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Course Name: Advance HCI Class/Section: MSCS

Course Code : SEN720 Semester:F all 23

Instructor: Dr. Abdul Hafeez MaxMarks: 20
Due Date: As mentioned in LMS

Department of Computer Sciences, Lahore Campus

Assignment # 1

Note: All queries and instructions should be discussed through what’s group

Question No- 1: (10 Marks)

Choose a piece of technology that you frequently use (e.g. laptop, mobile, remote, camera….,)
i. Hand draw its User Interface (UI)
ii. Critically analyze the UI, clearly listing at least five good and five bad points
based on HCI design principles.
iii. Suggest what can be done to improve the based UI?
iv. Draw the improved interface.

Question No- 2: (5 Marks)

Donald Norman, in his book The Design of Everyday Things, introduced several basic user
interface design principles and concepts that are now considered critical for understanding
why some designs are more usable and learnable than others. Discuss following principles
by giving example and diagram of each
1. Constraints
2. Affordances
3. Mapping
4. Visibility
5. Feedback

Question No- 3: (5 Marks)

Interaction styles are primarily different ways in which a user and computer system can
communicate between each other. Differntiate following interaction style of HCI in detail with
proper example and diagram
1. Command – Line
2. Form-Fill
3. Menu Selection
4. Direct Manipulation
5. Anthropomorphic
6. Blending Interaction Styles

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