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1ST MEETING TRANSCRIPTION certain in money or its equivalent is called the

buyer or the vendee.

Part 1 - Coolest Meg
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Obligations created by the contract of sale on the
part of the seller are 2, to transfer the ownership
and to deliver the determinate thing subject of a
contract. On the other hand, the obligation of the
buyer generally, because there are other
obligations, these are the main obligations, for the
buyer to pay the price.

And one of that is specially addressed or provided

for in the Civil Code is Sale. We have special
provisions on the Law on Sales.

Since a contract of sale, rather, since sale is a

contract, then necessarily all the essential
elements of a contract must be present. And you
have just learned the essential elements of a
contract - consent, subject matter, consideration.

You still recall your definition of a contract? But And you can still recall the definition of consent
what is a sale? According to 1458, one of the and you know the effect of a counter-offer because
contracting parties obligates himself to transfer the you know that for there to be consent, the offer
ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing, must be absolutely accepted. So if there is a
and the other to pay therefor a price certain in counter-offer, there can be no meeting of the
money or its equivalent. minds, so there can be no consent. Like what
happened in Manila Metal Container Corporation
vs PNB, because Manila Metal here offered to
repurchase the property that was the subject of a
foreclosure by the PNB. So, Manila Metal obtained
a loan from the PNB, the loan was secured by a
mortgage, it failed to pay the loan so PNB
foreclosed the mortgage, PNB was the highest
bidder in the foreclosure sale, and now Manila
Metal wishes to repurchase the property. But the
price offered by Manila Metal was not acceptable
to PNB, and there was an offer, counter-offer,
By the definition of sale, we already know the counter-offer, counter-offer, counter-offer, it lasted
obligations created by the contract. By the way, for more than 10 years. From a value of, an initial
going back to the definition, *went back to previous offer of less than 2M pesos, because of the period
slide* the first party here who obligates himself to that lapsed, it came to a point that the value of the
transfer the ownership of and to deliver a property reached 30M already. But was there a
determinate thing is called a seller or the vendor. meeting of the minds because Manila Metal was
The second party who obligates to pay a price insisting that the contract of sale or deed of sale
should be executed in his favor because it has
already deposited the amount for the repurchase.
The court said no, because a qualified acceptance
or one that involves a new proposal constitutes a
counter-offer and a rejection of the original offer.
Consequently, when something is desired, which is
exactly what is proposed in the offer, such
acceptance is not sufficient to guarantee consent
because any modification or variation from the
terms of the offer annuls the offer. The acceptance
must be identical in all respects with that of the
offer so as to produce consent or meeting of the And then you have the third essential element of a
minds. contract which must also be present in a contract
of sale which is consideration, in sale we call this
Oh by the way I have to warn you that we will not the price. It is not enough that the parties agree on
be deep diving into the law on sales, because the amount of the price, it is also equally important,
again we only have 3 weeks, 3 meetings to finish. this is part on the agreement of the price, for the
So my only expectation is for you to have at least a parties to agree on the manner of the payment of
working knowledge on the law on sales. the price.

What happened in Toyota Shaw vs CA? Actually

there was no clear, there can be no contract of
sale that can be gleaned from a document which
was dominated as an agreement between Mr
Sosa, the buyer, and Popong Bernardo of Toyota.
There were 3 items listed in the agreement, (1) all
necessary documents will be submitted to Toyota
Shaw a week after upon arrival of Mr Sosa from
Marinduque, (2) 100,000 will be paid by Mr Sosa
and (3) Toyota Shaw Inc will the light, the Toyota
The second essential element is subject matter, light ace yellow pick-up under lease by Toyota
and going back to the definition, a subject matter is Shaw on a particular date. There is no statement
a determinate thing. But is it really limited just to here of how the balance of the purchase price will
a determinate thing? Can a generic thing be the be paid. Maybe there know already what the price
object of sale? Yes, most definitely! What is the was, but how the balance of the purchase price will
test? If at the time the contract is entered into, the be paid is not indicated. The court said, the
thing is capable of being made determinate without provision on the down payment of 100,000 made
the necessity of a new or further agreement no specific reference to a sale, it could only refer to
between the parties. So even if the object is a sale on installment basis. As the BSP executed
generic, the performance of the seller’s obligation the following confirmed, but nothing was
meaning delivery and transfer of ownership mentioned about the full purchase price and
necessitate physical segregation or particular manner of installments, where to be paid. This
designation of the thing or the generic things, court had already ruled that a definite manner of
making the subject determinate. payment of the price is an essential element in the
formation of a binding and enforceable contract of
sale. So again, it is not enough that the parties
agree on amount of the price, but they must also
agree on the manner of the payment of price.
If all the elements are present, you know the effect, Another characteristic of sale is it is a bilateral
there’s a contract. If any of the elements is absent, contract, meaning both parties are bound to
there is no contract, we don’t even talk about a reciprocal prestations. The legal effects are first,
void contract, there is no contract PERIOD. But if the power to rescind is implied, neither party
there is a defect in one of the elements, or there is incurs delay if the other party does not comply, and
illegality in one of the elements, then there is a the moment one of the parties fulfills their
contract but the contract is void. obligation, the default by the other begins. This is
on the presumption of the simultaneity in the
performance of the contract, because if they agree
that one of the parties will fulfill his or her obligation
at some future time, then fulfillment by one party
does not necessarily result in the default of the
other party.

What are the characteristics of Sale? First is it

is a consensual contract. Again, going back to
the definition, by the contract of sale one of the
parties obligates himself to transfer and to deliver a
determinate thing, and the other to pay a price.
The definition does not say that by the contract of
sale one of the parties delivers and transfer
ownership and the other pays a price certain in What are the other characteristics? It is onerous
money or its equivalent. No, the contract is because it impose a valuable consideration as
perfected the moment they agree that one will prestation.
deliver and transfer ownership and the other It is nominate, there is a specific name given to
will pay the price. If they agree on the delivery it by law. I promise to deliver to you, for example,
and transfer of ownership of a thing, and the an iPhone 14 Pro Max and you'd promise to deliver
payment of the price, contract of sale is to me also an iPhone 13 Pro Max, and we agree
perfected. that it is a contract of sale. Is it a sale? No!
Because in a contract of sale one party obligates
And what if there was previous transfer of to deliver and to transfer a determinate thing and
possession? Delivery here refers to transfer of for the other to pay a price certain in money or its
possession, not delivery transfer of ownership. But equivalent.
they have not agreed on the price and the manner
of the payment of the price, can there be a contract Another example, I deliver to you an Iphone 14 Pro
of sale that is perfected? No, because again an Max, your obligation is to return that same phone
essential element is lacking or is absent. after 2 months or after a week, you deliver to me
the very same phone/cellphone that I have Are we good so far? We still have quite a lot of
delivered to you, and then we agree that it is a slides to go but anyway we have until 12 o'clock to
contract of sale. Is it really a contract of sale? Of finish the subject matter and we will finish before
course not! We go again to the definition of sale, 12. (Nice ka judge)
only when one of the parties obligates himself to
deliver and to transfer the ownership of a Let’s compare sale with other contracts. Sale
determinate thing and the other to pay a price against Agency to sell. What is the essence of an
certain in money that you call a contract a sale. agency to sell? The delivery of the thing to the
agent does not transfer ownership to him or to
The next characteristic is that it is a principal her. What is the essence of sale? Delivery to
contract, and you know what a principal contract the buyer transfers ownership. So if delivery to
is. So a sale does not depend on another the agent does not transfer ownership to him, or
contract for its existence. The parties in a her, or them or it, if the agent consummates a sale
contract of sale enter into the contract to and receives the price from the buyer, the agent
achieve within its essence the objections of the does not become the owner of the price. The agent
transaction and not just in preparation to enter must account for the price and deliver this to the
into another contract. principal. If the agent fails to account for the price
received, or fails to return the thing if it is not sold,
It is commutative because the fulfillment is then the agent may be held criminally liable for
predetermined in advance. misappropriation. If the buyer fails to pay the
price, there is no criminal liability, only civil

Now in Quiroga vs Parsons Hardware, Mr Quiroga

here manufactured Quiroga Beds and entered into
a contract with Mr Parsons, who owned Parsons
Hardware. They had a contract for the exclusive
sale of Quiroga Beds and some of provisions are
that Parsons shallorder the beds by the dozen, he
is entitled to a 25% commission, and he bound
Lastly, perfection of a contract of sale does not himself to pay Mr Quiroga for the beds received,
transfer ownership of the thing to the buyer. It TAKE NOTE, he bound himself to pay for the beds
is the delivery of the thing that transfers received within 60 days from the date of shipment.
ownership. Sale is merely a title that creates the And then Mr Parsons (i honestly think she meant
obligation to transfer ownership and deliver Mr Quiroga) filed a case against Parsons
possession to the buyer. Again, sale does not Hardware owned by Mr Parsons for breach of the
transfer ownership, it is the delivery that transfers contract of agency. He claimed that their contract
ownership. Delivery is the mode, the legal is a contract of agency, and that Parsons
means by which ownership is transferred to committed a breach and listed the act in breach,
the buyer. allegedly in breach of that contract. Now, to hold
Mr Parsons liable for breach of the contract of
agency, the court had to determine what kind of
contract really was entered between the parties.
What is a contract of agency or agency to sell? Or
what is a contract of sale? If you look at the
provision or stipulation for a 25% commission on
sales, then we will think taken, if take that alone,
we would think that the contract is the contract of
agency. But there is another stipulation, Mr
Parsons was required or obliged to pay the price
within 60 days from the date of shipment, meaning
regardless of whether or not the beds were sold,
Mr Parsons had to pay for the beds received. The But there are certain instances when we have to
court said the contract was a contract of sale not determine whether the contract is a contract of
an agency to sell. With respect to the commission, sale or contract for a piece of work, as discussed
the court said the commission simply means a in Del Monte Philippines v Aragones. Del Monte
discount on the invoice price. The word agency entered into a contract with MEGA-WAFF for the
only expresses that Parsons was the only one that installation of modular pavements in Del Monte’s
could sell Quiroga’s Beds in the Visayas. But the warehouse in Cagayan de Oro. And these
court said in the contract in question, what was pavements were very specific, these have to be,
essential as constituting its cause on subject these have to consist of S-shaped concrete blocks.
matter is that Quiroga was to furnish Parsons with So what MEGA-WAFF did was enter into a supply
the beds which Parsons might order at the price agreement with Dynablock, which is owned by Atty
stipulated and that Parsons was to pay the price in Aragones. Atty Aragones, the owner of Dynablock,
the manner stipulated. These are precisely the was not in the business of fabricating these
essential features of a contract of purchase and specially shaped concrete blocks. In fact, they still
sale. So since the court has determined that the had to fabricate the molds and the machines for
contract was a contract of sale, and the contract of the fabrication of the blocks. Now, MEGA-WAFF
agency to sell then there was no breach committed failed, there was a disagreement because one
by Parsons. party was claiming that the other party was in
default. And so MEGA-WAFF failed to pay the full
consideration under the supply agreement to
Aragones. What Aragones did was to write to Del
Monte, take note that the contract for the supply of
the S-shaped concrete blocks was between
MEGA-WAFF and Aragones. Del Monte and
Aragones had no privity of contract, Del Monte
may not even know who Aragones is. What
Aragones wrote to Del Monte requesting Del
Monte to hold any payment to MEGA-WAFF
Now how does sale differ from the contract for a because he has a claim against MEGA-WAFF
piece of work? If we are the customer, we order a which was not paid yet and which MEGA-WAFF
particular furniture from, for example there is a refuse to pay. Despite that letter sent by Aragones
manufacturer here near where I live in Mandaue, to Del Monte, Del Monte still paid MEGA-WAFF,
so a particular piece of furniture. If we are the fully paid MEGA-WAFF. So what Aragones did was
customer, we are satisfied with what was to file a case, collection case, against
fabricated and delivered to us and we pay the MEGA-WAFF and Del Monte. So the court
price. Do we concern ourselves with whether the determined what was the contract between
contract is contract of sale or contract for a piece MEGA-WAFF and Dynoblock owned by Aragones,
of work? No! As long as we are satisfied, we’re was it a contract of sale? Or was it a contract for a
okay. piece of work? The court said the supply
agreement is replete with specifications, terms or
conditions, showing that it was one for a piece of
work. There can be no gain saying that the
specifications or conditions in the supply
agreement and the admitted consequent directive
of Garcia, Garcia represents MEGA-WAFF, for
Aragones to fabricate machines for casting
S-shaped instead of Hexagon-shaped blocks show
that the concrete blocks were manufactured
specifically for and upon the special order of
Garcia, Garcia again represents MEGA-WAFF.
Therefore, invoking Article 1729 of the Civil Code,
the court held Del Monte liable. What does 1729
say? Those who put their labor upon or furnish
materials for a piece of work undertaken by the
contractor have an action against the owner up
to the amount owing from the latter to the
contractor at the time the claim is made. So
here, even if Del Monte has already fully-paid its
obligation under his contract with MEGA-WAFF,
because of its bad faith, it was already previously
notified by Aragones that Aragones has a claim
against MEGA-WAFF and yet it still paid
MEGA-WAFF, Del Monte was held liable and was What about donation sa imong mama? We said
made to pay Aragones. I want you to take note and earlier that sale is an onerous contract. But
remember this particular provision because many donation is a gratuitous contract, it is an act of
lawyers have forgotten this particular provision. liberality whereby a person called the donor
Now this is especially important when you disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in
represent a subcontractor, and that subcontractor favor of another person whom we call the
cannot claim from the contractor. You have to donee who accepts it. So sale is essentially an
determine the kind of contract you have, is a onerous contract whereas donation is a gratuitous
contract for a piece of work, you have a cause of contract. Sale is perfected with your consent since
action against the owner. it is a consensual contract, whereas donation is a
formal contract which must comply with the
formalities mandated by law for its validity.

Now why is it important to know whether a contract

is a contract of sale or a donation? The tax
consequences are different, and more importantly
to determine the validity and/or enforceability of the

For example there is a purported contract of sale,

Now what about Barter? Why do we need to know but the consideration is not commensurate to the
whether a contract is a contract of sale or a barter? value of the thing, meaning there is inadequacy of
Because the statute of frauds apply to sale of real the price. Now mere inadequacy of the price does
property and personal property at the price of 500 not necessarily invalidate the contract of sale.
pesos or more, you discussed that in Oblicon and Even gross inadequacy of the price, it may void
there is what you call a right of legal redemption, contract of sale, but there might be an underlying
which is one of the last topics that we’ll be taking agreement like it is really intended as a gift to the
up 2 weeks from now. There is a right of legal purported buyer. So if it’s really intended as a gift
redemption accorded to an adjoining owner of or a donation, then it must comply with the
an urban land. So if a piece of urban land is formalities of a donation. On the other hand, if the
sold, but there are certain conditions not any value of the burden placed upon the donee is more
piece of urban land is subject to legal than the value of the thing given, then it cannot be
redemption by the adjoining owner. So if a considered a donation, because we know that
piece of urban land is resold by the owner who donation is gratuitous. So it becomes an onerous
acquired it only for speculation purposes, the donation which may either be a sale or a barter. So
adjoining owner can exercise right of if it is now an onerous donation, which is either a
preemption or right of redemption, that is not sale or a barter, then defects in the form of the
available in case of barter. So if the property is contract does not matter, it is irrelevant, because if
delivered in exchange for another property, it is a sale or a barter, then it is a consensual
there is a right of legal redemption. contract.
Which brings us now to a new topic, we are done We call this an option contract *next slide. An
with comparing contract of sale with some option contract is a contract whereby the
contracts. Let’s go to promise to sell. owner of the property promises or agrees with
another that the latter shall have the right to
A promise to sell may either be a bilateral promise buy the former’s property at a fixed price within
or unilateral promise. If it’s a bilateral promise, a certain time, that’s how a case defined an
meaning a promise to buy and sell, there’s a option contract. So if I offer to sell to you my car for
promise to sell with a corresponding promise to 1M pesos, and you said I accept your offer let me
buy a determinate thing for a price certain then it think about it give me 10 days to decide. We have
results in a reciprocal demandable contract. In one entered into an option contract. The law says that
case the court said, an unconditional mutual for that to be binding on me, the
promise to buy and sell, as long as the object is offerer/thepromisor, it must be supported by a
made determinate and the price is fixed, can be valuable consideration separate from the price.
obligatory on the parties, and compliance therewith If it’s a sum of money that is given to me by you,
may accordingly be exacted. it’s called option money, that is not part of the
purchase price, that is the consideration for the
option for you exclusively to decide whether to buy
the car or not within 10 days. If after 5 days you
come to me and say, “Mam, I have decided to
purchase the car,” and I say “Oh, I have changed
my mind, I am not selling it anymore.” What is your
remedy? File an action against me on specific
performance. We have a binding option contract,
and I am bound by my offer and promise to sell to
you within 10 days. The problem arises if the
option is not supported by a separate
Now what about a unilateral promise? Only one consideration.
of the parties promises to do something,
maybe offer to purchase or offer to sell, usually By the way, going back to the separate
it is an offer to sell. So it is an accepted promise consideration for the option, it is not necessary that
to sell, you accept the promise to sell, but you did option money be paid, it can be other
not promise to buy, that is the second paragraph of consideration not necessary a sum of money for as
1479. For it to be binding on the promisor, it must long as it is valuable. In one case, the sellers
be supported by a separate valuable consideration owned 2 adjoining lots, parcels of land, so they
independent of the price. sold one of the parcels to the buyers. Lets just say
the market value at the time of the sale is 100
pesos per square meter, it was the prevailing
market value of the land. But it was sold at 150
pesos per square meter, what was the mark up
for? Because the buyers were given the option to
purchase the property at the same price and that
option was accepted by the buyers. SO they
agreed to pay for a much higher price for the first consideration supporting the option contract
lot because of the option given to them to however does not invalidate an offer to buy or to
purchase the adjacent property at the same price sell, an option unsupported by a separate
at some future time. The first question is, was consideration stands as an unaccepted offer to buy
there an option money paid? No there was not, but or to sell which when properly accepted ripens into
was there a valuable consideration for the option to a contract to sell. Please take note of this ruling of
purchase the second lot? Yes there was, the the court in PNOC v Keppel, if you should be
difference between the purchase price and the consulted by your client whether the client is the
market value, that was the consideration for the offerer or the offeree.
option, only that the court did not anymore allow
the exercise of the option because the buyers tried
to exercise it after 10 years. And you know the
statute of limitations, actions upon a written
contract prescribe in 2 years, so that was the
reason why the court did not allow the exercise of
the option. But as to the existence of an option
contract, yes there was. As to the existence of a
valuable consideration, yes there was.

That is option contract, *next slide* we also hear of

that phrase, Right of First Refusal. Is Right of
First Refusal the same as Option Contract? It is
not. In an option contract, there is a determinate
thing and a definite price. What about right of first
refusal? There is an intention of the owner to sell.
There is even no offer on the part of the owner to
sell the property to the beneficiary of the right,
there is merely a promise on the part of the owner
So let’s go to PNOC vs Keppel Phils Holdings, we that if he decides to sell the property, then the
said earlier, again that a unilateral promise to sell owner would first negotiate its sale to the
or to buy must have a separate consideration promisee. So there is no firm offer to sell, there’s
independent of the price for it to bind the offeror. just a promise that if I decide to sell, I will first offer
So what if there was no valuable consideration, it to you. If we cannot agree on the price, or the
separate consideration for the option, is it still terms of the sale, I will offer it to other persons.
binding on the promisor? Yes, it's still binding but it
can be withdrawn by the promisor at anytime. But So a right of first refusal cannot be deemed a
the moment the offeree accepts the offer, it can no perfected sale under Article 1458 nor an option
longer be withdrawn, it is binding on the offeror under Art 1479 because it merely pertains to a
even if there is no separate consideration for the specific property without containing an agreement
option. So, PNOC v Keppel, which just reiterated as to the price or terms of payment in case of the
an en banc decision dated 1958, the court said exercise of a right of first refusal. It is a
when an option to buy or to sell is not supported by contractual grant, not of the sale of the
a consideration separate from the purchase price, property, but of the first privity to buy the
the option constitutes as an offer to buy or to sell, property in the event that the owner sells the
which may be withdrawn at any time prior to the same.
communication of the offeree’s acceptance. When
the offer is duly accepted, a mutual promise to buy
and to sell under the first paragraph of Article 1479
of the Civil Code ensues and the parties’
respective obligations become reciprocally
demandable. It further said the absence of a
How does option differ from right of first refusal? Which brings us now to absolute and conditional
The form of option contract, the law does not sale. Do you have questions? No questions, we
specify that option contract should be in will now proceed. No questions mean you did not
writing, but the SC has declared that the right actually make an advance reading of the subject
of first refusal must be valid in a written matter. That’s okay with me. (Thank you Judge)
contract. In the case of Sen Po Ek Marketing
Corporation vs Martinez, the court said if the right Absolute and conditional sale, the second
of first refusal is not stipulated in the lease sentence of 1458 says a contract of sale may be
contract, it cannot be exercised and verbal grants absolute or conditional. We’re talking here of a
of such rights cannot be enforceable since the right contract of sale, which may be absolute or
of first refusal must be clearly embodied in a conditional, we are not talking here of a contract to
written instrument. But we have to qualify here, it is sell.
not necessarily embodied in a lease contract, but
usually a right of first refusal is embodied in a According to Ramos v Hereula, a contract of sale
lease contract, but not always, what is important is is absolute when title to the property passes to the
that it must be in writing. So you have a written vendee upon delivery of the thing sold.A deed of
agreement granting the beneficiary a right to first sale is absolute when there is no stipulation in the
refusal, but the owner sold the property to another contract that title to the property remains with the
person who was not aware of the grant, what is the seller until full payment of the purchase price.
remedy of the grantee? At the most, according to Finally it said, the sale is also absolute if there is
Ang Yu Asuncion vs Court of Appeals, it would no stipulation giving the vendor the right to cancel
merely organize the grantee to sue for damages unilaterally the contract the moment the vendee
under Article 19. However, if the buyer is aware of fails to pay within a fixed period.
the grant of the right of first refusal, we can charge
the buyer with bad faith. The grantee of the right In Mascunana vs CA, this is a sale of a portion of a
may sue for rescission of the contract, but it is not bigger parcel of land, the seller undertook to have
enough that the grantee sues for rescission of the the property surveyed and segregate the portion
contract because the reason for the action for purchased by the buyer, the seller undertook to
rescission is for the grantee to buy the property. If have a separate title issued in the name of the
the grantee does not intend to purchase the buyer, and only after segregation and issuance of
property, then there’s no point in filing an action for the title in the name of the buyer that the buyer is
rescission. The next question would be, at what obliged to pay the balance of the purchase price.
price? Because at the grant of the right of first This was an old case the price was just, would you
refusal, price is not agreed by the parties. Well, the believe, 4690 pesos, you cannot even buy 1
grantee will pay that price which was agreed square meter of property at that amount nowadays
between the seller and the buyer. in the city. Anyway, that was the condition, the
buyer will pay the balance of the purchase price
only after segregation of the property of that
portion purchased and the separate title issued in
the buyer’s name. Is this an absolute sale or a
conditional sale? The court ruled that the contract
was an absolute sale since the condition of the
balance of the purchase price will be paid upon positive suspensive condition, usually payment of
segregation and issuance of title in the name of the purchase price. If buyer defaults, seller is entitled
vendee merely provides the manner by which the to damages. The risk of loss is generally borne by
purchase price is to be paid. the seller, because ownership is reserved by the

In Romero v CA, the term "condition" in the context

of a perfected contract of sale pertains, in reality, to
the compliance by one party of an undertaking the
fulfillment of which would beckon, in turn, the
demandability of the reciprocal prestation of the
other party. The reciprocal obligations referred to
would normally be, in the case of vendee, the
payment of the agreed purchase price and, in the
case of the vendor, the fulfillment of certain
We have 2 kinds of conditional sale, we have an express warranties. For example, timely eviction of
executed contract and an executory contract. the squatters on the property.
An executed contract of a conditional sale is
when ownership is already delivered to the In Coronel v CA, which exhaustively discussed
buyer upon delivery but the buyer has not yet conditional sale as against contract to sell. In a
fulfilled certain conditions, most often, conditional contract of sale, upon the fulfillment of
payment of the full purchase price. So the the suspensive condition, the sale becomes
non-payment of the price is a negative resolutory absolute and this will definitely affect the seller's
condition, and you know what is a resolutory title thereto. If there had been previous delivery of
condition, and you know the effects of a negative the subject property, the seller's ownership or title
resolutory condition. We will not discuss that to the property is automatically transferred to the
anymore, you have just discussed that a few buyer such that, the seller will no longer have any
weeks ago. title to transfer to any third person.

