backgrounds. Southeast Asia (ie, along with increased health disparities may result from
the Philippines) and South Asia (ie, India) are the coun- a lack of culturally competent care, irrespective of avail-
tries of origin for most medical and nursing staff, with able services12 13 14. A pertinent example can be found in
other common source countries including Australasia, a recent study by Al-­ Yateem et al (2023).15 The research
Europe and North America.2–4 These healthcare practi- highlighted that communication barriers and past negative
tioners speak various languages and dialects, whereas the experiences with healthcare professionals led some Emirati
official language of the UAE and only language spoken parents to prefer using traditional and herbal remedies for
by the majority of the local population is Arabic. Because their children before seeking professional healthcare. This
of these language discrepancies, English is the language preference, stemming from factors such as feeling rushed,
used in the healthcare system. misdiagnoses or not being listened to, culminated in delays
In addition to this diversity among healthcare practi- in treatments and occasionally in untreatable complications.
tioners, the UAE population (around 10 million people) Such challenges faced within the UAE healthcare system
is diverse. UAE nationals comprise around 11.4% (ie, reinforce the reliance of many parents on home remedies.
1.16 million people) of the total population, with other This underscores the significance of addressing communica-
population groups being Indian (27.49%), Pakistani tion barriers and ensuring culturally competent care in the
(12.69%), Bangladeshi (7.40%), Filipino (5.56%), healthcare system to enhance the quality of services and user
Iranian (4.76%), Egyptian (4.23%), Nepali (3.17%), Sri experiences.
Lankan (3.17%), Chinese (2.11%) and other (17.94%).5 Previous studies indicated that medical providers with
A significant proportion of this population, especially poor cross-­ cultural communication skills had more job-­
UAE nationals and the Arab population, are not compe- related anxiety and dissatisfaction than those that had these
tent or literate in English, despite this being the main skills.169 It has also been reported that health professionals
language used in the healthcare system. Using the English tended to rely on bilingual colleagues or patients’ relatives
language mainly for communication in the healthcare as interpreters to cope with language-­related communica-
system has created gaps between healthcare practitioners tion barriers.17 18 However, given that the use of these casual
and patients. In addition to practitioner–patient commu- interpreters has previously been associated with several issues
nication issues, which affect the quality and safety of (eg, miscommunication, poor quality care, confidentiality
services, the diversity in the UAE healthcare system has problems), it may not offer a practical solution.19 A more
contributed to other professional and educational prob- common practice in addressing language barriers in health-
lems; in exceptional situations (eg, the recent pandemic), care settings is to utilise professional interpreter services.
this threatened the stability and sustainability of health- These trained individuals bridge the language gap and also
care services.2 6 Overall, this diversity has affected the understand the nuances, cultural contexts and medical
provision of comprehensive and culturally competent terminologies, which ensure a more accurate and efficient
healthcare for patients from different cultures, religions communication.20 21 Not incorporating such services where
and ethnicities.7 needed can potentially compromise patient care and safety.
The literature shows that there is more to communica- Furthermore, another study argued that discrepancies in
tion than merely speaking the same language. A previous communication related to language may increase patients’
study noted that language barriers have cultural connota- psychological stress and result in errors with medically signif-
tions8 as language and culture work in parallel. Therefore, icant consequences, whereas patients in language-­congruent
both language and culture need to be considered when encounters do not have this exposure.22
discussing communication. It is sometimes believed that In addition to unfamiliarity with the language and
healthcare providers can ‘learn as they work’ with patients culture23 highlighted a number of other factors that
from other cultures. Although elements of this assumption contributed to poor intercultural communication in
may be relatively true, there are dangers associated with this the healthcare context, including patients being too
simplistic attitude in the healthcare context, as it may result unwell or anxious to focus on communicating clearly,
in misunderstandings or mistakes (eg, misdiagnosis, violation providers being technology-­focused and time limitations.
