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Meat and Milk: Eating and Benefitting

The Torah commands three times (Shmos 28,19; 34,26; Devarim 14,21). Thus, the Torah is clear that this unique prohibition is not to cook meat with milk (two permitted items become prohibited when cooked together). From where does Chazal understand the source for the prohibition of eating and benefitting from meat with milk? (First six reasons brought in Chullin 114-116) Rav Ashi ( Devarim 14,3) You should not eat any abomination This verse teaches that anything that is abominated by the Torah, such as meat with milk is prohibited. This applies to benefits as well when prohibited not to eat. ( Shmos 12,9) Do not eat it undercooked or boiled in water The extra mention of the term mevashal, written regarding the Korban Pesach, teaches that meat with milk is prohibited for consumption and benefit, similar to a cooked Korban Pesach (Kodshim are prohibited with benefit). ( Devarim 12,25) Do not eat it Extra phrase stated in reference to the blood of disqualified offerings. Common term shared by meat with milk and promiscuity source for prohibition for benefits. ( Devarim 14,21) You should not eat any nevilah Teaches that even when you sell a nevilah to the gentile, you are not permitted to cook it with milk and then sell it. three times (Shmos 28,19; 34,26; Devarim 14,21) Do not cook a kid in the milk of its mother Torah states the prohibition three times to teach prohibited for meat with milk to be eaten, to derive benefit or to cook. Prohibition to consume derived from common term stated in reference to meat with milk (Devarim 14,21) and in reference to terifah (Shmos 22,30). Prohibition from benefit is derived from join derivation from orlah, chametz, and kilayim. Prohibition to consume derived from common term stated in reference to meat with milk (Devarim 14,21) and in reference to terifah (Shmos 22,30). However, just as benefit is permitted by terifah so too regarding meat with milk. ( Devarim 12,23) Do not eat the soul (blood) with the flesh Derive prohibition to eat meat with milk since milk is a derivative of blood. Since the Torah prohibits cooking meat with milk, it is understood that eating meat with milk is also prohibited (similar to the understanding of that the prohibition of incest with ones daughter is not stated but is assumed since the Torah prohibits ones granddaughter.

Reish Lakish

Rebbi Academy of Rabbi Eliezer Academy of Rabbi Yishmael Issi ben Yehudah Rabbi Shimon ben Yehudah Pesikta Zutarta Rambam

Not only eating & benefiting, but also cooking (preparation) is forbidden in mixing of milk & meat; concept to avoid cruelty. The lesson to learn is that we must take extra care to refrain from being insensitive to another person. Lekutei Sichos Volume 6

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