A conditional sale can also be an executory

contract, executory in the sense that
ownership will not pass to the buyer. It will only
pass to the buyer at some future time upon the
fulfillment of some obligation, most often that
condition is the full payment of the purchase
price. The payment of the full purchase price is a
positive suspensive condition, that transfers

So if it is an executed contract, ownership is Now this brings us now to a contract to sell. Again,
conveyed upon delivery. If the buyer defaults, the according to Coronel v CA, a contract to sell is a
remedy of the seller is to sue for the price. And bilateral contract whereby the prospective seller,
because ownership is already transferred to buyer, while expressly reserving the ownership of the
even if he has not yet paid for the full purchase subject property despite delivery thereof to the
price, the risk of loss is formed by the buyer. Why prospective buyer, take note of the terms
what is our principle regarding loss under the Civil prospective seller, prospective buyer, so the
Code? Res perit domino. prospective seller binds himself to sell the property
exclusively to the prospective buyer upon
Now if it is an executory conditional sale, fulfillment of the condition agreed upon, usually, full
ownership is not yet conveyed to the buyer, payment of the purchase price.
because there has to be a fulfillment of some
So what happened in Coronel was that the heirs of the completion by the buyer of the payment of the
Constancio Coronel executed a document, a very price, the contract is only a contract to sell.
simple document, a receipt of downpayment. Now This might be a bit confusing to you because in
what were the conditions in this contract? The Reyes vs Salvador, the court said an agreement is
buyer would make a downpayment upon the also considered a contract to sell if there is a
execution of that document, the receipt of that stipulation therein giving the vendor the rights to
downpayment. Then, sellers, the heirs of unilaterally rescind the contract the moment the
Constancio Coronel would cause the transfer in vendee fails to pay the price. In other cases, there
their names of the title, because it was still in the can be no rescission of a contract to sell because
name of their predecessor in interest. So the there is no contract to speak of in the first place.
Coronels, the heirs would cause the transfer in So this will be a bit confusing to us, here there is a
their names of the title of the property registered in stipulation to unilaterally rescind, and whereas in
the name of their deceased father upon receipt of other cases the court said there is nothing to
the down payment. Upon the transfer in their rescind because there is no contract of sale yet.
names of the subject property, the Coronels will And then later this morning, we will take up
execute the deed of Maceda Law which requires rescission of a
absolute sale in favor of Ramona, the buyer, and contract to sell.
the latter will pay the whole balance of the
purchase price which was P1,190,000.00. Was this
a contract to sell or a conditional sale? In this case,
the court ruled that it is a conditional sale because
as we have discussed earlier, in a conditional sale
ownership is immediately transferred to the buyer
upon fulfillment of the suspensive conditional.
Whereas in a contract to sell, discussed again in
Coronel, upon the fulfillment of the suspensive
condition which is the full payment of the purchase
price, ownership will not automatically transfer to
the buyer although the property may have been Question, if the owner of the property has
previously delivered to him. The prospective seller previously entered into a contract to sell with
still has to convey title to the prospective buyer by another prospective buyer, and during the
entering into a contract of absolute sale. existence of that contract the buyer has not yet
fulfilled the positive suspensive condition, this
owner sells the same property to another buyer
representing a different interest, would that sale be
valid? Answer is YES. Why? Because the owner is
still the absolute owner of the property. This is
without prejudice to damages that may be
recovered by the prospective buyer. And we will
say an example later.

In Reyes vs Salvador, the court said an agreement

is also considered a contract to sell if there is a
stipulation therein giving the vendor the rights to
unilaterally rescind the contract the moment the
vendee fails to pay within a fixed period and to
consequently open the subject property anew to
purchase offers. In the same vein, where the seller
promises to execute a deed of absolute sale upon
So how does a contract of sale differ from a should be a deed of absolute sale, not just a
contract to sell? Olivarez Realty Corporation vs deed of conditional sale.
Castillo emphasized that the distinction is
important to determine the applicable laws and Which brings us to a new topic - object. Do you
remedies in case a party does not fulfill his or her want a break or you want to proceed? *May we
obligations under the contract. In contracts of take a break judge?* Okay, let’s have a 10 minute
conditional sale, our laws on sales under the Civil break? *Thank you Judge.
Code of the Philippines apply. On the other hand,
contracts to sell are not governed by our law on JEG
sales but by the Civil Code provisions on
conditional obligations.

In a contracts to sell, failure to fully pay the

purchase price is merely an event which prevents
the prospective seller’s obligation to convey title
from acquiring a binding force. This is because
there can be no rescission of an obligation that is
still nonexistent, the suspensive condition not
having happened yet.

We refer to the determinate thing, which is the

subject matter of a contract of sale.

What are the qualities of an object? It must be

lawful; determinate or determinable; existing,
future, or contingent; and we will talk about
transferability of interest.

This is the pronouncement in Olivarez v Castillo. In

a conditional sale, the buyer automatically
acquires title to the property upon full payment
of the purchase price. This transfer of title is by
operation of law without any further act having
to be performed by the seller. In a contract to
sell, transfer of title to the prospective buyer is
not automatic. The prospective seller must
convey title to the property through a deed of
conditional sale. That is really the ruling of the
court, through a deed of conditional sale, this
First, it must be lawful. 1459 says that the thing determinate or determinable? You cannot
must be licit and the vendor must have a right to determine it yet. You are a co-owner of a 1,000
transfer ownership thereof at the time it is square meter parcel of land. You have not
delivered. partitioned the land yet with your other co-owners.
Can you sell your undivided share? Yes. But it is
In relation to that, you have just recently discussed not determinate, yes. What will happen to the
that all things which are not outside the commerce seller buyer? What will be the portion owned by the
of men including future things may be the object of seller buyer? Well, the seller… rather, the buyer,
a contract. All rights which are not intransmissible will own an indeterminate portion of the
may also be the object of contracts, but no contract property. If you sell your entire share in the
may be entered into upon future inheritance except co-owned property, then the buyer becomes a
in cases expressly authorized by law. co-owner to the extent of the share that was sold.

So, example of an unlawful object, not unlawful per Now what about in—in case of tangible goods?
se, not the thing per se, but because it partakes of There is a warehouse full of palay. You know what
a future inheritance. That what—that’s what’s palay is? That is unmilled, uh, rice.
makes it—that’s what makes it—nag tongue
twisting na ko—that’s what makes it unlawful, Warehouse full of palay containing about 10
because it is still future inheritance. So, one tons—10,000 kilos—of palay. And you buy 500
example is a piece of land. Land per se is not an kilos, but it’s not physically segregated yet,
illegal object of sale, but because it is still because you have no place to store 500 kilos of
something that you expect to inherit, it palay. Is the sale valid? Yes, you become the
partakes of a future inheritance, and cannot be owner to the extent of 500 kilos.
a valid object of a contract of sale.
If you purchase 15 or 11 tons of palay, but what’s
Also, property under the Comprehensive Agrarian actually inside the warehouse is just 10 tons, then
Reform Law. There is a 10-year period of limitation the seller has to make good the deficiency.
within which the beneficiary cannot convey the

And also, of course, contraband—your shabu… in

the Philippines, your marijuana… are unlawful
objects per se.

There is no problem if the thing is already existing

at the time the contract of sale is entered into. But
can future things be the object of sale? Yes.
1461 says things having a potential existence
may be the object of a contract of sale. Even
sale of hope or expectancy is valid, on the
Now, the other qualit—quality of an object is that it condition that the thing will come into
must be determinate or determinable. And you existence. But sale of vain hope or vain
know the test. It must be capable of being expectancy is void. Things subject to a
segregated without further agreement between contingency can be the subject of a contract of
the parties. sale.

But what about sale of an undivided interest in a We have Tañedo v. Court of Appeals. Lazaro
parcel of land, because we said that the thing is Tañedo here executed an absolute sale—deed of
absolute sale—in favor of his brother and the sale between Miguel Socco and Arturo Reyes,
brother’s wife—so the brother and his wife, over 1 such that his heirs, meaning Arturo Reyes’ heirs,
hectare of whatever he would inherit from his would inherit that right from him? The court said
father. Meaning, he sold 1 hectare of his future no. Petitioners, meaning the heirs of Arturo Reyes,
inheritance. We know that is void because that is cannot derive title to the subject property by virtue
sale of future inheritance. The question is, because of the contract to sell. It was unmistakably stated in
after the death of their father, he executed an the contract and made clear to both parties thereto
affidavit of confirm—of conformity, affirming the that the vendor, Miguel Socco, was not yet the
sale that he previously executed in favor of his owner of the subject property and was merely
brother. expecting to inherit the same as his share, as
co-heir of Constancia’s estate. Don’t be confused
Question is, did this affidavit validate the previous by the phrase “merely expecting to inherit,”
sale? Again, no, because, what have you learned because at the time the contract was entered into,
again in ObliCon which you just recently concluded Constancia already died. So this was not a sale of
discussing? You cannot ratify a void contract. future inheritance.
Although, there was another sale that—deed of
sale that he executed after the death of his father. So the court concluded: hence, there was no valid
And that was perfectly valid, because it did not sale from which ownership of the subject property
make reference to the void sale during the would have transferred from Miguel Socco to
death—during the lifetime, rather, of his father. Arturo Reyes. Hence, the latter conveys nothing
acquiring ownership—acquiring ownership over it.
Now, Heirs of Arturo Reyes v. Beltran refers to a
contract to sell, but the condition is not payment of
the purchase price. This was subject to a
contingency. What was the contingency? That
Miguel Socco, the seller, would inherit—actually he
already inherited; only there was no settlement of
the estate yet of the decedent. So, there was no
partition yet of the estate. So he entered into a
contract to sell with Arturo Reyes over a parcel of
land that he expected to inherit. What he meant
was that he expected it would be adjudicated to
him during the settlement of the estate of the
decedent Elena Socco-Beltran—no, not Elena Transferability of ownership… we discussed earlier
Socco-Beltran. Uh, Constancia Socco. that it is delivery that transfers ownership. And
therefore, ownership of the seller is required at the
Beltran was the one who was given that particular time of delivery, because as we previously said,
parcel of land. So the contingency, the condition, future things can be the object of a sale, for as
did not happen, because the condition was he long as they are capable of coming to existence…
would sell the property to Arturo Reyes once he or things not yet owned by the seller but already
inherits; meaning, once he becomes the absolute owned at the time of the delivery. That is perfectly
owner of that particular parcel of land. valid, because it’s only at the time of delivery that
Unfortunately, it was not adjudicated to him. It was ownership is transferred to the buyer.
adjudicated to Elena Socco.
What happened in Cavite Development Bank?
So when Elena Socco filed an application, uh, for There is this ungrateful son, Rodolfo Guansing,
the purchase of the property before the proper who executed an affidavit of adjudication of sole
government office, the heirs of Arturo heir—claiming that he was the sole heir of his
Reyes—because Arturo Reyes already father, Perfecto. But at the time that he executed
died—objected, because they claimed that the this affidavit of adjudication, his father was still
property was theirs, it was purchased by their alive. In other words, he killed his father in that
father from Miguel Socco. Was there a contract of particular document. That’s why he was able to
transfer the title of this particular property in his Cavite Development Bank to Lim of the property
name. And what he did was to obtain a loan from mortgaged by Rodolfo Guansing must therefore be
Cavite Development Bank, secured by a mortgage deemed a nullity, for the bank did not have a valid
of this property which is now registered in his title to the said property. To be sure, the bank
name. He defaulted in the payment of the loan, never acquired a valid title because the foreclosure
and so Cavite Development Bank foreclosed the sale by virtue of which the property had been
mortgage. Cavite Development Bank was the sole awarded to it as highest bidder is likewise void,
and highest—well, it is the sole, so therefore, it since the mortgagor was not the owner of the
was the highest bidder. property foreclosed.

In the meantime, there was a pararrel—parallel In Vagilidad… a co-owner here sold a definite
action filed by the father because the father portion of a co-owned property. What did we say
discovered what his ungrateful son did to him. So earlier? You can sale—you can sell an undivided
the father filed an action for the reversion of the interest in real property before partition; but
title, back to his name. And if you are the son who undivided interest, not a definite portion. So the
killed your father by executing an affidavit of buyer becomes the owner of that undivided
adjudication of a sole heir, would you contest the interest. The buyer does not become the owner of
action by your father for the reversion of the title in a particular portion.
his name? Of course you would not. And so,
Rodolfo did not oppose the action filed by his But what happened in Vagilidad v. Vagilidad was
father! And so the court granted the prayer and that this seller, this co-owner, sold a definite portion
ordered the reversion of the title back to the name of the co-owned land, with the metes and bounds
of the father. indicated before partition. That would have been
void because a co-owner cannot sell a definite
What is the effect now of the foreclosure of the portion of co-owned property. But later, the entire
mortgage? Was the foreclosure of the mortgage property was adjudicated to him because the other
valid? The court said no. Why was it not valid? co-owners have admitted that they have already
Because Rodolfo had no title over the property, received their respective shares in the estate of
and so therefore, the mortgage was invalid. If the their predecessor-in-interest. So subsequently, this
mortgage was invalid, there was no valid—there seller became the absolute owner of the entire
can be no valid foreclosure of the mortgage. If property. Now, that validated the sale.
there was no valid foreclosure of the mortgage,
then Cavite Development Bank did not as—the And we have discussed Heirs of Arturo Reyes v.
highest bidder, presumably, in the foreclosure Beltran… said that Atur—Arturo Reyes could not
sale—did not acquire any right. And since Cavite have transferred any right to his heirs because he
Development Bank has no title over the property, it had no valid title over the property which was yet
could not convey title to Mrs. Lim, who entered into to be sold to him. But the sale did not materialize
a contract with Cavite Development Bank for the because the seller, or Miguel Socco, did not
purchase of the land. become the owner of that property after the
settlement of the estate of Constancia Socco.
So this was the discussion of the court: given
Cavite Development Bank’s acceptance of Lim’s
offer to purchase, it appears the contract of sale
was perfected, and indeed partially executed
because of the partial payment of the purchase
price, albeit denominated as option money. There
is, however, a serious legal obstacle to such sale,
rendering it impossible for Cavite Development
Bank to perform its obligation as seller to deliver
and transfer ownership of the property, because it
never acquired a valid title, because the
foreclosure was void. In this case, the sale by
Price! family was living in the property of Bustos. Bustos
was a landlady. She had a house in the poblacion.
The third essential element of a contract of sale. It She allowed Cruzado and his family to live in that
signifies the sum stipulated as the equivalent house. That’s how poor Cruzado was.
of the thing sold, and also every incident taken
into consideration for the fixing of the price put So that he could work as a procurador, he went to
to the debt of the buyer and agreed to by him. Bustos, his kumadre, and asked her to execute a
deed of sale over a certain parcel of land, so that
Ideally it’s a sum certain in money. But he could use it as a property bond for him to be
price—for—for there to be agreement with respect able to work as a procurador. And so he was
to the price as we have discussed earlier, there accommodated by the kumadre. Now, a deed of
must also be an agreement with respect to the sale was executed by the kumadre in his favor.
manner that the price is to be paid. How close was Cruzado and Bustos? Their
families were close, such that the son of Cruzado
married the daughter of Bustos! Now, this son,
named Santiago Cruzado, went over the files—the
records of his father—and discovered this deed of
sale executed by his mother-in-law in favor of his

But this parcel of land was already sold by his

mother-in-law to another person. He wanted to
recover this property, claiming that it was sold by
his mother-in-law—that’s how ungrateful he
was—it was sold by his mother-in-law to his father.
The price must be real, it must be in money or its It was determined tha t the sale was simulated
equivalent, and it must be certain or ascertainable. because the price was absolutely simulated. In
fact, the father never—during his lifetime—never,
never took possession of the property; and never
declared the property to be owned by him. It was
this ungrateful son who filed a case against his
own mother-in-law.

So the question is, can this son, Santiago

Cruzado, recover the property and be declared the
owner of this property purportedly sold by his
mother-in-law to his father? The court said no.
Santiago Cruzado did not acquire any right over
the land because his father, Agapito, could not
When is price considered real? If there is a legal transmit any to him—the sale between Estefania
intention on the part of the buyer to pay, and a Bustos and the elder Cruzado being simulated.
legal expectation on the part of the seller to The price of the land was not paid, and the
receive. Legal intention to pay, and legal purported vendee or his heirs—Agapito Cruzado
expectation to receive. and his heirs, this includes Santiago Cruzado—did
not at any particular point in time take possession
Like Cruzado v. Bustos. We call him a poor
of the property. So earlier we had an ungrateful
man—Agapito Cruzado applied for the position of
son, now we have an ungrateful son-in-law.
procurador in their municipality. While he had the
qualifications, he could not start discharging his Now Doles v. Angeles… Doles, uh, represented
functions as a procurador, because he was her friends. Doles and Angeles maybe were
required to put up either a cash bond or a property friends. Doles was the agent of a lender… no!
bond. He had no money! So he could not put up Angeles was the agent of the lender, Doles was
the cash bond. He had no property! In fact, his
the agent of some of her friends who wanted to Yes, unfortunately, upon the instance of lawyers.
borrow money. So they could not borrow money Unfortunately, upon the instance of lawyers to
from the lender, because they did not know each deprive the Government of the rightful taxes owed
other. But Doles and Angeles knew each other. So to it. If the price is false, would that affect the
through the representation of Doles to Angeles, the validity of the contract of sale? No. But the
loan was extended to these friends of Doles. underlying deed or document is subject to
reformation. According to Dean Villanueva, if the
And the loans were granted by Angeles’ principal, price of the covering instrument is false, the
the real lender. These friends defaulted in the contract of sale is valid, but the underlying deed is
payment of their loans; and so maybe, the lender subject to reformation to indicate the real
was demanding from Angeles—his agent—to intention—to indicate the price upon which the
collect. And since, the loan was obtained through minds of the parties have met.
Doles, who represented—maybe helped or
assisted her friends to obtain the loan—so Angeles Now, many lawyers would draft deeds of absolute
was demanding payment from Doles. Take note: sale with a very marked down price indicated, in an
there was no privity of contract between Doles and attempt to avoid—no, not avoid—to evade
Angeles; the contract was between the friends of payment of the correct documentary stamp tax and
Doles—the borrowers—and the principal of capital gains tax. But the BIR is wise! The BIR will,
Angeles, the lender. uh, compute the tax based on whichever is the
highest between the market value indicated in the
Now, Angeles threatened to sue Doles for payment tax declaration, the price indicated in the deed of
of the loan. And so Doles was compelled to offer sale, and the zonal valuation. But in many
an unpaid house and lot to Angeles, but did not instances, the price is still much higher than the
execute the corresponding deed of sale. This zonal valuation. So it is sad that lawyers have
would have been a dacion en pago, because this become instruments of defrauding the Government
would have been payment—delivery of real of the rightful taxes owed to it.
property as payment for an obligation to pay a sum
of money. But the problem is, Doles did not owe
Angeles anything. Doles was not the borrower,
Angeles was not the lender. Why would the sale be
in favor of Angeles as payment for the loan? The
question now is, can Angeles, the purported buyer,
compel Doles, the purported seller, to execute the
corresponding document to transfer Doles’ land to

The court said no. It explained: in view of the two

agents’ relationships, petitioners—referring to
Doles—and respondent—referring to Okay, another requisite for a valid price is that it
Angeles—are not privy to the contract of loan must be in money or its equivalent. In most cases,
between their principals, since the sale is price is stated in a sum of money. But can there be
predicated on that loan—so like a dacion en a sale even if the consideration or the price is not
pago—then the sale is void for lack of in a sum of money? Yes.
consideration. So here, there was no
consideration, because this is supposed to be a In Torres v. Court of Appeals… incidentally, this is
dacion en pago, but Doles did not owe Angeles a Lapu-Lapu case… the court said: in this case,
anything. the cost of the contract of sale consisted not in the
stated peso value of the land, but in the
Now, what if the price is false? Price is false if the expectation of profits. So this is the
parties agreed on the price, but the covering consideration—expectation of profits from the
document did not indicate the real price agreed subdivision project over which the land was
upon by the parties. Is it being done nowadays? intended to be used. So the expectation of profits
was considered by the court as equivalent to the price of the Philippine Stock Exchange of this
price. particular class of shares will be the price. The
price is ascertainable.

By references to invoices… I have a business that

I want to sell out, because, uh, I am migrating to
another country. So, I’m selling the entire business.
So, for this particular furniture, I will—the price is
50% of invoice price. So we can always make
reference to the invoices. And then, by simple
mathematical computation, we can arrive at the

But if the price cannot still be determined, the

Another requisite for a valid price is that it must be contract is inefficacious, because, well, there
certain or ascertainable. No problem if the amount is—there can be no—there is no meeting of the
is determined already by the parties, agreed by the minds with respect to the price.
parties. But if the parties cannot agree on the
amount of the price, can there still be a valid sale?
And can price still be ascertained? Yes!