of patients’ beliefs) that have associated financial and other It is important to note that language-­related communi-
costs.9 Culture-­based challenges identified in Arabic and cation problems impact both healthcare practitioners
Muslim contexts include managing non-­verbal communica- and patients. Associated problems include miscommu-
tion issues. For example, although many cultures use touch nication around details of diagnoses, care/other instruc-
as part of communication (eg, shaking hands), this contact tions and treatment options, which may reduce patients’

2 Al-­Yateem N, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e076326. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 on 22 December 2023. Downloaded from on May 4, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
adherence and increase their anxiety.17 The access of specialisation, years of experience in their respective
patients to high-­quality and timely healthcare service may practice areas, overall professional experience (including
be negatively affected,8 which influences their trust and experience in their home country and other countries
satisfaction from the services they receive. in which they had practiced) and the duration of profes-
Language-­ related communication problems between sional experience in the UAE. These initial questions
healthcare professionals who does not speak Arabic and were followed by a general discussion about the diffi-
their local patients are common in the UAE. Therefore, culties and challenges faced when communicating with
we investigated language barriers encountered by health- patients or patients’ relatives with whom they did not
care practitioners when communicating with patients/ share a common language (eg, English, the participant’s
patients’ families in the absence of a shared language in native language or any other language). Probing ques-
different healthcare contexts in the UAE. We explored tions were used to elicit details about the consequences
practitioners’ perceptions of the impact these language and effects of these challenges, coping strategies used
barriers had on their daily practice as well as their sugges- and effective approaches to address these challenges. In
tions regarding potential solutions. addition, participants were asked about any support avail-
able to help them tackle this issue and recommendations
for future strategies that could be helpful.
METHODS Each interview lasted approximately 30–45 min and was
Study design conducted at a location agreed on with the participants
This study used a qualitative exploratory phenomeno- to ensure their comfort and maximise the information
logical design. This design was considered appropriate obtained. The interviews were recorded and then tran-
to answer our research questions about healthcare prac- scribed for analysis. The recording method minimised the
titioners’ experiences in relation to language-­ based impact on the quality of data obtained. To protect partic-
communication challenges and barriers encountered ipants’ privacy, all data, including participants’ interview
during daily practice in healthcare settings in the UAE. recordings, were anonymised and kept confidential, and
no details that could potentially reveal their identity or
Study participants and setting workplace were reported. These considerations were
Participants in this study were expatriate healthcare crucial for improving the quality of data obtained given
practitioners working in the UAE who were not fluent the sensitive nature of the topic, as participants shared
in Arabic. The determination of their fluency in Arabic experiences and difficulties they had encountered while
was based on their self-­assessment rather than a formal caring for patients and families. This study included 14
language proficiency test. We included participants with healthcare practitioners. Data saturation was achieved
various medical and nursing specialties from different with this sample. The data was collected over a period of
UAE healthcare institutions. Study participants were 3 months from January 2023 to March 2023.
diverse in terms of their years of work experience, had
experience working in different healthcare systems Data analysis
and settings, and spoke different languages than their The data collected in the in-­ depth interviews were
patients. analysed using Van Manen’s selective or highlighting
We purposively selected a sample of volunteer partic- approach, following the iterative process followed in the
ipants with diverse specialties from major hospitals in hermeneutic circle. The process started with verbatim
different Emirates. This allowed us to capture differing transcriptions of the audio recordings, which allowed us
perspectives and insights from practitioners with varying to grasp participants’ descriptions of their experiences
levels and types of work experience. After gaining in their entirety. Each transcript was read multiple times
approval from the relevant hospitals, an email was sent not only to foster familiarity with individual participant
to healthcare staff in each hospital that included infor- narratives (the ‘parts’) but also to gain an overall under-
mation about this study and an invitation to participate. standing of the collective experiences (the ‘whole’).
The invitation emphasised the confidentiality of their Initial notes were recorded during these readings.
participation and the protection of their data. Inter- Drawing on the principles of the hermeneutic circle,
ested participants responded to the email invitation, and our understanding of individual statements was enriched
arrangements were made for their interviews. by our evolving comprehension of the overall narrative,
and vice versa. Throughout this process, we identified
Data collection statements or phrases that seemed ‘particularly essential
Data were collected through in-­ depth semi-­
structured or revealing’ about the participant’s experiences.24 These
interviews. The interviews were conducted in English key statements, phrases or words were highlighted for
language. deeper examination.
