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1 List and explain Applet attributes.

OR Describe the following attributes of applet :

(i) Codebase (ii) Alt (iii) Width (iv) Code
2 Give four difference between applet and application.
3 Explain any four methods of graphics class.
4 Explain set class with example.
5 Explain applet life cycle with suitable diagram. OR Describe following states of applet life cycle :
a) Initialization state. b) Running state. c) Display state.
6 With proper syntax and example explain following graphics methods :
(1) SetColor( ) (2) SetForeGround( ) (3) getFont( ) (4) setSize( )
7 Explain any four applet tag.
8 Explain following methods for applet with an example :
(1) Passing Parameter to applet
(2) Embedding <applet> tags in java code. OR Explain <PARAM> Tag of applet with suitable example. OR Write an
applet program that accepts two input, strings using <Param> tag and concatenate the strings and display it in status
9 Give the syntax of following methods of graphics class. Explain their use with suitable program :
(i) drawRoundRect() (ii) drawPolygon() (iii) drawOval()
(iv) drawString( ) (v) drawRect() (vi) drawArc() (vii) Filloval ()
10 Explain following methods : (i) drawrect ( ) (ii) getfont ( )
11 Describe following methods of applet :
(i) suspend ( ) (ii) resume ( )
(iii) sleep ( ) (iv) notify ( )
(v) stop ( ) (vi) wait ( )
12 Explain <applet> tag with its major attributes only. State purpose of get Available Font Family Name ( ) method
of graphics environment class. OR Explain all attributes available in < applet > tag.
13 State the use of font class. Describe any three methods of font class with their syntax and example of each.
OR Write method to set font of a text and describe its parameters. OR State the use of Font class. Write syntax to
create an object of Font class. Describe any 3 methods of Font class with their syntax and example of each.
14 Write a program to display a string “concentric circles” using font ‘Arial’ size as 12 and style as bold + italic and
display three concentric circles with
different colours on the applet.
15 Write java program to display triangle filled with red colour.
16 Write a program to draw a triangle inside an applet.
17 Design an applet which display equals size three rectangle one below the other and fill them with orange,
white and green color respectively.
18 Write a applet program to set background with red colour and fore ground with blue colour.
19 W.A.P to display three concentric circles in a applet.
20 Write a program to draw a bar chart for plotting students passing percentage in last 5 years.
21 Design an applet which accepts username as a parameter for html page and display number of characters
from it.
22 Design an applet which displays rectangle filled with blue colour and display message as “MSBTE EXAM” in red
colour below it.
23 Define applet. Write a program to create an applet to display message “Welcome to java applet”.
24 How to pass parameter to an applet ? Write an applet to accept Account No and balance in form of parameter
and print message “low balance” if the balance is less than 500.
25 Write a program to create an applet for displaying circle, rectangle and triangle one below the other & filled
them with red, green and yellow respectively. OR Write a program to design an applet to display three circles filled
with three different colors on screen.
26 How can parameters be passed to an applet ? Write an applet to accept username in the form of parameter
and print “Hello <username>”.
27 Design an Applet program which displays a rectangle filled with red color and message as “Hello Third year
Students” in blue color.

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