By a third person. So if the parties cannot agree on

the amount of the price, they can hire an appraiser
to determine the value of the property. But, of
course, they must agree to be bound by the
findings of the appraiser. If they do not agree to be
bound, then there’s no point in appointing a third
person, because they cannot agree still on the
What about inadequacy of the price? The rule is
By the court, if the third person cannot determine. inadequacy of the price per se, does not affect the
But, of course, I have not seen an instance where contract. But it may show a vice of consent.
the court’s—the court’s intervention, uh, was
invoked to determine the price. In Askay v. Cosalan… Askay was, uh, he claimed
to be an illiterate, old igorot who was taken
Another way of determining the price would be by advantage of by his relative-in-law, Cosalan. He
making reference to a definite day. For example, said he was paid only 1 peso for this piece of
uh, I offer to purchase—in Cebu what’s the… mining claim. But it was determined that before he
okay… 500 kilos of Guadalupe Cebu mangoes, signed the deed of sale, the contents were
so… we cannot agree on the price, so we agree explained to him in his own language. Actually it
that whatever is the average price at Carbon was not 1 peso; there were animals given, plus a
Market on Wednesday… what is the date on certain sum. And before he signed, he was asked
Wednesday? Let’s check our calendar… whether he understood the contents of the deed,
Wednesday, May 3. That will be the price. Do we and he said yes! Now, after several years, he
need to enter into another contract to determine wants the sale to be nullified, claiming gross
how much the average price is of Guadalupe inadequacy of the price; claiming that he was
mangoes at Carbon Market on Wednesday? No! taken advantage of by the buyer.
So that’s how price is determined.
What did the court say? Well, gross inadequacy of
Or making reference to a particular exchange. I the price naturally suggests fraud, especially if
offered to sell to you 1,000 common B shares of taken in connection with other circumstances…
PLDT… for how much? We cannot agree on the such as ignorance, or the fact that one of the
price, but we agree that whatever is the opening parties has an advantage over the other. But the
fact that the bargain was a hard one, coupled with obligation under an existing valid contract while the
mere inadequacy of the price, where both parties latter prevents the existence of a valid contract.
are in a position to form an independent judgment
concerning the transaction is not a sufficient This is different from lack of consideration which
ground for the cancellation of a contract. prevents the existence of a valid contract.

But Aguilar v. Rubiato was different… because

here, there were several parcels of land,
ohnd—owned by Rubiato—but it was sold by this
purported attorney-in-fact for a measly sum of 800
pesos, or 1,000 pesos, I’m not so sure anymore.
But the value of this property was more than
20,000 pesos, and Rubiato was a person of…
the… the Supreme Court was very charitable in
their description of Rubiato. Rubiato was a man of
ordinary intelligence.

But look at the difference in the price. From the Now, what about earnest money? Earnest money
value of more than 20,000—26,000 pesos—it was is something that is paid by the buyer to the
sold on pacto de retro for only 800 pesos, or 1,000 seller as proof of the perfection of a contract of
pesos. The court said: where the inadequacy of sale. So if it is proof of the perfection of the
the price in an agreement is so great that the mind contract of sale, it forms part of the purchase price.
revolts at it, and is such as a reasonable man So it is called earnest money because it’s not a
would neither directly nor indirectly be likely to substantial amount of money in relation to the total
consent to, a strong reason exists for annulling a price agreed. This is just to show that the buyer is
contract. What happened here was that, uh, the really in earnest in purchasing the property. This is
court, in effect, considered the contract was merely given to bind the seller, so the seller can no longer
a contract of loan; an equitable mortgage. And so sell the property to another person. This forms part
Rubiato was made, uh, to return the purchase of the purchase price in a contract of sale.
price, because Aguilar filed an action for the
consolidation of her title over the lands. The court
did not grant that prayer, but the court ordered
Rubiato, the owner, to pay the amount—or to
return the amount—paid by Aguilar to that
purported attorney-in-fact, Manuel Gonzales Vila.

Now, what is failure of consideration? Failure of

consideration simply is non-payment of the
price. There was an agreement for the payment
of the price, but price was not paid. Will that
affect the validity of the contract? No.
How is this different from option money? So this is
In Buenaventura v. Court of Appeals, the court the distinction given in Oesmer v. Paraiso
said: it is not the act of payment of price that Development Corporation: earnest money is part
determines the validity of a contract of sale. The of the purchase price while option money is given
payment of the price has nothing to do with the as a distinct consideration for an option contract;
perfection of the contract. Payment of the price earnest money is given only where there is already
goes into the performance of the contract. Failure a sale, while option money applies to a sale not yet
to pay the consideration is different from lack of perfected; and, when earnest money is given, the
consideration; the former results in a right to buyer is bound to pay the balance, while when the
demand the fulfillment or cancellation of the would-be buyer gives option money, he is not
required to buy, but may even forfeit it depending
on the terms of the option.

Serrano v. Caguiat said: it is true that an

article—1482 of the Civil Code—provides that
"Whenever earnest money is given in a contract of
sale, it shall be considered as part of the price and
proof of the perfection of the contract." However,
this article speaks of earnest money given in a
contract of sale. In the case of Serrano v. Caguiat,
the earnest money—it was called earnest
money—but it was given in a contract to sell. Since So, form is not material for the validity of the
earnest money was given in a contract to sell, in contract. In Caoili v. Court of Appeals… the court
that Serrano v. Caguiat case, Article 1482 which said: the absence of a formal deed of sale does
speaks of a contract of sale does not apply. So, not render the verbal agreement null and void or
you don’t even call it earnest money. Meaning, without any effect. The provision of Article 1358 on
if there’s a contract to sell, and earnest the necessity of a public document is only for
money—in parentheses—is given, that is not convenience, not for validity or enforceability. It
proof of the perfection of a contract of sale, it’s does not mean that no contract has been
still a contract to sell. perfected, for as long as the essential elements of
consent of the contracting parties, object, and
Ahh, there’s a question. Is earnest money cause of the obligation concur.
considered as down payment? Sort of, yes! Down
payment in a contract of sale; not down payment in Now what if you have a document executed for the
a contract to sell, because you can have down sale of a certain piece of real property but the
payment in a contract to sell. technical description is not indicated? Will that
invalidate a sale? Again, no! In Naranja v. Court
Appeals… the court said: the failure of the parties
to specify with absolute clarity the object of a
contract by including its technical description is of
no moment. What is important is that there is, in
fact, an object that is determinate or at least
determinable, as the subject matter of sale. The
form of a deed of sale provided in Section 127 of
Act No. 496 is only a suggested form. It is not a
mandatory form that must be strictly followed by
the parties to a contract.

Okay, can we proceed now to… rules in ordinary Now, in Limketkai Sons v. Court of Appeals… there
sales. is now a deed of sale but unsigned. If it’s not
signed by the parties, well, naturally it’s not
Since sale is a consensual contract, it is perfected notarized. No notary public worth his salt would
the moment there is a meeting of the minds on the notarize an unsigned document.
thing which is the object of the contract upon the
price. We have to qualify, including the manner of So what did Limkat—Limketkai say? The fact that
the payment of the price. the deed of sale still had to be signed and
notarized did not mean that no contract had
already been perfected. The requisite form under
Article 1458 is merely for greater efficacy or
convenience and the failure to comply therewith
does not affect the validity and binding effect of the
act between the parties.
But there are contracts which have to be at least in Where is a contract of sale perfected? Well, in the
writing for enforceability; again, not for validity place where the meeting of minds took place! Now,
because a sale is a consensual contract. Contracts letter B here… doesn’t apply, apparently,
under the statute of frauds… sale of realty… sale nowadays, because in case of acceptance through
of chattels, goods, and… [(THINGS IN ACTION?) letter or telegram, perf—place of perfection would
TIME STAMP 46:09-46:10, INAUDIBLE, GINOO be the place where the offer was made. Maybe
KO!] of the price of not less than, well, 500 pesos, some of you will ask: what’s a telegram?! Ask your
because this was enacted in the 1960s. grandparents.

But, expenses, I want you to take note of this. This

is very, very important. This is one of the issues in
many cases brought to court. By default, the
seller shoulders the expenses of the execution
and registration of the sale. By default, the
seller shoulders the expenses of putting the
goods in a deliverable state. So that is by
default by a specific provision of law. But, why
is it that many cases are brought to court where
the buyer files an action for reimbursement of
expenses? Well, the law is clear. So what is my
Perfection! advice? When you are asked to draft contracts of
sale, please, as a favor to your clients, and in order
We know that since a sale is a consensual to prevent future litigation, indicate who will pay
contract, it is perfected the moment there is what expense. Even if we know that by default, the
consent on the subject matter and the price, even seller shoulders these expenses. But there’s no
if the thing is not yet delivered. Delivery is not a harm—in fact, you will be extending a favor to your
condition for the perfection of the contract of sale. client—there is no harm if you indicate as one of
the stipulations in the contract that you draft which
Now, in Coronel v. Court of Appeals… I want you
party will shoulder what expense. That will prevent
to read Coronel v. Court of Appeals if you have not
future litigation. Take note: lawyering is not a
read it, because iz—it dizkase—it discusses
money making venture. You work as officers of the
several principles of law. It discusses about
conditional sale, contract to sell, perfection of sale.
It’s quite long, but worth the read.

Okay, what did the court say in Coronel? Although

the document drawn by the Coronels was
denominated “Receipt of Down Payment,” from
that moment on, there was a perfected contract of
sale, albeit conditional, since there was no express
reservation of title.

Okay, it is now special sales. Auction sale… this is

a voluntary auction sale. This does not refer to
involuntary sales like execution sales, or
foreclosure sales. So this is a voluntary sale.

Like your favorite K-pop artists would sell in

auction their memorabilia. So, what are the rules?
For separate lots, separate sales. Now, since there
are several prospective buyers, how do we know
that the sale is perfected? By the fall of the
hammer—usually by the fall of the hammer—or
some other customary manner.

Now, since this is a voluntary sale, can the seller

bid? And then, our question is: why would the
seller bid or cause others to bid for him, or her, or
it, or them? What is the purpose of allowing the
seller to bid?! Well, to rig the price! And so, the law
has already provided a prohibition that the seller
can only bid or cause others to bid on his, or her, Sale by sample or description! If it’s a sample by
or its, or their behalf if it is expressly reserved. So, description—if sale by sample, I’m sorry—the bulk
if it is expressly reserved, prospective buyers—or must correspond to the sample. In sale by
the bidders—are already forward that somebody description, the thing must correspond to the
among them is an agent of the seller who’ll make description.
bids to up the price.
So in one case… uh… the buyer ordered a
Now, the auctioneer may withdraw the goods at refrigeration machine from the seller, and
any time before the fall of the hammer. Unless, the submitted the description of this refrigeration
auction has—was announced to be without system machine. And what was delivered was
reserve. exactly according to the description of the buyer.
Unfortunately, the buyer could not use it in the
Now, in Leoquinqo v. Postal Savings Bank… business, because it was not meant to be used in
Postal Savings Bank, um, posted an a bigger area. So, the buyer could not use the
announcement for an auction sale of a certain thing for the purpose for which it was intended, and
property that may be acquired in a foreclosure the buyer refused to pay the balance of the
sale. But, in that announcement, it reserved the purchase price. Question is: can the sale be
right to reject any and all bids. Leoquinqo was the rescinded because the buyer cannot use the
highest bidder. Unfortunately, his bid was rejected thing? The court said no! This is a sale by
by the bank. In fact, he was notified of the rejection description, what was delivered was exactly
of his bid, but he insisted! Maybe… he considered according to the description of the buyer. And
it a good bargain. But, well, his bid was not therefore, the buyer—even if he cannot use it for
accepted by the bank, it was rejected, and he was the purpose it was intended for—he is obliged to
duly notified. He insisted that a deed of sale be pay the price.
executed in his favor. The question is: can he insist
that a deed of sale be executed in his favor, him
being the highest bidder in the auction sale? The
court said no. The court said: the owner of property
offered for sale at auction has the right to prescribe
the manner, conditions and terms of sale, and
where these are reasonable and are made known
to the buyer, they are binding upon him, and he
cannot acquire a title in opposition to them, and
against the consent of the owner.

Again, I have to emphasize this: the rules here

pertain to voluntary auction sales, because in Recto Law!
involuntary sales—auction sales—like execution
sales, or foreclosure sales, the owner of the This is Article 1484 of the Civil Code. Recto Law is
property can bid. not a separate law. There is no separate Republic
Act for the Recto Law; it is found in Article 1484 of
the Civil Code. Why is it called the Recto Law? chattel mortgage registry… what we have in the
Maybe it was introduced by Senator Recto. Not office of the Register of Deeds is a personal
Ralph Recto, most definitely. Maybe Ralph Recto property security registry. So, that’s where you
was not yet born in 1950—or 1949—when the Civil register your security interest.
Code was enacted.
So, in relation to the personal property security
So, this is sale of personal property payable in interest, if the secured creditor enforces the
installments—that is called the Recto Law. So, do security interest, and takes possession of the
not confuse this with the Maceda Law. The property—that is, uh, your equivalent to
Maceda Law is a separate, more recent law foreclosure of mortgage—then the seller can no
enacted by Congress. It has a separate Republic longer recover the deficiency from the buyer. Now,
Act number… Recto Law, again, is found in the take note also that Article 1484 is not directly
Civil Code. amended, or modified, or repealed by the Personal
Property Security Act. It’s not specifically
So what are the alternative remedies of the seller? mentioned. Maybe the, uh, crafters—the
This is sale of personal property on installments. proponents of the law overlooked—just overlooked
You have, uh, alternative remedies available to the this.
Can the buyer and the seller enter into an
Exact fulfillment! Meaning, sold for the price. agreement for the buyer to waive—especially this,
number three—that the buyer agrees to pay the
Or, rescind the contract if the buyer fails to pay two unpaid balance of the purchase price, even if the
or more installments. Installments can be weekly seller has taken possession of the property? That
or monthly. waiver is void.
And the third, to foreclose the chattel mortgage on
the thing sold if the buyer fails to pay two or more
installments. And the law further says that if the
seller chooses to foreclose the chattel
mortgage—chooses number three—then the seller
can no longer recover the balance of the price…
for any unpaid balance can no longer be
recovered. This has caused a bit of confusion
nowadays, because nowadays—at this very
moment that we are talking—there is no more
chattel mortgage, we only have the Personal
Property Security Act. So therefore, if there is no But, can the parties stipulate that in case of, for
more chattel mortgage, can a security be example, rescission of the contract—number two,
constituted on the thing sold to pay for the balance cancellation of the sale if the buyer fails to pay two
of the purchase price, because this is a sale on or more installments—can the parties stipulate that
installments? Yes, we call that the purchase money whatever installments made by the buyer shall be
security… forfeited in favor of the seller? Yes! That is
perfectly valid, unless it is unconscionable. What is
We have a new term: purchase money. So, the
unconscionable is a question of fact.
seller and the buyer can create a security interest
by executing a security agreement over the thing
sold to secure payment of the price. They may still
use a chattel mortgage, because that has—that is
what has been, uh, used—or that’s the term that
we are used to using. But take note: even if you
call the contract as a chattel mortgage, you can no
longer register a chattel mortgage in the office of
the Register of Deeds because there is no more
But he was deprived of possession, pursuant to
that writ of replevin.

So what was the remedy, what was the ruling of

the court? The court said: return the car to Lantan!
And, Elisco, you pay rentals to him. Take note that
it was Elisco which was demanding payment of
rentals from Lantan. But the court determined that
actually Lantan has already fully paid the price by
the rentals he paid, even after the cessation of his
employment with Elisco. So, Elisco was ordered to
Now, the provisions of the Recto Law—Article return the car and pay rentals to Lantan.
1484—are applicable to contracts denominated as
lease of personal property with option to buy. Now, The court said in this case: the agreement was a
forget about lease of condominium units with sale. The court has long been aware of the
option to buy… that is not covered here. This is practice of vendors of personal property of
lease of personal property with option to buy. We denominating a contract of sale on installment as
often see this in car plans offered by employers to one of lease to prevent the ownership of the object
some of their employees. So, the court has of the sale from passing to the vendee until and
already—by law, it is recognized that this… unless the price is fully paid.
[(HEAMS?) TIME STAMP 1:03:38-1:03:39,
Now, what about PCI Leasing and Finance
INAUDIBLE.] leases of personal property with
Incorporated v. Giraffe-X Imaging? This was a
option to buy are considered sales of personal
contract of lease! The contract here used was a
property on installment. Such that, if there’s failure
contract of lease, not a contract of lease with
to pay rentals, um, the purported lessor
option to buy. This was a contract of
repossesses the property, then there is no more
lease—Giraffe-X failed to pay the monthly rentals.
right to recover the unpaid rentals.
It was a substantial amount, maybe business was
In Elisco Tools Manufacturing Corporation… not good. So, PCI Leasing sent demand letters,
Rolando Lantan was an employee of Elisco, and but what was the tenor of these demand letters?
he availed of this car plan of the company. So, a There was a common tenor. If you pay, you can
certain amount was deducted from his salary as keep the machines… if you pay, you can keep the
rental, and the agreement was that after a certain machines. But still, Giraffe-X was not, uh, able to
number of years, uh, the prop—the car would be pay the rentals.
sold to him. Unfortunately, Elisco ceased
So, this was recovered—the machines—were
operations. And so, Lantan, also ceased becoming
recovered by PCI Leasing, and still demanded
an employee of Elisco. But he continued paying
payment of accrued rentals. The court said no
the rentals, even after the, uh, he was no longer
more! In choosing, through replevin, to deprive
employed by the company. Maybe some auditors
Giraffe-X of possession of the leased equipment,
of Elisco conducted an audit and discovered that
PCI Leasing waived its right to bring an action to
there is this car that’s still in the possession of a
recover unpaid rentals on the said leased items.
former employee, and so we should get this back
Paragraph 3, Article 1484, in relation to Article
and demand payment from him for rentals!
1485 of the Code, which we are hereunder
And so, a case was filed for the recovery of the re-reproducing cannot be any clearer.
property. In fact, a writ of replevin was issued by
As we articulated in Elisco Tool Manufacturing
the court! And Lantan was dispossessed of the
Corporation v. Court of Appeals, the remedies
proper—of the car—it was delivered to Elisco
provided for in Article 1484 of the Civil Code are
during the trial. It was discovered and
alternative, not cumulative. The exercise of one
determined—not discovered—it was determined
bars the exercise of the others. This limitation
and established that, in fact, Lantan has fully paid
applies to contracts purporting to be leases of
the rentals. And so, the car should be his already!
personal property with option to buy by virtue of But, the law does not cover all installment sales of
the same article. The condition that the lessor has real property, because sale of industrial lots, sale
deprived the lessee of possession or enjoyment of of commercial buildings, sales to tenants under the
the thing for the purpose of applying Article 1485 Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, are not
was fulfilled in this case by the filing by covered.
petitioner—PCI Leasing—of the complaint for a
sum of money with prayer for replevin to recover
possession of the office equipment. By virtue of the
writ of seizure issued by the trial court, the
petitioner—PCI Leasing—has effectively deprived
respondent—Giraffe-X—of their use, a situation
which, by force of the Recto Law, in turn precludes
the former from maintaining an action for recovery
of accrued rentals or the recovery of the balance of
the purchase price plus interest… because, here,
even if the contract was denominated a lease
contract, the court considered the contract as a
lease with option to buy. Again, because of the What are the rights of the buyer under the law? To
tenor of that—the demand letters… if you pay, you update payment without additional interest; to
can keep. assign/reinstate contracts; to advance payment
without interest.


This brings us to… Maceda Law! Maceda Law is

not found in the Civil Code, it is actually Republic
Act No. 6552. The formal name of the law is Realty
Installment Buyer Protective Decree. Maybe, it was But we are more interested in this, what are the
Senator Maceda who was the principal author of rights of the buyer who has paid at least two years
the law, that’s why it’s called the Recto—the of installments. When we say who has paid at least
Maceda Law. two years of installments, this refers to the number
of months of payment. Not the number of months
So, if the Recto Law… I have to emphasize, that the contract is effective.
because many students are confused, even after
graduating from law school. They’re confused: So what are then the rights of the buyer who has
which one is Maceda Law? Which one is Recto paid at least 2 years? Meaning 2 years’ worth of
Law? So, if the Recto Law refers to sale on installments, 24 months’ worth of installments.
installment of personal property, which is found in Even if the contract has been existing for more
Article 1484… than 24 months, if he paid 2 years’ worth of
installment then the buyer is considered to have
Maceda Law addresses realty—addresses sale of paid 2 years of installments. The right to pay
realty—on installment. And, this covers not just without interest the unpaid installments, not the
contracts of sale, but also contracts to sell. entire balance of the purchase price, because what
is our rule in case of payment in installment. Non
payment of an installments results in a default of
only that particular installment. Unless , there is an
acceleration clause. So to pay without interest the
unpaid installments within the grace period, and
what is the grace period? One month for every
year of payment. If the buyer still fails to pay within
the grace period, the seller may opt to rescind the

Earlier I said, that when you talk about a contract

to sell, failure of the buyer to fulfill the suspensive
condition, which is usually payment of the full Take note that in Pagtalunan, this was
purchase price, is not considered a breach of emphasized. The cancellation of the contract
contract, because there is no contract of sale yet, must be in accordance with Sec. 3(b) of R.A.
therefore there is nothing to rescind. No. 6552, which requires a notarial act of
rescission and the refund to the buyer of the
But under the Maceda Law, there has to be a full payment of the cash surrender value. Mere
cancellation or rescission of the contract to sell. demand letter even if it is a lawyer's demand
Maceda Law again covers both contracts of sale letter is not the same as notice of cancellation
and contracts to sell. Usually if it’s an installment or demand for rescission by a notarial act. So a
sale of real property, the contract entered into is a demand letter signed by a lawyer, a mere
contract to sell. demand letter does that comply with the
requirement? No! it must be notarized. For
So, here our buyer still fails to pay within the grace example, Ms. Evelynn, the letter is addressed to
period, the seller here decides to rescind the sale Ms. Evelynn, one of the buyers of a particular
so that it can sell the property to other buyers, so subdivision lot. Cebu City, and then subject,
the right of the buyer is to be refunded the cash notarial cancellation of contract to sell.
surrender value of his payment. And the cash
surrender value is 50% of the total payments Dear Ms. Evelynn,
made. There is a question, is the cash surrender
This refers to the lot that you purchased from Cebu
value susceptible to deductions? The law does not
Homes per contract to sell dated chu2. Located in
mention. Like commissions, incentives, taxes paid;
Cebu City. As of December 31, 2022, your
you have not paid taxes yet, there is no tax yet,
outstanding obligation amounted to P1M, and
there are no taxes paid yet in a contract to sell.
despite written demands of the lapse of the grace
period provided by law. Your past due obligations
Take note that the buyer is entitled only to the cash
in Cebu Homes remains unpaid, in view thereof,
surrender value of total payments made, the law
please be informed that your rights under the
does not say less commissions, so my take here
contract to sell is hereby canceled effective 30
that the commissions should be deducted to the
days from receipt of this order. I hope you will give
other 50% pertaining to the seller. The buyer
this matter your most preferential attention.
should be entitled to, of the total payments that
was made. Now cancellation does not Very truly yours,
automatically happen. It takes place only after 30
days from receipt by the buyer of the notarial Atty. So and so
notice or demand for cancellation and of the full
payment of the cash surrender value.