An interview guide was developed to guide the inter- Subsequent to this, initial descriptive coding was under-
views and maximise the data collected (online supple- taken. The highlighted portions were coded using partici-
mental file). The interview guide covered participants’ pants’ own language, grounding our analysis in their lived
native language, other languages they spoke, field of experiences. Codes with similar content were grouped

Al-­Yateem N, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e076326. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 3

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 on 22 December 2023. Downloaded from on May 4, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
iteratively and then were merged together and organised the UAE dominates health services coverage, the private
into overarching themes. sector also plays a significant role in service provision.
One issue that is worth noting is the composition of the Regarding Arabic language proficiency, participants
research team; all research team members are fluent in self-­assessed and described their capabilities. While most
both Arabic and English. While some are native English of the participants reported a basic understanding of
speakers with fluency in Arabic, others are native Arabic some Arabic words and phrases, only one self-­described
speakers proficient in English. This linguistic diversity having an intermediate level of proficiency.
enables the team to discern subtle meanings and emotions The analysis of the interview transcripts revealed three
in the data. Such diversity ensures a comprehensive and main themes: Feeling left alone; Trying to come closer to
varied interpretation of the data. The team consistently their patients and Feeling guilty, scared, and dissatisfied.
discussed their findings to cover all data facets and mini-
mise any unintentional cultural or linguistic biases. Feeling left alone
All participants noted that in their workplace, non-­Arabic-­
Research team speaking medical practitioners were not offered formal
The study team comprised male and female researchers professional development to address language-­ related
with postgraduate qualifications. The team currently communication challenges in their clinical work. Some
worked in academic institutions but had previously held participants reported that they had faced similar chal-
clinical roles. All interviews were conducted by a female lenges in their previous work in other Gulf Cooperation
research assistant who was master’s-­prepared and familiar Council countries.
with the interviewing process. The team had no relation-
ships with the participants either before or at the time of There has never been formal training in the Arabic
the interview. However, to facilitate information sharing language received. (P5)
during the interviews, the interviewer took the time to No formal training in Arabic language received in all
establish a relationship with participants and started each the Gulf countries I worked in, including [the] UAE.
interview with general questions to break the ice and (P14)
strengthen the relationship before moving to the specific
interview questions. Participants also reported their workplaces did not
have facilities for formal interpretation services, meaning
Ethical considerations no professional medical interpreters were employed on
Healthcare practitioners who agreed to participate in this either a permanent or a temporary basis to facilitate
study received an information sheet that outlined their communication with patients. Many participants indi-
rights, including the right to withdraw from this study at cated they tended to ask medical and other staff working
any time without giving a reason. Furthermore, partici- with them to do translation for them when necessary.
pants were assured that their participation was anony- They described how this meant that they were often left
mous and that the information provided would be kept alone to cope during difficult situations.
confidential and only used for this study. Participants
I'll tell you from my experience in Bahrain, Saudi,
were asked to sign a written consent before conducting
and Dubai. The only place where it was formally avail-
the interview.
able was in Saudi in government hospitals; we have
a woman who sits there for translation. If three or
Patient and public involvement
more doctors need her, then it becomes more diffi-
cult. But here in hospitals, I rely on the nursing girls
who speak Arabic and have a little time to come from
their work or duty. And if they are busy, we cannot ask
FINDINGS them to come. So, we use anybody from the nursing
The interviewed participants consisted of a diverse group girls to the receptionists. (P7)
of medical and nursing practitioners from various coun-
tries, including India, Pakistan and America. They repre- Some participants indicated that they attempted to
sented both the public and the private healthcare sectors address the language barrier in their clinical work by
in the UAE. Approximately two-­thirds of the participants relying on a mix of broken Arabic and English, along with
were from the public sector, with the remainder from the non-­verbal language techniques. This meant that they
private sector. Their specialties included ophthalmology, could perform their clinical duties without requesting
intensive care, anaesthesia, nephrology, critical care medi- translation assistance from colleagues. However, they
cine, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, urology and noted that this approach was not always easy and could
internal medicine. Figure 1 provides a detailed break- cause problems if an incorrect word or phrase was used
down of the participants’ characteristics. in a certain context or a word was not pronounced prop-
The participants’ experience in the UAE varied, erly. At times, this could lead to even bigger issues. This
ranging from less than a year to over two decades of was further complicated by the many different Arabic
practice. For added context, while the public sector in dialects; some words that participants used could be easily

4 Al-­Yateem N, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e076326. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 on 22 December 2023. Downloaded from on May 4, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1 Participants’ characteristics. aYears of experience refers to experience in the UAE.

