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Personal identification

via WebID for contract

Step-by-step guide
Your personal identification in two steps

This document is a guide for you as a signatory of your company. It

tells you how to generate your Personal ID that is necessary to
complete the application process and how to perform your
identification which is required to get your AirPlus business

Step 1: Generate your unique Person ID (PID)

The Person ID is allocated exclusively to you as an individual and is only required once. It
can be used for all business transactions with AirPlus (e.g., entering into a contract, applying
for an account).

To generate your unique PID go to the Identification Portal of AirPlus:

Please fill out the form:

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After sending the data, you will first receive an e-mail for verification. Please confirm your
email address by clicking on the link:

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You will then receive a second email with your personal ID (PID) and information on how to
proceed further.

Now you can enter your Person ID in the AirPlus Web Contract or forward your Person ID
to your Travel Manager:

Please then click on the Link in the email (above) to start the online identification process
with our partner WebID.

Regulatory information:

As a Payment Service Provider regulated by the German Payment Service Supervision Act
(GwG) and under supervision of the German Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin),
AirPlus is underlying European Anti Money Laundering regulations, mainly the German AML
Act, demanding AirPlus to follow the Know Your Customer- (KYC-) Principle conducting a
proper Customer Due Diligence (CDD) according to § 6 in connection with § 10, 11 of the
German AML Act.

The obligations for AirPlus to fulfil the KYC-Principle are mainly to identify the business
partner, the person acting on behalf of the business partner and the beneficial owners of the
business partner.

To identify the person acting on behalf of the business partner, AirPlus offers amongst other
its customer the option to perform video identification.

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Step 2: Video identification with our Partner WebID
Please complete the form and check the terms and conditions. Please ensure that the data
you enter in the form is identical to the data in your ID card or passport document!

Then click on “confirm” in order to start with the identification process. The identification
process simply works with a video telephone call. You can either go via your browser (latest
Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari) or you can use the My WebID app (App Store,
Google Play).

Please note: Internet Explorer is not supporting video identification software (WebRTC). The
latest information about the technical requirements can be found on the WebID page.

Service hours WebID:

7 days a week, 7 am to 10 pm CET (German and English)

Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm CET (French and Spanish)

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After confirming your data, you will receive a confirmation email:

At a later stage of the

identification process, the agent
will ask you for your transaction

And see the following on the WebID page:

Internet Explorer
does not support

Start the video telephone call with a WebID agent

Please have a valid identification document – ID card or passport – ready. The document
has to fulfill the requirements requested by the German authorities to accept video
identification. Occasionally, some ID cards without state of the art security features may be
rejected although being valid passports in your country.

In addition, you need your mobile phone as you receive a TAN via SMS (text message) at
the end of the call.

You will be guided through the identification process step by step by a WebID agent.

The WebID agent will ask you, amongst others, for your transaction ID number.

During the call, the WebID agent will ask for the contractual partner which is AirPlus
(AirPlus International and Lufthansa AirPlus Servicekarten GmbH is also accepted).

Please notice:

Your IT department may have installed features in the corporate network that prevent
WebRTC from functioning properly. If you are not able to get it running, please download the
My WebID app on your mobile or tablet and try from another network if necessary. After
entering the transaction number, you can start the process immediately.

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At the end of the video call you will receive a TAN on your mobile phone. Enter the TAN and

Afterwards the video call is terminated immediately.

Your video identification is now completed.

You will receive an email that the identification was successful and the contract application
process can be completed

Thank you for your help.

Your AirPlus-Service Team

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