That is an example of a notarial notice of

cancellation of a contract to sell.
Ramos vs. Heruela, this breaks my heart. Because
here the buyers paid less than 2 years of
installments and then they failed to pay further
installments, then after many years, they allowed a
relative to construct a house in this particular lot,
for which they have not paid. And after many years
later, the owners filed a case of recovery of the
property, and the Heruela spouses, through their
brilliant lawyer, invoked the Maceda Law, and the
court said, there was no cancellation of the
contract to sell, because they were not afforded
Now what about a buyer who has paid for less the grace period to pay, and there was not notarial
than 2 years. Does this buyer have rights? Yes, the demand or notice for cancellation. The court said,
buyer can still pay the unpaid installment within a there being no valid rescission of the contract to
period of not less than 60 days, from the date the sell, the action for reconveyance is premature,
installment became due. Take note the payment of hence, the Heruela spouses have not lost the
the grace period is counted from the date the statutory grace period within which to pay. I said
installment payment became due, the law is clear, earlier, this case breaks my heart, because at the
the law did not say that the grace period is counted time that the contract to sell was entered into the
from default. Because we define default as what price was low, and at that time the case was filed
happens after demand. But here the law is clear and finally decided, the value of the property has
from the day the installment became due. So immensely increased. And hence adding more
atleast 60 days. Is the contract automatically insult to injury, was that the legal interest to be paid
rescinded after 60 days? IDK because if the seller by the Heruela Spouses was to be counted only
decides to cancel the contract again it must send a from 1998. When the complaint was filed. For
notarial notice of cancellation or notarial demand of those who are from CDO this is a Cagayan De Oro
cancellation to the buyer, that no payment of the case.
cash surrender value anymore, does it need to say
that once the buyer receives the notarial notice of Active Realty, here the buyer, this was a 5 year
cancellation then the buyer will count just 30 days contract, installment contract for the payment of
okay let's count 30 days and after 30 days the the property for a period of 5 years. The buyer
contract is canceled? Can the buyer still pay here has paid 4 years’ worth of installments, and
within the 30 day period? The court said yes. then delayed in the payment for 3 months, then the
You can still pay within the 30 day period. buyer, Daroya, offered to pay the unpaid
installments. Active realty refused to accept. Why?
It has sold the property to another buyer. If you
remember earlier, there was a slide, (nibalik sa
contract to sell slide na question) Can the owner
sell the property which was previously subject of a
contract to sell? Lets see here. So the buyer here,
Daroya, paid 4 years of installments and then
defaulted in 3 months. When she offered to pay
the unpaid installments, she was rejected, because
active had already sold the property. The contract
price here was I think 400K, inclusive of interest.
So Active canceled the sale, without affording
Daroya, the grace period to pay without interest
the unpaid installments. In fact active refused to
Let's look at some cases involving the Maceda accept the tender of Daroya. So it canceled the
Law sale, so this matter was brought to court. And what
was the decision of SC? First, Going back to the
previous question. If active realty canceled the
sale without complying with the requirements comprehensive agrarian reform program of the
of the Maceda Law, would it validly sell the government. But PD 957 specifically addresses
property to this other buyer? Yes, the sale was subdivisions and condominiums. Now the law
valid. In fact the court recognized that even if mentions the HLURB which is being replaced by
we allow Daroya the grace period to pay. It the department of human settlements and urban
would be useless, because active has already sold development. Let’s just take up some cases under
to another buyer at a much higher price, more than the law. Under PD 957, before a developer can
twice the contract price of Daroya. Maybe that was mortgage the project to a bank, it must first
the primary reason why active refused to accept obtain the approval of the DHSUD, if it fails to
Daroya’s offer to pay the unpaid installments. So obtain the approval of the DHSUD, the
what was the equitable decision of the court? For mortgage may be declared void. That’s what
failure to cancel the contract in accordance with happened in Far East Bank and Trust Co. vs.
the procedure provided by law, referring to the Marquez. The court said under PD 957, the
Maceda law. We molded the contract to sell mortgage of a subdivision lot or a condominium
between the parties that remains valid and unit is void if executed by a property developer
subsisting. Following section 3(a) of RA 6552, without the proper approval of the DHSUD. That is
respondent Daroya has the right to offer to pay for informed ??? has been constituted over the entire
the balance of the purchase price without interest, property which a subject unit is merely a part, does
which he did in this case. Ordinarily, petitioner not affect the invalidity of the lien over the specific
Active Realty would have had no other course but portion of issue, what was declared void here was
to accept payment. However, Daroya can no only the property purchased by marquez not the
longer exercise this right as the subject lot was entirety of the property. It was only Marquez who
already sold. So useless. So what was the filed the case.
equitable remedy? It ordered Active Realty to
refund to Daroya the purchase price it received
from the second buyer which was 875k. That is the Tamayo. In case the developer of a subdivision or
consequence of not canceling the sale pursuant to a condominium fails in its obligation under section
the Maceda Law, and selling the property at a 20, section 23 here gives the buyer the option to
much higher price to another buyer. So, if you are demand reimbursement of the total amount paid.
representing the developer please remember this Under PD957, the fault is in the part of the
case. If you are representing the defaulting buyer, developer, therefore the buyer may opt to demand
also please remember the rights of your client as reimbursement of the total amount paid, not just
discussed in this case. cash to render value. The other option is to wait for
further development of the subdivision, and when
he does, the buyer may suspend payment of
installment until such time that the owner or
developer had fulfilled his obligation to him, let’s
discuss in relation with the Maceda Law. In
Maceda Law, it is the buyer who defaults in the
payment of installments. And if the buyer fails to
pay within the grace period for as long as the
buyer has paid at least 2 years’ worth of
installments, if the seller decides to cancel the
same, the buyer is entitled to recover the cash
surrender value, which is 50% of the total amounts
Now a relative of the Maceda Law is PD 957. The paid for the first 5 years, if he has paid more than 5
Subdivision and Condominium Buyers’ Protective years, then he has an additional 5% increment per
Decree. This addresses contracts involving year, but not more than 90%. In PD 957, it is the
subdivision lots and condominium units so not developer who defaults in the performance of its
just any real property. The Maceda Law, covers obligation by failing to develop the property
all real property except industrial lots, commercial according to the timetable submitted to the
buildings, and lots sold to beneficiaries under the DHSUD. So 2 options available to the buyer. Either
demand reimbursement of the total amount paid,
or wait for further development and in the
meantime suspend payment of the installments.
Take not the buyer cannot just unilaterally suspend
payment of the installments because of the
developers failure to develop the subdivision, the
buyer must notify the developer that he or she, is
suspending payment of installments because of
the developers failure to comply with its obligation.
Why is a notice required? Because if the buyer
merely unilaterally suspends payment, without
notifying the developer then, he or she may be What about the buyers of the urban poor lots? Are
considered a defaulting buyer, therefore the they protected?
Maceda Law applies to him or her not PD 957.
Well the Maceda Law does not distinguished, that
Now Cantemprate, the law provides that before the is under the Maceda Law, this is not under PD 957
developer can start selling condominium units or
subdivision lots, it must first obtain a license to sell But it also depends on the contract they enter into.
from the DHSUD. Now what if, it fails to obtain a But take note, under the Maceda Law, waiver of
license to sell and proceeds on selling. The the rights is VOID.
project, would seek validity of the same be
Take note, this is sale on Maceda Law, pertains to
affected? (di ko kagets unsa iya gisulti dinhi im
a sale on installment where the contract is
sorry jud) The answer is no. Because you look at
between the seller and a buyer. If you obtain a loan
the essential elements for a valid contract of sale,
to pay for the lot, and you default in the payment of
you have consent, object and consideration. But in
the loan, Maceda Law does not apply.
Cantemprate the court said, the failure by the
developer to obtain a license to sell subdivision
lots does not render the sale void on that ground
alone. Especially, when the parties have impliedly
admitted that there was already a meeting of
minds as to the subject of the sale and the price of
the contract. The absence of the license to sell
only subjects the developer, CRS Realty and its
officers, civilly and criminally liable for the same
violation under PD 957, and related rules and
regulations. The absence of the license to sell
does not affect the validity of the already perfected
contract of sale between petitioner and respondent
CRS. In general, someone who can enter into a contract
can enter into a contract of sale. Because what is
required is just legal capacity.
( 3rd vid)
vs Roldan, the guardian here obtained permission
from the court to sell property of the ward to
purchase another property. It was granted by the
court, what the guardian did is she sold the
property to her brother-in-law. And shortly after, the
brother-in-law sold the property to her, in order to
circumvent the prohibition. The court still annulled
the sale. The court said guardianship is a trust of
the highest order, and that the trustee cannot be
allowed to have an inducement to neglect his
ward’s interest and in line with the court's suspicion
But there are certain people, who are disqualified whenever the guardian acquires the property. It
from selling property. Such as; husbands or wives annulled, it did not declare null and void therefore
or spouses, including common law relationships the contract is voidable.
(living as husband and wife without the benefit of
marriage). In Ching vs. Goyanko, the court Sale to a public officer. Maharlika Broadcasting vs
explained why sale between persons living as Tagle. Tagle here, was an employee of GSIS and
husband and life without the benefit of marriage is GSIS sold property in an option sale. Mr. Tagle
also prohibited. The courts said the proscription here knew that he was prohibited from participating
between spouses even applies to common law in the option sale, because he was employed by
relationships. The prohibitions apply to a couple the GSIS. So what he did was he had his wife
living as husband and wife without the benefit of participate in the bidding. Maharlika Broadcasting
marriage, otherwise, this is a very conservative questioned the participation of Mrs. Tagle in the
declaration by the SC, the condition of those who bidding. The Court said Mrs. Tagle, acts for and in
incurred guilt, would turn out to be better than the name of her husband, in any transaction with
those in legal union. Well, I do not know if people GSIS, if he is allowed to participate in the public
who live together as husband and wife without the bidding of properties foreclosed or confiscated by
benefit of marriage, feel guilty about the the GSIS. There will always be suspicion among
relationship. But that’s what the court said. other bidders and the general public. That, the
insider official had access to the information and
What about spouses? connections with his fellow GSIS officials as to
allow him to eventually acquire the property. That
One spouse cannot sell property without the
is precisely the need per stall such suspicion and
consent of the other. If under the Civil Code, SC
to restore confidence in the public service. The civil
said it's merely voidable; it's not void. But under
code now declares such transactions VOID. From
the family code, you know it is void.
the beginning and not merely voidable.
Persons in trust relationship
Sale to attorney. Gurrea vs Suplico. The
agreement between Atty. Suplico and his client
Sale to executor or administrator of the property
agreed that he would be paid on a contingency
under administration. An administrator cannot
basis, he would be entitled to a share of whatever
acquire by sale, a property under administration.
property that would be awarded to his client.
That is prone to abuse.
During the pendency of the estate proceedings.
Purchase by an agent of the property entrusted by The property was already distributed among the
the principal is prohibited, unless of course, if the heirs, the only thing that was lacking was for the
principal themselves sell the property to the agent. court to declare the proceedings terminated. So it
But if the agent, as an agent, purchases the was towards the end already, very close to the
property entrusted by the principal, that is finish line. Atty. Suplico calls his client to exercise
prohibited. the deed of conveyance in his favor, because that
was their agreement. But then the client died and
It's also prohibited for guardians to acquire the the heirs questioned the transfer. The court said
property of the ward. In the case of Phil. Trust Co. having been established that the subject property
was still the object of litigation, at the time the What is the rule when an incompetent buys? The
subject deed of transfer of rights and interest was incompetent must pay a reasonable price for the
executed. The assigning of rights and interest of necessaries delivered to them.
the subject property in favor of Atty. Suplico, is null
and void, for being violative of ARTICLE 1491 of What are the effects of the forbidden saled
the Civil Code. Which expressly prohibits lawyers between husband and wife? Void.
from acquiring property or rights which may be the
object of any litigation in which they may take part Sale by one spouse only, it depends, under the
by virtue of their profession. Transfer is prohibited. Civil Code voidable, under the family code void.
WHAT ABOUT MORTGAGE, just to secure the
Between Persons in public trust relations? It is
client's obligation to the lawyer is mortgage
void, as what we have seen in, Maharlika vs Tagle
allowed? Also no, in Fornilda vs. RTC. The fact
that the properties were first mortgaged and only But Persons in private trust relations, as what is
subsequently acquired in an option sale long after seen in Phil. Trust Co. vs Roldan, it is merely
the termination of the intestate proceedings will not voidable.
remove it from the scope of the prohibition, to rule
otherwise would be to countenance indirectly what
cannot be done directly, so mortgage is prohibited.

What about demand for delivery? Is it also

prohibited? In Ramos vs. Ngaseo, the court said
mere demand for delivery of the litigated property
does not cause the transfer of ownership, hence,
not a prohibited transaction within the
contemplation within ARTICLE 1491. Even
assuming arguendo that such demand for delivery
is unethical, respondents’ act or Atty. Ngaseo’s act
does not follow in the purview of 1491. So for
lawyers, if it involves property which is still under Our Civil Law principles and Laws were
litigation, you can only remind your clients, please copied/borrowed from Roman principles and
remember your obligation to deliver to me a portion common law principles, and Roman Law.
of what you have received. But after termination of
the litigation, go ahead, demand the delivery of

From the moment of the perfection of the contract

of sale, the risk is borne by the buyer, but
ownership is only transferred upon delivery. So in
other words whether or not there is delivery upon
perfection of the contract the buyer bears the risk
of loss.
Under common law, ownership is transferred to the So what are the effects of the loss of the things
buyer upon perfection of the contract. And the sold. Before perfection, because of res perit
owner bears the risk of loss. Even if there is no domino, then the purported seller bears the loss.
delivery yet, because the ownership is already
transferred the moment the contract is perfected. At the time of perfection, the contract is inoperative
The buyer is the Owner of the property. Pursuant because there is no object.
to res perit domino, buyer is liable or shall bear the
risk of loss. Either way both under Roman law and If there is partial loss then it is the option of the
common law principles from the moment of the buyer to proceed with the contract orr to withdraw
perfection of the contract the buyer bears the risk from the contract.
of loss.
If there is merely deterioration or damage, if it is
material then it is equivalent to a total loss,
therefore the contract is inoperative.

What about under the civil code? The civil code,

we adopted the roman law principle that ownership
is transferred by delivery. We also adopted the
The issue arises, when the loss occurs after
common law principle of res perit domino.
perfection but before delivery. But if it's through the
So, not necessarily the buyer does not bear the fault of one party, the party at fault is liable. A
risk of loss from the perfection of the contract. Fortuitous event. We have conflicting opinions
Because the buyer becomes the owner only upon from our civillists. According to Paras, the
delivery. obligation to deliver is extinguished, but the
obligation of the buyer to pay is not extinguished.

Pursuant to Article 1262, what does it say, an

obligation which consists in the delivery of an
indeterminate thing shall be extinguished if it
should be lost or destroyed without the fault of the
debtor and before he has incurred in delay. So
1262, and you have discussed that in your
According to Padilla, when the subject matter of
the sale is lost without the fault of the seller, he is
released from his obligation to deliver the thing,
when the buyer’s obligation to pay subsists. The
effect is that the buyer assumes the risk of loss of
the object of sale from the time of perfection up to
the time of delivery.

What is another justification, because under 1164,

and you have discussed this just very recently, the
creditor has the right to the fruits of the thing from
the time the obligation to deliver it arises. So if the
creditor has a right, in relation to a contract of sale, Okay document of title is any document used in
the creditor here refers to the buyer. So, lets the ordinary course of business in the sale or
modify this, if the buyer is the creditor we’ll change transfer of goods as proof of possession or control
the parties, the buyer has the right to the fruits of of the goods, or authorized in the possession of
the thing from the time the obligation to deliver it the government of transfer or received either by
arises. However, he shall acquire no real right until imbursement or by delivery of goods represented
the same has been delivered to him. So if the by such document.
buyer has the rights to the fruits from the time of
the perfection of the obligation, the consequence is If you have taken up NIL either in the undergrad or
that, the buyer should also bear the loss, from the are there 2nd year students joining us now? Wala?
time of perfection before delivery. Which is So the 2nd year law students are taking up NIL
apparently consistent with 1262. now. If you’ve taken up NIL before, forget for a
moment NIL because you have not totally different
But, Tolentino has a different view, he said the because there are different provisions on certain
vendor should bear the loss and the vendee shall aspects of the documents of title
not be bound for the price for the following
reasons. It is fundamental in the new civil code, But just like any other negotiable instrument, a
expressed in 1477 and 1496 that ownership is document of title can be issued either as
transferred by delivery. Hence, before delivery the negotiable document or non negotiable document,
vendor owns the thing and should suffer the loss, a negotiable document title is one where it is
precisely, res perit domino. Second, the obligations stated that the goods refer to therein will be
of the vendor and the vendee are reciprocal, delivered to the bearer or to specific person or
therefore one depends upon the other, if the order or to the order of any person named in the
obligation of the vendor to deliver is extinguished, document. If the goods are deliverable to bearer,
the correlative obligation of the vendee to pay or to pedro in order, or to the order of pedro, then
which depends upon it cannot remain subsisting. the document is a negotiable document title, but if
Lastly, 1480 paragraph 3 is not an exception but is the words non-negotiable are also stamped on the
an expression of the general rule, that risk is not face of the document would it affect the
imputed to the vendee until after delivery. negotiability? No it will not.

Now my personal view is that, if the thing is lost, Now what about a non-negotiable document of
after perfection but before delivery through a title, well it is one where it is stated that the goods
fortuitous event, that the contract of sale should be will be delivered to the bailor or depositor or to any
extinguished totally, meaning both the obligations other specified person. The party who issues the
of the vendor and the vendee should be document is called the bailee, because it is the
extinguished. Which is just equitable because the bailee who receives the goods. The person who
very reason where the vendee promised or delivers the goods to the bailee is called the bailor.
undertook to pay the price is because of the legal If you talk about bill of lading, the bailee here
expectation to receive and become the owner of would be the shipping company, the shipper would
the thing. Which the vendor cannot now perform. be the bailor.
Okay Juan endorses the document to Pedro,
Pedro goes to the bailee and demands delivery of
the goods to him. But the bailee, refuses to deliver
the goods to Pedro. Can Pedro hold Juan liable?
For the failure of the bailee to deliver the goods to
him. The answer is no. The endorser is not liable
for the failure of the bailee or previous endorser, to
fulfill their respective obligations.

2 ways by delivery and by endorsement. Letter b

here by endorsement must be coupled with
delivery. So in what form must the document be for
it to be negotiated by mere delivery, no more,
nothing to be done on the document, just deliver it
and that’s negotiation already. When on its terms
the goods are deliverable to the bearer. (ambot
unsa iya gimean I promise mao ni iya gisulti). And,
even though the goods are deliverable to the order
of a specified person. On the face of the Now what are the warranties of a person
document, here, the goods are deliverable to the negotiating. Take note that the document is
order of Pedro, but Pedro endorsed in blank or genuine, that the endorser has a, or the person
endorsed it to bearer. What is endorsement in negotiating or transferee, has the right to negotiate
bearer, you just signed. What is endorsement to or transfer knowledge of known fact that which
bearer, delivered to bearer. Then it is converted would impair the validity of worth of the document.
into a bearer document. And it can be renegotiated And right to transfer the title of the goods. Take
by mere delivery. Can it be negotiated by note, there is no warranty, if the person
endorsement? Yes! Now another question, if the negotiating, that the bailee will deliver the goods.
goods are deliverable to the bearer can it be
negotiated by endorsement? Yes! But it can also
be negotiated by mere delivery. Now by
endorsement, coupled with delivery, what form
must the document be? Well by its terms the
goods are deliverable to the order of a specified
person named therein. So there has to be
endorsement by that person. So there are 3 kinds
of endorsements, There is endorsement in blank,
by merely signing. Endorsement to bearer, by
writing delivery or deliverable to bearer and then

What are the rights acquired by the transferee to a

duly negotiated document of title. Such title to the
And then Special endorsement, or endorsement to goods, we always refer to the goods not to the
a specified person, deliver to Pedro, signed juan. document, because the document itself, by itself
Now if its deliver to Pedro, signed juan, there is no has no intrinsic value. It is the goods represented
word of negotiability, theres no deliver to pedro by the document that has value. Okay such title to
order, is the negotiability affected? No not at all. the goods as against the person negotiating, so
between the person negotiating and the holder, or
the transfer of document of title, the transferee has
a better right. Such title to the goods as the person
to whose order the goods are deliverable. To the
person who initially delivered the bailor to deliver
the goods to the bailee. So if the bailor stole the
goods from another person, in other words the
bailor has no title over the goods, then nothing is
transferred to the transferee, the transferee
acquires no title over the goods, Why? Because
the bailor has no title in the first place. Take note,
our mantra in sales is nemo dat quod non habet,
you cannot give what you do not have. And the
third right is very important. The direct obligation of Now what about if it’s a non-negotiable document
the bailee to hold possession if the goods for him. of title. Does the transferee acquire any right at all?
No need to notify the bailee that you are now the Yes! The transferee acquires title to the goods as
new owner of the goods. The bailee will not against the transferor. If the transfer has no rights
release the goods even if there is a writ of over the goods because he stole the document.
attachment. For as long as the document is not Then no title passes to the transferee. Or if the
surrendered to him. transferor stole the goods, he has no title over the
goods. Then no title passes to the transferee. The
transferee also has the right to notify the bailee of
the transfer. Because it is only thereafter, meaning
after notification to the bailee, that the transferee
holds the bailee liable for the possession of the
goods for him. Compare this with the rights of the
transferee of a duly negotiated document of title.
The transferee acquires the direct obligation of the
bailee to hold possession of the goods for him.
Even without notifying the bailee. But, if it’s a
non-negotiable document of the title, you have to
notify the bailee that you are now the new owner of
the goods, and it is only thereafter that you acquire
the obligation of the bailee to hold the goods for
you. And therefore to not surrender the goods to
any other person. Unless it is attached by your
Now if you have an order document, because the own creditor. Because you are already the owner
goods are deliverable to the order of Pedro. And of the goods.
Pedro merely transferred the document to you,
merely delivered the document to you without
endorsing it. Between Pedro and you, you have a
better title over the goods. But you go to the bailee
and demand delivery of the goods to you, the
bailee does not find any order of pedro, he does
not find any signature of pedro, the bailee will not
honor that. So what will you do? You compel the
transfer, you compel Pedro to endorse the
document. You go back to the bailee and demand
delivery of the goods the bailee has to honor,
because it was now properly endorsed to him.