understood by some Arabic patients but not by others Participants highlighted various differences between
who used a different dialect. the UAE and their home countries in terms of aspects
of the healthcare system (eg, increased use of computers
Many times, I try to communicate with broken Arabic;
during patient encounters, which reduced actual time
I do communicate. But it does not work sometimes.
spent interacting with patients). These differences could
I will end up in a bigger issue, saying the word again
sometimes increase the difficulty of their work as they
and again until they understand it. This is frustrating
sought to focus on patient treatment. Many participants
for me and for them. (P12)
highlighted that language barriers presented the most
Now, Emirati Arabic is what I am mostly used to. significant challenge in their workplace and negatively
Egyptian Arabic is sometimes difficult to understand impacted their communication with Arabic-­ speaking
because the terms they use are slightly different from patients and the families. Participating healthcare profes-
what the Emirati use, and there are many other dia- sionals suggested that speaking directly to their patients
lects. (P9) (ie, in Arabic) was an important consideration. They
Those who are coming from Jordan, Syria, Iraq, their noted that this would facilitate and enhance communica-
dialect is slightly different from what Emirati speak. tion with their Arab patients.
Sometimes, we feel the language barriers come.
However, at times the use of broken Arabic was consid- Because we can communicate with the patients more
ered helpful, especially when words/phrases were if we know Arabic, but due to this, we feel more re-
correct. Participants noted that many patients and their
stricted. (P2)
families appeared to be more comfortable with this form
of communication and were receptive of the messages. From my experience, there are three challenges; one
of them is the language, of course. (P4)
Many of them will be surprised when I say it in Arabic
words; they will like it and laugh, and they look more Participants reported that the communication problem
engaged, even with the simple words that I use. (P13) worsened when none of the patient’s family members

Al-­Yateem N, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e076326. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 5

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 on 22 December 2023. Downloaded from on May 4, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
present understood English. If at least one family Some participants noted that communication in a
member could speak or understand English, healthcare patient’s native language was required to help them stay
practitioner–patient communication was facilitated. This calm and offer counselling.
language barrier often meant that participants felt unsatis-
It is difficult with patients who are very anxious about
fied with their performance because they were concerned
it, and if I have to calm them down or counsel them,
about not being able to convey complete messages and
then it gets very difficult. (P1)
proper treatment or care directions to their patients.
Another challenge related to insufficient language
I find it difficult to communicate with them. And this
skills was communicating with patients about critical
is where I worry. The challenges I would say I am not
health issues (eg, kidney failure), where detailed infor-
very sure if I conveyed the message or not. (P7)
mation needed to be exchanged.
Some participants mentioned they had encountered I know that sometimes patients are very sensitive.
serious life-­or-­death matters that they felt could not be In our field, with kidney failure cases, it is very diffi-
ignored. In these situations, optimal communication was cult, like breaking bad news. I say to my patient you
required to avoid threats to life. require daily dialysis; I use very superficial broken
…there are two scenarios, what I will say: 1) If the Arabic terms for that. (P3)
patient has an ectopic pregnancy or 2) the patient Furthermore, participants suggested that healthcare
has a small baby because they are two life-­threatening practitioners needed to appreciate the importance of
things. One for the baby and one for the mother. I learning the local language, especially when this allows to
have to make sure that the patients fully understand provide a better quality and safer care for their patients.
the situation. Sometimes the idea that they did not
Language is very important, especially for us Indians.
understand me scares me. (P7)
We know the value of a language, as India has lots of
It was noted that such risky situations had potential to languages. If I know one language I can speak, then
negatively impact healthcare practitioners, especially if I can speak to 1–100 million people who speak this
a patients left the encounter without a sufficient under- particular language. (P3)
standing of the explanations and instructions they were In addition, participants highlighted that learning at
given. Some participants also noted that they preferred least some of their patients’ native language always made
to speak directly to their patients without a third party a difference when attempting to establish relationships
present to provide translation, but this was not possible with patients.
without being fluent in Arabic.
