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Fitbit is a popular wearable fitness tracker company that has Will Smith as a brand
ambassador. In March 2023, Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock at the Academy
Awards. The incident was broadcasted live on television and went viral, sparking a
global debate about violence, comedy, and celebrity culture. Fitbit is being criticized
for having Will Smith as their brand ambassador, and all the backlash at Will Smith is
also being directed towards the brand.
As a media and PR professional for Fitbit, how would you manage the fallout from
the controversy?

Source: USA Today


Bournvita, a popular health drink in India, was recently criticized by social media
influencer Revant Himatsingka for its high sugar content and other ingredients. The
video went viral and sparked a debate about the misleading marketing of food and
beverage products in India. Bournvita manufacturer Mondelez India rejected
Himatsingka's claims, calling them "unscientific" and "false". The company also sent
Himatsingka a legal notice, threatening to sue him for defamation. Despite the legal
threat, Himatsingka refused to take down his video but eventually took it down. The
controversy attracted the attention of the National Commission for Protection of Child
Rights (NCPCR), which issued a notice to Mondelez India asking it to remove
misleading advertisements for Bournvita.
As a media and PR professional for Bournvita, how would you manage the fallout
from the controversy? What would be your plan of action to secure the reputation and
handle this negative publicity?

Figure1: The influencer’s post after deleting the video on 14/04/23, source:


HmM is a popular clothing brand that is known for its trendy and affordable designs. In
recent years, the brand has been trying to appeal to a younger demographic. As part of this
effort, HmM recently launched a new line of T-shirts featuring some of the trending slang
terms. One of the T-shirts in this new line featured the slang "Slave for you." The term is
often used in a playful or flirtatious way. To promote the new line of T-shirts, HmM created
an advertisement which is shown in the figure (a). The advertisement was posted on social
media, and it quickly went viral.
Figure (a): The advertisement released by HmM for their new T-shirt.

But, contrary to what the company was expecting, the advertisement sparked a huge backlash
on social media. Many people were offended by the use of the term "Slave for you" in
conjunction with a black kid. They accused the company of being insensitive and racist. The
backlash was so severe that HmM was forced to pull the T-shirt from the market and remove
the advertisement from social media.
As the PR Team of HmM, what should be your plan of action to tackle this situation and
regain the market reputation of HmM?
The participants are required to submit their entries in video format ONLY! Also, don’t stick
to the standard protocols, show your creative side instead!

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