If the goods are covered by a negotiable document

of title. The goods GENERALLY, cannot be
attached. UNLESS, the document is surrendered.
Back to rights acquired duly negotiated slide

Let us go back here again, we have acquired the

direct obligation of the bailee to hold possession of
the goods for you. That’s why, if a creditor of your
transferor presents a writ of attachment to the
bailee, the bailee can rightfully refuse. Why? What
is the rule? Surrender to me the negotiable
document of title. If the party attaching the goods
cannot surrender, then the bailee cannot be
compelled to surrender the goods. What are the
EXCEPTIONS? Of course, if the document is
surrendered, or when the negotiation is enjoined
by the court. But if its not covered by a
non-negotiable document of title.


ACQUIRED BY a non-negotiable slide.

To notify the bailee of the transfer. So you are the

transferee of a non negotiable document of title,
you have not notified the bailee that you are now
the owner of the goods, in the meantime a creditor
of your transferor obtains a writ of attachment from
the court and the sheriff goes to the bailee and
presents the writ of attachment. Will the bailee
honor the writ of attachment? Yes, why? Because
as far as the bailee is concerned the owner of the
goods is still your transferor. But after you notify
the bailee that you are now the new owner of the
goods. The consequence being, that you now
acquire the obligation of the bailee to hold the
goods for you. If a creditor of your transferor,
through the sheriff, presents a writ of attachment to
the bailee. Then the bailee can now validly refuse
to honor the attachment. Why? Because the goods
are owned by you and not by your transferor
anymore. So these are the effects, if the goods are
covered by a negotiable document of title and a
non-negotiable document of title.
*T/N: the recording starts 10mins late* sa first
meeting sad ill try to find

But there are exceptions when title passes even

when there is no delivery; meaning there is no
transfer of possession, (deliver in the sense of
transfer of possession to the buyer):
1. When the buyer unjustifiably refuses to
accept, the law says that ownership is
nevertheless transferred to the buyer

Now what is the effect?

● If ownership is transferred to the buyer,
despite nonacceptance (because the non
acceptance is unjustified) if the buyer has
not yet paid the price, the buyer is obliged
to pay the price
● If the thing is lost, the buyer bears the risk
of loss even if there is no actual delivery
made to him or to her.

The 2nd exception where ownership is transferred

even without actual delivery to the buyer is:
2. When the goods are delivered to the carrier
for transmission to the buyer, because the
general rule us that delivery to the carrier is
delivery to the buyer, that is the general

There are also instances when there is delivery

(meaning transfer of possession) but ownership is
not transferred to the buyer; first is:
1. Delivery on approval or trial
● When is ownership transferred to the
buyer? When the buyer signifies
acceptance or approval or even if the buyer ● Double sales is when there is one seller
does not signify his or her approval or selling the same property to the two
acceptance, if the buyer performs an act different buyers representing different
signifying adoption of the contract; for interests. One buyer has in his possession
example: offering the thing for sale, this is a public document of sale and has
an act of _____; registered the sale, the other buyer did not
register the sale, has no public document of
● another instance if the buyer retains the sale BUT is in actual possession of the
thing beyond the trial period; if there is a property, we are talking here of real
trial period agreed beyond reasonable time property. Now the buyer who is in actual
without giving notice of rejection of the possession cannot be deemed the owner of
thing the property if the other buyer first
2. In case of (express) reservation of title registered the sale in good faith. Even if
● This is an express reservation on the part there is possession, if this possessor did
of the seller like in a contract to sell where not register the sale and the registrant
the seller expressly reserves his ownership acted in good faith, then it is the registrant
until after fulfillment of a suspensive who has not actual possession who has a
condition. better right over the p
3. In case of implied reservation of title 5. When the seller is not the owner
(1503) ● And lastly ofcourse, if the seller is not the
● The instances are enumerated in 1503. owner then delivery will not transfer
When the goods are deliverable to the ownership to the buyer EXCEPT if the real
seller: the good are delivered to the carrier owner is in estoppel, if the sale is made
but by terms of the bills of lading the goods under recording laws(???), if the sale is
are deliverable to the seller not to the made under statutory power to sell (such
buyer, that is an implied reservation of title. as in an execution sale) or the sale is in
Or if there is a negotiable bill of lading merchant store fairs or markets(???)
issued (remember? Negotiable document
of title?) here your undertakes to deliver the
goods to the order of the seller or to the
order of the seller’s agent; that is an implied
reservation of title
● Second is, if by the bill of lading, the goods
are deliverable to the order of the buyer or
his agent BUT the seller retains the bill of
lading; this is also an implied reservation of
● And lastly, if a bill of exchange is delivered Where and when must delivery remain?
together with the bill of lading to the buyer; When must delivery be made?
a bill of exchange is an order directing the It must be delivered according to the agreement of
buyer to pay and that must be accepted by the parties, if there is no stipulations as to time of
the buyer, if the buyer dishonors the bill of delivery then delivery must be made within
exchange or the demand draft then he or reasonable time. Now in the old old case, this case
she must return the bill of lading to the is more than 100 years old: Smith Bell & Co. v.
seller because he or she is not willing to Matti, the contract was entered into in August of
pay. So it does not transfer ownership 1918, for several items: two steel tanks to be
unless or until the buyer accepts the bill of delivered within 3 or 4 months, that is 3 or 4
exchange or the demand draft months from august 1918, and two expellers to be
4. Double sales (1544 applies) shipped from san francisco, california in september
● In the case of double sales (we will be 1918 or as soon as possible, and two electric
discussing double sales later…) motors to be delivered approximately 90 days but
not guaranteed. Now what were the actual dates of established by usage. Now in the absence of
delivery or shipment? stipulation or usage of trade, delivery shall be
For the two steel tanks which was to be delivered made in the place of business of the seller if not
3-4 months - these were actually delivered in april the residence of the seller. Now if the thing is not in
1919, this was after 8 months the place of business or residence of the seller, it is
The two expeller which were supposed to be somewhere else, then delivery shall be made in
shipped in september - were actually shipped in the place where the thing is at the time of the sale.
october If you notice, we have the same rules in obligations
And lastly, the electric motors which were and contracts, you just replace the seller with the
supposed to be delivered approximately within 90 debtor because in so far as the obligation to deliver
days (but not guaranteed were) actually delivered is concerned in a contract of sale, the seller is the
on february of 1919 or after 6 months debtor.
But taking the circumstances attending of that In connection with the obligation to deliver, the
time, the court said, we hold that the said seller must arrange the transportation of the goods
machinery was brought to manila by the plaintiff to the place agreed on reasonable terms. So if it is
within a reasonable time, therefore, Smith Bell has agreed that delivery shall be made at a certain
not been guilty of any delay in the fulfillment of its place then the seller must make arrangements for
obligation. Now you have discussed just maybe a transportation on reasonable terms. If it is usual to
few weeks ago that there are instances when the insure the goods, then the seller must notify the
debtor is charged/guilty of default even if there is buyer of the need to insure because if he fails to
no demand from the creditor when time is of the perform this task then he bears the risk of loss.
essence. Now when do you consider time to be of
the essence in a contract of sale? Is it implied?
Answer is no. In Lorenzo shipping, the court said in
determining whether time is of the essence in a
contract, the ultimate criterion is the actual or
apparent intention of the parties and before time
may be so regarded by a court there must be a
sufficient manifestation, either in the contract itself
or the surrounding circumstances of that intention.
And then Lorenzo shipping cited this old old case
of Smith Bell & Co. v. Matti, citing smith bell, the
court said: when the time of delivery is not fixed or Now we will just very very briefly discuss of the
is stated in general and indefinite terms, time is not unpaid seller of goods. The premise here is that
of the essence of the contract. In such cases, ownership is already transferred to the buyer but
delivery must be made within a reasonable time. the goods are not yet in the actual possession of
Again, what is a reasonable time is a question of the buyer. There are four rights enumerated in the
fact. law but if you noticed there is number 2: stoppage
in transitu, that is no longer practiced nowadays
because the only ground of stoppage in transitu is
the insolvency of the buyer and you do not acquire
knowledge/notice of the insolvency of the buyer
overnight. Nowadays when you ship goods from
manila to mindanao, like davao, it takes only two
days, unlike maybe in the 1950’s or earlier than
that when the law was drafted when it would take
weeks or months before the goods arrive at the
destination. But now we communicate in real time
Now place of delivery: and sometimes goods are transported in air cargo,
Where must delivery be made? so in just a matter of hours, the goods arrive at the
First, wherever is the place stipulated by the destination, so there is no time to stop the goods in
parties or whatever is the place of delivery as transit.
for an unreasonable time (third instance) then
So first right of the unpaid seller is the right of notice of the intention to resell is material to
retention or possessory lien, the premise here is establish the fact of default. Why do you need to
that the goods are still in the possession of the establish the fact of default for an unreasonable
seller although already owned by the buyer. time? Because if the goods are sold at a loss, the
Exercising possessory lien is to refuse to deliver seller can recover the loss from the buyer (the first
the goods to the buyer under what instances? buyer). If the seller to attempts to recover the loss
1. First is, if the sale is made without from the first buyer, that first buyer may raise the
stipulation as to credit and the seller does defense that he or she was not in default for an
not tender payment because the unreasonable time. Therefore, if only to establish
presumption is if there is no stipulation that that fact of an unreasonable time, notice is material
the sale is on credit then there must be that it will not affect at all the validity of the resale.
simultaneous performance with the buyer Why do we say resale, btw? Because the goods
and seller but if the buyer does not tender have been previously sold to the buyer. In fact, the
payment then the seller has the right to premise is: ownership has been transferred to the
retain the goods buyer.
2. Second is the if there is a stipulation as to
credit but the period has expired already Number 4 here: right of the unpaid seller is to
without the buyer tendering payment to the rescind the sale. And there are only two instances
seller when the seller can rescind the sale:
3. And lastly, when the buyer becomes 1. First is when there is an express
insolvent reservation of the right to rescind the sale
In any of these three instances, the seller is incase of default
justified in exercising possessory lien. Now if the 2. And second is when the buyer has been in
lessor has already exercised possessory lien, what default for an unreasonable time.
will he or she do with the goods? Now we go to How is rescission manifested? By giving notice to
number three: the buyer of the intention to rescind or by some
other overt acts manifesting an intention to rescind
Right to resale or right to resell which need not be communicated.
Well this right is not always present every time
possessory lien is exercised because there are
only three instances where the seller can exercise
this right:
1. First is if the goods are perishable
2. Second is when the seller expressly
reserves the right to resell incase of default
on the part of the buyer
3. And third is, even if there is not express
reservation on the part of the seller to resell
their goods in case of default, but if the Completeness of delivery
buyer has been in default for an Even in your obligations and contracts, we learned
unreasonable time (again what is an that the creditor cannot be compelled to accept
unreasonable time is a matter of fact) partial performance on the part of the debtor. Also,
In any of these instances, if the seller has we also learned in oblicon that the debtor is
previously exercised possessory lien then the obliged to deliver not only the thing but also the
seller may resell the goods fruits and accessions from the time of the
Then the next question: is it required for the seller perfection of the contract when the creditor
to notify the buyer of the intention to resell? acquires a personal right over the fruits but only
Answer is no. Is it required of the seller to notify acquires a real right over them upon delivery. That
the buyer of the place and time of the resale? is also true in sales. All that is mentioned in the
Again the answer is no. However, if the reason r contract including accessions and accessories
the ground of the resale is the default of the buyer must be placed in the control of the buyer
regardless of the apparent deficiency or excess in
the actual area.
Now if the seller does not deliver everything within
the boundaries then the buyer is entitled to a (a)
reduction of the price or (b) recision of the contract.
Again because the rule is there should be no
increase nor decrease in the price but of course,
the difference in the area must not be
unreasonable. In one case, the difference of the
area was one hectare, because it was stipulated in
Now what if there is a deficiency in case of sale of the contract that the property consisted of 5
real property? Sale of real property in the hectares when it was only 4 hectares, the court did
Philippines can be effected two ways: [1] first is not consider the deficiency of the area as material.
sale per unit of measure, the unit measure of sale Now when may the buyer sue for reduction of the
of real property in the Philippines is m^2, [2] the price or recission of the contract? The law says:
other mode is sale for a lump sum, regardless of within 6 months from delivery.
the area, so single price only. So if the property is
sold per unit of measure (meaning per square Here is where Cebu Winland emphasized the
meter) if there is a deficiency in the area of at least concept of delivery. From what point in time doe
10% the remedy of the buyer is either: (a) for we reckon the 6 month period? So in the cebu
reduction of the price or (b) rescission of the winland case, the court said: delivery as used in
contract. Take note, rescission can be availed of the law on sales refers to the concurrent transfer of
only if the deficiency is at least 10 percent of the two things: possession and ownership. Because
area. If the deficiency is less than 10% of the in the cebu winland case, there was this contract to
area… what is 10% of the area? For example the sell over two condominium units. So in the contract
agreement is for the sale of 100 sq.m. of the parcel to sell the area of the two condo units was
of land but the actual area delivered is 87%, the indicated, and there was express reservation of
deficiency is more than 10%, because 10% of title on the part of the seller, in fact there was a
100sq.m. is 10 sq.m., in that case, the buyer has a stipulation that the deed of absolute sale would be
choice either to sue for reduction of the price or executed only upon full payment of the purchase
sue for rescission of the contract. Now, if the price. In the mean time, the buyer was allowed to
deficiency is less than 10% of the area but the take possession of the two condo units. When the
buyer would not have purchased had he or she buyer fully paid the price, the seller sent the deeds
known of the deficiency in the area, then the buyer of absolute sale over the property, and then the
is entitled to rescind nevertheless even if it is less buyer noticed that the area indicated was smaller
than 10%. Now what if there is an excess? Can the than the area previously agreed, then the buyer
buyer refuse to accept delivery at all? Answer is caused a survey of the two units and it was
no. Buyer must accept the area agreed, buyer may determined that there was deficiency of about
reject the excess or accept the excess. Now if the 30sq.m. in each unit. Substantial difference in the
buyer accepts the excess then the buyer must pay area, substantial deficiency of more than 10%. So
at the contract rate. the buyer sued for recovery of the price
corresponding to the deficiency on the area. The
Now if the real property is sold for a lump sum or a seller invoked prescription, because the seller said
single price, the general rule is that there shall be that the buyer was already in possession for more
no increase or decrease in the price on account of than 6months, the condo units were delivered
a greater or lesser area. So regardless of the area, more than 6months, in fact, several years prior.
everything within the boundaries must be delivered The court said, there was no delivery yet, and
to the buyer. So if it is sale for lump sum or single therefore, the action has not prescribed yet
price, the boundaries of the property are indicated because delivery, as used in the law of sales,
in the contract, so regardless of everything in the refers to the concurrent transfer of two things:
boundaries must be delivered to the buyer, possession and ownership. I WANT YOU TO
Double sales
Now for movables. When we say double sales, as I have previously
If there is a deficiency in quantity or quality, the mentioned, we are looking at a scenario where one
buyer may refuse to accept. Period. seller sells the same property to two buyers
But can the buyer accept? Yes. representing conflicting or different interests.
If the buyer accepts, knowing that the seller can
no longer complete delivery, then the obligation
of the buyer is to pay at the contract rate. But if the
buyer accepts NOT knowing that the seller can no
longer complete the delivery and in the mean time,
has consumed or has disposed of the goods
before the buyer learns that the seller can no
longer complete the delivery, then the buyer is only
obliged to pay a fair value for the goods, not the
contract rate. In other words, the buyer will pay a
much lesser price than the contract rate. Why? In the case of sale of real property, two whom shall
Because we have to consider here the loss or the ownership belong? The law says, it shall belong to
damage suffered by the buyer because of the the person who first registers the sale in good faith.
incomplete delivery. Now if what is delivered by the Now Gabriel v. Mabantay emphasized that the
seller is in excess of the quantity ordered, the requirement of the law is two-fold: acquisition in
buyer must accept the quantity agreed and he or good faith, and registration in good faith.
she may reject the excess. Or the buyer may Meaning, if the buyer has previous knowledge that
accept the excess and pay at the contract rate. the property has been previously sold to another
Now if the goods are mixed with the others, the person or that another person is claiming
buyer is obliged only to accept the goods covered ownership over the property and yet the buyer
by the contract. But if it is impossible to segregate, proceeded with the sale and registers the sale, that
or the thing is indivisible, then the buyer can reject. buyer cannot be considered a registrant in good
When is the seller excused from delivering? In fact in Coronel v. CA, the same case that we
In cash sale: if no payment is made unless a previously discussed last week, the second buyer
period for payment is stipulated here, Catalina Mabanag registered the sale, but
when she registered the sale, there was already a
In sales on credit: if the right to the period is lost, notice of lis pendens annotated on the title by the
under 1198, and you’ve memorized that, I’m pretty first buyer Alcaraz. The court said, the notice of lis
sure. pendens by the first buyer before the registration of
the sale by the second buyer does not make the
And also, the seller is excused from delivery if the latter a buyer in good faith, if a vendee in a double
seller has previously exercised possessory lien. sale registers the sale after he has acquired
knowledge that there was a previous sale of the
same property to a third party or that another party
claims said property in a previous sale, the
registration will constitute a registration in bad faith includes not only the material but also the symbolic
and will not confer upon him any right. possession which is acquired by the execution of a
public document. Now there is no registration,
Now if there is no registration, to whom shall there is no possession, both buyers are in
ownership belong? Then we go to the second rule: possession of private documents of sale, then
the person who takes possession in good faith. ownership shall pertain to the buyer who presents
Now what have we learned in delivery? the oldest title. Oldest title here does not refer to
the certificate of title because if you have one older
title and one newer or recent tile, the older title has
already been canceled by the newer one. So
oldest title here refers to the document of sale.

“Constructive delivery: execution of a public

document for as long as there is no legal
impediment in effecting actual or transferring
actual possession to the buyer,” that is tantamount
to delivery. So constructive execution of a public
document is delivery that means it transfers Now for movables, well, ownership is transfered to
constructive possession to the buyer. the person who has first taken possession in good
faith. If you have noticed, we always mention of
Back to double sales: good faith, “person who first registers in good
But what is good faith?

The law says,if there is no registration then the

person who has possession has the better right
over the property. In one case, and this is an actual Wayne/Quay/Kay v. Henson says: a purchaser in
case, the first buyer did not take actual possession good faith is one who buys property of another
but the seller executed a public document, but this without notice that some other person has a right
first buyer did not register the sale so there was no to or interest in such property and pays a full and
registration, but again the first buyer has a public fair price for the same at the time of such purchase
document of sale. The second buyer had a private or before he has notice of the claim or interest of
document of sale, meaning not notarized, there some other person in the property. Good faith
was a deed of sale but not notarized, but the consists in an honest intention to abstain from
second buyer, took actual possession of the land. taking any unconscious advantage of another.
The question is, who has a better right over the Good faith is an opposite of fraud and of bad faith
property? The court said: the first buyer who had a and its non existence must be established by
public document because in Sanchez v. Ramos, competent proof. Good faith or the lack of it is, in
the court said: the possession mentioned in 1473 its last analysis, a question of intention. But in
ascertaining the intention by which one is actuated waive the fulfillment of the condition and proceed
on a given occasion, we are necessarily controlled with the contract. Now if the condition, which as we
by the evidence as to the conduct and outward have defined in oblicon is an uncertain event which
acts by which alone the inward motive may, with may or may not happen, is promised by one party
safety, be determined. So that ends… yes there, is that it WILL happen then it partakes of a
a question: WARRANTY especially if the other party,
Q: for double sale, does public document also especially the buyer, relies on that affirmation that
include tax declaration for properties? the condition will happen, then it pratakes of an
A: no, tax declaration is not a public document. express warranty. What is a warranty?
Public document here refers to the document of
sale, the deed of sale. We are not talking of titles
here. So public document here refers to the
document of sale: the contract sale or the deed of
absolute sale, not tax declaration. Does that
answer your question? … Shall we have a short
break? I have no more voice. So next we will take
up conditions and warranties. Let’s have a 5 min

—----------------------------------------------------------------- This concept of warranty is actually a description of

what an express warranty is. But we have two
kinds of warranties: we have:
1. express warranty and
2. implied warranty

Okay conditions and warranties

You have also just discussed conditions in
obligations and contracts.