So, to know something is better than to know noth-
I want to ensure that they understand my message. ing…the language is very important, especially with
They go with a little more than half a message. It locals. It makes a difference if you know how to speak
makes me feel a bit scared of how to communicate in some languages…You will build trust and satisfaction,
such a scenario. I have used nurses also, or nursing as- especially since we are dealing with human beings.
sistants. But again, I feel I can do better if I can speak (P3)
directly to them. (P7)
An important point raised by participants was that the
language barrier and associated communication prob-
Feeling insufficient: Trying to come closer lems had a serious impact on them as healthcare prac-
Participants believed that healthcare practitioners titioners. It was noted that this issue could result in lost
working in the UAE should at least try to acquire basic confidence in performing their job.
terms in the local Arabic language to better commu- Initially, it was…a’ah…Communication was very diffi-
nicate with their only Arabic-­speaking patients. Some cult because I don’t know any Arabic and here, they
participants noted that patients often demanded speak mainly Arabic. So, it was really a problem, and
detailed information in Arabic, which could cause addi- I was frightened to go to the office. And I don’t know
tional stress and challenges. This was noted as a major what I will face sometimes if I am called. I don’t know
issue during a patient’s first visit to the clinic when what they will give me. (P11)
communication was particularly challenging as health-
Many participants offered examples of situations that
care professionals lacked sufficient information about
highlighted the importance of proper communication
their health status.
with patients in clinical environment, especially as they
Patients are looking for details; they have lots of ques- often needed to exchange complex information about
tions. If the patient is diagnosed with diabetes and patients’ medical history, diagnosis and care. Several
if I have to treat them by giving them injections in participants shared details of challenges they had expe-
the eye or I have to give them laser…there is a lot of rienced because of the lack of professional interpreters
information that needs to be given to patients. (P1) in their workplace. Participants also noted that in some

6 Al-­Yateem N, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e076326. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 on 22 December 2023. Downloaded from on May 4, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
cases, it was preferable for the interpreter to be a doctor It was also highlighted that participants encountered
to ensure important information was properly conveyed. cases that concerned serious matters that could not be
ignored. These cases required urgent and timely solu-
We need interpreters for the families who do not
tions, especially given the potential for negative conse-
know any English. Even if they know some English, I
quences for both patients and healthcare practitioners
prefer to use interpreters because there is some tech-
if a patient left the clinic without clearly understanding
nical stuff to be translated. It’s better to have inter-
important messages related to their health condition and
preters, which I prefer to be medical doctors, as they
know all the medical terms; even nurses and health-
care staff will not be able to express certain medical These are some of the potential risks that could occur
issues. (P6) as a result of the language communication barrier,
and that is a scary matter! I want to ensure that they
Patient–clinician communication in the first encounter
understand my message. They go with a little more
was noted to be more complicated than communication
than half a message. It makes me feel scared about
in subsequent visits or with patients who had visited the
how to communicate with such a scenario; I have
clinic frequently and could understand (at least partially)
used nurses also, but nurses or nursing assistants. But
some terms and instructions used. Patients’ attitudes
again, I feel I can do better if I can speak directly to
were noted as sometimes making communication more
them. (P8)
difficult, as uncooperative patients were considered more
challenging to communicate with. Participants sought to treat their patients as whole indi-
Patients are looking for details, and they have lots of viduals and address both physical and emotional needs.
questions. Added to that, communication gets diffi- However, when language-­based communication barriers
cult if the patient is not cooperative with the doctor existed, important information for patients may not be
and has lots of stress and fears. As a result, the doctor conveyed accurately.
requires a good bank of terms and phrases in Arabic Not just you do want to be in trouble. It’s not just
to enable him/her to handle such difficult situations. a doctor trying to save a patient’s life. You want to
(P1) express the importance, but not being able to…The
Participants indicated that cultural differences could message is not conveyed. (P10)
also complicate communication, as healthcare practi-
Participants stated that being unable to ensure that
tioners needed to be familiar with the culture as well as
important healthcare messages were properly commu-
knowing the local language. Becoming familiar with and
nicated to and understood by their patients gave rise
accepting other cultures was considered an important
to concerns and fears about potential negative conse-
additional task that must be undertaken.
quences (psychological and professional).