An express warranty is an affirmation of fact or

promise by the seller relating to the thing, inducing
the buyer to purchase the thing in reliance of that
affirmation or promise. Note about seller’s opinion.
Is a seller’s opinion equivalent to an express
warranty? Generally, no. Like if I offer to sell to you
my 7 year old laptop computer and I tell you it
works like new, would you believe me? Would that
be an inducement to you to purchase the laptop
And you have defined what a condition is and you from me knowing that it is a 7 year old laptop?
have discussed the consequences of the non Does a 7 year old laptop work like new? Of course
fulfillment or fulfillment, especially of a suspensive not and you cannot claim that you relied on my
condition. Now in relation to sales, if one of the statement but you were induced to purchase
party’s obligation is dependent upon the fulfillment because of my statement, especially that I am no
of a positive suspensive condition, and that expert on computers. You know more about
condition is not fulfilled, then this party may refuse computers than I do. So again, the general rule is,
to proceed with the contract, or this party may a seller's opinion is not a warranty, unless the
seller is an expert whose statement was relied according to Ang v. CA, which is 4 years under Art.
upon by the buyer. Now in one case: the buyer 1389.
purchased the vehicles. These were imported,
probably used vehicles. At the time, we were still
allowed to import vehicles and import them in the
Philippines, I don’t know nowadays but there was
an assurance by the seller that the import taxes
and duties were already [sound distorted ….
Disconnected…] … purchased the two delivery
trucks but shortly after delivery and while the
trucks were plying the roads of metro manila, these
were impounded by the government for non
payment of the full amount of taxes and duties, Now we go to implied warranties.
and so the buyer sought for the reimbursement of What is an implied warranty?
the taxes that she was obliged to pay otherwise, An implied warranty is that which the law derives
the vehicles would be indefinitely impounded by by application or inference from the nature of the
the government. This is Harrison motors v. transaction or the relative situation or
Navarro. The court said: when harrison motors circumstances of the parties irrespective of any
expressly intimated to miss navarro that it had intention of the seller to create it. It is one that is
already paid the taxes and customs duties, the not expressly made in the contract of sale but is
representation is considered as a seller’s express inherent in the contract and deemed incorporated
warranty under 1546 of the civil code, which therein. Now in ObliCon, you learned that there are
covers any affirmation of fact or any promise by three elements of a contract. You have the
the seller which induces the buyer to purchase the essential elements, the natural elements, and the
thing and actually purchase as if relying on such accidental elements. So the implied warranties
affirmation or promise. So the court here ruled in belong to the natural elements of a contract,
favor of the buyer. deemed incorporated even if not expressly
Now what about a statement that the property is
free from liens and encumbrances, this refers to So we have first implied warranty: warranty against
real property ah, but there were actually tennants eviction.
on the property. Does the statement that the Now according to 1548, eviction shall take place
property is free from liens and encumbrances whenever, by a final judgment based on a right
imply or include the warrant that there are no prior to the sale, or an act imputable to the vendor,
tennants on the property? Answer is no. Because the vendee is deprived of the whole or a part of the
in Investment and Development Incorporated v. thing purchased. So eviction is the deprivation of a
Gatpayat, the court said: that the property was free part or the whole of the thing purchased. Two ways
from all liens and encumbrances. Where there are of eviction: either by [1] final judgment based on a
tenants on the land. Tenancy cannot be considered right prior to the sale or [2] by an act imputable to
a lien or encumbrance unless so expressly stated. the vendor. What is an example of an act
So if there is an express statement in the contract imputable to the vendor? Failure to pay realty
that the property is free from claims of any tennant taxes over several reals causing the sale of the
or agricultural workers but there are in fact tenants property upon the instance of the government to
and agricultural workers then that is a breach of an pay for the unpaid real estate taxes.
express warranty.
Now if eviction is by final judgment, what are the
What is the prescriptive period to enforce the requisites before the buyer can sue the seller for
warrant? For to sue for breach of the express breach of this implied warranty? [1] First is that the
warranty? Whatever is the period stipulated in the buyer must be deprived of the whole or a material
contract. But if there is no period stipulated then part of the thing sold, [2] the eviction must be by
the general rules on prescription will apply, final judgment, take note you don’t have to go up
to the supreme court and obtain a certificate of
finality or an entry of judgment from the supreme eviction but did not notify the vendee of this fact,
court before you can sue. If the buyer does not then in addition to the four mentioned amounts or
appeal from the decision of the trial court and items that must be paid to the vendee by the
allows the decision to be final then that is a final vendor, the vendor is also liable to pay damages.
decision or final judgment. [3] Third requisite is that
the basis is by virtue of a right prior to the sale Now, can the warrant against eviction be waived?
made by the vendor. Example is adverse Most definitely, yes! In fact, there are two kinds of
possession which was completed prior to the sale. waiver, we have:
[4] and lastly, the vendor has been summoned and 1. Consiente, and
made a co-defendant in the suit for eviction of the 2. Intentionada
instance of the vendee. In one case the court said
that, the act of summoning the vendor can be Consiente is just a general waiver of the right, just
accomplished either under article 1559 of the civil a pro forma waiver. So if we have a pro forma
code by asking that the vendor be made a waiver, the vendor is still liable in case of eviction
co-defendant or through filing of a third party but only for the value of the property at the time of
complaint against the vendor. And you know what eviction, only for the value.
a third party complaint is because you had already Now if it is intentionada, meaning with full
taken up civil procedure which I hope you knowledge of the risk of eviction then the vendor is
understood and you comprehended. not liable at all.
Now, furnishing the vendor with a copy of the Now whether it's consiente or intentionada, if the
vendee’s answer in the eviction suit does not vendor acted in bad faith, the waiver is void.
comply with the requirement that the vendor must
be impleaded as a defendant. For example, an
eviction case or a case for recovery of property is
filed against the vendee by a third person claiming
a better right over the property and then the
vendee filed the answer and sent the vendor a
copy of the answer: “hey mr. vendor, I am being
sued for eviction because of this claim of adverse
right by another person who claims that this person
has a better right than you. By the way, this is the
answer I filed.” Does that comply with the Now implied warranty against against
requirement that the vendor must be impleaded as encumbrance on an immovable.
a co-defendant? No, it does not. Hidden so it cannot be seen already. What are the
requisites? [1] The encumbrance must be
Now what are the effects of the warranty? important, meaning that the buyer would not have
If the vendor acted in bad faith, [1] the vendor must purchased the property had he/she known of this
return the value of the thing at the time of eviction. hidden encumbrance. [2] Second, the
So if the object is movable then we would presume encumbrance is not registered or recorded unless
that the value has already decreased at the time of the property was expressly warranted as free from
eviction because movables depreciate in value burdens. [3] And lastly, the warranty must be
over time but if it is an immovable then most claimed within due time, within the time prescribed
probably, the value has increased, especially if it is by law. And take note, that notice must first be
a parcel of land, not a building because of the land given to the seller of the breach of this warranty, [4]
appreciate over time. So return the value, not the notice to the seller is a prerequisite before you can
price, the value at the time of eviction. [2] What file an action to enforce the warranty.
else? The income or the fruits that the buyer had to Now what’s an example of a hidden
surrender to this third person. [3] Third, the costs encumbrance? Easement of covered aqueduct. So
of the suit and [4] expenses of the contract if it was there are actually pipes laid several feet
the buyer who shouldered the expenses of the underground which were not annotated on the title
contract. Now if the vendor acted in bad faith, of the property and which the buyer was not aware
meaning the vendor was aware of the risk of of at the time of the sale, and the buyer was not
notified by the seller of the fact that there are pipes vehicles used in construction for hauling and they
laid underground such that because of these pipes are being advertised for sale and you would see
laid underground, the buyer could not fully utilize there also a notice or the phrase “as is, where is.”
the property. For example, if the buyer intended to So whatever the condition, that is what you get. So
construct a swimming pool over the property, then generally there is no implied warranty. So take it at
the buyer could not do so because of this hidden your own risk. Now there are vices, if all the
encumbrance. So had the buyer known that these requisites are present, then the buyer may sue for
were existing, he/she would not have purchased rescission of the contract, or for the reduction of
the property. the price with damages if the seller acted in bad
Now when can the buyer file the action to enforce faith.
the warranty? Or file the action for breach of Now if the thing is lost because of the hidden
warranty? If the buyer discovers the hidden defect, the liability of the seller is to return the price
encumbrance within one year from the date of sale with interest and expenses. Take note, for breach
then the buyer may file an action within the one of warranty against eviction, what the seller returns
year for either damages or rescission. But if the is the value at the time of eviction. In case of
discovery is made only after one year then the breach of warranty against hidden defects of a
buyer can only sue for damages. The buyer can no movable, the liability of the seller is to return the
longer sue for rescission of the contract because price plus interest and expenses. If the seller acted
rescission must be filed within one year from the in bad faith, then on top of that the seller is also
execution of the sale. liable for damages.
Now, if the thing is lost because of a fortuitous
event, not because of a hidden defect, is the seller
liable? Yes, the seller is still liable even if the loss
is not due to the hidden defect but the liability of
the seller is not to return the price but the
difference between the price and the value at the
time of the loss. Again, if the seller acted in bad
faith, there is also liability for damages.

Now hidden defects of movables.

What are the requisites?
[1] The defects must not be visible or could not be
known to the buyer even if the buyer is an expert,
they must be serious as to render them unfit
because of the implied warranty of quality or
fitness, they must not be known to the buyer and
[2] they must exist prior to the sale, [3] they must
be notified to the seller within a reasonable time, What about for animals, redhibitory vices in
again prior requisite of notice to the seller. Now animals.
reasonable time here is not a question of fact, There is no warranty against redhibitory defects in
why? Because the action for breach must be animals if the animals are sold at fairs or public
brought within six months from delivery, and before actions. Do we have public auction sale of
you can file the action for breach of warranty, you livestock or animals here in cebu? Yes, in mount
have to notify first the seller. So reasonable time talungon in barili, we have.
here is within the 6 month period to bring the
action to enforce the warranty. Sales of condemned livestock. What do we mean
by condemned livestock? For example, you have a
What about second hand objects? General rule is poultry farm for egg layers, not meat chickens but
that there is no implied warranty for things sold as egg chickens, and these chickens or hens cease to
second hand. In fact, you would notice, for lay eggs so you are disposing this _____, selling
example, machinery equipment, trucks, big them. In fact, several years back, I would see non
productive chickens being sold along the highway
of carcar. So these are condemned livestock, there
is no warranty against redhibitory defect here.
What else, if the animals where previously
examined by an expert unless the vice is
When the vice is not declared redhibitory by law or
by local customs. Now if the animals are unfit for
the use stated in the contract, there is no
redhibitory vice but the sale is void. For if the
animals suffer from a contagious disease … what’s Okay, Philippine Lemon Law.
the famous contagious disease nowadays? We I have to warn you though that the Philippine
have african swine fever … the sale is void. Lemon law is copied from other jurisdictions. When
The law further says that it is presumed that the we mention of the word lemon, of course what
vice or the hidden defect of animals, or the defect immediately comes to mind is the fruit. But lemon
in the animals is redhibitory, meaning covered by actually refers to a substandard product. And
the warranty, if the disease exists _____ (pls check lemon laws are laws that provide remedy to
1:14:40, i cant understand the word) the time of the purchasers of goods … but in so far as the
contract and the animal dies within three days from Philippine lemon law is concerned, purchasers of
the purchase. brand new motor vehicles in order to compensate
Now what are the effects of the breach of warranty, them for vehicles that repeatedly fail to meet the
this is at the buyers option: [1] reduction of the standards of quality and performance as promised
price or [2] recission of the contract with damages or as warranted by the manufacturer.
in case of bad faith. Now in case of recission, the
buyer must return the animal, and if the animal
suffers from injuries due to the fault of the buyer
then the buyer answers for the injuries. But if the
injuries are suffered by the animal because of the
redhibitory defects then of course there is no
liability on the part of the buyer.
Now what if the animal dies because of the
redhibitory defect? Can the buyer still opt for
recision when he or she can no longer return the
animal? Most definitely yes. But of course, there is
no obligation to return the dead animal anymore. What’s the coverage of the law?
You have to immediately dispose of the carcass of *reads the slide* take note: brand new motor
the dead animal suffering from a, for example, vehicles purchased in the PHilippines not imported
contagious disease. by the consumer from other countries. It must be
Now if two or more animals are sold together, the brand new purchased in the Philippines. But not all
redhibitory defect of one will cause the redhibition brand new motor vehicles are covered, only
of that particular animal, unless if the vendee sedans, coupes, station wagons, convertibles,
would not have purchased one without the other. pick-up trucks (not your delivery trucks but pick up
trucks, your Nissan Navara, your Toyota Hilux,
Now what’s the prescriptive period? 40 days only your Ford Ranger, Mitsubishi Strada, these are
from delivery. Not six months but 40 days. pick up trucks) vans (your toyota Hiace), SUV’s
and AUV’s.
So that ends conditions and warranties. Shall we
proceed to lemon law? Lemon law is actually
connected with warranties. We will just do it slowly
because I have no more voice.
What’s the lemon right period?
Which ever comes first between [1] 12 months
from the date of original delivery or [2] up to
20,000km in your odometer, to which ever comes
first. Now if you are based in cebu and you are just
using the brand new motor vehicle for your
personal use, you normally not reach 20,000km
over the period of 12 months. Unless of course,
you use it for your business such as a grab ride.

What are not covered?

Motorcycles are not covered. Lawn mowers are
not covered. Buses are not covered.

Before you can avail of your lemon law rights,

there must be atleast 4 separate attempts over the
same complaint by the manufacturer or distributer
or dealer. So what does the consumer do? The
What is non-conformity? consumer will request the dealer to have the defect
Non-conformity is any defect or condition that fixed. This must be within the 12 month period. So
substantially impairs the use, value, or safety of a four attempts.
brand new motor vehicle which prevents it from First attempt, not successful, within 30 days, you
conforming to the manufacturers or the distributors must bring you vehicle back to your dealer.
standards or specifications which cannot be Second attempt, still not successful, again you
repaired. In short, this is a factory defect. Because must bring it back again to the dealer for another
it is a factory defect, it does not include: repair within 30 days.
● defect cause by non-compliance by the Then after another third attempt, still not
consumer of the obligations under the successful, then you can invoke your lemon law
warranty rights.
● modifications made by the consumer which Now the question is asked, what if in order to
are not authorized by the evade liability, the dealer will take its sweet time to
manufacturer/distributor/or dealer repair, can the dealer do that? No, because under
● abuse or neglect of the brand new vehicle the IRR promulgated by the DTI, the repair must
by the consumer, and be finished within 15 days. If it does not finish the
● Damage due to accident or force majeure repair within 15days, then the unfinished repair is
considered one repair attempt. If it finishes beyond
15days, the excess of the 15day period is added to
the lemon rights period. So the dealer cannot delay
the repair.
Now another question is, what if the problem
resurfaces after 30 days from the last repair? Can
you still bring it to the dealer for repair? The
answer is yes. But again, it must be within the
lemon rights period.
The repair includes replacement of parts,
components or assemblies.
So now the consumer files a complaint with the
*slide above were not presented during the class* DTI. Take note, earlier I said that the dealer
(usually it is the dealer in the Philippines) or the
manufacturer must finish the repair within 15 days,
otherwise the excess shall be added to the lemon
rights period, NOT ONLY THAT, during the time of
the repair and during the time of the pendency of
the action filed in the DTI, the consumer is entitled
to a reasonable transportation allowance which is
equivalent to an air conditioned taxi fare from the
consumer’s residence to the consumer’s usual
regular workplace or the usual destination, and
vice versa. But the law says, as supported by
If the issue remains unresolved after four attempts, official receipts which is hard to obtain. Taxis in the
then the consumer may now invoke the lemon law Philippines do not issue official receipts. No
rights by serving a notice of availment of the lemon problem! Either that, or whatever amount agreed
rights to the dealer. Now that notice of availment between the consumer and the dealer, if they
must be stamped “received” by the dealer. Not only cannot agree with the amount, then DTI will
that, the consumer must bring again the vehicle to determine. The other option is (and this is upon the
the dealer for one last attempt at repair. If the option of the seller, the seller or the dealer may
problem continues then the consumer can now file allow the consumer the use of a service vehicle.
the complaint with the DTI. Take note, the But take note, this is the option of the dealer or the
complaint is filed with the DTI not in the regular manufacturer, the consumer cannot demand that
courts. he/she be given a service vehicle.
What documents are attached to the complaint? [1]
The warranty booklet or the service booklet. That
is given to you when you purchase a brand new
vehicle. [2] The current motor registration. [3] all
the repair or job order invoices, you are given this
everytime you bring your vehicle to the dealer, and
the [4] notice of availment stamped “received” by
the dealer. Now don’t worry about the form of the
notice of availment, it is also in the warranty
booklet, all these forms are there. In fact, if you go
to a dealer nowadays … well, I have been to one
dealer, over the entire day that the dealership is So let’s go back to that complaint filed before the
open, they would show a video presentation of DTI. There are three resolution mechanisms: [1]
your lemon law rights. So if you just take the time mediation, [2] arbitration, [3] adjudication
to watch the video then you would atleast have a [1] Mediation is mandatory, even in civil cases. You
working knowledge of what the lemon law is. know in your civil procedure that mediation is
mandatory. If mediation is not successful then both
parties may opt for arbitration, but both must agree
to submit to arbitration proceedings. If only the
dealer wants to go through arbitration and the
consumer does not, then there shall be no
arbitration, they proceed to adjudication. There will
be a DTI adjudicator who will hear the case. To aid
the DTI in adjudicating the case, it may seek the
assistance of experts in other government
agencies in order to determine whether there really
exists a non-conformity issue.
If the remedy is return, the seller or dealer or
manufacturer or distributor returns the price plus
collateral charges. But if it is replacement or
repurchase, then reasonable allowance for use is
deducted from the price.
What is the amount of this reasonable allowance?
Whatever is lower between [1] 20% per annum
deducted from the purchase price or … now I want
you to take your cellphones now and go to your
calculators … [2] the product of the distance
traveled in kilometers and the purchase price
If the DTI determines that there is really divided by 100,000 kilometers.
non-conformity in this particular vehicle. Then it will
direct the manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to For example: the odometer is 10,000, the price is
grant either of the following remedies to the 1M, so 10,000 times 1M, you do that now, and
consumer: divide it by 100,000km. Okay, what is the figure
[1] replace the motor vehicle with a similar or a that is shown in your calculators? … Php100,000,
comparable motor vehicle, OR okay, what is 20% of 1M? It’s 200,000 right?
[2] accept the return of the motor vehicle and pay
to the consumer the purchase price plus collateral The law says that reasonable allowance for use is
charges, so in case of return no replacement, whichever is lower of the[1] 20% per annum
(return only because the consumer is not satisfied deducted from the purchase price or [2] the
with the service of the dealer) then return the price product of the distance traveled in kilometers and
plus collateral charges. the purchase price divided by 100,000 kilometers.
Now the law says that DTI will direct the seller or
the dealer/manufacturer/distributor to grant the So the lower amount is Php100,000, that is the
buyer the remedy of replacing the motor vehicle amount that will be deducted from the price. So in
with a comparable one. So if the lemon car is a case of replacement, that is what the consumer will
toyota vios then the replacement is with a similar pay to the dealer. So if there is replacement, there
toyota vios. Question: can the consumer opt to is a corresponding obligation on the part of the
purchase, instead of a vios, a toyota camry (which consumer because that amount is deducted from
is more expensive than a vios)? The answer is the price. So sort of a depreciation cost.
yes. But the consumer will pay the difference
between the price of the toyota camry and the Now if the consumer decides to buy the camry
value of the vios. I am emphasizing the value. instead of the the vios, then that (referring to the
Why? Because the law says, in case of calculation above) is deducted from the price of the
replacement and repurchase, a reasonable vios plus the difference plus the price of the vios
allowance for use is deducted from the price. and the camry, that is what the consumer will pay
the dealer.
disclosure but a written disclosure. What is
indicated in the written disclosure? [1] First, that
the vehicle was returned, [2] second, the nature of
the non-conformity which caused the return, [3]
and third, the condition of the vehicle at the time of
the transfer by the consumer to the dealer. If the
dealer/manufacturer/distributor does not comply
with these requirement then there is a fine of
100,000 pesos in addition to whatever civil or
criminal liability under existing laws.
What about if the DTI determines that there is no
case of non-conformity. Of course the DTI will Do you have questions? Please, i want you to take
decide in favor with the dealer and against the note of the lemon law. This would be more
consumer. The consumer will then be directed to advantageous to the consumers over the
reimburse the costs incurred in validating his or her provisions on implied warranty against hidden
complaint. Under the IRR, when the consumer files defects of movables under the civil code. Because
a complaint with the DTI, the consumer deposits under the civil code you only have 6 months within
the amount of 10,000 this is to cover the expenses which to enforce the implied warranty but here you
in validating the complaint in determining the issue have either 12 months from the original delivery or
of whether there’s non conformity or not. But if this 20,000km, whichever comes first.
amount is not sufficient to cover the expenses then
the consumer will have to pay more. ​—-----------------------------------------------------------------

So obligations of the buyer.

Can any of the parties appeal from the decision of When we define the contract of sale, we said that
the adjudicator? Yes. File the appeal with the one of the contracting parties undertakes to
secretary of trade and industry. transfer the ownership of, and to deliver a
determinate thing that pertains to the obligations of
the seller. And the other to pay therefore a price
certain in money or its equivalent. But that’s not
just the obligation of the buyer.

Now what will happen to the lemon car? Will it be

condemned forever? No, it can be resolved but if it
is resolved, the dealer must furnish the second
buyer with a written disclosure, not just a verbal First is to accept delivery.
So the two major obligations of the buyer are to enough for the buyer to just notify the seller of the
accept delivery and to pay the price. While it is the rejection.
obligation of the buyer to accept delivery, the buyer But the buyer, may constitute himself as
must be given reasonable opportunity to examine depositoring, and as such, subject to the
the thing before accepting it. Unless of course, the obligations of the depository.
thing is sold COD (cash on delivery) meaning, pay
first before you examine. Now if the buyer has had
reasonable opportunity to examine, and has
accepted delivery, is the seller now excused from
any liability for breach of the contract of any
warranty? The answer is no. The acceptance of
the buyer does not discharge the seller from
liability in damages or other legal remedy for
breach of any promise or warranty, EXCEPT if, the
buyer fails to give notice of the breach within
reasonable time. Remember earlier? We said that
before the buyer can sue for breach of warranty
notice must first be given to the seller. (1:42:22) Which brings us to the obligation to pay
the price. When and where must the price be paid?
In De Guzman v. Triangle Ace Corporation, in this Whatever is the time and place stipulated in the
case, the buyer accepted delivery of a differently contract. If there is no time and place stipulated in
sized steel bars. Nevertheless, even if it was not the contract, then the time and place of the
the sized that was ordered, the buyer accepted. delivery is the time and place of the payment.
And then, when demand was made for him to pay, Because the presumption is, there must be a
the buyer said: well there was a breach of warranty simultaneous performance of the part of the buyer
because what you delivered was not exactly what I and the seller.
ordered. The court said, the buyer must notify the
seller the breach of warranty. This is to prevent the When is the buyer justified in suspending the
buyer from interposing delinquent claims or payment? After delivery. First, if there is actual
damages as an offset to a suit began by the seller disturbance of possession or ownership, such as
of the purchase price. So, in many cases, this is eviction. IF you’re deprived of the property, would
the defense invoked by the buyer. There is a you still pay the price? Ofcourse not. That is
breach of warranty (1:40:32) , but delictedly justification in suspending the payment of the
invoked. Now if the buyer unjustifying refuses to price. Second is, if there is reasonable ground to
accept the delivery, the law says that nevertheless fear a disturbance either by a vindicatory action or
the ownership transfers to this buyer. What is the foreclosure of mortgage. What is a reasonable
effect if ownership is transferred to the buyer, if the ground to fear a disturbance by a vindicatory
buyer hasn’t paid the price? Buyer is liable to pay action which justifies suspensive payment of the
the price. Even if the buyer refuse to accept and price? If the buyer is not yet deprived of the
the goods remain in the possession of the seller property, but an action of case is filed against the
incase of loss due to fortuitous event if the buyer buyer for a recovery of property filed by another
has not paid the price, the buyer is still liable to pay person or another party, and not the seller. Is there
the price. Because as owner, our role in the a risk that the buyer will be deprived of the
Philippines, under the civil code, is res perit property? Yes, because there is a 50% chance that
domino. this other person or claimant will win. Is the buyer
justified in suspending the payment of the price?
But if the buyer justifiably refuses to accept Yes. Now, what is the reasonable ground to fear a
because of the sale of description of what was disturbance by a foreclosure of mortgage? If prior
delivered, is that with accordance with the to the sale, the property was already the subject of
description, is it required for the buyer to make a real estate mortgage, duly recorded, but we
arrangements for the return of the thing? No, it is might ask to why did the seller sell the property
that was previously mortgage? Well the law on
mortgage does not require that the ownership
transferred to the mortgagee. In a mortgage, the
real property is only subjected as security for the
fulfillment of the principal obligation. In fact,
possession of the property remains with the
mortgagor/owner. So during the existence of the
real estate mortgage, the mortgagor remains the
absolute owner of the real property. Being the
absolute owner, the mortgagor can sell the
property. But ofcourse, there is a caveat already to
the buyer, the buyer is charged with notice of the
mortgage because the mortgage is registered and Now payment of interest. Is the buyer, at all times,
therefore annotated of the title. Will that prevent liable to pay interest? Answer is NO. Before
the buyer from purchasing? NO, the only risk is if default, the buyer is liable to pay interest only if it is
the seller/mortgagor defaults in the fulfillment of stipulated. Also, the thing produces fruits which
the principal obligation. Now there is a risk of pertain to the buyer, take note that the buyer is
foreclosure of mortgage. Under that circumstance, entitled to the fruits from the moment of the
then the buyer is justified in suspending payment, perfection of the contract. So if the thing produces
especially, if the creditor/mortgagee, has already fruits which pertain to the buyer, the buyer is
initiated foreclosure proceedings. obliged to pay the interest. Now after default,
certainly, the buyer is liable to pay the interest.
Now in the case of Arra Realty Corp. vs. Guaranty That is called moratory interest. From when is the
Dev’t. Penalosa here purchased ½ of the floor of buyer liable to pay interest? From judicial or
the commercial building. So, this is a several story extrajudicial demand. How much is the interest or
commercial building. Take note this is not covered the rate of interest after default? Again it depends.
by the Maceda Law because the subject is a If there’s stipulation for moratory interest, then that
commercial building. So Peñalosa purchased, on is the rate of interest that will be paid. If not then
installments, ½ of the second floor of a commercial or when there is no stipulation, then it will be legal
building. And then she occupied a portion of that interest which is 6% per annum.
½. And then she demanded that the title be
delivered to her but the buyer refused and ignored.
The seller rather ignored the demand and then she
discovered that the entire building, including the lot
on which the building constructed, was mortgaged
to China Bank. She demanded to China Bank, still
the demand was ignored. She offered to pay yet it
was rejected. So what she did is to suspend the
payment of installments. This was payable
quarterly, not monthly. Was she justified in
suspending the payment? YES, the Court said that
Peñalosa cannot be blamed for suspending the
remittance of payment to the petitioner because What are the legal guarantees available to the
she pushed for the issuance of the title to the seller for payment of the price? 1.) Suspension of
property after taking possession thereof, the delivery - In cash sales, if payment is not tendered.
petitioner failed to comply. Under article 1519 (90), In credit sales, if the buyer has lost the benefit of
under the last sentence - a vendee may suspend the period, again under 1198 (MEMORIZE).
the payment of the price. Here, there was a Second, by exercising possessory lien over the
reasonable ground to fear a disturbance by goods or 3.) stoppage in transitu which did not
foreclosure of the mortgage. discussed because not practiced nowadays. 4.) By
resale of goods and by 5.) Recision of the contract.
Now what does the law say about rescission. With
respect to movable property, the law says, under
1593, that rescission of the sale shall of right place
in the interest of the vendor if the vendee, upon
expiration of the period fixed for the delivery of the
thing, should have appeared to received it or
having appeared he should have not tendered the
price at the same time, unless a longer period has
been stipulated for its payment. So for sale of
movable property, rescission shall of right take
place. So just by operation of law. Now first, on the part of the seller under Art. 1595,
if the ownership has passed to the buyer, but the
But incase of immovable property, regardless if price has not paid and no period for payment is
whether there is, even if there is a stipulation for agreed, so the presumption is simultaneous
the automatic rescission of the contract of sale of performance by the parties but the buyer fails to
real property, failure of the buyer to pay within the pay where it stipulated to be payable in a certain
period stipulated will not result in the automatic date or a respective delivery of a title if it is
rescission of the contract. In other words, the stipulated, payment should be made in a certain
buyer can still pay even beyond the period date, then the seller may bring an action against
stipulated, for as long as there is no judicial the buyer for the price. Also, if the buyer refuses to
demand, rescission, or extrajudicial demand by accept the goods, and the goods cannot be readily
notarial act. be resold, seller may sue for the price.

So article 1592 says, in the sale of immovable Now in de Guzman v. Triangle Ace Corp., the
property, even though it may have been stipulated, Court said, Art. 1595 provides, that if the
that upon the failure to pay the price of the time ownership of the goods has passed to the buyer,
agreed upon the rescission of the contract shall of and he wrongfully refuses to pay for such, the
right take place, the vendee may pay even after seller may maintain an action for the price of the
expiration of the period as long as no demand for goods. A buyer is deemed to have accepted the
rescission of the contract has been made upon goods when he does an act inconsistent with the
him, either judicially or by notarial act. After ownership of the seller or when after the lapse of a
demand, the court may not grant a new term. reasonable time, he retains the goods without
intimating the seller that he has rejected them. In
the case at bar, there is no dispute that the steel
bars purchased petitioner, referring to De Guzman,
were received by him. That some of the steel bars
were in fact used by him to manufacture reinforced
concrete pipes. Although, they were allegedly
rejected on the ground that the steel bars were
undersized. The retention and use of the steel bars
by the petitioner clearly show that he accepted the
goods. For this reason, he should pay the price or
the same. Because the defense of De Guzman
These are remedies available to the buyer and here were he refuse to pay the price, was that
seller incase of breach committed by the other there a breach of contract because what was
party. delivered to him were undersized steel bars but the
fact that he accepted delivery and did not notify the
seller that he was rejecting the goods. In fact, he
accepted and he used them in his business. So he
cannot, now, blatantly claim breach committed by
the seller in order to refuse payment of the price.
Aside from action for the price, under 1596, the
seller can maintain also an action for damages Third remedy available to the seller or action
against the buyer, on what grounds? 1.) If the available to the seller is rescission. Now this is
buyer wrongfully refuses to accept and pay or 2.) If extrajudicial rescission of the contract. Although in
the buyer repudiates or countermand the sale ObliCon, we learned that obligation should be by
before the goods are placed in a deliverable state. judicial order, but under 1957, the seller merely
Meaning the goods are not yet finished and the gives notice of his election to rescind the contract.
buyer notifies the seller that he is canceling the What are the requisites? 1.) The goods are not
order. So certainly if the goods are not yet finished, delivered. The goods are finished already but not
and the seller cannot sue for the price. So the delivered. 2.) But the buyer either (i) repudiates the
option available for the seller is to sue for contract, or (ii) manifests an inability to perform, he
damages. If the buyer unjustifiably refuses to cannot pay, or (iii) commits a breach of contract
accept and pay, seller may maintain an action for like a period of payment is fixed bu the parties but
the price and for damages. the period has arrived but the buyer fails to pay so
that is commission of a breach of contract. What
Now what is the measure for damages? The law the seller may do is just give notice to the buyer of
says, the estimated loss naturally resulting from his election to rescind the sale, after that the sale
the breach. Now if there is an available market for is considered rescinded or canceled. Take note,
the goods, we’re referring to number 1 here - this refers to sale of goods. Because if we talk
wrongful failure to accept and to pay, the measure about immovables, even if it is expressly stipulated
of damages is the difference between contract in the contract, that in case of nonpayment of the
price and market price when the acceptance price within the periods stipulated the contract shall
should have been made. If no time for acceptance be considered automatically rescinded, that will not
has fixed, the market price at the time of the happen.
refusal. So the presumption here is that the market
price is lower than the contract price, because So again, incase of sale, not contract to sell but
when the market price is higher than the contract sell of immovables, even if it is expressly stipulated
price, then there is no loss sustained by the seller. by the parties that in case of nonpayment of the
In fact, he would (GIVE or NEED) more if the period stipulated, the seller may consider the
market price is higher. contract to be automatically rescinded, there shall
be no automatic rescission of the contract. When is
Now if the repudiation is made before the goods the contract, what is the consequence rather even
are finished, what is the measure of damages? We after the period has lapse, if the buyer has not
will take into consideration the expenses incurred received notarial notice of rescission or a judicial
for the materials, the labor, plus the unearned profit demand or where there is no judicial demand for
or the expected profit. rescission, the buy can still pay the prices.

Please take note on this, if you are the lawyer of

the buyer client, then even if your payment period
has lapsed, client can still pay the price if there is
no notarial notice of rescission or judicial demand
for rescission. Now if you are representing the
seller, advice your client that he/she may still be offer to return them to the seller and recover the
compelled to accept the payment, even after the price or any part thereof which has been paid.
lapse of the agreed period, if he/she has not sent a
judicial demand or has not filed a judicial action for Take note that the options of the buyer are
rescission or a notarial notice or demand for alternative. But if the buyer opts for specific
rescission of the contract. performance, if it is impossible then, the buyer may
ask for rescission of the contract. Now let’s look at
some cases decided by the Court. Two cases.

In Harrisson Motors, miss Navarro purchased two

trucks from Harrisson Motors because of the
express warranty by Harrisson that the Custom’s
duty of import taxes have already been paid when
they were not fully paid yet. So, what was the
action filed by miss navaro in court for damages?
Actually just reimbursement for the duties and
taxes that she paid. So she accepted and retained
Now on the part of the buyer, action for specific possession of the trucks but sued for the breach of
performance. So if the contract is for the seller to the express warranty. But in Supercards Mgmt vs
deliver specific goods and the seller fails to Flores, (THIS WHAT?) is rescission of the contract,
perform, the buyer may file in court an action for because if you read the case, if you cared to read
specific performance. Now the seller has no option the case, then you would know that there would be
to pay for damages in lieu of performance. That is no other option available to the buyer but for
not an option available to the seller. But ofcourse, rescission of the contract because the vehicle
the buyer agrees, no problem. really was defective. Now, if this happened when
the lemon law was already effective, then Flores
might have opted, if nonconformity was determined
by the DTI, then Flores would have opted for the
replacement of the vehicle but for here, Flores,
sued for rescission. In fact, on top of rescission,
the Court awarded damages.

Action for breach of warranty, this is again for sale

of goods. What are the choices or options
available to the buyer, enumerated in 1599, (1)
Accept or keep the goods and set up against the
seller, the breach of warranty by way of
recoupment in diminution or extinction of the price;
(2) Accept or keep the goods and maintain an When can’t buyer rescind the contract? First, if he
action against the seller for damages for the knew of the breach but still accepted the goods.
breach of warranty; (3) Refuse to accept the That is a waiver. Or if the buyer failed to notify the
goods, and maintain an action against the seller for seller, in due time, of the election to rescind. Take
damages for the breach of warranty; (4) Rescind note, that when we discussed implied warranties of
the contract of sale and refuse to receive the the seller, before the buyer can sue for breach of
goods or if the goods have already been received, warranty, he/she must first give notice to the seller
return them or of the breach. That is a prerequisite. So if the
buyer failed to notify the seller of the breach, and
of the election to rescind, then the buyer can no
longer rescind the sale. Lastly, if the buyer cannot
return the goods, in substantially the same
condition as they were at the time of delivery,
unless of course the deterioration is because of the

Now what are the effects if the buyer elects to

rescind? If he has not yet paid the price, then he
ceases to pay the price upon tender or return of
the goods. If the buyer has paid the price, then
he/she may recover the price simultaneously or 1.) Conventional Redemption and 2.) Legal
concurrently with the return or immediately after Redemption. What is Conventional Redemption? It
the tender. If the seller refuses to accept the return, is defined in Art. 1601.
the buyer may exercise possessory lien over the
goods and then refused to deliver the goods to the
seller until the seller returns the price to him. This
is similar to the right of possessory lien of an
unpaid seller.

Conventional redemption shall take place when the

vendor reserves the right to repurchase the thing
sold, with the obligation to comply with the
provisions of article 1616 and other stipulations
which may have been agreed upon.

Let’s go to the extinguishment of sale. Now since Now, you might have heard of a sale of a right to
sale is contract, then the general causes of repurchase or sale of right of repurchase or pacto
extinguishment of the contract are also the general de retro sale. So, this is where we have a provision
causes of extinguishment of sale. for redemption. (1) It is an accidental element
which it not enforceable unless it is expressly
stipulated by both parties. (2) express condition.
(3) Potestative resolutory condition - depends upon
the will of one of the parties. Why is it a resolutory
condition? Because the exercise of redemption by
the seller extinguishes upon sale. (4) it is a real
right because it attaches to the property.
Therefore, even if the buyer has (CANGS?) for the
property to another buyer, the seller exercise
redemption against the 2nd buyer. So, this is the
pacto de retro sale. The problem is, there are
instances when the intention of the parties is just to
But there two special causes of the extinguishment subject real property as security for the fulfillment
of sale which are not present of the other of the obligation usually a loan, not at all times, but
contracts. usually a loan.
possession? That means there is really no
intention to transfer ownership. The agreement
really is just an equitable mortgage to charge the
property as security for a payment of the debt and
not to transfer ownership to the buyer.

(3) When upon or after the expiration of the right to

repurchase another instrument extending the
period of redemption or granting a new period is
executed; Now if you’re the buyer, even if it is a
But the instrument or the document executed is pacto de retro sale, your prayer is that you will
pacto de retro sale. Now if anyone of the eventually have absolute ownership over the
circumstances attends the contract, this gives the property if the seller cannot redeem the property
disputable presumption that the contract is an within the stipulated period. That is your prayer.
equitable mortgage and not a pacto de retro sale. Why would you agree to extend the period for
redemption. That means the property is just really
What is an equitable mortgage? One which, a security for the payment of a debt.
although, lacking in some formality, or form or
words, or other requisites demanded by a statute, (4) When the purchaser retains for himself a part of
nevertheless reveals the intention of the parties to the purchase price; Again, there is a legal
charge real property as security for a debt, and expectation of the seller to received the price. Now,
contains nothing impossible or contrary to law. why would the seller agree that the buyer retains
part of the purchase price. That runs contrary to
What are these instances where the law presumes the essence of sale. When the seller expects to
that contract is an equitable mortgage and not a received the full purchase price.
pacto de retro sale? 1) When the price of a sale
with right to repurchase is unusually inadequate; (5) When the vendor binds himself to pay the taxes
when is the price considered real? If there is a on the thing sold; Now who is liable to pay the
legal intention of the buyer to pay and a legal realty taxes on the property? Is it not the owner of
expectation of the seller to receive the price. Now, the property? Now if we talk about pacto de retro
what kind of price does the seller expect to sale, even if there is a right to repurchase, the fact
received? The full purchase price. The equivalent that his ownership is transferred to the buyer
value of the property sold. What if the selling price subject to the redemption to the seller, but here,
is unusually inadequate, then the presumption is why would the seller continue to pay the taxes?
taht the seller really has no intention to transfer title That means that the seller still considers
to the buyer. That this is just a security payment of himself/herself as the owner of the property. So the
an obligation. intention really is not to transfer the ownership but
to subject the property as a security for a debt.
(2) When the vendor remains in possession as
lessee or otherwise; Go back to the definition of (6) In any other case where it may be fairly inferred
sale. By the contract of sale, one of the contracting that the real intention of the parties is that the
parties, whom we call as the seller, undertakes to transaction shall secure the payment of a debt or
transfer the ownership of and to deliver a the performance of any other obligation; What’s an
determinate thing. In this case a parcel of land, example? So we have a pacto de retro sale, buyer
because it refers to real property. So in fact, one of delivers or pays the price to the seller, but the
the obligations of the seller is to deliver. No, in this seller pays interest to the buyer. Now if the amount
particular pacto de retro sale, why would the seller received by the seller constitutes the price, why
remain in possession when that it is his obligation would he/she pays the interest for the price
to deliver the property to the buyer and it also the received? That means the transaction really is not
expectation of the buyer to receive and have a sale but an equitable mortgage.
possession and control over the real property. Why
would the buyer agree that the seller remains in
(27:00 - 45:00 = RENNART) Now take note the
Let’s look at some old cases here. In Caballero vs. presumption that the contract is an equitable
Ong Tiao Bok, the Court here cited Aguilar vs mortgage applies to absolute sales not just to
Rogiato, where the court said, the inadequacy of pacto de retro sales if any of the circumstances
the price paid must be so gross and enumerated in under 1602 is present. That is
unconscionable that the mind revolts at it and is emphasized in Article 1604. In Quinga v. CA, the
such a reasonable man would neither directly nor court said: Even disregarding the inadequacy of
indirectly be likely to consent to. Because in this the price of, take note 200 pesos, this was an old old
case, the purchase price for the land was P60k case, for the more than 2 hectares of riceland alleged
which was a substantial amount at that time, and to have been sold by Salas to Datoon, there remains
at the time of the sale, the assessed value of the the important circumstance that in spite of the alleged
property was P65,610. The court said, that the sale, the seller remained in possession of the
difference is P5,610 is not substantial. So the property and the vendee started receiving his share
inadequacy of the price is not gross between in the fruits of the land only after 9 years from the
P65,610 to P60,000. So there is no gross in the sale. If the real transaction was one of sale, the buyer
inadequacy of the price here according to the would have asserted his right to receive from the
alleged tenant his share in the fruits of the property
right after the sale, especially considering the fact
that he had registered the deed of sale and secured
Ramos emphasized that jurisprudence has
the issuance of a TCT in his name. So for the next 9
consistently declared that the presence of even
years after the purported absolute sale was entered
just one of the circumstances set forth in the into, the seller continued to receive the share from
foregoing civil code provision referring to 1602, the harvest of the riceland of the (?) from the tenant,
suffices to convert a contract to an equitable now if this is really a sale, then immediately after the
mortgage. Art. 1602 specifically states that the sale, the vendee should exercise the right of
equitable presumption applies to any of the cases dominion by receiving the share from the farm from
therein enumerated, because what happened in the purported tenant of the property, but he did not.
Ramos vs. Sarao, was that Ramos the petitioner,
remained in possession of the property after it was In Misena v. Rongavilla, the court found three
purportedly sold on pacto de retro. circumstances present, so the court said, the
provisions of 1602 also apply to a contract purporting
Now, Diño vs. Jardines, the Court found two to be an absolute sale, and the presence of any of
instances giving rise to the presumption that the the above-mentioned circumstances give rise to the
contract was pacto de retro. The Court said, in the presumption in favor of equitable mortgage. In the
instant case, the presence of the circumstances instant case, three circumstances were present and
provided for under par. 2 - possession and par. 5 - proven, first, the inadequacy of the consideration,
taxes of Art. 1602 of the Civil Code. Plus the fact second, that Rongavilla remained in possession of
that the petitioner himself demands payment of the land, and third, the subject property was charged
as security for the loan.
interest on the purported purchase price of the
subject property, clearly show that the intention of
Now in Romulo v. Layug, after the buyers and the
the party is to smearly for the property to stand as
seller entered into the purported absolute sale, the
a security for a loan.
buyers (the Layugs) continued to lend money to the
petitioner, now if you have entered into a contract of this in oblicon just very recently, you don’t reform the
absolute sale and you are the buyer, why would you contract, you reform the instrument to conform to the
continue to lend money? If the sale was purportedly real agreement of the parties. Don't be confused with
entered into in order to fully pay the obligations of the declaration in Bacungan, Bacungan said, under
your debtor, because this was a dacion en pago that Article 1605 of the new civil code, the supposed
was entered into. Why would you continue to lend vendor may ask for reformation of the instrument
money? If the intention was to extinguish the should the case be among those mentioned in Article
obligation of your debtor through that absolute sale, 1602 and 1604, because respondent (Bacungan) has
so the court concluded that this was really just an more than sufficiently established that the assailed
equitable mortgage and not an absolute sale. contract is in fact an equitable mortgage rather than
an absolute sale, he is allowed to avail himself the
In Bacungan v. CA, again a purported absolute sale, remedy of reformation of contracts. I'm sure this is
the court found 3 circumstances, it said: in the instant just an innocuous error because of course, earlier in
case, 3 circumstances indicating that an equitable the sentence, prior to this sentence, the court already
mortgage exists are present, first, the price of each of mentioned reformation of instruments, so its not
the properties was grossly inadequate, second, reformation of contracts, its reformation of
petitioners retained part of the purchase price, third, instruments.
petitioners insisted that part of the consideration of
the sale consisted of amounts previously borrowed
by the respondents from them.