Settling down is important for medical practitioners
Yeah, and you worry that this patient is not listening,
who come to work in another country to show better
and they could come back with a bigger problem.
professional performance. In addition to language is-
sues, there is the culture. Language and culture often
go hand in hand in many scenarios and situations. Several participants gave examples of the impact of
They seem to be complementary. (P6) language barriers on effective communication based on
their past experiences in similar countries and contexts.
Feeling guilty, scared, and dissatisfied Understanding the local language would help them to
Participants reported that struggling to communicate communicate more effectively with patients but would
effectively and accurately share important information also offer some protection from potential risks.
with Arab patients often left them feeling frustrated and
Like when I first came to Saudi Arabia, I went to
Jeddah first, then from Jeddah to Dammam. Then,
So bad we feel sometimes. Otherwise, we do not face there was my passport stamping. I actually came to
any professional issues with this. But for our satisfac- Saudi during Ramadan; it was the first day of Ramadan
tion, we feel it is good to speak the patient’s language. and I was not able to receive my passport from the
(P2) first day I arrived. Somebody told me: go, go, go, and
others said: come, come, come. Something like: He
In addition, participants’ narratives suggested that
did not know English and I didn’t know Arabic. He
worry about not being able to accurately communicate
wanted to take me to the Airport in Dammam, a par-
essential information regarding patients’ health condi-
ticular airport, but he couldn’t understand me, and I
tions and treatment could have various negative impacts,
didn’t understand him. And he went to the comput-
both at the psychological and professional domains.
er and I said, why? He said something, he wanted to
The challenge, I would say, is that I am not very sure deport me. Yes, scary, sometimes misunderstanding
if I conveyed the message or not. (P7) communication becomes very difficult. (P12)

Al-­Yateem N, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e076326. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 7

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Participants expressed that reliance on help with were present at the location was a frequently suggested
patient communication from Arabic-­ speaking coun- solution for overcoming language barriers in healthcare
terparts introduced a risk for various communication settings.27–29 However, the use of professional interpreters
errors, potentially leading to patients missing important may vary by the type of healthcare professional and clin-
healthcare messages and instructions. As a consequence, ical situation.27 29
negative outcomes may arise that adversely impact both Participants occasionally relied on patients’ family
parties. Healthcare practitioners may be blamed for not members or bilingual staff as interpreters, even though
the consequences of language-­ related communication they may lack proficiency in medical terminology, poten-
problems, such as provision of insufficient details about tially side-­lining professional interpreters.29 30 Using ad
diagnoses and treatment and medical decisions based on hoc interpreters may be detrimental to effective health-
incomplete information. In some cases, such issues could care practitioner–patient communication and should not
have legal ramifications. be considered a replacement for professional interpreters
in healthcare settings. Another critical aspect brought to
…Yes, we rely a lot on interpreters from co-­workers,
the fore is the occasional dependence on patients’ family
etc., but is that correct? Is it appropriate? Is the mes-
members, including children, to serve as interpreters.
sage being conveyed properly? Is it what we want to
This approach, while seemingly convenient, poses a risk
say? We don’t know, we are not sure. What if it was
of compromising the patient’s confidentiality and inhib-
not accurate? What if they told me something not
iting the open discussion of sensitive or private matters.
correct? I will make a wrong decision based on that. I
Relying on ad hoc or family members interpreters, espe-
don’t know. (P5)
cially those without proficiency in medical terminology,
can lead to inaccuracies in translation and potential
miscommunications. Moreover, patients might withhold
DISCUSSION critical information or fail to ask important questions
This study investigated challenges associated with due to discomfort or fear of judgement from their family
language barriers for healthcare practitioners working in members. Thus, while family involvement can be bene-
diverse healthcare contexts in the UAE. All participants ficial in various aspects of patient care, serving as inter-
had experienced language barriers in their encounters preters may not be the optimal role for them, particularly
with patients or patients’ family members, as they spoke when discussing sensitive topics. Comprehensive profes-
no Arabic or only knew some Arabic words/phrases. sional interpretation services, familiar with both medical
Our findings suggested that language barriers negatively terminology and the nuances of patient privacy, remain
impacted healthcare practitioners’ daily clinical practice. paramount.
Participants reported sometimes feeling guilty, scared and The UAE government recognises the significance of
dissatisfied because of their inability to convey medical overcoming language barriers in healthcare. Existing
information accurately because of the language barrier. guidelines advocate for the use of professional inter-
Social identity theory (SIT) suggests that healthcare prac- preters, emphasising their importance in ensuring
titioners derive a sense of identity and self-­esteem from accurate and efficient communication. However, gaps
their professional group with a shared language and persist, around coverage and availability, also in relation
culture. When they cannot effectively communicate with to training healthcare practitioners in maximising the
patients or their families because of language barriers, benefits of working with interpreters. Observing health
they may feel inadequate and experience dissonance in systems from countries with significant immigrant or
their professional identity.25 minority populations, such as Canada or Australia, reveals
These negative impacts on healthcare practitioners’ a more structured approach to integrating interpreters
concept and self-­ esteem can have severe conse- into the healthcare process, ensuring inclusivity and
quences, including life-­ threatening misunderstandings, understanding.
adverse psychological effects and various professional Participants in this study believed that healthcare profes-
impacts. Therefore, comprehensive efforts are required to sionals should be proactive in learning basic medical
improve health equity by addressing language barriers.26 terms in Arabic to ensure they could communicate with
Participants in this study recommended using profes- their patients in their native language. In the global
sional medical interpreters to overcome language barriers healthcare landscape, cultural sensitivity is paramount,
in the healthcare context. However, it is essential to note particularly given the mosaic of nationalities present in
that effective collaboration with interpreters is a skill that settings like the UAE. Specifically focusing on the Arab
needs to be learnt and developed by healthcare practi- population, which serves as a case exemplar, it is clear
tioners.27 This highlights the importance of having access that linguistic competence goes together with cultural
to interpreters and understanding how to effectively work understanding. Arabic-­speaking patients might not only
with them to ensure accurate communication and under- come with linguistic preferences but also unique cultural
standing between healthcare practitioners and patients beliefs regarding healthcare, family dynamics and doctor–
who do not speak a shared language.18 28 A previous patient relationships. Addressing language barriers
study found that using professional interpreters who without accounting for these cultural nuances may only

8 Al-­Yateem N, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e076326. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 on 22 December 2023. Downloaded from on May 4, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
partly bridge the communication gap. This aligns with providing quality healthcare services, building trust and
the self-­categorisation process described in SIT, whereby rapport with patients, and improving patient outcomes.
individuals categorise themselves into a group and align
their behaviour with the norms and expectations of Conclusions and recommendations
that group.31 Learning basic medical terms in the local This research underscores the profound influence of
language allows healthcare practitioners to demonstrate language barriers on healthcare in the UAE, impacting
their affiliation with the cultural group of their patients, patient safety, the quality of care and the well-­being of
which can increase patient trust and satisfaction. This was healthcare practitioners. Comprehensive strategies are
consistent with a study that showed providing care in a essential for advancing health equity in light of the iden-
patient’s primary language improved communication, tified challenges.
built trust and enhanced the quality of care.32 Therefore, The integration of professional interpreters into health-
learning basic medical terms in patients’ native language care settings stands out as a critical solution to bridge the
offers an innovative and effective solution to address the language gap. Moreover, it is vital for healthcare profes-
language barrier issue and improve healthcare services sionals to be equipped with the skills necessary to collab-
for Arab patients. orate effectively with these interpreters. Another vital
Our participants indicated that the ability to commu- aspect is the encouragement for healthcare practitioners
nicate with patients in their local language was necessary to learn basic medical terminology in Arabic, which can
to help patients become calm and provide counsel- foster improved communication with Arab patients and
ling. Effective communication in a patient’s preferred enhance the overall care experience. Beyond language,
language improved patient satisfaction and perceptions gaining an understanding of the Arab culture is impera-
of care quality. Effective communication is also crucial tive for healthcare practitioners. This cultural familiarity
for building trust and establishing a positive relationship can amplify the depth and effectiveness of patient interac-
between healthcare providers and patients.8 10–13 Partici- tions, ensuring that care is both comprehensive and sensi-
pants highlighted the need for healthcare practitioners tive to patients’ backgrounds.