Now if the contract really is a pacto de retro sale, not

an equitable mortgage, when is redemption
exercised? So forget about equitable mortgage now
Now, if you have a document denominated as a deed we are back to conventional redemption really a
of sale with right to repurchase or right of repurchase pacto de retro sale, now if there is no period agreed,
or a deed of absolute sale but the contract is of redemption shall be exercised within 4 years from the
doubtful interpretation, then it shall be construed as date of the contract. If a period is agreed, it cannot
an equitable mortgage. exceed 10 years from the date of the contract. Can
the parties stipulate on non-redemption within a
certain period? Yes, so the other parties agree that
the seller shall be entitled to redeem the property but
not earlier than 4 years from the contract, that's it. So
they have agreed on the period of non-redemption
but did not agreed on the period of redemption so
when is redemption exercised? Within 4 years after
the 4-year non-redemption period *coughs* excuse
me. If the parties stipulate that there shall be no
redemption within the first 8 years of the contract,
thats it. When is redemption exercised? Only within 2
years after the 8-year non-redemption period why?
Because redemption cannot exceed 10 years from
If the contract is determined to be an equitable
the contract. So it cannot be 4 years after 8 years
mortgage, what is the remedy available to the
because redemption cannot be exercised beyond 10
“vendor a retro”? Reformation of the instrument, take
years, the only exception is if a case is filed, because
note, you reform the instrument, you have learned
the seller truly, honestly believes that the contract is consign with the trial court the amount of 896,000
an equitable mortgage but the court ruled that it is pesos on or before the expiration of the right to
really a pacto de retro sale then the seller has 30 repurchase on August 21, 1983—that was the date
days from the finality of the judgment within which to fixed by the CA within which to buy back the property,
exercise redemption. So 30 days from the time of which they did not. Clearly therefore, the declaration
judgment, not 4 years not 10 years. of the transaction as a pacto de retro sale will not
under the circumstances entitle the respondents to
Now in Abilla v. Gobonseng, *clears throat* the right of repurchase set forth under the third
Remember I told you before that the default provision paragraph of Article 1606.
of the law with respect to expenses of the contract is
that these expenses are born by the seller, that is the
default provision of the law. So the seller shoulders
the expenses of the contract. The parties may agree
otherwise but it must be expressly stipulated and I
also remember, I told you that if you are asked to
draft a contract, you will be doing your clients a favor
if you include as one of the stipulations, who will pay
what expense, who will pay the capital gains tax?
The documentary stamp tax? The transfer taxes? Of
course, real property tax is for the account of the
seller, prior to the sale because here, in Abilla v.
Gobonseng, the Abillas claim that they entered into—
The court cited the ruling in vda de macoy v. CA,
actually there were two documents, deed of sale and
what did vda de macoy say? The application of the
option to repurchase or option to buy, it was the
third paragraph of 1606 is predicated upon the bona
Abillias (the buyers) who’ll shoulder the expenses for
vides of the vendor a retro. It must appear that there
the sale so they sued for the recovery/reimbursement
was a belief on his part, founded on facts attendant
of the expenses, Gobonseng said: it's not a pacto de
upon the execution of the sale with pacto de retro,
retro sale, its an equitable mortgage. Trial court said,
honestly and sincerely entertained, that the
it's a pacto de retro sale, so Gobunseng went up to
agreement was in reality a mortgage, one not
the CA, CA said it's a pacto de retro sale so you’re
intended to affect the title to the property ostensibly
given until August 21, 1983 within which to redeem
sold, but merely to give it as security for a loan or
the property. Gobonseng did not redeem the property
other obligation. In that event, if the matter of the real
on or before August 21, 1983. Gobunseng went up to
nature of the contract is submitted for judicial
the SC, the petition was dismissed by the SC,
resolution, the application of the rule is meet and
Gobunseng filed a motion for
proper; that the vendor a retro be allowed to
reconsideration—Denied, filed a second motion for
repurchase the property sold within 30 days from
reconsideration, still denied. In effect, the declaration
rendition of final judgment declaring the contract to
that the contract was a pacto de retro sale stood. So
be a true sale with right to repurchase. So this was
he went back to the trial court, and file a motion for
the ruling in Abilia v. Gobunseng.
redemption claiming that well they have 30 days from
the finality of the decision within which to exercise
redemption, court denied the motion. So they went
up again to the SC, only on the sole issue of whether
Gobunseng can exercise redemption within 30 days,
the court said, in the case at bar, both the trial court
and the CA were of the view that the subject
transaction was truly a pacto de retro sale and that
none of the circumstances under 1602 of the civil
code exists to warrant a conclusion that the
transaction subject of the deed of sale and option to
buy was an equitable mortgage, the CA correctly
noted that if respondents really believe that the
transaction was indeed an equitable mortgage, as a (45:00 - 1:03:00 = JIE)
sign of good faith, they should have at the very least
Now who may exercise redemption? Of course, retro. Let’s presume there are only two co-owners
the vendor. In whose favor? The right is reserved. of the property. Can the vendee compel
Now if the buyer purchases part of an immovable, redemption of the entire property? The answer is
so this is referring to a co-owned property, the no. Why? Because you have two separate sales.
buyer purchases from one of the co-owners the So each vendor a retro may independently redeem
pro indiviso share of this co-owner on pacto de his pro indiviso share from the vendee and the
retro. But later on the buyer acquires the entire vendee cannot refuse redemption by one vendor a
property under Art. 498 because the remaining retro because the sales were separately
co-owners could not agree on how to divide the transacted or entered into.
property so they sold it to the same vendee and
divided the proceeds among themselves. So the Now if the vendor has died, can the heirs exercise
first sale by one of the co-owners was pacto de redemption? Yes. Each of the heirs can redeem
retro, the sale by the other co-owners was an only his share in the property but the vendee may
absolute sale. What is the rule? In case the refuse redemption by just one heir. He may compel
co-owner who sold the property on pacto de retro all the heirs to redeem the entire property. This is
desires to redeem the property, the vendee may similar to the rule on co-owners selling the property
compel him or her to redeem the entire property. under pacto de retro.
Take note, in this instance, only one co-owner sold
his pro indiviso share on pacto de retro. Thereafter, Can the creditors of the vendor exercise
the other co-owners sold the property absolutely to redemption? Yes, but the requirement is that they
the same vendee. In case that vendor a retro must have exhausted the property of the vendor.
exercises redemption, the vendee can compel him Meaning, redemption to be exercised by the
to redeem the entire property. Why? Because the creditor is a remedy of last resort.
law frowns upon co-ownership. If this vendor a
retro exercise redemption and redeems only the
pro indiviso share that he sold, then he becomes
co-owner with the buyer because the buyer is the
owner of the remaining portion of the property. But
if the buyer allows redemption only of the pro
indiviso share, no problem at all. But the vendee
can also demand that the entire property be
redeemed. So that’s the first scenario.

Second scenario, all the co-owners sold the

undivided immovable property to one single buyer
under pacto de retro. What is the rule? Any of the Against whom is conventional redemption
vendors a retro may redeem only his share. He exercised? Against the vendee if the vendee is still
cannot redeem the entire property. But the vendee alive and has not conveyed the property to a
may refuse partial redemption and may compel all subsequent buyer. If the vendee has died, then
vendors a retro to come to an agreement for the redemption shall be exercised against the heirs of
redemption of the entire property. Meaning the the vendee. Let’s not kill the vendor, we have killed
vendee can refuse redemption unless the entire the vendee.. So the vendee is survived by two
property is redeemed. But if one co-owner heirs. Can the vendor redeem the entire property
redeems the entire property and the vendee allows from one of the heirs? No, only the share
it, what is the rule? Does he become the owner of pertaining to that heir, except if the property is
the entire property? No. He is still only a co-owner adjudicated to a particular heir, then the vendor
of the entire property but he has a lien on the rest can redeem the entire property from him or her.
of the property for their price. But if not, then the vendor must redeem from all
the heirs if the vendor wants to redeem the entire
Third scenario, one co-owner sold his pro indiviso property.
share on pacto de retro. After that, another
co-owner sold his pro indiviso share on pacto de
If the vendee has transferred or conveyed the
property to another person, then the vendor may
exercise redemption against this possessor whose
right is derived from the vendee. Now if redemption
is exercised to what is paid by the redemptioner,
the redemptioner shall return the purchase price,
the expenses of the contract if it was shouldered
by the buyer, the necessary and usual expenses
made on the thing sold after their amount is
determined. Now if no redemption is exercised,
then ownership is consolidated in the vendee. If it
is movable, ownership is consolidated absolutely Which brings us to the second mode of
without any further action. But if it is real property, extinguishing a sale which is legal redemption.
then the vendee has to go to court and file a
petition for consolidation of title. If you still recall If conventional redemption is expressly agreed by
Aguilar v. Robiato which I know you did not read the parties, in fact it's an express condition, it’s an
because of course you don't have time to read, you accidental element, legal redemption, by the term
have time to watch Netflix but no, you have no time itself, is provided for by law. Art. 1619 defines legal
to read the assigned cases, I accept that. So in redemption as the right to be subrogated upon the
Aguilar vs. Robiato, Aguilar was the vendee a same terms and conditions stipulated in the
retro. After one year when there was no contract, we are referring to a written contract. In
redemption exercised by Robiato, who did not the place of one who acquires a thing by purchase,
personally transact with her, she filed an action for or dation in payment, or by any transaction
consolidation of her title. That was when Robiato whereby ownership is transmitted by onerous title.
discovered that the property was sold on pacto de So it is a privilege created by law.
retro. Why did I mention Aguilar v. Robiato? That’s
an example that in case of pacto de retro sale, it We also have the term pre-emption. Now
really is a pacto de retro sale and the subject is a redemption is exercised after the sale, pre-emption
real property, you have to go to court for the is exercised before the sale. In redemption, the
consolidation of your title. It is not automatic, unlike right is born after the sale, that’s why you redeem.
if the subject of the sale is movable. Pre-emption, the right is born before the sale. You
“pre”-empt the sale. Second difference, redemption
rescinds the contract of sale. In pre-emption, there
is no contract of sale yet, so there is nothing to
rescind or cancel. In redemption, because there is
already a sale, the right or the action is directed
against the buyer. In pre-emption, the action is
directed against the prospective seller. Take note,
pre-emption is available only in case of urban land.
There is no right of pre-emption in sale of rural

(No discussion for this slide. Judge proceeded For our purposes of discussing legal redemption,
right away to the next slide) we will be discussing redemption by co-owners,
redemption by adjoining owners of rural lands, and
redemption by adjoining owners of urban lands.
And this includes pre-emption. Take note, we are
talking here about absolute sale, we are no longer
talking about pacto de retro sale which is covered
by the rules on conventional redemption. If it’s an
absolute sale, sale might be one, some but not all
co-owners, we are governed by rules on legal determined, clearly identifiable, and no longer ideal
redemption. (?), thus the co-ownership has been legally
dissolved. With that, petitioner’s right to redeem
any part of the property from any of their
co-owners was already extinguished.

Now who may exercise redemption? Of course the

co-owner who did not sell. If two or more
co-owners desire to redeem, they may redeem in
proportion to the share they may respectively have
in the thing owned.

What is the purpose of the law in allowing legal

redemption? To end indivision or at least reduce
the numbers of co-owners because again, the law
frowns upon co-ownership.

When is legal redemption exercised by a

co-owner? Under Aguilar, there must be
co-ownership. Because if the properties are
already divided, segregated, co-ownership is
effectively terminated even if there is no deed of Now, what is the purpose of the law in allowing the
partition yet but co-owners have identified adjoining owner of a rural land to exercise
physically their respective shares. There is no redemption? This is explained in Fabia vs. IAC.
more co-ownership to be considered. The Court said, the reason for the law in question
is to foster the development of agricultural areas
Second, one or some of the co-owners sold his or by adjacent owners who may desire the increase
their rights to a stranger. The sale must not be to a or improvement of their own land. The intention of
co-owner. So if two siblings jointly owned a parcel the law in giving this right of redemption is to
of land, and one of the siblings sold his or her protect agriculture by the union of small agricultural
undivided share to another sibling, that is sale to a lands and those adjoining thereto under one single
stranger. Why? Because that sibling is not a owner for their better exploitation. The use of
co-owner. property for agricultural purpose is essential in
order that the same be characterized as rural land
Third requisite, the sale must be made before for purposes of legal redemption under Article
partition of the co-owned property. 1621 of the Civil Code. The small parcel of land,
one hectare or less in area, must be dedicated to
Fourth, the right of redemption must be exercised agriculture before owners of adjoining lands may
within a period of 30 days from the time the claim a right of redemption under Article 1621.
redemptioner was notified in writing by the vendee
or by the co-owner vendor. So even if the property is located in the most
Fifth, the vendee must be reimbursed for the price remote barangay of Cebu City, if it’s not dedicated
of the sale. to agriculture, it is not considered as rural land for
purposes of legal redemption.
In Avila vs. Barabat, the Court denied the prayer
for legal redemption. I think this is a Toledo case. So what are the requisites? There must be an
Because the Court said, by their own admission, alienation. Second, the area alienated must not
petitioners already segregated and took exceed one hectare. Third, the properties must be
possession of their respective shares in the lot. adjacent, they must not be separated by brooks,
The respective shares were therefore physically drains, ravines, roads, and other apparent
servitudes for the benefit of the other estates. structures is not engaged in agriculture. They
Lastly, the vendee must own another parcel of learned about the sale through a demand letter
agricultural or rural land. sent to the Valencia spouses that they are
exercising the right to redemption of rural lands.
But the Valencia spouse refused and Primary
structures went to court while the trial court
dismissed the case, it declared that the property
was rural. So primary structures went to the CA
and sustained the dismissal which in effect
sustained the decision of the trial court that the
land was rural. That was the first time that the
Valencia spouses invoke 1621. But in the Trial
Court and in the Apellate Court, they did not
question. So the SC said that the trial court found
that it is a rural land. Respondents Unlike in the
case of Fabia v IAC, Respondents in the instance
case, the Valencia spouses however did not
dispute before the court of appeals the rulling of
the trial court that the lots are rural lands, in failing
to assail this factual finding on appeal,
respondents, the Valencia spouses would be hard
put to now belatedly question such finding and to
ask the court about the issue. Art. 1621 of the civil
code, expresses that the right to redemption grants
to the adjoining owner of the property conveyed,
maybe defeated if it can be shown that the buyer
Because if we have all the 3 requisites present but or grantee does not own any other relent. The
the vendee doesn’t own any rural land, meaning appellate court sustaining the trial court that said
any parcel of land devoted to agriculture, then that there has been no evidence proffered to show
adjacent owners cannot exercise legal redemption. that the respondents are not themselves owners of
What is the order of preference there are two rural lands for the exclusionary clause of the law to
owners, two owners over have preference over the apply. What is being emphasize in this provision,
adjoining owners, if there are two or more This is an oversight of the lawyers, I don’t want you
adjoining owners who wish to exercise redemption, to commit the same mistake. Take note that you
the adjoining owner with the smaller area is have to invoke it at the very first instance. You to
preferred. If the two adjoining owners who wish to look at the requisites of the very first instance and
exercise redemption own equal areas or the same invoke 1621 at the very first instance. Here, it was
size of properties which is highly unlikely then the too late because the SC says that we are not trier
first who requested redemption shall be referred. of facts, it is not our job to know wether it is rural or
So let’s go back to Fabia v IAC the court said, the not, it is the job the trial court, and the trial court
use of agricultural property is essential in order said that it was a rural land and you did not
that legal redemption may be exercised. Now, question that? Remember that it is your job as
Primary Sructures v Valencia. If youre based on lawyers to timely invoke the defense that the
Cebu city, you mustchave heard of Primary property is not rural land.
structures or Primary Homes. It’s business is
Construction its not in the business of agriculture. What about urban land. Not all urban lands are
They own parcel of lands for housing subject to legal redemption or preemption. We are
developments. So the Valecnia spouse purchase a only talking about here a tiny portion of urban
parcel of land somewhere Nort of Cebu City. This land, which was acquired by the owner for
parcel of land purchased, less than one hectare is speculation purposes only. Because if the area is
adjacent to the parcel of land owned by primary so small and it is so situated that the major portion
structures. Again, I have to emphasize, Primary of the land cannot be used for any practical
purpose for a reasonable time. In other words, It confined herself to issues that are utterly formally
cannot be posed together with adjacent properties, strict in nature yet ultimately are meritorious. The
it has no use at all because of the area and its decision of the RTC raises a whole controversy
location. So just acquired by the present owner for such as whether art 1622 should apply in this case
speculation purposes. But this present owner or rather the ownership of the house ….. given the
intents to sell this tiny piece of urban land. The law unequivocal rulings of the RTC and the CA, it
says that adjacent owners may exercise the right would expected of petitioner to squarely argue
of preemption and pay a reasonable price. But that there is no sufficient proof establishing that the
what if the property has been sold by the owner alcantaras are owners of the house or for the
and owners were not afforde the right to exercise requisites of applyin art. 1626 are present. That
the right of preemption? No problem! Adjacent petitioner has not couched her argument clearly to
owners can exercise the right of redemption also at the defect can only lead to the conclusion that she
a reasonable price. So what the are the requisites? agreed to the findings of the lower courts that the
Both lands are urban lands, 2nd land being requisites of article 1622 have been met.
redeemed was bought nearly for speculation Considering that suche questions are rooted in the
purposes, previously bought by the seller for findings of facts which the court is not who have to
speculation purposes 3rd the land is so small and review cause for us to inquire for such issue (wa
so situated that it cannot be used practically at a na jud ko kasabot sa kapaspas)
reasonable time and of course there is annihilation
if you want to exercise redemption. Who may In other words, what are the effects here? Even if
exercise? If there are two owners, two owners are the area was 225 sqm the adjoining owners was
preferred over adjacent owners. If two or more allowed to redeem which also happened in primary
adjacent owners who want to exercise redemption, structures v Valencia, because Valencia spouse
the preference is intended to anyone who uses it did not trace the issue before the CA. SC had no
best justified that is for the court to determine. So other choice but to allow redemptionof that piece of
again we emphasized that in urban lands, the are property. ….
must be so small and the property must be so
situated that property has no particular used within This is your job as lawyers, to question the
a reasonable time. In the case of Del Rosario v exercise at the very first moment that this is raised.
Sanchez, was 86sqm and a house was
Because your client would not know this provision
constructed on that 86 sqm parcel of land. The
of law. What is Redemption exercise? The law
court said as an adjoining owner, this court has
says that within 30 days, form and writing of the
ruled that an owner of an urban land has no right
vendor. That is what the law says, 1623. Now lets
of preemption or redemption over the adjoining
look at the rulings of the court. Again, by law,
owners of this land where he has not alleged in his
redemption is exercised within 30 days from notice
complaint and has not proved that said portion is
in writing by the vendor to the prospective
so small and situated that a major portion thereof
redemptioners. In verdad v CA, nothwithstanding
cannot be used for a practical purpose within
the knowledge of the co owner, the latter is entitled
reasonable time, having been bough nearly for
to a writen notice by a selling co owner. Year 200,
speculations. As pointed out, the 86sqm lot in
Francisco v Voyser(?), receipt of summons by co
question cannot be considered so small for
owners is tantamount to actual knowledge of sale
practical purposes because in fact, it is the same
from which the period of redemption commends.
size of the land owned by the adjoining owner and
So there was no written, no based on sale sent by
a house was constructed on this property. So
the other co owner to the other co owner, but one
clearly legal redemption cannot be exercised, but
co owner,
look at .. vs CA. The area involved here is 225
sqm. Much bigger almost 3 times the area involved That is considered, notice that the property has
in the del rosario vs sanchez. The way the court already been sold. So the court effectively said no
rendered the resolution of this case, shows that the need for a written notice from a selling co owner
court is pissed off by the issues raised by because there was actual notice already by the
Contreras. The court said, we are somewhat other co owner by the receipt of summons filed by
mystified, why petitioner through this petition has
the selling co owners. In Cabales v court of Example: You purchase a car from Honda motors
appeals, The 30 day redemption period commence cebu on installments, this is not financed by the
after the co owner sought the brgy. Conciliation bank - this is in house financing to purchase a car
process to redeem his property. In effect, the court from Honda on installments. You signed a
said, no need for a written notice from the vendor promissory note, promising to pay for example 36
because you already have actual knowledge from equal installments - so this is a three year
the vendor when he went to the brgy. Summon the installment plan, you sign the promissory note,
buyer for you to exercise redemotion. So no need what Honda does is to assign/sell the note to a
fo awritten notice. But in 2012, pascual vs financing company or to a bank so Honda delivers
Ballesteros, the court said, despite actual the promissory note to the bank or to the assignee
knowledge of the sale, a written notice is still and then you will be notified of the assignment. So
mandatory and indispensable. In 2019, bayan vs in case of you paying Honda your installments, you
bayan, cited the case of Francisco vs voyser, the will now be paying your installments to the
court said that legal r assignee of the credit.

If I am the lawyer, I would advise my client to TN in this example: You cannot complain and
exercise redemption within 30 days from the object that your consent was not obtained by
actual notice of the sale because we do not know Honda that they were assigning the credit as basis
when the court will ruleon the issue. So I will be as to why you should not pay. Your consent to the
safe, my client will be safe if myclient exercise assignment is not required for the validity of the
redemption within 30 days from actual notice of the assignment - what is required is that you were
sale. So my client wil beasfe, the court cannot say, notified so that you know whom to pay. That is the
Oh you waited for the written notice from the seller only reason for the notice to you, so that you may
but you have actual notice. The law does not know whom to pay.
require what is not necessary because if you look
at how the SC interpreted 1623, it has been

ASSIGNMENT OF CREDITS: (1:22:26 - 1:37:54 =


To bind parties: So to bind the parties, it just

needs to comply with 1475. Which states that “The
contract of sale is perfected from the moment
that there is a meeting of minds upon the
object of the contract and upon the price from
that moment the parties may reciprocally
What is an assignment of credit?
demand performance subject to the provisions
- It is an agreement by virtue of which the
of the law governing forms of contract.”
owner of a credit (known as the assignor)
by a legal cause and without need of the
Now here is the meeting of the minds of the
debtor’s consent, transfers that credit and
parties. The parties here are the assignors and the
its accessory rights to another (known as
assignees. The assignor is the creditor, the holder
the assignee), who acquires the power to
of the credit - the assignee is the person to whom
enforce it, to the same extent as the
the credit is assigned.
assignor could have enforced it against the
Going back to the Honda example: In our - If there was partial payment made by the
example, Honda sold its receivable to the assignee debtor prior to notice to him or prior to his
- so that’s assignment of credit. knowledge that an assignment has been
affected by the creditor - then he can
To bind third persons: But to bind third persons invoke the partial payment against the
here take note third persons here do not include assignee.
the debtor. So the debtor is not a third person, who - If there was legal compensation which took
can insist “Oh yes i'm in, it’s not a public document, place before the debtor learned of the
i am not bound by it.” No, the debtor is not a third assignment, the debtor can invoke that
person. legal compensation unless the debtor
consented to the assignment.
So to bind a third person, 1625 says “[a]n
assignment of a credit, right or action shall Any compromise between the debtor and the
produce no effect as against a third person, creditor before notice of the assignment can be
unless it appears in a public instrument, or the right against the assignee. So if prior to notice to
instrument is recorded in the Registry of the debtor that an assignment has been made by
Property in case the assignment involves real the creditor, they have previously agreed on for
property." example: reduction of the interest rate - the debtor
can raise that as a defense against the assignee
Ledonio V Capitol Development Corporation: and invoke the agreement with respect of the
“In an assignment of a credit the consent of the reduction of the interest rate.
debtor is not necessary in order that the
assignment may fully produce the legal effects.
What the law requires in the assignment of the
credit is not the consent of the debtor but merely
notice to him as the assignment takes effect only
from the time he has knowledge thereof, a creditor
may therefore validly assign his credit and its
accessories without the debtor’s consent.”

What are the warranties of the assignor? Now the

assignor warrants two things:
1. The existence of the credit
2. The legality of the credit
The assignor does not warrant the solvency of the

Existence and legality are implied warranties, this

So what are the effects of a valid assignment? is given, this is a natural element of a contract. But
1st effect: It transfers the title of assigned credit to to warrant the solvency of the debtor is binding on
the assignee. And the assignment includes all the assignor only if it expressly agreed by the
accessory rights such as guarantee pledge parties or expressly stipulated.
mortgage or preference??[inaudible]
What is an example of a breach of warranty
2nd effect: Assignee takes the credit subject to all against the existence of a credit?
defenses acquired by debtor prior to notice or - The promissory note on its face states that
knowledge the obligation of the debtor is 1,000,000
pesos but the debtor prior to notice of the
Example on 2nd effect: assignment has made a partial payment of
200,000 pesos. But the credit that was
assigned was the entire value of the
promissory note as stated on its face
1,000,000. And then when the obligation
matured, the assignee demands payment
form the debtor - the debtor claims partial
payment of 200,000 and pays only

Was there a breach of warranty committed by

the assignor?
- Yes, partial breach of the warranty of the
existence of the credit. Actually, 200,000
pesos worth of the credit did not exist at the
time of the assignment. So that is an
example of breach of warranty of existence
of the credit.
If the assignor warrants the solvency of the debtor,
the warranty is not indefinite.

TN: If there is warranty of the solvency of the

debtor - that is an expressed warranty, that is not
an implied warranty but it is not forever also if it is
expressly warranted.

So if at the time of the assignment, the obligation

already matured or the credit has already matured,
the warranty shall last only 1 year from the time of
assignment. If at the time of the assignment, the
credit has not matured yet, then the warranty shall
last within one year from the maturity of the credit.

Example: If from the promissory note, the

obligation matures on december 31, 2023 and the
assignment is made today and the assignor or the
creditor assigns the credit to the assignee with an
expressed warranty of the solvency of the debtor -
the warranty shall last within 1 year from January 1
or from December 31 from the maturity of the
credit; the credit matures on December 31,
warranty shall last from december 31 within one
year from December 31, 2023. It is not forever.

If there is a breach of warranty, the obligation of

the assignor who acted in good faith is to return
the price or consideration, the expenses of the
contract, and other legitimate expenses.

If the assignor acted in bad faith - there is always

liability for damages.

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