to be familiar with their Arab patients’ culture. This was The implications of this study extend to various stake-
consistent with previous studies that emphasised the holders. Policymakers can utilise our findings to craft
need for healthcare providers to be culturally compe- more informed healthcare policies, ensuring effective
tent.10 11 15 25 31 33 communication in diverse settings. Corporate entities
Concerns associated with being unable to accu- might consider introducing specialised training modules
rately convey medical messages to patients may nega- to equip their staff with the necessary linguistic and
tively impact healthcare practitioners psychologically cultural skills. On the hospital administration front, there
and professionally. This fear is consistent with a social is an urgency to ensure that professional interpreters are
identity threat, whereby individuals perceive that their accessible, fostering seamless communication between
social identity is threatened when they face situations patients and practitioners.
that compromise their ability to perform effectively.25 31 Future research directions could encompass exploring
Previous studies also reported that language barriers had the perspectives of Arabic-­ speaking patients. Such an
a negative impact on psychological well-­being and job endeavour would provide deeper insights into the chal-
satisfaction among healthcare providers.34 In particular, lenges of linguistic communication in the healthcare
poor communication can affect the delivery of quality context. In conclusion, addressing the interplay of
care, potentially leading to poor patient outcomes, lost linguistic and cultural nuances is crucial in healthcare.
resources and increased costs to the healthcare facility.1 Such considerations are pivotal for enhancing the quality
Failures in communication may also negatively affect of care, building trust and ensuring optimal patient
patient and staff satisfaction.35 Cultural differences outcomes.
mean that language-­ related communication barriers
may be compounded by some aspects of communica- Study limitations
tion (eg, use of abrupt language, too much or too little This study has several limitations that should be consid-
eye contact, rushed explanations), which negatively ered when interpreting the findings. First, the study relied
influence patients’ experiences. Therefore, providing on participants’ self-­assessment of their Arabic language
specific communication training for healthcare practi- proficiency rather than conducting a formal language
tioners may contribute to improved patient outcomes proficiency test. Self-­assessment can be prone to biases,
and satisfaction. with individuals potentially underestimating or overesti-
Language barriers can have major impacts on health- mating their abilities.
care delivery, patient safety and satisfaction. Compre- Additionally, participants were asked to share their
hensive efforts are required to improve health equity by experiences and difficulties encountered during their
addressing these challenges, including using professional professional practices. Given that admitting linguistic or
interpreters, educating staff on effective communica- professional shortcomings might be perceived as having
tion and familiarising themselves with patients’ cultural implications on their career, there could be a hesitancy
differences. Addressing language barriers is crucial for among some participants to fully disclose or elaborate on

Al-­Yateem N, et al. BMJ Open 2023;13:e076326. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076326 9

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certain challenges. This could lead to potential under-­ Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has
reporting or selective sharing of experiences. not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been
peer-­reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those
The study’s recruitment strategy, which purposively of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and
selected participants from major hospitals in different responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content
Emirates to gain diverse insights, might have inadver- includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
tently excluded experiences of healthcare practitioners of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error
from smaller or rural healthcare settings. This could and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.
potentially limit the generalisability of the findings. Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Another point to consider is the potential influence of Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which
the interview recording. While steps were taken to ensure permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-­commercially,
rapport-­building and create comfortable environments and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
for the participants, the presence of the recording device, is non-­commercial. See:
even though intended to ensure data accuracy, might
have made some participants more cautious or restrained ORCID iDs
Nabeel Al-­Yateem
in their responses. Fatma Refaat Ahmed
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the perspectives and experiences of healthcare profes-
sionals, it is important to acknowledge the intrinsic nature
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